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Triolein-containing semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were employed as passive samplers to provide data on the bioavailable fraction of organic, waterborne, organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in streams flowing through a highly polluted industrial area of Bitterfeld in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. The contamination of the region with organic pollutants originates in wastewater effluents from the chemical industry, from over one-hundred years of lignite exploitation, and from chemical waste dumps. The main objective was to characterise time-integrated levels of dissolved contaminants, to use them for identification of spatial trends of contamination, and their relationship to potential pollution sources. SPMDs were deployed for 43 days in the summer of 1998 at four sampling sites. The total concentration of pollutants at sampling sites was found to range from a low of 0.8 microgram/SPMD to 25 micrograms/SPMD for PAHs, and from 0.4 microgram/SPMD to 22 micrograms/SPMD for OCPs, respectively. None of the selected PCB congeners was present at quantifiable levels at any sampling site. A point source of water pollution with OCPs and PAHs was identified in the river system considering the total contaminant concentrations and the distribution of individual compounds accumulated by SPMDs at different sampling sites. SPMD-data was also used to estimate average ambient water concentrations of the contaminants at each field site and compared with concentrations measured in bulk water extracts. The truly dissolved or bioavailable portion of contaminants at different sampling sites ranged from 4% to 86% for the PAHs, and from 8% to 18% for the OCPs included in the estimation. The fraction of individual compounds found in the freely dissolved form can be attributed to the range of their hydrophobicity. In comparison with liquid/liquid extraction of water samples, the SPMD method is more suitable for an assessment of the background concentrations of hydrophobic organic contaminants because of substantially lower method quantification limits. Moreover, contaminant residues sequestered by the SPMDs represent an estimation of the dissolved or readily bioavailable concentration of hydrophobic contaminants in water, which is not provided by most analytical approaches.  相似文献   

Analyses of triolein-containing semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) have sometimes been impeded by interferences caused by impurities endemic to triolein that codialyze with the analytes. Oleic acid and methyl oleate have been the most troublesome of these impurities because of their relatively high concentrations in triolein and because significant residues of both can persist even after size exclusion chromatographic (SEC) fractionation. These residues have also been blamed for false-positive signals during bioindicator testing of SPMD dialysates. To prevent these problems, a simple, cost-effective procedure was developed for purifying triolein destined for use in SPMDs: the bulk triolein is repeatedly (6x) partitioned against methanol. Tests of the procedure show that 14C-oleic acid is completely removed from the triolein. After SEC fractionation, dialysates of standard-size SPMDs made with the purified triolein contain less than 5 microg of methyl oleate as compared to sometimes more than 500 microg for dialysates (also after SEC) of SPMDs made with unpurified triolein. Gas chromatographic analyses with flame ionization and electron capture detection show that the purification treatment also greatly reduces the number and size of peaks caused by unidentified contaminants in the triolein. Microtox basic assay of dialysates of SPMDs shows that those made with the purified triolein have lower acute toxicities than dialysates of SPMDs made with unpurified triolein. Yeast estrogen screen (YES) testing of SPMDs fabricated with unpurified and purified triolein demonstrates that the purification process removes all background estrogenic activity.  相似文献   

Triolein-filled semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were immersed at three locations along the St. Joseph River in northern Indiana for 30 days to see if the PCB content of fish from the same location could be predicted with this model device. Triolein from the SPMD's was analyzed for PCB using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and compared to residues detected in fish collected from the same locations. There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in total PCB concentrations between SPMD samples. However, due to variability in PCB residues between species and low PCB residues in SPMDs, a direct correlation between PCBs in sportfish and SPMDs could not be determined.  相似文献   

Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were used for measurements in air of twelve polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in two Genoa locations, both on building roofs, distant 300 m from each other. The first, site A, was in front a dismissing steel complex and the second, site B, was in an urban area overlooking a busy thoroughfare. SPMDs were deployed contemporary at the two sites, in nine monthly samplings, from April 2007 to May 2008. The amount of sequestered PAHs, in sites A and B, ranged between 61–267 ng SPMD?1 d?1 and 50–535 ng SPMD?1 d?1, respectively.PAHs profiles highlighted seasonal differences and suggested the possible role of different PAHs sources in the two areas. In particular, the contribution of remediation works of the steel complex was observed in site A. Moreover, a naphthalene leak from a tank, into the former industrial area, and a fire broke out near site A, were registered by time-integrated measurements of SPMDs.However, the strong dependence between amount of sequestered PAHs and air temperature needs further studies to distinguish between uptake rate variability and seasonal contribution of different sources. Finally, to measure air concentrations with reasonable accuracy, it should be very important to have certified sampling rates for all individual PAHs.  相似文献   

As an integral part of our continued development of water quality assessment approaches, we combined integrative sampling, instrumental analysis of widely occurring anthropogenic contaminants, and the application of a suite of bioindicator tests as a specific part of a broader survey of ecological conditions, species diversity, and habitat quality in the Santa Cruz River in Arizona, USA. Lipid-containing semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were employed to sequester waterborne hydrophobic chemicals. Instrumental analysis and a suite of bioindicator tests were used to determine the presence and potential toxicological relevance of mixtures of bioavailable chemicals in two major water sources of the Santa Cruz River. The SPMDs were deployed at two sites; the effluent weir of the International Wastewater Treatment Plant (IWWTP) and the Nogales Wash. Both of these systems empty into the Santa Cruz River and the IWWTP effluent is a potential source of water for a constructed wetland complex. Analysis of the SPMD sample extracts revealed the presence of organochlorine pesticides (OCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The bioindicator tests demonstrated increased liver enzyme activity, perturbation of neurotransmitter systems and potential endocrine disrupting effects (vitellogenin induction) in fish exposed to the extracts. With increasing global demands on limited water resources, the approach described herein provides an assessment paradigm applicable to determining the quality of water in a broad range of aquatic systems.  相似文献   

Uptake rates of several PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs were measured for semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) under controlled conditions in bulk water and sediment. The study was performed at 19 degrees C and 11 degrees C, and water and sediment concentrations were measured during the exposure. Linear uptake rates for specific PCDD/Fs and PCBs in 19 degrees C water varied from 34 to 111 l/m2 day and in 11 degrees C water from 8.8 to 96 l/m2 day for the whole SPMD. Uptake rates at 19 degrees C sediment ranged from 9.0 to 80 mgOC/m2 day and in 11 degrees C sediment, from 3.0 to 31, mgOC/m2 day. Partitioning of the compounds between membrane and lipid was also measured during the linear uptake phase. The membrane-lipid concentration ratios ranged from 0.02 to 1.11 depending on the compound, temperature, and bulk medium.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Wang Z  Wang C  Wang W 《Chemosphere》1999,38(1):51-66
Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) filled with triolein, and goldfish (Carassius auratus) were simultaneously exposed to nine weakly hydrophobic nitroaromatics in a laboratory continuous-flow experiment. The results showed that the device concentrated the compounds in most cases to a larger extent than fish and that the overall uptake rate constants (Kmu) and average pollutant sampling rates (R(S)) were similar. We conclude that the SPMDs may be used to determine the levels of weakly hydrophobic nitroaromatics in water. It is obvious, however, that more researches at laboratory in order to establish kinetic database for a wide spectrum of compounds varying in lipophilicity and other properties are needed to elucidate various theoretical and practical aspects of the use of membranes in the environmental research and for related practical applications.  相似文献   

To fully utilize semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) as passive samplers in air monitoring, data are required to accurately estimate airborne concentrations of environmental contaminants. Limited uptake rate constants (kua) and no SPMD air partitioning coefficient (Ksa) existed for vapor-phase contaminants. This research was conducted to expand the existing body of kinetic data for SPMD air sampling by determining kua and Ksa for a number of airborne contaminants including the chemical classes: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, organochlorine pesticides, brominated diphenyl ethers, phthalate esters, synthetic pyrethroids, and organophosphate/organosulfur pesticides. The kuas were obtained for 48 of 50 chemicals investigated and ranged from 0.03 to 3.07 m3 g?1 d?1. In cases where uptake was approaching equilibrium, Ksas were approximated. Ksa values (no units) were determined or estimated for 48 of the chemicals investigated and ranging from 3.84E+5 to 7.34E+7. This research utilized a test system (United States Patent 6,877,724 B1) which afforded the capability to generate and maintain constant concentrations of vapor-phase chemical mixtures. The test system and experimental design employed gave reproducible results during experimental runs spanning more than two years. This reproducibility was shown by obtaining mean kua values (n = 3) of anthracene and p,p′-DDE at 0.96 and 1.57 m3 g?1 d?1 with relative standard deviations of 8.4% and 8.6% respectively.  相似文献   

Harman C  Tollefsen KE  Bøyum O  Thomas K  Grung M 《Chemosphere》2008,72(10):1510-1516
Passive sampling devices provide a useful contribution to the monitoring of contaminants in the aquatic environment. However, calibration data needed for the calculation of water concentrations from sampler accumulations are restricted to a limited number of compound classes. Thus uptake of a range of alkylated phenols (AP), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and carbazoles was determined for semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) using a flow through exposure system. Sampling rates ranged from 0.02 to 0.26 l d(-1) for POCIS and 0.02 to 13.83 l d(-1) for SPMDs. Observed SPMD uptake was also compared to that predicted by an empirical model including the use of performance reference compounds (PRCs). Predicted sampling rates did not differ by more than a factor of 1.3 from experimental values for PAH, providing further evidence that the PRC approach can be successfully used to determine in situ sampling rates for these compounds. Experimental sampling rates for AP in SPMDs were, however, much lower than predicted. This discrepancy was too large to be explained by small uncertainties in the calibration system or in the calculations. Based on these data we conclude that while hydrophobic AP are accumulated by SPMDs their partitioning cannot be predicted from their logK(ow) using current methods. Due to this lower than expected uptake, sampling rates were only higher in SPMDs than POCIS in the range of logK(ow)>5.0. Simultaneous deployment of both sampler types allows the study of compounds with a broad range of physicochemical properties.  相似文献   

Gaseous emissions of combusted electronic scrap, PVC, carpet and wood were monitored for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by simultaneous use of semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and shoots of spruce needles (Picea abies). It was found that phenanthrene, acenaphthylene and fluorene were the dominating PAHs in all samples. SPMDs and needles mainly sequestered PAH associated with the vapor phase. Particle-bound PAHs were only detected in small amounts, at which the needles tended to uptake more of these compounds in comparison to the SPMDs. Nevertheless, the logarithm of the concentrations of PAHs analyzed in both passive samplers after the same sampling period exhibited a significant linear correlation with correlation coefficients larger than 0.8073. SPMDs and spruce needles can complement each other in passive air sampling for compounds with a preference to the gas phase rather than aerosols.  相似文献   

The contaminated air with burning plastic floor and electronic scrap was monitored with semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and fresh unpolluted spruce needles at the same time for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). It was found that there were more polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) than polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) collected from contaminated air. The total amounts of PCBs were much higher than that of PCDD/Fs, but the contribution of them to the WHO-TEQ was less than that of PCDD/Fs. Triolein-containing SPMDs can absorb much more PCDD/Fs and PCBs than spruce needles when they were exposed in contaminated air simultaneously. The logarithm of the concentrations of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in SPMDs and in spruce needles at the same sampling time exhibited a significant linear correlation, the correlation coefficients were larger than 0.86 for PCDD/Fs and 0.92 for PCBs. SPMDs and spruce needles are effective passive air sampler for PCDD/Fs and PCBs. SPMDs and spruce needles can complement each other in passive air sampling.  相似文献   

Lipid-containing semipermeable membrane devices are applied to the quantitative determination of the persistence of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in an irrigation water canal, a representative waterway. The uniform and reproducible sampling of the USGS design of lipid-containing SPMDs is exploited to measure PAH half-lives without requiring calculation of water concentrations. The trend in calculated PAH half-lives agrees with that expected if volatilization is a significant mechanism for loss from the canal with more volatile PAHs having shorter half-lives. The higher persistence of phenanthrene compared to anthracene is consistent with the greater stability of phenanthrene and suggests, with other physicochemical evidence, that other (reactive) mechanisms may be involved. The results of this study demonstrate the feasibility of the SPMD method for the measurement of residence times in aquatic and other compartments. Such information is essential for quantifying contaminant behavior in the environment and providing insights into contaminant fate.  相似文献   

GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Lake Shkodra/Skadar is the largest lake in the Balkans region and located on the border between Albania to the south and Montenegro to the north. Because of the wide range of endemic, rare or endangered plant and animal species it supports, Lake Shkodra/Skadar and its extensive associated wetlands are internationally recognised as a site of significance and importance (Ramsar site). In recent years, social and economic changes in both Albania and Montenegro have lead to unprecedented levels of urban and industrial effluent entering the lake. Of particular concern is the increasing input of toxic hydrophobic organic pollutants (HOPs) into the lake and the degree to which these compounds are available for uptake by aquatic biota. Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) have been shown to sample the readily bioavailable fraction (dissolved phase) of waterborne HOPs and in doing so provide relevant data for exposure assessment. The aim of the current study was to use SPMD-based sampling in conjunction with appropriate bioassays and chemical analysis to identify readily bioavailable HOPs in the lake. METHODS: SPMDs were constructed and deployed at three sites in the Albanian sector and three sites in the Montenegrin sector of Lake Skadar/Shkodra for 21 days. Following the dialytic recovery of target analytes and size exclusion chromatographic clean-up, aliquots of SPMD samples were subjected to GC-MS scan analysis for major components, GC-MS SIM analysis for 16 priority pollutant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PP-PAHs) and assayed for EROD-inducing, estrogenic and mutagenic potential using rainbow trout liver cells (RTL-W1), the yeast estrogen screen (YES) and the Ames Test, respectively. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: A total of 39 compounds were tentatively identified in SPMD samples from the six sampling sites. Alkylated PAHs were the most abundant and ubiquitous compounds present along with various sterols and sterol derivatives. Numerous other compounds remain unidentified. 15 of the 16 targeted PP-PAHs were present in samples from one or more of the sampling sites indicating these compounds are both readily bioavailable and widely distributed in Lake Shkodra/Skadar. Total PP-PAH concentrations ranged between 3991 ng/SPMD and 10695 ng/SPMD. Bioassays carried out on SPMD samples revealed significant EROD-inducing and estrogenic potential at five of the six sampling sites indicating toxicologically relevant compounds are readily available for uptake by resident aquatic biota. EROD-inducing potential was positively correlated with targeted PP-PAH concentration (r2 = 0.74). However, comparison of bioassay- and analytically-derived toxicity equivalents revealed targeted PP-PAHs were responsible for less than 0.06% of the total EROD-inducing potential. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK: The combination of SPMD-based sampling with appropriate bioassays and chemical analysis provided an effective tool for the identification of environmentally relevant waterborne pollutants in Lake Shkodra/Skadar. Our results show that toxicologically relevant HOPs including EROD-inducing and potentially estrogenic compounds are widely distributed in the lake and readily available for uptake by aquatic biota. Our results also suggest that alkylated PAHs rather than parent compounds may be of greater toxicological relevance in the lake. As anthropogenic influences continue to increase, SPMD-based sampling is expected to play a central role in future research concerned with the identification, monitoring and assessment of the risk posed by HOPs to Lake Shkodra/Skadar's aquatic biota.  相似文献   

Zhao W  Han M  Dai S  Xu J  Wang P 《Chemosphere》2006,62(10):1623-1629
Ionic liquid-containing semipermeable membrane devices (IL-SPMDs) were developed to monitor the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water. Uptake kinetics of naphthalene, 1-methylnaphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene, chrysene by layflat low-density polyethylene tubing (15 cm x 2 cm) filled with 0.5 ml 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ionic liquid were studied in a laboratory continuous-flow system for the duration of 16 days. The device concentration factors were in the range of 830-7800 for the studied PAHs. The kinetic parameters of IL/water partition coefficients, analytes uptake rate constants and sampling rates were estimated using mathematical models. These parameters were used in the field experiment to estimate the concentrations of the PAHs in Lanzhou section of Yellow River in China, with the result in comparison with that obtained by triolein-SPMD.  相似文献   

Bioavailable water concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were assessed at several freshwater sites in and around the city of Amsterdam. Carp (Cyprinus carpio) were caged for 4 weeks at 10 sites, together with semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs). In addition, sediment samples were taken at each site. SPMDs and sediments were analysed for PAHs, PCBs and OCPs. Carp muscle tissues were analysed for PCBs and OCP, while PAH metabolites were assessed in fish bile. Contaminant concentrations in the water phase were estimated using three different methods: 1. Using fish tissue concentrations and literature bioconcentration factors (BCFs), 2. Using SPMD levels and a kinetic SPMD uptake model, and 3. Using sediment levels and literature sorption coefficients (Kocs). Since PAH accumulation in fish is not considered an accurate indicator of PAH exposure, calculated aqueous PAH concentrations from SPMD data were compared with semiquantitatively determined biliary PAH metabolite levels. Contaminant concentrations in the water phase estimated with fish data (Cwfish) and SPMD data (Cwspmd) were more in line for compounds with lower Kow than for compounds with higher Kow values. This indicates that the assumption of fish–water sorption equilibrium was not valid. At most sites, sediment-based water levels (Cwsed) were comparable with the Cwspmd, although large differences were observed at certain sites. A significant correlation was observed between biliary PAH metabolite levels in fish and aqueous PAH concentrations estimated with SPMD data, suggesting that both methods may be accurate indicators of PAH exposure in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOH) are widely used substances that were detected even in remote regions of the world. For the determination of FTOH in the atmosphere, appropriate sampling techniques are needed. In this study, triolein-filled low-density polyethylene tubes were used as semipermeable membrane devices (SPMD) and tested for their suitability as passive air samplers for FTOH.  相似文献   

Atmospheric sampling of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) was conducted using Semi Permeable Membrane Devices (SPMDs) deployed in the Alps at different altitudinal transects for two consecutive exposure periods of half a year and a third simultaneous year-long period. Along all the altitude profiles, the sequestered amounts of OCPs increased in general with altitude. SPMDs were still working as kinetic samplers after half a year for the majority of the OCPs. However, compounds with the lowest octanol-air partition coefficient (Koa), reached equilibrium within six months. This change in the SPMD uptake was determined for the temperature gradient along the altitude profile influencing Koa, OCPs availability in the gaseous phase, and SPMD performance. In sum, it seems two effects are working in parallel along the altitude profiles: the change in SPMD performance and the different availability of OCPs along the altitudinal transects determined by their compound properties and concentrations in air.  相似文献   

Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were deployed in water using four different methods: a typical SPMD cage with and without a mesh cover, a bowl chamber and without any protection. In addition to routinely used performance reference compounds (PRCs), perdeuterated dibenz[a,h]anthracene was added. Due to its high sampler to water partition coefficient no measurable clearance due to diffusion was expected during the deployment period, hence any observed loss could be attributed to photodegradation. The loss of PRCs was measured and SPMD-based water concentrations determined. Results showed that a typical SPMD deployment cage covered with mesh provided the best protection from photodegradation. Samplers which had undergone the highest photodegradation underestimated PAH water concentrations by up to a factor of 5 compared to the most protected SPMDs. This study demonstrates that the potential for photodegradation needs to be addressed when samplers are deployed in water of low turbidity.  相似文献   

A comparison of mussels (Perna viridis) and semi-permeable membrane devices (SPMDs) was carried out at five sites, representing a gradient of contaminant concentrations, in Hong Kong coastal waters. Mussels, originally collected from a “clean” location, were deployed along with SPMDs at each site for 30 days. Analyses for chlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) indicated that SPMDs have potential as monitoring tools, and to some extent can overcome the problems associated with mussels, such as natural variability, differing age, sex, and physical condition. However, in most cases, SPMDs failed to rank the sites in the same order as mussels in terms of contaminant concentrations. Nonetheless, in localities where mussels cannot survive – as shown at Kwun Tong in the present experiment – SPMDs may be valuable in providing an indication of potentially bio-available lipophilic pollutants.  相似文献   

A comparison of mussels (Perna viridis) and semi-permeable membrane devices (SPMDs) was carried out at five sites, representing a gradient of contaminant concentrations, in Hong Kong coastal waters. Mussels, originally collected from a “clean” location, were deployed along with SPMDs at each site for 30 days. Analyses for chlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) indicated that SPMDs have potential as monitoring tools, and to some extent can overcome the problems associated with mussels, such as natural variability, differing age, sex, and physical condition. However, in most cases, SPMDs failed to rank the sites in the same order as mussels in terms of contaminant concentrations. Nonetheless, in localities where mussels cannot survive – as shown at Kwun Tong in the present experiment – SPMDs may be valuable in providing an indication of potentially bio-available lipophilic pollutants.  相似文献   

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