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This report summarizes the surveys on carbon inventories and initiatives on sustainable carbon cycling taken by RCEES. The first part of this report deals with the concept of sustainable carbon cycling, the historical evolution of carbon cycling processes in China, carbon pool enhancement, value addition, carbon sequestration and carbon balance. The second part covers the modeling of carbon dynamics, emission inventories of various carbon containing greenhouse gases and their potential abatement measures.  相似文献   


This report summarizes the surveys on carbon inventories and initiatives on sustainable carbon cycling taken by RCEES. The first part of this report deals with the concept of sustainable carbon cycling, the historical evolution of carbon cycling processes in China, carbon pool enhancement, value addition, carbon sequestration and carbon balance. The second part covers the modeling of carbon dynamics, emission inventories of various carbon-containing greenhouse gases and their potential abatement measures.  相似文献   

The report summarizes surveys on carbon inventories and initiatives on sustainable carbon cycling taken by the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, where the authors work/worked. The first part of the report, which appeared in the preceding issue of this journal, deals with the concept of sustainable carbon cycling, the historic evolution of carbon cycling processes in China, carbon pool enhancement, value addition, carbon sequestration and carbon balance. This very paper, as the second part of the report, covers the results of carbon dynamics modeling, emission inventories of various carbon-containing greenhouse gases and their potential abatement measures.  相似文献   


The report summarizes surveys on carbon inventories and initiatives on sustainable carbon cycling taken by the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, where the authors work/worked. The first part of the report, which appeared in the preceding issue of this journal, deals with the concept of sustainable carbon cycling, the historic evolution of carbon cycling processes in China, carbon pool enhancement, value addition, carbon sequestration and carbon balance. This very paper, as the second part of the report, covers the results of carbon dynamics modeling, emission inventories of various carbon-containing greenhouse gases and their potential abatement measures.  相似文献   

木质林产品的碳储功能可有效降低大气中二氧化碳的浓度,其碳储量核算已被纳入气候变化缔约国温室气体清单报告,各国基于CBDR原则对木质林产品的碳储计量及贸易流动核算方法学在国家层面的争议及协调,关系到未来在气候变化谈判中的减排责任分配及利益分享。本文首先概括了IPCC历次会议关联木质林产品碳储核算议题及谈判进程,纵向梳理了碳储计量问题的研究进展。其次,对比不同国家和地区关于核算方法的应用及争议,总结不同核算方法在各国间的适用情况及其关联利益。最后,从清单报告和国际贸易角度分析了生产法与储量变化法对林产品碳储计量的不同影响,归纳了不同角度下两种核算方法的适用属性。研究表明:1缔约国附件Ⅰ国家在第二协议期内报告本国木质林产品的碳储量及其变化,在假设本国木质林产品碳储贡献不为零时采用生产法核算碳储量,核算源于本国采伐木的产品碳收支已成为当前缔约国履行气候责任的基本要求;2从清单报告的角度,缔约国基于森林管理参考水平报告碳储量,生产法区别森林管理活动并核算源于可持续森林经营管理的木质林产品碳储量,符合报告的要求;3从国际贸易角度,对于中国等涉及林产品国际贸易的净进口国,储量变化法因考虑到进出口的碳计量,以储量变化法核算碳储量对中国等林产品贸易大国更具优势。  相似文献   

中国城乡居民消费隐含的碳排放对比分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
可持续消费研究是产业生态学的重要内容.居民消费包括城镇居民消费和农村居民消费.本研究首先采用综合生命周期分析方法(Hybrid LCA)核算 1997、2002和2007三年的居民消费隐含的二氧化碳排放总量,发现2007年的碳排放量已经达到18.01亿吨.城镇居民消费已经成为居民消费的主要组成部分,到2007年城镇居民消费的碳排放量达到总量的76.44%.采用结构分解分析(SDA)方法对影响居民消费碳排放量变化的五项驱动因素进行分析,发现排放强度因子是"减缓"居民消费碳排放量增加的主要力量,而人均消费水平因子是推动碳排放量迅速增加的主要因素.同时,发现居民消费结构的变迁对碳排量的增加有一定促进作用.在未来应该通过持续降低能耗强度和加快研发低碳能源技术,来持续降低碳排放强度.另外,要充分挖掘居民生活方式和消费行为的减排潜力,引导消费结构,提倡适度消费,促进居民消费模式向低碳方向转变.  相似文献   

碳中和是我国应对气候变化的新目标,提出以来引起国内外广泛关注。碳中和目标实现是一个复杂系统科学问题,涉及大气圈、岩石圈、水圈、生物圈、人类圈等多圈层耦合过程与作用机制,需要跨学科交叉、综合与协同研究。简要梳理碳中和提出的气候变化和温控目标缘起,归纳碳中和实现的碳源、碳汇的多元路径,强调从碳源的需求侧推动可持续城市化对于碳中和目标实现的重要作用,并且可能是成本低、潜力大、更直接有效的方案途径。提出适应与减缓气候变化下碳中和与可持续城市化研究领域8个方面的科学问题:气候变化—碳中和—可持续城市化关联关系、中国及各地区碳中和实现的路线图与时间表、城市区域尺度碳排放的精准核算、绿色生活方式与低碳社会、绿色生产方式与低碳经济、能源结构优化、风险与不确定性和碳中和长效机制的治理创新等,以及该领域当前研究面临的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

This paper established an equilibrium model including representative household, government, and eight industries, and two different environmental policy tools such as carbon intensity and carbon cap were added into the model. The paper points out that the carbon intensity policy imposed on major high-emission industries achieved double dividend of environmental-quality improvement and sustainable economic growth under the condition of proper constraint target. This result supports the environmental Porter hypothesis. This paper finds out that the double dividend is due to the fact that environmental governance policy leads to the rising price of resources and demand of labors, resulting in an effective redistribution of production factors among industries and sustainable economic growth. Furthermore, this paper estimates the marginal effect of economic structure on carbon emission and carbon intensity and provides targeted suggestions.  相似文献   

畜牧业“碳排放”到“碳足迹”核算方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球变暖趋势日益加剧,不仅影响农业可持续发展,而且威胁到人类生存。畜牧业碳排放因其在农业碳排放中乃至全球碳排放中占比较大而日益备受关注。准确核算畜牧业碳排放是制定切实可行的碳减排政策的前提,也为我国在气候变化下承担共同但有差别的减排责任提供话语权。本文基于研究范式的演进,对畜牧业碳排放到碳足迹核算方法的研究发展进行了系统梳理,研究表明,在学者的不断研究与质疑下,畜牧业碳排放到碳足迹的核算方法经历了从OECD核算法、IPCC系数法到生命周期法与投入-产出法的演变与完善,学术界认为区域异质性、养殖规模与管理方式均影响碳足迹;散养比规模化养殖产生更多的碳排放,舍饲比户外放牧排放更多的碳。畜牧业碳足迹核算能够更加全面地反映畜牧业全生命周期的碳排放情况,但由于研究假设、研究方法及研究样本等差异导致不同区域、不同畜产品的碳排放核算结果存在不确定性。运用生命周期法和投入-产出法对欧盟成员国畜牧业碳排放的核算结果基本一致,但运用IPCC系数法和全生命周期法对中国畜牧业碳排放核算中,牛、猪和羊的碳排放量排序结果不尽一致。鉴于核算结果的差异性,本研究对不同核算方法的起源、最早采用时间、特点、局限性等方面进行了归纳总结,并建议后续研究探讨基于生命周期评价的畜牧业碳足迹研究边界的延伸性,标准化畜牧业碳排放或碳足迹核算,避免学者重复核算畜牧业碳排放,以便深入展开畜牧业碳排放其他方面的研究。  相似文献   

江苏省交通运输业能源消费碳排放及脱钩效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过自上而下的计算方法,测算了江苏省1995~2010年交通运输行业能源消费碳排放量和人均碳排放量,并结合行业自身发展特点,扩展了Kaya恒等式,运用LMDI分解法进行分解分析。同时,在上述基础上采用Tapio模型对江苏省交通碳排放与交通运输业经济发展的脱钩关系进行了探讨。研究发现:(1)江苏省交通碳排放量与人均碳排量均呈明显上升趋势,其中石油制品类能源消费碳排放表现突出;(2)正向驱动交通碳排放量增加的因素为经济产出、人口规模和产业结构,负向驱动因素为交通能源结构和交通能源强度。其中,拉动碳排放量增长的决定性因素是经济产出规模的扩大,而促使碳排放减少的主要因素是交通能源强度的降低,相对于正向驱动因素,负向驱动因素抑制交通碳排放增加作用有限;(3)交通碳排放量变化与运输业经济发展之间的脱钩状态以扩张负连接、扩张负脱钩和弱脱钩为主,脱钩关系总体呈先恶化后改善的趋势,但要完全实现两者的绝对脱钩,依然任重道远  相似文献   

气候变化问题已被公认为是全球范围内可持续发展面临的最大威胁,碳泄漏问题是目前气候变化领域的一个热点问题.欧盟等以存在碳泄漏为由欲对非减排国家征收碳关税.在此背景下,本文对碳泄漏问题进行理论分析和实证研究.理论分析认为,碳泄漏有三个主要渠道:化石能源的国际贸易、碳密集型产品的国际贸易和能源密集型产业的国际转移,其中,碳密集型产品的国际贸易一直是争论的核心.在此基础上,本文从碳密集型产品的国际贸易角度对中国与欧盟之间碳泄漏问题进行了实证研究.本文选取钢铁、有色金属、水泥、化肥、玻璃和玻璃制品、纸张和纸制品六个碳密集型产业为研究对象,以中国与欧盟碳密集型产品的进出口比率作为指标,考察欧盟实施温室气体减排措施(1992年)以来该指标的变化趋势,以确定中国与欧盟之间是否发生了碳泄漏以及程度如何.研究结果表明,中国与欧盟之间可能并未发生碳泄漏,或者即使发生了碳泄漏,其程度也很微弱,不足以成为欧盟征收碳关税的理由.  相似文献   


This paper gives a systematic view of the new trends of global carbon finance innovation under the challenge of global climate change and in the process of transition to achieve economic growth from “high carbon” to ‘low carbon”, covering the following aspects: the structure, status quo and developing trend of global carbon market. The paper discusses the innovation in financial organization and service systems and governments’ overall guidance and policy support, and draws the conclusion that the world is undergoing massive changes with governments actively responding to carbon finance to embrace the tremendous opportunities for clean energy and climate change in financial industry. To seize the opportunity, a complete and overall carbon finance system of China should be put in the top of the agenda. Given the current tasks of energy conservation and pollution reduction and the growing demand for capital input, China needs to construct an clear of policy guidance, a diversified financia service system, and a multi-approach carbon finance system to intensify and widen the participation of financial industry, to expand financing channels for sustainable economy and spread risks, and finally, work out an inexpensive solution to the realization of China’s low carbon target.  相似文献   

Developing low-carbon economy and enhancing carbon productivity are basic approaches to coordinating economic development and protecting global environment, which are also the major ways to address climate change under the framework of sustainable development. In this paper, the authors analyze the annual rate of carbon productivity growth, the differences of carbon productivity of different countries, and the factors for enhancing carbon productivity. Consequently, the authors clarify their viewpoint that the annual rate of carbon productivity growth can be used to weigh the efforts that a country takes to address climate change, and propose policies and suggestions on promoting carbon production.  相似文献   

The hybrid policy is a flexible policy tool that combines features of carbon trading and carbon taxation.Its economic and environmental effects under China's background are still not studied in detail.Given the exogenous carbon reduction targets,carbon prices,and carbon tax-rates,by computable general equilibrium modeling methods and factor decomposition methods,this article investigates direct and cascaded effects of the hybrid policy on economic growth,energy utilization,and carbon emission on the national level and the sector level,with China's national input-output data-set.Stepwisely,policy scenarios with irrational estimated results are selectively excluded based on comprehensive evaluation among economic,carbon reduction and other policy targets.As a result,against national economic conditions in 2007,the hybrid policy,with a carbon reduction target of -10%,a carbon tax-rate of around $10,and a ceiling carbon price of $40,is highly recommended,because of its significant lower economic loss,lower energy utilization cost,and practical robustness against fluctuation of energy market and carbon market.Furthermore,by decomposition analysis,carbon reduction-related costs are decomposed into a direct part that includes carbon allowance price and carbon tax,and an indirect part as the energy price incremental induced by direct carbon costs.Gross carbon reduction may be decomposed into three parts such as energy intensity,economic scale,and technical progress.And,carbon taxation is the main policy tool that stimulates to improve the energy efficiency.  相似文献   

The interprovincial trade embodied carbon emissions plays an important role in the national emission reduction target among China’s provinces. Furthermore, it will affect the smooth start-up of the national carbon trade market as well as the implementation of targets in 2030 for dealing with the climate change. Based on constructed MRIO model, this paper analyzes the embodied carbon emission trade flows among Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and surrounding regions such as Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner Mongolia. The results indicate that six provinces have formed different patterns of carbon trade balance, where Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei provinces are in a deficit position, while the other three provinces are in a surplus position. Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei have transferred part of the carbon emissions to the other three provinces, which shows greater heterogeneity among various provinces and provincial different sectors. On basis of the conclusions, this paper puts forward some suggestions on provincial decomposition, responsibility distribution, and provincial collaborative reduction for national emission reduction targets.  相似文献   

低碳经济下企业碳会计体系构建研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作为一种正在兴起的全新经济模式,低碳经济的发展给企业应对全球气候变化和可持续发展带来了机遇,但同时也给企业会计系统带来了巨大的困扰和挑战.由此,在国内外最近研究进展的基础上,本文对低碳经济背景下企业碳排放与交易会计的相关问题进行了初步研究.认为,企业碳会计体系由碳财务会计体系与碳管理会计体系构成.前者研究内容涵盖低碳经济途径下企业碳会计确认与计量、会计处理、信息披露等,其核心是碳排放权确认为何种资产,信息披露内容及途径等;后者研究内容主要包括碳成本与风险管理,以及与企业战略管理会计的连接等,其核心是企业内部碳成本核算、管理与控制.本文旨在通过对碳会计体系之理论起源与实务发展、基本概念与系统边界、学科分类与逻辑关联、研究内容以及披露模式的探讨,以期为我国企业构建碳会计体系提供所需注意的原则及相关建议.  相似文献   

可持续发展理论三项进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
过去10年间,可持续发展理论和实践都取得重大进展。在这些进展当中,本文辨识出3个核心的概念:地球系统观、生态文明思想、低碳经济概念,对这3个看起来没有直接关联的概念分析了其中十分密切的理论联系。地球系统观的发展深刻地改变了人类对自身和所处地球环境的认识,被称为"第二次哥白尼革命",从而强化了可持续发展理论的科学基础;生态文明思想从根本上颠覆了工业文明的思想基础,深化了可持续发展理论的哲学和伦理学内涵;低碳经济概念是全球应对气候变化过程中提出的新的理念,以提高能效、减少排放和发展可再生能源为特征的经济发展模式是可持续发展理论在实践的具体化,并具有可操作性。3个概念都突出了地球系统作为一个整体来研究、开发、利用和保护;同时也都强调了对地球表层这个自然与社会剧烈交互作用的生态圈和人类圈的理解必须运用全新的视角和多学科的研究方法。深入理解这3个概念的内涵及相互关系是把握可持续发展理论10年进展的关键。  相似文献   

Comparative studies on the ecosystems in the vicinity of thermal springs and in the typical tundra were performed in the southeastern Chukchi Peninsula in July and August 1997. Biogenic carbon fluxes during the greater part of the growing season were determined, the aboveground phytomass structure was studied, and the carbon reserve in the soil was estimated. It was demonstrated that the gross primary production and soil carbon in thermal ecosystems are greater than in similar permafrost ecosystems. The structural and ecophysiological changes leading to an increase in the gross production of plant communities were analyzed.  相似文献   

Soil management practices for sustainable agro-ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A doubling of the global food demand projected for the next 50 years poses a huge challenge for the sustainability of both food production and global and local environments. Today’s agricultural technologies may be increasing productivity to meet world food demand, but they may also be threatening agricultural ecosystems. For the global environment, agricultural systems provide both sources and sinks of greenhouse gases (GHGs), which include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). This paper addresses the importance of soil organic carbon (SOC) for agro-ecosystems and GHG uptake and emission in agriculture, especially SOC changes associated with soil management. Soil management strategies have great potential to contribute to carbon sequestration, since the carbon sink capacity of the world’s agricultural and degraded soil is 50–66% of the historic carbon loss of 42–72 Pg (1 Pg=1015 g), although the actual carbon storage in cultivated soil may be smaller if climate changes lead to increasing mineralization. The importance of SOC in agricultural soil is, however, not controversial, as SOC helps to sustain soil fertility and conserve soil and water quality, and organic carbon compounds play a variety of roles in the nutrient, water, and biological cycles. No-tillage practices, cover crop management, and manure application are recommended to enhance SOC storage and to contribute to sustainable food production, which also improves soil quality. SOC sequestration could be increased at the expense of increasing the amount of non-CO2 GHG emissions; however, soil testing, synchronized fertilization techniques, and optimum water control for flooding paddy fields, among other things, can reduce these emissions. Since increasing SOC may also be able to mitigate some local environmental problems, it will be necessary to have integrated soil management practices that are compatible with increasing SOM management and controlling soil residual nutrients. Cover crops would be a critical tool for sustainable soil management because they can scavenge soil residual nitrogen and their ecological functions can be utilized to establish an optimal nitrogen cycle. In addition to developing soil management strategies for sustainable agro-ecosystems, some political and social approaches will be needed, based on a common understanding that soil and agro-ecosystems are essential for a sustainable society.  相似文献   

Consensus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions has been reached at the technical and political level.However,as the issue involves economic costs and the right to develop,the international institutional framework for addressing greenhouse gas emissions has consistently failed to balance the demands of impartiality and sustainability.However,a sustainable carbon budget proposal is undoubtedly achievable if the global carbon budget (the total amount of carbon permitted by climate security) is made an absolute constraint.If a preliminary distribution was made among the world’s population on a per capita basis,the total limited global carbon budget could not only meet basic needs but also ensure the proposal’s equitable.Taking into account historical emission levels and future needs,we should carry out carbon budget transfer payments and devise a corresponding funding mechanism to ensure efficient allocation under the proposal.Unlike the phase-by-phase progress and provisional goals of the Kyoto Protocol,the carbon budget proposal outlined above is a comprehensive and holistic package.Due to the politicization of the climate change issue,however,many technical issues can only be worked out through international political and diplomatic negotiations.  相似文献   

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