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地上常压储罐内的易燃蒸汽爆炸后.会使罐壁与罐底间的焊缝或侧缝开裂,严重时可导致罐体撕裂.有时爆炸产生的冲击波甚至会将储罐炸飞。如果储罐设计良好且维护适当.当罐内易燃蒸汽发生爆炸时.会使储罐顺着罐壁到灌顶间的焊缝开裂.在这种情况下.可能只会在受损的罐内发生着火.罐内物质一般也不会泄漏。为了防止储罐发生爆炸事故.首先要了解易发事故的储罐类型.并且在日常工作中加强对这些储罐的维护。  相似文献   

以计算流体力学软件FLACS为工具,研究了10万m3外浮顶储油罐在处于低液位发生沉顶事故后,油面挥发生成的油气爆炸后在罐区产生的超压、高温及火焰发展状况。研究证明,罐内油气首次爆炸产生的高温并不能对其他罐体造成显著的破坏,但是对罐周平台温度影响较大;由于大型储罐特殊的高径比,爆炸产生的超压较小,不足以形成破坏;首次爆炸产生的火球广度基本在事故罐体直径范围以内,不能对罐外其他罐体形成直接接触。罐区火灾爆炸破坏的主要原因应为多米诺效应产生的池火、泄漏所产生的流淌火、浓烟等次生灾害。  相似文献   

为了研究LPG储罐泄漏危害范围的变化规律,本文在分析LPG储罐结构类型的基础上,针对LPG泄漏事故后果类型,结合危害范围的模拟方法,借助ALOHA软件,对常温压力储存和低温常压储存条件下LPG储罐泄漏事故及泄漏可能导致的火灾爆炸事故的危害范围进行模拟。结果表明:LPG储罐发生泄漏或泄漏导致火灾爆炸事故,常温压力储存条件下的危害范围大于低温常压储存条件下的危害范围;在同种储存条件下,蒸气云爆炸、沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸、泄漏扩散、喷射火所造成的危害范围依次变小。研究结果为现场指挥员制定决策提供量化依据,为国家综合性消防救援队现场处置提供数据支持,同时也为应急管理部制定预案提供参考。  相似文献   

为评估泥石流引发的Natech事故风险,定量分析泥石流冲击对立式储罐的影响,首先建立泥石流作用下储罐的力学简化模型,将泥石流作用下储罐破坏模式分为弯曲破坏、罐体失稳、储罐浮离及储罐滑移;然后基于该分类,分别构建4组极限状态方程;其次基于贝叶斯网络和可靠性理论,建立储罐失效概率计算方法;最后,利用该方法分析计算某事故场景。结果表明:该事故场景下储罐失效概率为81.19%;在泥石流多发区,适当提高储罐充装率及降低大型储罐高径比可有效防控该类事故。  相似文献   

介绍了大型常压低温储罐的储存原理、基本结构,分析了不同类型储罐的特点,并调查了目前国内大型常压低温储罐的分布情况。  相似文献   

针对炼化企业低负荷运行导致的储罐高液位储存问题,全面分析了近些年国内外储罐火灾爆炸事故,指出高液位运行储罐应重点防范储存汽油、原油等易燃轻质油品的固定顶储罐和浮顶储罐全面积火灾、群罐火灾;储罐因高液位运行造成的风险增加主要体现在上游轻组分因生产波动容易进罐、雷击、冒罐溢油、浮盘沉没或卡盘、因地震罐体坍塌、硫化物自燃、因罐底高应力造成罐壁坍塌、灭火难度大等方面;基于系统化理念,从工艺技术、安全管理和应急防护三方面提出了14项措施加强高液位储罐的安全防护。  相似文献   

国内LNG接收站产业发展日益壮大,LNG储罐的规模也随之呈现大型化的趋势,其带来对周边储罐的安全问题成为关注的焦点.针对大型LNG储罐防火间距的分析,依据国际广泛接受的美国NFPA 59A-2009和欧洲EN1473-2007标准,分别采用事故后果模拟手段和危险性评估方法确定储罐防火间距,事故场景分别考虑了罐顶池火灾和卸料管线发生直径50mm孔洞泄漏火灾.在此基础之上,对事故后果模拟得到的结果进行分析,明确储罐防火间距,从而为企业对LNG储罐区进行布局设计提供参考指导.  相似文献   

针对一起液化天然气(LNG)公交车维修中发生的车载缓冲罐爆炸事故进行调查,从罐体材质、断口特征、介质特性及人为因素等方面进行了技术分析。调查认为:疑似供气管路或换热器出现故障,导致低温LNG汽化不完全,气态管路及缓冲罐出现LNG积液,并形成严重冰冻。使用常温水进行常规除冰处理,导致LNG积液在封闭空间内发生快速相变反应,气体急剧膨胀造成局部压力突跃,超过罐体所能承受的极限压力,最终造成缓冲罐爆破失效。  相似文献   

<正>2015年3月8日,国内首座最大的20万m3LNG储罐——江苏LNG项目二期工程T-1204储罐一次升顶成功,标志着中国石油大型LNG储罐建造技术取得重大突破。T-1204储罐是江苏LNG二期工程新建储罐,采用落地电伴热式承台,为全容式混凝土储罐,圆筒形外罐直径86.4m,高44.2m;圆拱形钢质罐顶总重约1000t,顶部中心距罐内地面56m;储罐有效罐容20万m3,是目前国内最大的LNG储罐。T-1204储罐升顶采用微正压空气浮升技术,使用大功率鼓风机向罐内输送压缩风产生浮力,将圆拱  相似文献   

风险评估是液化天然气(LNG)储存系统风险管理的重要环节。本文运用事故树分析法对LNG储存系统进行风险评估,系统全面地找出引起LNG储存系统发生火灾爆炸事故的所有原因事件,并分析基本事件的结构重要度。避免LNG储罐发生火灾爆炸事故应该主要从控制火源和超压两个方面入手,从而达到预防LNG储存系统火灾、爆炸事故发生的目的。  相似文献   

100起CNG加气站事故的统计分析及对策研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
本文统计了100起CNG加气站典型事故案例,从事故发生的位置、事故类型和事故损失等方面,分析了CNG加气站事故的特点。总结了CNG加气站存在的主要安全问题:CNG气质问题、高压储气容器安全问题、CNG汽车气瓶问题、压缩机问题和售气系统安全问题。并提出了保证加气站安全运行的对策措施:提高加气机安全、提高储气系统质量、解决CNG汽车气瓶问题、提高压缩机质量、提高CNG加气站气质、加强加气站的安全管理。售气系统、高压储气系统、天然气压缩系统是较为危险的系统,应对其进行重点管理。  相似文献   

为研究LNG加气站槽车直接供液过程泄漏后果严重程度,采用HAZOP辨识槽车供液和储罐供液典型泄漏场景,基于PHAST分析不同泄漏场景下LNG液池半径、蒸汽云扩散距离及积聚时长、爆炸超压和池火热辐射影响范围,定量评价槽车供液可能造成的事故后果扩大程度。结果表明:槽车供液泄漏事故的LNG液池最大半径、蒸汽云最大扩散距离、爆炸超压最大影响半径和池火热辐射最大半径,分别为储罐供液的5.7,1.7,2.3,7.9倍;槽车在无人值守条件下泄漏形成的LNG液池最大半径和蒸汽云积聚时长,分别为有人值守下的1.85,56倍;日供液量较大加气站不宜采用槽车直接为汽车供液模式,而应采用先卸车入罐、再储罐供液的模式;应落实槽车卸车轮班值守制度,并与周边社区建立有效的应急联动方案。  相似文献   

Evaluating potential hazards caused by accidental LNG release from underwater pipelines or vessels is a significant consideration in marine transportation safety. The aim of this study was to capture the dynamic behavior of LNG jet released under water and to analyze its vapor dispersion characteristics and combustion characteristics on the water surface during different release scenarios. Controlled experiments were conducted where LNG was jet released from a cryogenic storage tank. The dynamic process of LNG being jet released from orifices of different sizes and shapes, as well as the rising plume structure, were captured by a high-speed camera. The leakage flow rate and pipeline pressure were recorded by a flow meter and pressure gauge, respectively. The concentration distribution that emanated from the water surface was measured utilizing methane sensors in different positions with various wind speeds. The flame combustion characteristics of LNG vapor clouds, which immediately ignited upon the enclosed water tank, were also recorded. Additionally, the mass burning rate of the flame on the water surface was evaluated, and a new correlation between the ratio of flame length and width was established. The results indicated a large dimensionless heat release rate (Q*) and a continuous release flow rate in a limited burning area. This study could provide greater understanding of the mechanisms of LNG release and combustion behavior under water.  相似文献   

为了研究大型储罐事故后果的严重性,针对大型储罐火灾爆炸试验难以实施的情况,以虚拟现实技术为研究手段,重现大型储罐火灾和爆炸事故过程;通过对储罐火灾和爆炸事故进行理论分析,优选出大型储罐火灾爆炸事故后果数学模型;基于某商业原油储备库布置,利用3Ds Max软件对库区进行建模,结合Qt界面编写技术和OSG粒子效果技术进行交互式设计,划分火灾和爆炸2大仿真模块,设计各模块下属基本功能,形成1套基于真实场景的大型储罐火灾爆炸事故后果三维仿真模拟软件。研究结果表明:基于VR技术的大型储罐火灾爆炸仿真软件具有较强的沉浸感和交互性等特点,能够实时仿真大型储罐火灾爆炸事故动态演变过程,降低大型储罐火灾爆炸试验成本,同时为制定事故应急预案和应急处置措施提供科学参考。  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to investigate and model the mutual effects between the dynamic pressure/temperature in the LNG tank and the leakage behavior with external heat fluxes. The results suggest that the pressure and temperature in tank during leakage change with the comparison results between the heat flux consumed in liquid boil-off and the external heat flux supplied. At the liquid leakage stage, when the external heat flux is not very high, the pressure in tank tends to increase significantly, even results in tank explosion. It increases more and more heavily with higher and higher external heat fluxes. At the vapor leakage stage, large amount of vapor spray out, which results in a high generation rate of vapor by the liquid boil-off. The pressure in tank normally decreases to be low, which is unfavorable for the LNG tank explosion. Therefore, at this vapor leakage stage, blocking the leakage hole as soon as possible is not always a right choice for fire fighters. Finally, it is suggested that reducing the heat flux into the tank, either at the liquid leakage stage or in vapor one, is key to the tank safety.  相似文献   

油罐区泄漏及火灾危险危害评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对某大型油罐区进行泄漏及火灾的危险危害评价.采用毒性物质泄漏扩散模型模拟油罐的泄漏事故,得出了泄漏介质在罐区附近的等质量浓度分布曲线;采用池火火焰与辐射强度模型,计算油罐、输油管道、汽车装油栈台等发生池火灾时的热辐射强度,并结合不同辐射强度值对人和设备的影响程度,给出了池火灾的影响范围.  相似文献   

Rollover is a potential risk to the safety of LNG storage tanks during the LNG storage process, so study of its prevention method is very important. In this paper, rollover phenomenon in a liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tank is modeled physically and mathematically. Its evolution is simulated using FLUENT™ software from the breakdown of stratification to the occurrence of rollover. Results show that the evolution consists of three phases: the initial phase where rollover occurs near the side wall of the storage tank; the turbulent phase where rollover transfers to the center of the tank; and the final phase where new layers evolve. Based on these phases, rollovers in 160,000, 30,000, and 5000 m3 LNG storage tanks are simulated at varying initial density differences, and a rollover coefficient is defined to describe rollover intensity. The simulations show that the rollover coefficient initially increases within a small scope and then increases rapidly with the increment of initial density difference. This turning point is chosen to be the rollover threshold, which is regarded as the critical density difference in this study. The critical density differences obtained from the simulation results of the 160,000, 30,000, and 5000 m3 LNG storage tanks are 3, 5, and 7 kg/m3, respectively, which can be used as their rollover criteria to ensure the safety of LNG storage tanks.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to summarize the safety and security aspects of storing of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as a potential alternative fuel. The contribution deals with possible scenarios of accidents associated with LNG storage facilities and with a methodology for the assessment of vulnerability of such facilities. The protection of LNG storage facilities as element of critical infrastructure should also be a matter of interest to the state. The study presents the results of determination of hazardous zones around LNG facilities in the event of various sorts of release. For calculations, the programs ALOHA, EFFECTS and TerEx were used and results obtained were compared. Scenarios modelled within this study represent a possible approach to the preliminary assessment of risk that should be verified by more detailed modelling (CFD). These scenarios can also be used for a quick estimation of areas endangered by an incident or accident. The results of modelling of the hazardous zones contribute to a reduction in risk of major accidents associated with these potential alternative energy sources.  相似文献   

储氢气瓶是新能源汽车的重要储能设备,其可靠性直接关系到汽车的安全性。研究了不同环境温度下,35 MPa铝合金内胆车用储氢III型气瓶在充放气时的最终温度和应力分布情况,并对其安全性进行了评价。借助试验测试平台,在不同温度下进行了实际充放试验。试验过程中无漏气现象,且最终温度符合要求,表明储氢气瓶在试验条件下是安全的。由此,在获得了储氢气瓶充放时热响应规律的基础上,对不同温度下的氢气充放过程进行了数值模拟,得到其应力分布情况。结果表明,储氢气瓶复合层的应力远小于其材料抗拉强度,即内胆和复合层的强度均可视为满足要求。研究结果可为储氢气瓶的试验开展、安全评价、寿命预测提供依据。  相似文献   

Fire accidents of chemical installations may cause domino effects in atmospheric tank farms, where a large amount of hazardous substances are stored or processed. Pool fire is a major form of fire accidents, and the thermal radiation from pool fire is the primary hazard of domino accidents. The coupling of multiple pool fires is a realistic and important accident phenomenon that enhances the propagation of domino accidents. However, previous research has mostly focused on the escalation of domino accidents induced by a single pool fire. To overcome the drawback, in this study, the failure of a storage tank under the coupling effect of multiple pool fires was studied in view of spatial and temporal synergistic process. The historical accident statistics indicated that the accident scenario of two-pool fires accounted for 30.6% in pool fires. The domino accident scenario involving three tanks is analyzed, and the typical layout of tanks is isosceles right triangle based on Chinese standard “GB50341-2014”. The thermal response and damage of a target tank heated by pool fires were numerically investigated. The volume of 500 m3, 3000 m3, 5000 m3 and 10000 m3 were selected. Flame temperature was obtained by FDS, and then was input onto the finite element model. The temperature field and stress field of target tanks were simulated by ABAQUS. The results showed that the temperature rise rate of the target tanks under multiple pool fires was higher than that under a single pool fire. The failure time of the tank under the coupling effect of multiple fires was lower than that under the superposition of multiple fires without the first stage. The stress and yield strength were compared to judge the failure of the target tank. The model of failure time for the tank under the coupling effect of pool fires was established. Through the verification, the deviation of this model is 4.02%, which is better than the deviation of 15.76% with Cozzani's model.  相似文献   

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