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A short incident describing a political influence attempt was given to 152 management level and professional employees. Subjects were then asked to complete short attitude scales pertaining to the characteristics of the actor and the incident. The experimental factorial design included three factors (1) sex of subject, (2) sex of influencing party, (3) sex of target of influence. The results suggest that males are more tolerant of political behavior than women. Subjects view political manipulators of their own sex more favorably than manipulators of the opposite sex. Subjects of both sexes are more tolerant of political behavior when the victim of the behavior is a member of the opposite sex rather than of their own sex. The results may suggest a growing inclination on the part of both genders to identify with members of their own sex as a meaningful coalition and react to organizational events in view of the implications to members of their own gender. Possible implications for research and intervention are suggested.  相似文献   

Progress in developing theories of interpersonal influence depends on the identification of meaningful and measurable constructs for classifying influence behavior. We assessed the construct validity and relative effectiveness of two new influence tactics with a field survey study, an incident study, and a laboratory experiment. The confirmatory factor analysis of data from the survey study indicated that collaboration and apprising were distinct from nine proactive tactics identified in earlier research. Additional evidence for construct validity was provided by a comparison of tactics in terms of expected differences in influence outcomes, frequency of use, and differential use with subordinates and peers. Managers who understand the differences among the tactics will be more effective in influencing people in organizations. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

198 6年以来 ,湖北省冶金企业总投资在 2 0 0 0万元以上的建设项目全部按国家法律、法规要求 ,执行了环评制度。共 6 7项大中型项目进行了环境影响评价 ,从而做到了增产不增污 ,保证了经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一 ;满足了工程建设要求。有些报告存在的主要缺陷是 :反映污染的基础数据代表性不够 ;单一的方案使评价无法比较优化 ;评价污染时抓主要矛盾综合分析不够 ;对策建议缺乏针对性和工程实用性 ;污染防治方案欠缺经济分析内容等。分析了存在问题的原因并提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

This field study examined the relationships between sex proportion and performance evaluation among 3014 high‐ranking officers (Majors and Lieutenant Colonels) in the Israeli Defense Forces. Women's performance was rated lower than that of men when the women were token members of their units. However, the performance of women was rated higher than that of men when they constituted a higher proportion. Men's overall performance did not co‐vary with proportion. In addition, the interaction of sex with proportion had a significant effect on the dimensions of Operational and Analytic Competence. The pattern of findings supports Kanter's framework of skewed and tilted groups. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

受限空间事故救援技战术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对2006-2010年国家安全生产监督管理总局通报的34起受限空间施救不当事故进行统计,结果表明,反应釜是受限空间施救不当事故的易发场所,共10起,占2273%;施救不当引发二次事故造成救援人员死亡数量约为一次事故人员死亡的210倍;造成救援人员伤亡的主要原因是中毒、窒息33起,占9706%。基于受限空间事故的特点和救援难点,提出了受限空间事故救援技战术。  相似文献   

以铜绿微囊藻作为生物材料,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯和没食子酸作为化感物质,研究了这两种化感物质在不同浓度下对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响,对比了不同溶剂中两种化感物质的抑藻效果.结果表明,低浓度的邻苯二甲酸二丁酯对铜绿微囊藻的生长具有一定促进作用.但高浓度时抑制其生长;没食子酸对铜绿微囊藻的生长具有一定的抑制作用,但浓度的影响规律性并不明显;对邻苯二甲酸二丁酯来说,乙醇溶剂可以增强其对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制作用,而对没食子酸来说,甲醇溶剂可以减弱其对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制作用.可见,在化感物质发生作用时,化感物质用量和溶剂种类起着极其重要的作用.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the prevalence of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) according to day of the week, specific roads (urban/rural), daytime or nighttime, and vehicle category. In addition, this study examines how the prohibition of selling alcoholic drinks in shops and supermarkets (not in restaurants) after 10 p.m. has affected the prevalence of DUI.

Method: Breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) was collected from all drivers through police checkpoints at 54 locations in Serbia. In this study, 17,945 drivers were tested in urban areas and 19,507 in rural areas. The relationship between DUI during the prohibition on alcohol sales in Belgrade and other large cities in Serbia was determined using logistic regression.

Results: On average, every 100th driver in traffic in Serbia was DUI (0.99%). This study shows that the 0 blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for motorcyclists does not have an influence on DUI. Moreover, motorcyclists represent the category with the highest share of DUI, with a statistically significantly larger difference compared to drivers of other vehicle categories. These results may be a consequence of the fact that a large number of drivers drive both motorcycles and other vehicle categories (cars or mopeds), so the different BAC limits for nonprofessional drivers may create confusion about the legal BAC limit.

Conclusions: This study suggests that the required legal BAC limit for nonprofessional drivers should be the same. The prohibition of selling alcoholic drinks in Belgrade after 10 p.m. does not decrease the prevalence of DUI.  相似文献   

从实施林业可持续发展战略着眼,探讨了森工企业今后安全生产工作的前瞻性策略。  相似文献   

The present study examined superiors' tendency to utilize different top–down influence strategies according to their evaluation of their own power relative to that of their subordinates. Four hundred and fifty‐five subordinates (schoolteachers) from different schools described the extent to which their superiors used each item of the influence strategy questionnaire to influence them, while their immediate superiors evaluated superior's power and subordinate's power. Overall, superiors tended to use soft and rational strategy more often than hard strategy. However, regarding the parameter of relative power, the results indicated that the agent's power, as well as the target's power, affected the superior's choice of particular influence strategy. The results suggest that power should be discussed in relative rather than absolute terms. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The evaluation of vulnerability of process equipment to explosion is a central issue in the analysis of industrial risks. In this work, we have developed a simplified model, however based on fundamental equations, which includes structural and fluid–dynamic parameters for the target (the industrial equipment) and for the impacting pressure wave (shock waves) or object (fragment, debris) produced by different type of chemical explosions.The validity of methodology has been assessed by case histories. Several insights on the dynamic of structural interaction of the explosion with the target have been obtained, with specific reference to escalation effects.The model derives from the well-known Johnson's number, often adopted in impact engineering.  相似文献   

In the face of heightened competitive pressures, elevated quality expectations, and calls for worker empowerment, more and more organizations have turned to self‐directed work teams (SDWTs). A review of the literature devoted to SDWTs suggests that managers often struggle with the transition to SDWTs because of the required shift in control to SDWT members. To promote the development of work teams, managers must modify their use of influence tactics in direct response to the control shift. In this study, we explore changes in managers' usage of influence tactics during the transition to SDWTs within a large aluminum manufacturing plant. Analyses of longitudinal data show that despite the new team environment, managers' use of influence tactics was focused at the individual level. We also found that transition time accounts for variance in managers' choices of influence tactics. Finally, an exploratory analysis suggests that high as opposed to low self‐monitoring managers may be more prone to increase their usage of soft influence tactics and decrease their usage of hard influence tactics over the course of the transition; the influence behavior of low self‐monitoring managers remained unchanged. Implications for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study examined the relationships between four career concerns (Personal Success, Organizational Involvement, Skill Development and Autonomy) and two categories of political tactics in organizations (Hierarchical Tactics and Networking Tactics) in a sample of management school alumni. Career concerns were not related to the employment of hierarchical tactics but were strongly related to the use of networking tactics. ‘External’ career concerns of personal success and organizational involvement were more strongly related to political behavior than ‘internal’ career concerns of skill development and autonomy. Organization size was significantly related to the use of hierarchical tactics but not to the use of networking tactics. Type of organization structure (mechanistic versus organic) did not have a direct effect on political behavior but moderated the relationships between career concerns and political tactics. These relationships were stronger in organic than in mechanistic organizations.  相似文献   

(公安消防部队 昆明指挥学校, 云南 昆明〓650208)  相似文献   

我国液化石油气运输安全事故预防与应急对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来国内外液化石油气运输安全事故频发,给人民生命、财产造成了重大损失.本文分析了我国液化石油气运输安全管理存在主要问题,并以上海市为例,评估了液化石油气运输爆炸事故的危害,包括不同数量的液化石油气爆炸的影响范围和伤亡人数.最后,提出了我国液化石油气运输安全事故预防和应急处置的基本原则和具体措施,可为我国液化石油气运输安全管理提供指导.  相似文献   

This study investigated the job attribute preferences of male and female MBA candidates. Participants were drawn from 27 different MBA programmes in the United States. Factor analysis of the job attributes questionnaire revealed three primary job attribute dimensions: (1) professional growth; (2) work environment; and (3) salary. Contrary to most previous research, females were found to place a greater emphasis on the professional growth dimension than did males. Males, on the other hand, placed greater emphasis on salary considerations. No sex difference was found in participants' ratings of the work environment job attribute dimension. Consistent with earlier research, women were found to place more importance on the calibre of colleagues than did males. In general, both males and females rated job attributes concerning job content as more important than job attributes concerning job context. These results are discussed with respect to earlier research findings. Finally, the generalizability of these findings to other occupational groups is discussed and managerial implications presented.  相似文献   

The Finnish labor market is sharply segregated by sex. This is a statistically well-documented fact and holds true for all Western European market economies. The aim of this article was to find out whether women profit (regarding the quality of their work) from performing the same sort of work as men. The qualitative aspects of work were the following: autonomy at work; lack of routinization of work; the compulsory rhythm of work; and the demands for social skills. We also analyzed monthly pay and its variation according to functional segregation of work. The empirical data came from the Finnish Study on Working Conditions (1984) which is a representative sample of the Finnish wage-earning population with 4502 persons of whom 48 per cent were women and 52 per cent men. Our results indicate that women often profit from the fact that they perform the same sort of work as men. This profit was more apparent for white-collar than for blue-collar women. For men the effects of segregation on job characteristics were the opposite. They often profit from sex segregated work. Social status played a major role regarding the qualitative aspects of work.  相似文献   

为对急倾斜上保护层开采过程中,保护层开采多参数同时变化时的保护效果变化规律进行量化研究,将被保护层膨胀变形曲线的形态参数作为保护效果考察指标,基于可旋转CCD试验方案进行有限元计算,建立了保护层开采保护效果的响应面模型,得到了不同保护效果指标受多个保护层开采参数变异影响的敏感度。通过对急倾斜上保护层开采实例进行敏感度分析得到:范围相关保护效果指标受保护层开采参数变异影响的敏感度最高,位置相关保护效果指标敏感度次之,卸压程度相关保护效果指标敏感度最小。范围相关保护效果指标中,上部卸压角受侧压系数变异影响最敏感,敏感度为1.70;下部卸压角受层间距变异影响最敏感,敏感度为1.02;倾向保护范围长度受层间距变异影响最敏感,敏感度为-1.89。  相似文献   

实践表明,在投送的过程中谁能有效地对交通线进行控制与使用,谁的胜数就大,反之就会陷入被动的局面。袭击、封锁和破坏我方交通运输是客观存在的。而适时展开整体防卫,统一使用军地防空力量实行一体化区域防空,加强电磁频谱装备建设和技术安全保障,加强主要投送装备的自卫火力和电子对抗系统,就能使投送力量具有一定的防护能力,从而提高投送装备安全保障的水平。  相似文献   

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