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The performance of various algal indices to document improvements in water quality across a low nutrient concentration gradient was assessed during 2 years in the St Lawrence River (Quebec, Canada). Water-quality variables and periphyton samples were collected on navigational buoys near Montreal during the spring, summer and fall of 1994 and 1995. Exposure to urban wastewater varied widely within the sector surrounding the island of Montreal, with some areas upstream receiving no direct effluents and areas further downstream receiving treated and untreated wastewater. Faecal coliform concentrations provided a good tracer of effluents and were significantly correlated to nutrient concentrations (r = 0.33-0.72, p < 0.001) and water transparency (r = 0.70, p < 0.001). Despite a strong gradient in faecal coliform concentration (< 2 to > 20 000 UFC/100 ml), algal biomass and diversity did not reflect differences between sites with varying levels of urban wastewater. Taxonomic composition of periphyton communities, particularly the presence of the cyanophyte Plectonema notatum Schmidle, was related (r = 0.48, p = 0.004) to exposure to urban effluents. Variables describing seasonal changes (temperature, Julian day, river discharge, conductivity, NO2-NO3) explained a large fraction of total variance (38-52% of total variance) and thus exerted the predominant influence on algal biomass and species composition in the St Lawrence River. Variables describing the presence of effluents explained 1-22% of the variance in compositional data. Subtle changes in periphyton species composition were the only response to different levels of exposure to urban wastewater in the Montreal area, which represented relatively small differences in comparison to natural seasonal variability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of pollution on DNA integrity in the feral soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria) in the Saguenay Fjord. Intertidal clams were collected downstream and upstream of the fjord at sites under anthropogenic pollution. DNA integrity was assessed by following changes in single- and double-stranded breaks, variation in DNA content and micro-nuclei (MN) incidence in hemocytes. The results revealed that clams collected at polluted sites had reduced DNA strand breaks (lower DNA repair activity), increased DNA content variation and MN frequency in hemocytes. The data revealed that DNA content variation was closely related to MN frequency and negatively with DNA strand breaks formation. Water conductivity was also related to reduced MN frequency and DNA content variation, indicating that, in addition to the effects of pollution, the gradual dilution of saltwater could compromise mussel health.  相似文献   

Willow and rock ptarmigan were obtained from Northern Québec. Willow ptarmigan were found to have mean cadmium concentrations of 179.7 microg/g (dw) in the kidneys and 25.8 microg/g (dw) in the liver; these levels were three times higher than those found in the rock ptarmigan. The cadmium levels in the ptarmigan were below the threshold above which adverse effects can be observed in birds. The difference between the two ptarmigan species in cadmium content is explained by the diet. A comparison of their diet showed that willow, which stores cadmium, is an important food resource for willow ptarmigan but not for rock ptarmigan. Because there is limited information available on the consumption of ptarmigan kidneys and liver by the Inuit, and the fact that this is a traditional way of life and provides nutritional benefits to the Inuit population, no consumption guidelines are proposed.  相似文献   

Lichens were used to evaluate the metal pollution in a forest ecosystem around the smelter of Murdochville, Canada. As reached values 5.8 times higher in the smelter vicinity than in the 'background' sites. This enrichment was 2 times higher for 3 metals (Cu, Cd and Pb). The highest As, Ba, Cd, Cu, and Pb concentrations in lichens were 4, 112, 1, 23, 50 and 952mg/kg respectively. Contamination declined exponentially with increasing distance from the smelter and was related to elevation and slope exposition to the smelter flux. (206)Pb/(207)Pb and (206)Pb/(204)Pb ratios were low close to the smelter (1.16 and 18), but increased with distance to constant values (1.19 and 18.7) and showed an inverse correlation with lead concentrations. Forest contamination was detectable up to 30km from the smelter.  相似文献   

To assess the potential of the macroinvertebrate community for monitoring variation in the environmental quality of large rivers, the response of littoral macrobenthos in Lake Saint-Fran?ois, a fluvial lake of the St Lawrence River (Québec) are described. First, the composition of total macroinvertebrate communities and important taxonomic groups as well as the biotic ICI-SL index in 16 littoral stations varying in sedimentology, water chemistry and contamination are described to define indicator species groups and environmental quality ranks. Thereafter, the relative contribution of ecological and toxicological factors in explaining the variation observed in macroinvertebrate assemblages and biotic index were quantified using partial canonical correspondence analysis. Cluster analyses based on taxonomic composition separated five groups of stations where macroinvertebrate assemblages varied in density, composition and tolerance to pollution. The ICI-SL biotic index varied from 7.2 to 27.2 with a mean value of 19 +/- 6. The ICI-SL values determined for the macroinvertebrate communities in Lake Saint-Fran?ois did not reflect an important deterioration in environmental quality, and there was some agreement between the environmental quality ranking of the stations expressed either by the ICI-SL index or the community cluster analysis. Water conductivity and phosphorus concentration, followed by macrophyte types (Chara, Ceratophyllum) and sediment grain size, were the most significant ecological variables to explain variation in macroinvertebrate communities and derived ICI-SL index in Lake Saint-Fran?ois. Among the toxicological factors, metals in water (Fe, Cr, Pb, Mn, Zn) and sediment (Mn, Pb, Se), as well as the composite indices of metal and organic contamination (water CI, sediment CI, sediment total PAHs) were the most important factors. The contamination factors selected in our models represented contaminant sorption processes rather than direct toxicological effects. The lack of clear relationships between contaminants and macroinvertebrate variables reflected the relative low level of contamination in the stations sampled in Lake Saint-Fran?ois. There were some interactions between toxicological and ecological variables that should be considered in the planning of sampling and interpretation of biomonitoring studies. However, the large amount of unexplained variance (49.2-86.6%) in the CCA models underlined the limitations of the use of the indices of macroinvertebrate community structure that were assessed in this study for biomonitoring purposes in the absence of a contrasting pollution gradient.  相似文献   

Tailings deposits generated from mining activities represent a potential risk for the aquatic environment through the release of potentially toxic metals and metalloids occurring in a variety of minerals present in the tailings. Physicochemical and mineralogical characteristics of tailings such as total concentrations of chemical elements, pH, ratio of acid-producing to acid-neutralizing minerals, and primary and secondary mineral phases are very important factors that control the actual release of potentially toxic metals and metalloids from the tailings to the environment. The aims of this study are the determination of geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of tailings deposited in voluminous impoundment situated near the village of Marku?ovce (eastern Slovakia) and identification of the processes controlling the mobility of selected toxic metals (Cu, Hg) and metalloids (As, Sb). The studied tailings have unique features in comparison with the other tailings investigated previously because of the specific mineral assemblage primarily consisting of barite, siderite, quartz, and minor sulfides. To meet the aims, samples of the tailings were collected from 3 boreholes and 15 excavated pits and subjected to bulk geochemical analyses (i.e., determination of chemical composition, pH, Eh, acid generation, and neutralization potentials) combined with detailed mineralogical characterization using optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), and micro-X-ray diffraction (μ-XRD). Additionally, the geochemical and mineralogical factors controlling the transfer of potentially toxic elements from tailings to waters were also determined using short-term batch test (European norm EN 12457), sampling of drainage waters and speciation–equilibrium calculations performed with PHREEQC. The tailings mineral assemblage consists of siderite, barite, quartz, and dolomite. Sulfide minerals constitute only a minor proportion of the tailings mineral assemblage and their occurrence follows the order: chalcopyrite?>?pyrite?>?tetrahedrite?>?arsenopyrite. The mineralogical composition of the tailings corresponds well to the primary mineralization mined. The neutralization capacity of the tailings is high, as confirmed by the values of neutralization potential to acid generation potential ratio, ranging from 6.7 to 63.9, and neutral to slightly alkaline pH of the tailings (paste pH 7.16–8.12) and the waters (pH 7.00–8.52). This is explained by abundant occurrence of carbonate minerals in the tailings, which readily neutralize the acidity generated by sulfide oxidation. The total solid-phase concentrations of metal(loid)s decrease as Cu?>?Sb?>?Hg?>?As and reflect the proportions of sulfides present in the tailings. Sulfide oxidation generally extends to a depth of 2 m. μ-XRD and EMPA were used to study secondary products developed on the surface of sulfide minerals and within the tailings. The main secondary minerals identified are goethite and X-ray amorphous Fe oxyhydroxides and their occurrence decreases with increasing tailings depth. Secondary Fe phases are found as mineral coatings or individual grains and retain relatively high amounts of metal(loid)s (up to 57.6 wt% Cu, 1.60 wt% Hg, 23.8 wt% As, and 2.37 wt% Sb). Based on batch leaching tests and lysimeter results, the mobility of potentially toxic elements in the tailings is low. The limited mobility of metals and metalloids is due to their retention by Fe oxyhydroxides and low solubilities of metal(loid)-bearing sulfides. The observations are consistent with PHREEQC calculations, which predict the precipitation of Fe oxyhydroxides as the main solubility-controlling mineral phases for As, Cu, Hg, and Sb. Waters discharging from tailings impoundment are characterized by a neutral to slightly alkaline pH (7.52–7.96) and low concentrations of dissolved metal(loid)s (<5–7.0 μg/L Cu, <0.1–0.3 μg/L Hg, 5.0–16 μg/L As, and 5.0–43 μg/L Sb). Primary factors influencing aqueous chemistry at the site are mutual processes of sulfide oxidation and carbonate dissolution as well as precipitation reactions and sorption onto hydrous ferric oxides abundantly present at the discharge of the impoundment waters. The results of the study show that, presently, there are no threats of acid mine drainage formation at the site and significant contamination of natural aquatic ecosystem in the close vicinity of the tailings impoundment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to derive a land-use regression model to estimate on a geographical basis ambient concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. These estimates of concentrations of NO2 will be subsequently used to assess exposure in epidemiologic studies on the health effects of traffic-related air pollution. In May 2003, NO2 was measured for 14 consecutive days at 67 sites across the city using Ogawa passive diffusion samplers. Concentrations ranged from 4.9 to 21.2 ppb (median 11.8 ppb). Linear regression analysis was used to assess the association between logarithmic concentrations of NO2 and land-use variables derived using the ESRI Arc 8 geographic information system. In univariate analyses, NO2 was negatively associated with the area of open space and positively associated with traffic count on nearest highway, the length of highways within any radius from 100 to 750 m, the length of major roads within 750 m, and population density within 2000 m. Industrial land-use and the length of minor roads showed-no association with NO2. In multiple regression analyses, distance from the nearest highway, traffic count on the nearest highway, length of highways and major roads within 100 m, and population density showed significant associations with NO2; the best-fitting regression model had a R2 of 0.54. These analyses confirm the value of land-use regression modeling to assign exposures in large-scale epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to derive a land-use regression model to estimate on a geographical basis ambient concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in Montréal, Quebec, Canada. These estimates of concentrations of NO2 will be subsequently used to assess exposure in epidemiologic studies on the health effects of traffic-related air pollution. In May 2003, NO2 was measured for 14 consecutive days at 67 sites across the city using Ogawa passive diffusion samplers. Concentrations ranged from 4.9 to 21.2 ppb (median 11.8 ppb). Linear regression analysis was used to assess the association between logarithmic concentrations of NO2 and land-use variables derived using the ESRI Arc 8 geographic information system. In univariate analyses, NO2 was negatively associated with the area of open space and positively associated with traffic count on nearest highway, the length of highways within any radius from 100 to 750 m, the length of major roads within 750 m, and population density within 2000 m. Industrial land-use and the length of minor roads showed no association with NO2. In multiple regression analyses, distance from the nearest highway, traffic count on the nearest highway, length of highways and major roads within 100 m, and population density showed significant associations with NO2; the best-fitting regression model had a R2 of 0.54. These analyses confirm the value of land-use regression modeling to assign exposures in large-scale epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to assess the degradation of fipronil [5-amino-1-(2,6-dichloro-α,α,α -trifluoro-p-tolyl)-4-trifluoromethylsulfinylpyrazole-3-carbonitrile] in soils from sugar cane fields in Northeastern Brazil. Degradation experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions (controlled temperature and in the dark), where sterile and non-sterile soils (Ustoxs) were incubated [under moisture content of 55% of the water holding capacity (WHC)] and analyzed for fipronil disappearance and metabolite formation. Microbial communities present in the soil degrade fipronil. However, biodegradation seems to be dependent on the bioavailability of the fipronil and the half-life according to the zero-order model. Fipronil degradation rate appeared to be biphasic. Degradation fipronil ranged from 83 days (initial concentration = 978 ng g? 1; short-term experiment) to 200 days (initial concentration = 689 ng g? 1; long-term experiment). This an initial slower rate followed by a faster rate after 90 days of incubation may lead to shorter half-life than that calculated with the zero-order model. The sulfone derivative (an oxidation product) was the predominant metabolite, but the sulfide (a reduction product) and amide (a hydrolysis product) derivatives were also formed under non-sterile conditions after 120 days of incubation. The metabolites underwent further biodegradation, particularly the sulfone derivative. Bioavailability appears to affect fipronil degradation in soils with an effective capacity to adsorb fipronil (such as Ustoxs), while redox potential was important for the formation of metabolites. Despite the fine texture, more aerobic sites were present, thus favoring the formation of the sulfone metabolite over that of the sulfide metabolite. Therefore, microaggregation of Ustoxs, with high clay content, played a very important role in determining the types of metabolites formed.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to assess the degradation of fipronil [5-amino-1-(2,6-dichloro-alpha,alpha,alpha -trifluoro-p-tolyl)-4-trifluoromethylsulfinylpyrazole-3-carbonitrile] in soils from sugar cane fields in Northeastern Brazil. Degradation experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions (controlled temperature and in the dark), where sterile and non-sterile soils (Ustoxs) were incubated [under moisture content of 55% of the water holding capacity (WHC)] and analyzed for fipronil disappearance and metabolite formation. Microbial communities present in the soil degrade fipronil. However, biodegradation seems to be dependent on the bioavailability of the fipronil and the half-life according to the zero-order model. Fipronil degradation rate appeared to be biphasic. Degradation fipronil ranged from 83 days (initial concentration = 978 ng g(-1); short-term experiment) to 200 days (initial concentration = 689 ng g(-1); long-term experiment). This an initial slower rate followed by a faster rate after 90 days of incubation may lead to shorter half-life than that calculated with the zero-order model. The sulfone derivative (an oxidation product) was the predominant metabolite, but the sulfide (a reduction product) and amide (a hydrolysis product) derivatives were also formed under non-sterile conditions after 120 days of incubation. The metabolites underwent further biodegradation, particularly the sulfone derivative. Bioavailability appears to affect fipronil degradation in soils with an effective capacity to adsorb fipronil (such as Ustoxs), while redox potential was important for the formation of metabolites. Despite the fine texture, more aerobic sites were present, thus favoring the formation of the sulfone metabolite over that of the sulfide metabolite. Therefore, microaggregation of Ustoxs, with high clay content, played a very important role in determining the types of metabolites formed.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Vietnam has been one of the nations strongly affected by climate change; hence, finding and promoting solutions in order to adapt and proactively...  相似文献   

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