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行为安全与本质安全是安全科学要研究的两个重要课题。深刻理解它们的内涵,正确处理两者之间的关系,是搞好企业安全生产的重要前提。 事故致因论证明,造成事故的原因不外人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态。鞍钢近40多年所发生的1600多起死亡事故中,多数源于人的不安全行为。针对这个教训,鞍钢于近几年来在抓职工的行为安全方面下了很大功夫,提出了“严明职责、严密制度、严肃纪律、严格考核”的治厂原则,推行标准化作业,开展全员教育等等,有效地减少了事故的发生。 但是,鞍钢是个老企业,工艺较落后,设备陈旧率高,在设备本质安全方面差距很大,…  相似文献   

基于本质安全理论的安全管理体系研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
传统安全方法是通过附加的安全和防护装置或系统来保护人和设备的安全,本质安全方法强调从源头上消除或减小生产系统中的危险。本质安全理论及方法已从技术层面向系统管理方向发展。笔者简要介绍本质安全的内涵及其设计应用的基本原则。从系统综合防范风险的角度,分析了本质安全方法与传统安全方法在应用上的区别,强调在实际安全管理过程中,应当将本质安全方法与传统安全方法相结合,形成以本质安全理论为基础的综合风险管理理念。笔者将本质安全思想与PDCA管理模式融合,提出了具有可操作性的基于本质安全化的PDCA管理模式。  相似文献   

本文探索性提出了安全科学的本质,借以揭示安全与事故同预防、控制事故的内在联系。  相似文献   

目前我们一般传统理念的本质安全就是工艺安全,即从设计安全的角度来预防事故的发生,主要通过采取各种工程手段来达到工艺系统的本质安全。本质安全不仅是硬件工程设计方面的本质安全,还包括软件方面的本质安全.甚至还包括人员方面的本质安全,实际上来说上述各个方面的安全措施的实施就是一个企业安全文化建设的具体体现。  相似文献   

阐述了系统本质安全化的原理,其基本内容是用设备本质安全化技术的方法建立企业系统本质安全化的体系;安全作业标准化是系统本质安全化体系中最重要的内容,本文阐述了它的基本原理及其安全作业标准的理论探讨。  相似文献   

阐述了系统本质安全化的原理,其基本内容是用设备本质安全化技术的方法建立企业系统本质安全化的体系;安全作业标准化是系统本质安全化体系中最重要的内容,本文阐述了它的基本原理及其安全作业标准的理论方法。  相似文献   

安全科学本质的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

基于本质安全的化学工艺风险评价方法研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
基于本质安全原理对化学工艺进行风险评价,以易燃性、易爆性、毒性、腐蚀性、反应热、化学活性、工艺温度、工艺压力和存储量9个指标,建立化学工艺的本质安全评价指标体系。采用基于遗传算法的Shepard插值算法对本质安全进行评价,以甲基丙烯酸甲酯的合成工艺路线为例进行分析,结果表明该方法适用于化学工艺本质安全评价,相对传统方法更加科学,能够有效对危险工艺进行选择,为政府监管部门和化工企业提供工艺选择决策技术。  相似文献   

论本质安全   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
考查“本质安全”一词的出处 ;介绍了几种“本质安全”的论述 ;讨论了“以人为本”和“人本管理”与本质安全 ;从政治和哲学的高度 ,论述了政治、现象与本质的内涵与关系 ;探讨了美国及发达国家是否有“本质安全”;分析了现代资本家重视职业安全卫生的实质。笔者对以上问题阐明了自已的观点 ,并对一些提法给以评述。  相似文献   

企业本质安全化模型研究   总被引:23,自引:11,他引:23  
随着我国工业的发展,各类事故发生的频率和严重程度都呈现增大的趋势,给国家和个人都带来极大的损失。传统的安全管理模式已不适应现代企业。通过对中国近年来多起大型事故的分析,结合国外工业化进程中事故发生的规律,在对事故致因理论分析的基础上,借鉴本质安全型电器设计思想,根据中国目前工业发展的实际,提出企业本质安全化模型。主要包括5大模块即人的本质安全、机具设备的本质安全、工作环境的本质安全、管理的本质安全和企业安全文化。通过在煤炭企业的应用和实践,大大控制了事故率和人身伤亡。  相似文献   

范亚炯 《安全》2003,24(4):6-8
对安全熵与安全生产关系的探讨,是对安全生产运作规律认识的提高。它就比查隐患、找漏洞来保证安全生产具有更好的操作性能。  相似文献   

This paper reviews principal concepts, tools, and metrics for risk management and Inherently Safer Design (ISD) during the conceptual stage of process design. Even though there has been a profusion of papers regarding ISD, the targeted audience has typically been safety engineers, not process engineers. Thus, the goal of this paper is to enable process engineers to use all the available design degrees of freedom to mitigate risk early enough in the design process. Mainly, this paper analyzes ISD and inherent safety assessment tools (ISATs) from the perspective of inclusion in conceptual process design. The paper also highlights the need to consider safety as a major component of process sustainability. In this paper, 73 ISATs were selected, and these tools were categorized into three groups: hazard-based inherent safety assessment tools (H-ISATs) for 22 tools, risk-based inherent safety assessment tools (R-ISATs) for 33 tools, and cost-optimal inherent safety assessment tools (CO-ISATs) for 18 tools. This paper also introduces an integrated framework for coordinating the conventional process design workflow with safety analysis at various levels of detail.  相似文献   

The accomplishments of inherent safety in the field of loss prevention thus far are impressive due to its scientific philosophy: reducing risks at source rather than adding engineered and procedural protections. Generally, the implementation of inherent safety can be done through a cohesive set of fourteen principles elucidated by Kletz and Amyotte. This work, guided by the fourteen principles, presents a systematic review on the implementation methodologies of inherent safety. Firstly, PRISMA procedure was adopted to select eligible literatures according to inclusive and exclusive criteria. After obtaining the selected literatures, the preference, level of application, and gaps in using these principles were critically analyzed. Of the fourteen principles, intensification, substitution, attenuation, simplification, limitation of effects, and avoidance of knock-on effects are preferable to implementing inherent safety in chemical process. Although the remaining principles are also potentially useful, they are not commonly used due to their costs and complexities of implementation. Overall, this work presents a complete spectrum to look across the implementation methodologies of inherent safety and concludes with some holistic and inclusive approaches as future research recommendations.  相似文献   

浅析安全、危险、隐患和事故之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在确立安全与生产的辨证统一关系之后,运用系统科学方法,具体地揭示了安全、危险、隐患和事故之间的关系,并确认了它们的本质。对安全和事故之间的动态变化规律的认识必将为安全生产和安全科学的发展起到积极的推动作用。同时,有关于安全、危险、隐患和事故的探讨也是对安全科学进行基础性研究。  相似文献   

林业安全生产工作改革20年回顾   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1 概 述  林业安全生产是关系到国家和林业职工生命财产安全和林区社会稳定的大事 ,是保护和发展生产力 ,保证林业经济建设稳步发展的基本条件。  林业产业是我国国民经济体系中一个重要的基础产业部门。统计资料表明 ,1998年林业拥有国有工业企业 4 977家 ,国企职工总数达 119.16万人 ,其中木材采运企业 132 8家 ,职工为 86.2 3万人 ,占职工总人数的 72 .4 % ,其他为木材加工 (包括三板生产 )、林产化学工业、机械制造及修理、电力和建筑等企业。   1978年我国实行改革开放政策以后 ,林业经济建设步伐加快 ,与此同时 ,为了给林业生…  相似文献   

Several factors can affect occupational accident frequency, namely economical factors, technologies used (low automation, discontinuous operating) job design, organization of work/environmental conditions and human factors. In particular, technological advances in industrial activities can give rise to improvement in productivity and in occupational health and safety, but not necessarily simultaneously. The beginning of the container transport dates back to 50 years ago, but while containerization changed everything, from ships and ports to patterns of global trade, its impact on work injuries was not explored at all. The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between work organization, job experience, productivity and occupational accidents, from the starting of the container expansion to nowadays, considering Genoa port (Italy), one of the largest of the Mediterranean Sea. In order to minimize possible reporting biases, such as underreporting or reclassification to a lower level of severity, injury statistics are elaborated starting from data collected directly on-site, from internal accident or medical-aid reports. An in-depth statistical analysis on occupational injuries in the years 1980–2006 is carried out, with reference to frequency indexes, mechanism of injury and material causes. The increase of container-ships traffic and, consequently, the sharp change in port infrastructure involved a rapid modification also in the work organization, with particular reference to the number and characteristics of workforce (decrease from 5783 to nearly 1000 employees and increase of low experience workers from 28% to 74%). The striking high percentage increase of young or low experienced workers in handling container (and performing correlated new tasks) caused a remarkable increase of the risk for occupational injuries. In the studied port, we recorded an increase of the frequency index (injuries per hundred thousand hours worked) from 13.0 to 29.7. It results that the increased expansion of shipping container utilization is not connected to a correspondent human factor safety implementation. Main risk factors are pointed out, revealing an increase of accidents due to transport vehicle (+8.3%) and a reduction of accidents caused by substance or materials (?4.5%). These factors show a statistical significant correlation with the new job tasks. Consideration of these findings may enable managerial solutions and workplace organization interventions for the prevention of injuries and safety performance improvement in port activities.  相似文献   

国家安全生产监督管理局局长王显政在 1月 9日召开的全国安全生产电视电话会议上通过了2 0 0 2年全国安全生产情况。他说 ,2 0 0 2年 ,各地区、各行业、各部门认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于安全生产工作的一系列重要指示和工作部署 ,深化安全生产专项整治 ,强化监督管理 ,做了大量工作 ,全国安全生产形势总体稳定 ,趋于好转。特大、特别重大事故下降 ,伤亡事故相对指标下降 ,一些地区和行业的重大、特大事故有所控制。但是 ,全国各类伤亡事故总量居高不下 ,特大事故仍时有发生 ,全国安全生产形势依然严峻。  一、2 0 0 2年 1~ 11月份全…  相似文献   

安全生产培训机构培训管理者素质要求初探   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
加强安全培训、提高从业人员安全素质是国务院提出的安全生产12项治本之策之一。全国各级安全生产监督管理部门根据相关规定,认定了四个等级总共近4000家安全培训机构。根据安全生产培训机构和培训管理者的现状,基于现代培训理论、安全培训的实际情况和安全培训管理者职能定位分析,提出了安全培训管理者的六项素质要求。  相似文献   

安全与事故运动规律初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析安全、隐患、事故之间的变化规律,揭示了安全与事故不仅普遍存在于自然界和人类社会活动中,具有与客观规律相依而生的自然属性,而且两者的对立统一,又具有促进客观事故向高层次发展的社会属性。  相似文献   

Objective: An increasing number of motorcycle taxis have been involved in traffic crashes in many developing countries. This study examines the characteristics of both motorcycle taxi drivers and nonoccupational motorcyclists, investigates the risks they pose to road safety, and provides recommendations to minimize their risks.

Methods: Based on the data collected from a questionnaire survey of 867 motorcycle taxi drivers and 2,029 nonoccupational motorcyclists in Maoming, South China, comparisons were made to analyze differences of personal attributes, attitudes toward road safety, and self-reported behavior of the 2 groups.

Results: Results of the chi-square tests show that not only motorcycle taxi drivers but also nonoccupational motorcyclists in Maoming held poor attitudes toward road safety and both groups reported unsafe driving behavior. There is much room for improving local road safety education among all motorcyclists in Maoming. Yet, motorcycle taxi drivers were more likely to pose road safety risks than nonoccupational motorcyclists under some circumstances, such as speeding late at night or early in the morning, not requiring passengers to wear helmets, and running a red light. The results of the binary logistic regression model show that possessing a vehicle license for a motorcycle or not was the common significant predictor for unsafe driving behavior of motorcycle taxi drivers and nonoccupational motorcyclists. Therefore, enforcement against all motorcyclists not showing vehicle licenses for their motorcycles should be stepped up.

Conclusion: Motorcycle safety is largely poor in Maoming. Therefore, efforts to improve motorcycle safety should be strengthened by targeting not only motorcycle taxi drivers but also nonoccupational motorcyclists.  相似文献   

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