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森林旅游资源的开发与利用是当今各国森林公园建设所面临的一个重要问题。本文就如何克分利用森林旅游资源,发挥森林景观优势开展多种旅游项目,提出了自己的看法与对策,为发展我国旅游业提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

南岳衡山国内旅游客源市场调查分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对南岳衡山旅游客源市场进行调查分析,可为其旅游产业定位、旅游开发建设的阶段定位、旅游基础设施资源定位、旅游产品开发定位、旅游从业人员定位提供依据,从而推动整个衡山旅游业的发展,并促进其经济发展.本文通过对南岳衡山客源市场的调查分析,提出了对其市场开发定位及开拓策略的建议.  相似文献   

森林自然保护地生态旅游资源研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粟海军  马建章 《生态环境》2008,17(2):866-871
旅游资源的评价、保护与开发模式研究是生态旅游研究领域的重要内容,而森林自然保护地是一类重要的生态旅游区.根据我国自然保护地的实际情况,参考国外自然保护地的定义与分类方式,可认为我国的森林自然保护地主要应主要包括森林生态系统类型自然保护区、森林公园及公益林场三种类型;森林自然保护地的生态旅游资源评价研究主要集中在两方面:一是单纯地从经济学角度对旅游资源游憩价值进行货币化评价与核算,二是从保护生物学和生态学角度对资源的可开发性进行评价,其侧重在于找到保护与开发的的科学平衡点;在森林自然保护地旅游资源的开发模式研究上,必须正确处理开发与保护的关系,把保护放在第一位,坚持"三大效益"兼顾的原则,才能实现森林生态旅游资源开发与保护的良性循环.由于经营目的和保护级别差异,自然保护区、森林公园及公益林场的生态旅游研究与实践尚存在发展不均衡、功能不突出等问题,随着生态旅游事业的深入发展,一些非热点和低等级的森林自然保护地在生态旅游理论研究与开发实践中将会发挥越来越重要的作用.  相似文献   

论森林公园生态旅游的开发管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林公园在政府投入不足和自身财力不够前提下,招商开发是最有效的发展途径.本文从招商引资开发森林公园的必要性、招商引资要把握的原则、招商引资具体管理等层面探讨森林公园招商开发管理.  相似文献   

南岳衡山生态旅游开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态旅游是实现旅游可持续发展的重要途径.南岳衡山开发生态旅游条件优越,生态旅游资源类型齐全,区位优越,市场前景广阔,但必须走可持续发展之路.  相似文献   

在分析湖南涟源丰富的历史文化、名人文化、民俗文化等人文旅游资源概况和开发现状的基础上,提出了关于开发湖南涟源人文旅游资源的一些建议.参5.  相似文献   

自然保护区生态旅游开发与管理对策研究   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
充分利用自然保护区的旅游资源优势开展生态旅游,目前已得到国内外的共识,但旅游开发对自然保护区的影响问题同样也引起了人们的广泛关注。本文在分析我国自然保护区生态旅游发展现状的基础上,针对旅游开发中存在的问题,就如何正确处理自然保护和旅游开发的矛盾进行了探讨,并提出了我国自然保护区生态旅游发展的战略和管理对策。  相似文献   

自然保护区生态旅游开发与管理对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
充分利用自然保护区的旅游资源优势开展生态旅游 ,目前已得到国内外的共识 ,但旅游开发对自然保护区的影响问题同样也引起了人们的广泛关注。本文在分析我国自然保护区生态旅游发展现状的基础上 ,针对旅游开发中存在的问题 ,就如何正确处理自然保护和旅游开发的矛盾进行了探讨 ,并提出了我国自然保护区生态旅游发展的战略和管理对策。  相似文献   

少年儿童利用假日旅游逐渐成为一种时尚的课外活动.与以往的旅游活动相比,新时期少儿旅游在组织机构、活动内容、旅游动机、信息传递等方面表现出新的特点.开发少儿旅游市场应根据其特点,从政府、企业、家庭以及少年儿童等方面采取措施,促进少年儿童旅游市场的健康发展.参14.  相似文献   

以无锡市惠山森林公园毛竹林和青山公园毛竹林为研究对象,对其林内和林缘的小气候日变化情况进行了定量化研究。结果表明:1)惠山森林公园与青山公园的相对湿度日变化皆呈先减后增趋势,均在13:00达到极值。林内相对湿度分别为67.6%、65.6%,林缘相对湿度分别为61.8%、63.4%;温度和综合舒适指数日变化皆呈先增后减趋势,也均在13:00达到极值,林内温度分别为28.2℃、27.5℃,林缘分别为29.8℃、28.9℃;林内综合舒适指数分别3.5、3.2,林缘综合舒适指数分别4.8、4.1。2)08:00~17:00林内人体舒适度高于林缘,其他时刻人体舒适度低于林缘。3)与密度较大的惠山森林公园竹林相比,青山公园竹林综合舒适指数降低了0.1~0.7,平均值为0.3,即密度较小的青山公园竹林调节城市小气候的功能最佳,为秋初时节人们户外活动提供了一个良好的选择。  相似文献   

Abstract: Bwindi Impenetrable is the most important forest in Uganda for conservation of biodiversity. It contains over half the world's mountain gorillas. It is surrounded by densely populated agricultural land and lies within a region of political instability. Gazetted as a forest reserve in 1932, little forest now remains outside its boundaries. Transformation of nearby communal swampland to farmland, much owned by a few individuals, shows the probable fate of Bwindi if it had not been declared a protected area. Widespread illegal logging and other activities were among reasons why the status of the forest was raised to national park in 1991. This resulted in local resentment, fed by inadequate consultation and concern about the local people's loss of access to resources. Fires were set in the forest and threats made against the gorillas. Three schemes to provide benefits from the existence of the forest to communities and involve them in park management were then instituted: agreements allowing controlled harvesting of resources in the park, receipt of some revenue from tourism, and establishment of a trust fund partly for community development. Tension between people and park has been reduced. This case demonstrates the importance of protected areas and community involvement in such circumstances. Community support is especially critical, as here, when resources available to park managers are limited and political instability endemic.  相似文献   

Protected areas are important potential areas from the point of view of ecological tourism because of their natural, historical and cultural richness. In this study, the environmental sustainability of protected areas has been investigated within a sample of the Karagöl-Sahara National Park in Turkey. This national park has, so far, had little exposure to recreational and tourism activities. However, an increase in the number of tourists visiting the park has been observed as a result of the demands of ecological tourism. This area was investigated with respect to ecological planning to prevent intensive usage from causing future damage, as a result of human thoughtlessness, and to protect the park. Additionally, the aim was to determine the usage potential using ecological planning and to propose variations of ecotourism thought to be helpful for the public. The Karagöl-Sahara National Park has valuable natural and cultural resources, and is an area whose recreation-tourism potential has been strongly protected. The national park also has major economic potential for ecotourism.  相似文献   

随着国家对生态环境的重视,林业建设不断深入,增加公益林补助金,延长退耕还林补助金期限,发展森林旅游,加快林权流转,发展林下经济等,使林地资源迅速升值,特别是城镇建设和国家重点项目建设,大额征地补偿款产生了巨大诱惑,又加之人们法律意识的加强,广大林农的维权意识不断提高,从而产生了各类林权纠纷,这就影响了社会的和谐稳定,阻碍了林业的发展.因此仔细分析我县林权纠纷产生的原因,掌握林权纠纷调处的程序,寻求探索解决林权纠纷的途径,对发展我县林业经济和保障社会稳定具有重要的意义.参8.  相似文献   

根据适宜性分析方法,以中山陵园风景名胜区为例,提出了风景名胜区旅游环境适宜性分析的自然状况、环境感应和环境质量3方面8个评价因子,通过网格调查法,从单因子和多因子两方面评价了它的旅游环境适宜性。结果表明,景区内部生态环境优良,尤其是声环境、绿地覆盖率和大气质量,但水环境和垃圾问题不可忽视,同时大部分土地不宜再开发利用,景区外围局部和紫金山登山路径沿线生态环境相对较差。最后针对分析结果,提出通过土地置换、清洁生产、循环旅游等措施改善景区的旅游环境。  相似文献   

功能分区是协调森林旅游地自然保护和旅游利用之间关系的有效手段和管理工具 ,本文在分析了我国可以开展森林旅游的地区的资源环境、社会经济特征之后 ,探讨了森林旅游地功能分区规划的基本目标、原则及方法。  相似文献   

Abstract: Protected areas are under increasing pressure to provide economic justification for their existence, particularly in developing countries where demand for land and natural resources is high. Nature-based tourism offers a mechanism to generate substantial benefits from protected areas for both governments and local communities, and ecotourism is increasingly promoted as a sustainable use of protected areas. The extent to which ecotourism offsets the costs of a protected area has rarely been examined. We used financial data from Komodo National Park, Indonesia, and a willingness-to-pay questionnaire of independent visitors to (1) examine the financial contribution of tourism in offsetting the costs of tourism and wider management and (2) assess the effect of hypothetical fee increases on park revenues, visitation patterns, and local economies. Although only 6.9% of park management costs were recovered, visitors were willing to pay over 10 times the current entrance fee, indicating a substantial potential for increased revenue. The potential negative effect of large fee increases on visitor numbers and the resultant effect on local economic benefits from tourism may limit the extent to which greater financial benefits from Komodo National Park (KNP) can be realized. Our results suggest that a moderate, tiered increase in entrance fees is most appropriate, and that partial revenue retention by KNP would help demonstrate the conservation value of tourism to both visitors and managers and has the potential to increase visitors' willingness to pay.  相似文献   

在分析“蚩尤故里”湖南新化县丰富的山水文化、历史文化、名人文化、洞穴文化、民俗文化等旅游资源特色和开发利用条件的基础上,提出在其开发旅游资源的一些构想及科学规划的建议.参3.  相似文献   

衡阳是湖南省湘南地区最大的区域性城市,2003年衡阳市委市政府决定利用船山名人的旅游品牌效应和区位优势,在城郊衡阳县英陂镇境内建设集科研生产、农业示范、旅游观光于一体的现代农业示范园,实行资源和优势互补,为发展当地农村经济开辟新路子.衡阳市现代农业示范园的园林绿化建设应以景观生态学原理为指导,通过对示范园核心区的规划设计与构思、植物配置、管理措施与规划建设项目等方面的论述。以便为衡阳市委市政府发展观光旅游农业开发的决策和组织实施提供切实可行的理论依据.  相似文献   

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