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Polymerase chain reaction and direct comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequences from a cytochrome b gene fragment were used to identify two morphologically distinct larval types ofXyrichtys, a genus of tropical wrasse (Pisces: Labridae). Both larval types were collected during ichthyoplankton surveys on the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf in the summer of 1988. DNA sequence comparisons indicated that both types were larvae ofXyrichtys novacula (Linnaeus). Back-calculated birthdate distributions for those larvae collected on the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf demonstrated that the two larval types formed two distinct cohorts indicating a biological difference. The two distinct larval types may be a consequence of an ecophenotypic effect, or they may represent offspring from genetically distinct populations. These results emphasize that important biological and oceanographic information can be gained through the use of the polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing for larval identificaiton.  相似文献   

I. Onofri 《Marine Biology》1987,95(1):153-155
In 1983 curred horns were detected in the rare Adriatic Sea fish Xyrichtys novacula (Linnaeus, 1758). Their dimensions and histological structures have been investigated. This observation, compared with previous occurrences, suggested the existence of heteromorphism within this species.  相似文献   

The diel distribution of feeding activity during the spawning season was compared for territorial male and female cunners Tautogolabrus adspersus in Conception Bay, Newfoundland, Canada between June and August, 1978. Territorial males feed significantly less often than females and concentrate their feeding activities in the morning, whereas females feed as frequently in the afternoon as in the morning. Based on the contents of alimentary tracts, territorial males, non-territorial males, and females have different diets. Since these three groups share the same habitat, the observed dietary differences probably reflect differences in their foraging behaviour. The relevance of these findings to the concept of time minimizer and energy maximizer is discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between densities of Achoerodus viridis (Pisces: Labridae) and reef habitats at various localities within New South Wales (NSW), Australia was examined. Types of habitats were quantified at inner, mid and outer estuarine locations in each of two estuaries (Botany Bay and Port Jackson) to determine whether purported patterns of movement from estuaries could be related to differences in habitat. Although the same types of habitat were generally found at all locations, differences in the proportion of habitat types were found between shallow and deep reefs and among inner, mid and outer estuarine locations for both estuaries. Shallow habitats were usually dominated by Ecklonia radiata, turf and/or fringe habitat in Botany Bay, whereas deep sites were generally dominated by urchin-grazed barrens habitat and, sometimes, sponge- and ascidian-dominated deep reef. Shallow sites in Port Jackson were dominated by a mixture of habitats, as were deep reefs at mid-estuarine locations. Other deep reefs in Port Jackson were dominated by E. radiata (inner estuarine) or barrens (outer estuarine) habitat. Thus, patterns of habitat cover were not consistent between estuaries and numbers of fish could not be related to proportional representation of habitat on reefs along estuarine gradients. Univariate and multivariate analyses showed that there was little evidence that any size class of fish was correlated with the proportional representation of a particular habitat or group of habitats. Counts of fish that focused on barrens and E. radiata forest habitats over a period of 10 yr showed that similar numbers and all sizes of fish were found in the two types of habitat. Greater numbers of small fish were, however, found in the E. radiata forest habitat than in the barrens habitat. Estimates of abundance along the coast of NSW (100s to 1000 km) in a range of habitats (e.g. ascidian-dominated reef, kelp forest, urchin-grazed barrens) showed that there was no indication that a particular habitat consistently had greater numbers of A. viridis than other habitats. Therefore, A. viridis of a range of sizes appears to be flexible in its use of habitats on reefs. Received: 24 December 1997 / Accepted: 23 June 1998  相似文献   

The planktonic larval durations of a preliminary sample of one hundred species of wrasses from both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans were estimated with the use of the daily otolith-increment aging-technique. Larval durations were determined by counting the number of daily increments between the center of the otolith and the mark corresponding to settlement. The duration of the planktonic larval phase of wrasses appears to be extremely variable between species, ranging from 15 d in Diproctacanthus xanthurus to 121 d in a specimen of Thalassoma ballieui. Larval durations within species were also variable, especially in species with relatively long durations. Congeners tended to have similar larval durations and similar otolith-increment characteristics. Hawaiian and Eastern Pacific species had longer larval durations than their Caribbean or Western Pacific congeners. Similarly, Hawaiian populations had significantly longer larval durations than their Western Pacific conspecifics. The implications of these findings for biogeographical studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Predicting spread is a central goal of invasion ecology. Within marine systems, researchers have increasingly made use of oceanographic circulation models to estimate currents and track species dispersal. However, the accuracy of these models for predicting biological patterns, particularly for non-native species, has generally not been validated. Particularly, we wished to examine the ability of models to predict physical and biological processes, which jointly determine the spread of marine larval organisms. We conducted two empirical studies—a recruitment study and a drift card study—along the coast of New England, USA, focusing on two invaders of concern—the European green crab (Carcinus maenas) and the Asian shore crab (Hemigrapsus sanguineus), to explicitly evaluate the ability of oceanographic models to predict patterns of spread. We used data from the large-scale drift card study to validate our ability to capture dispersal patterns driven purely by physical processes. Next, we conducted a recruitment study to evaluate our ability to reproduce patterns of biological dispersal. We were generally capable of reproducing drift cards patterns—suggesting that the physical mechanics in the model were predictive. However, predicted biological patterns were inconsistent—we were able to predict dispersal patterns for H. sanguineus but not for C. maenas. Our results highlight the importance of validating models and suggest that more work is necessary before we can reliably use oceanographic models to predict biological spread of intertidal organisms.  相似文献   

O. Fukuhara 《Marine Biology》1988,99(2):271-281
Morphological and behavioural aspects in larval development need to be studied in detail to understand the early life history better, and to gain a comprehensive knowledge on early life stages for fish species important in aquaculture and fisheries. In the present study, larvae of Limanda yokohamae (Günther) were reared to observe their behavioural development, and to obtain specimens for studying the morphological features and the intestinal development at Ohno, Hiroshima, Japan, in 1987. Swimming activity was monitored at several larval stages, and swimming speed was recorded until settlement and after-feeding behaviour was initiated. A slight increment of swimming speed was observed with larval growth. Larvae changed their swimming behaviour from surface waters to the bottom of the rearing tank when their eyes began to move. Morphological development of pigmentation patterns, fin development, squamation and the development of the digestive tract were described and illustrated in detail to characterize development stages, especially those relating to metamorphosis. During metamorphosis, growth ceased and rapid changes in allometric growth were accompanied by differentiation of the digestive tract. After metamorphosis there was steady growth, allometric growth achieved a constant value, and both the scales and digestive organs were fully formed. Metamorphosis was therefore a crucial developmental milestone, including a critical phase during which survival potential was lowered.  相似文献   

Juveniles of the planehead filefish Stephano-lepishispidus (Pisces: Monacanthidae) (Linnaeus, 1766) are a major component of the Sargassum spp. community, yet little is known of their ecology. In this study, the otolith record of age, growth, and ontogeny in S. hispidus was examined. Juveniles caught off Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina (USA) on 30 June 1996 were marked with alizarin complexone and reared in a flow-through, outdoor tank for up to 19 days. Examination of marked otoliths at several time intervals showed that increment formation was not significantly different than one increment per day, and thus, increment number was used to estimate age. Depth-distribution, morphology, and meristics of larvae and juveniles collected (1990–1992) between Cape Romain, South Carolina, and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, were examined to identify the timing of the larval to juvenile transition. All indicators suggested the transition occurred between 17 and 20 days. Mean otolith increment widths exhibited a marked change at about 20 days, coinciding with the timing of the larval to juvenile transition and a change in the depth distribution from bottom to surface waters. Increment width of individual juveniles, however, did not exhibit the same pattern; only 40% conformed to the pattern identified for all fish. Thus, the record of the larval to juvenile transition is clear at the population level, but unresolved at the individual level. Received: 1 November 1999 / Accepted: 18 December 2000  相似文献   

D. Margulies 《Marine Biology》1993,115(2):317-330
The nutritional condition of first-feeding and late larval/early juvenile scombrids was investigated in waters of the northwestern Panamá Bight from May through early November 1988. Wild-caught larvae and juveniles of three taxa, black skipjack tuna (Euthynnus lineatus), bullet and/or frigate tuna (Auxis spp.) and sierra (Scomberomorus sierra), were examined histologically to determine nutritional condition. The incidence of malnourishment in wild-caught preflexion (first feeding—prior to notochord flexion) larvae of all taxa was high. Starvation rates for E. lineatus and Auxis spp. preflexion larvae ranged from 62 to 63% d-1, while the percentage of larvae actually dying of starvation was estimated at 41 to 43% d-1. The nutritional point-of-no-return for preflexion larvae was estimated at 1 to 2 d maximum. The cellular condition of liver hepatocytes, particularly the relative amount of vacuolation related to storage of glycogen and lipid, proved to be a sensitive indicator of nutritional condition. In laboratory trials, late larval (postflexion) and early juvenile black skipjack exhibited a nutritional point-of-no-return of 2 to 3 d. Although postflexion larvae were moderately vulnerable to malnourishment in laboratory trials, <13% of wild-caught postflexion larvae exhibited even mild nutritional stress, and no postflexion larvae or juveniles showed signs of severe malnourishment. This pattern of starvation incidence suggests that tropical scombrids undergo stagespecific starvation mortality. Preflexion larvae can suffer significant daily losses due to starvation, while postflexion larvae and early juveniles seem to experience a rapid improvement in feeding ability and/or food availability.  相似文献   

Changes in the biochemical composition of the digestive gland and in the proteins of the mantle muscle of Sepia officinalis L, collected in September 1989 from the Ria de Vigo (northwest Spain), were measured during periods of 2, 4, 10 and >53 d starvation. The digestive gland lost weight faster than the rest of the body throughout the whole period of starvation. In the digestive gland, carbohydrate and protein contents did not change during starvation; however, lipid levels decreased significantly after 53 d. Phospholipid content increased during longterm starvation. The content of free fatty acids rose after 16 d. Sterols, diacylglycerylethers, triacylglycerols and carotenoids contents did not change significantly. Of the total fatty acids, 18:0, 20:2n6, 20:4n6 and the monounsaturated moieties were preferentially consumed; others, such as 22:5n3, 22:6n3 and 16:4n1, were selectively retained. In the mantle muscle, water content increased and total protein content decreased. The myofibrillar proteins decreased after 53 d starvation, whereas the sarcoplasmic fraction did not change and the stromatic proteins increased. No changes were observed in the electrophoretic patterns of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins. The digestive gland of S. officinalis does not seem to be an important reserve organ during long-term starvation, but does seem to be important during shortterm starvation.  相似文献   

Eggs of Thrissocles species are found in surface plankton in the Ernakulam Channel (Cochin Harbour)during February to May 1967. The eggs hatch within 24 h. Empty egg shells have characteristic apertures, through which the embryos have emerged; yolk is resorbed 36 h after hatching.Larvae (36 to 72 h groups) assemble at the lighted region of the aquaria during day-time and scatter to different levels at night. Larvae older than 72 h show no inclination to assemble as before. All larvae died between 96 and 110 h after hatching. Many batches of eggs were reared in the same medium, and all of them behaved as described. The results indicate that the right type of food was available in the aquaria for larvae up to a period of 72 h. The volume of water also appears to have a bearing upon the survival rate and longevity of the larvae since, in small aquaria, more larvae died at an early stage.  相似文献   

Eggs and larvae of the Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis Kaup, were reared from fertilization until the end of metamorphosis, which occurs by Day 17 after hatching at 19.5 °C. Changes in energy content and biomass quality were studied in terms of dry weight and of carbon, nitrogen and energy content. S. senegalensis spawned eggs of about 1 mm diameter which hatched 38 h after fertilization. Average dry weight of individual eggs was 46 μg, the chorion accounting for about 18% of total dry weight. Gross energy of recently fertilized sole eggs was approximately 1 J egg−1. From fertilization to hatching, eggs lost 8% of their total energy (chorion not included). After hatching, larvae lost 14% of their initial energy until the start of feeding which occurred about 48 h afterwards. The principal components catabolized during embryogenesis were carbon-rich compounds that decreased by 26%, while nitrogen-rich compounds decreased by only 10% and were practically unaltered from hatching to the start of feeding. Feeding larvae displayed constant growth during the period studied (specific growth rate on a dry weight basis was 0.26 d−1). The relative proportion of carbon and nitrogen content revealed an accumulation of high energy compounds in the days before metamorphosis. By Day 14, the energy content reached values similar to those of recently hatched embryos, but decreased again during metamorphosis. Received: 10 June 1998 / Accepted: 28 January 1999  相似文献   

Wrasses are abundant reef fishes and the second most speciose marine fish family, yet little is known of their larval swimming abilities. In August 2010 at Moorea, Society Islands, we measured swimming ability (critical speed, Ucrit) of 80 settlement-stage larvae (11–17 mm) of 5 labrid species (Thalassoma quinquevittatum [n = 67], Novaculichthys taeniourus [n = 6], Coris aygula [n = 5], Halichoeres trimaculatus [n = 1] and H. hortulanus [n = 1]) and 33 new recruits of T. quinquevittatum. Median (mdn) larval Ucrit was 7.6–12.5 cm s−1. In T. quinquevittatum (n = 67), larvae of 12.5–14.5 mm swam faster (mdn 16.9 cm s−1) than smaller or larger larvae (mdn 3.9 and 3.2 cm s−1, respectively). Labrid larvae Ucrit is similar to that of other similar-sized tropical larvae, so labrids and species with comparable settlement sizes should have similar abilities to influence dispersal. Ucrit of T. quinquevittatum recruits decreased to 47–56% of larval Ucrit in 2 days, implying rapid physiological changes at settlement.  相似文献   

Natural levels of210Pb:226Ra in otoliths of orange roughy,Hoplostethus atlanticus, from south-east Australian waters, were measured to determine fish ages radiometrically. Up to maturity, radiometric age estimates were consistent with a single constant otolith growth rate. Radiometric ages for juveniles were comparable with, but greater than, those obtained in a recent, validated New Zealand study which employed counts of annuli on the surface of otoliths. Beyond maturity, radiometric ages were obtained by modelling with an otolith growth rate set at 45% of the juvenile rate. Radiometric ageing confirms that orange roughy is very slow-growing, with an age at maturity (32 cm standard length, SL) of ~ 32 yr, and is very long-lived, with fish 38 to 40 cm being 77 to 149 yr old. These results have important implications for the management of the fishery.  相似文献   

Sabella spallanzanii (Gmelin) is one of the best known and widely distributed Mediterranean polychaetes, but available data on its general biology has been inferred mostly from populations recently introduced to Australia. In the present paper, data on gametogenesis and larval development of a Mediterranean population from the Gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea, Italy) are reported. Histological and electron microscopical analysis of gametogenesis showed that oogenesis, a long process beginning soon after spawning in February, is of extraovarian type. By contrast spermatogenesis is a very fast process lasting from September to December, when the coelomic cavity is completely packed with mature gametes and almost devoid of coelomocytes. During the period of spawning, some experiments of in vitro fertilisation were performed, always without success, while some of the collected females naturally spawned fertilised eggs (100%). Particularly interesting was the discovery of a small percentage of eggs which appeared fertilised but unspawned within the coelomic cavity of female. Investigation of the S. spallanzanii life cycle, from the naturally spawned fertilised eggs to embryonic and juvenile stages, was performed by daily microscopical observations and by SEM. Despite the presence of large eggs giving rise to a lecithotrophic larva, a long pelagic phase was observed, the longest found among Sabellidae. The larval development pattern is also described. Settlement began after about 2 weeks; metamorphosis occurred 10 d after settlement, when mucus was secreted abundantly and an external tube was formed. The long larval pelagic period and the development pattern, suggesting a high potential for dispersal, support both the introduction and invasive behaviour of the species in Australian waters. Received: 28 May 1999 / Accepted: 10 December 1999  相似文献   

Light traps were used to capture larval fishes, immediately before settlement, at two localities 500 km apart on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in December, 1987. Samples from Lizard Island, in the northern GBR, and Davies Reef, in the central GBR, were dominated by two species of damselfish:Chromis atripectralis andPomacentrus coelestis. Analysis of otoliths revealed significant differences in both size and age at settlement between the two localities forP. coelestis, but not forC. atripectoralis. Growth rates determined for pre- and post-settlementP. coelestis suggested a sigmoidal growth trajectory through the larval life, with growth slowing as fishes approached the time of settlement. Post-settlement growth rates were faster than growth prior to settlement in both species. Growth in both species was, however, similar between localities. The relationship between fish size and otolith size was complex, varying both between pre- and post-settlement fishes, and among localities. This emphasizes the need to validate the relationship between fish size and otolith size before otoliths may be used to back-calculate individual growth trajectories.Contribution No. 500 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

Morphology and microstructure of the sagittal otoliths from three species of mesopelagic, tropical-subtropical myctophids [Benthosema suborbitale (Gilbert),Diaphus dumerilii (Bleeker)Lepidophanes guentheri (Goode and Bean)], collected from September 1984 to May 1986 in the eastern Gulf of Mexico (27°N, 86°W), were examined and described. Analysis of the microstructure revealed microincrements corresponding to the daily growth rings reported in many studies. Using marginal increment analysis, the deposition of microincrements was verified as occurring daily, the first validation of daily growth rings in the otoliths of mesopelagic fishes. In all three species, the clear central (larval growth) zone of the sagitta was sharply delimited by a dark check accompanied by a series of accessory primordia. A wide, dark, sharply defined postlarval zone (width 100 µm) radiated out from this boundary inB. suborbitale andL. guentheri. While a darkened region was also observed around the larval growth zone inD. dumerilii, it was diffuse and differed in structure from that in the other two species. Within the dark zone in the otoliths ofB. suborbitale andL. guentheri, two different microincremental structures were observed. The narrower of these was determined to be the increment deposited on a daily basis. The structure and formation of the dark region in these three species appear to be related to larval transformation and behaviors of different species of myctophid larvae.  相似文献   

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