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生物滴滤-生物过滤组合工艺处理汽车喷漆废气中试研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用中试规模的生物滴滤-生物过滤组合工艺设备处理某汽车厂喷漆车间废气,研究了组合式反应器对废气的净化效果和2处理单元对污染组分的去除能力及微生物特性.该汽车厂喷漆车间废气中的主要组分为甲苯、二甲苯、乙酸乙酯、乙酸丁酯、丁醇、丙酮和甲基丙基甲酮.组合式反应器对废气中的污染物有较好的处理效果,但不同的污染组分在不同处理单元...  相似文献   

荷电水雾除尘器捕尘效率的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
实验分析了影响荷电水雾除尘器除尘效率的主要因素,在此基础上提出了一种新的除尘效率数学模型,该模型明确地表达了过滤风速、喷雾量以及雾滴荷质比对除尘效率的贡献情况。对实验结果及数学模型的分析表明,对于带有振弦栅的荷电水雾除尘系统,喷雾量对除尘效率的影响比过滤风速及荷质比更为显著,新除尘效率模型的提出对指导生产具有重要意义。实验中同时确定了荷电水雾除尘器最佳操作参数,在粉尘入口浓度为412 mg/m3的情况下,当过滤风速为16 m/s,喷雾量为12×10-3 m3/min,雾滴荷质为3.5×10-4 c/kg时,除尘效率可达99.5%。  相似文献   

付海明  李阳 《环境工程学报》2009,3(9):1625-1629
为计算颗粒层非稳态过滤效率,通过改进经典过滤理论模型,考虑颗粒在过滤介质中的沉积,理论推导得出非稳态过滤效率的计算公式,而经典颗粒层过滤效率计算公式仅为此计算公式的特例。因为理论计算公式是隐函数,不便于工程实际应用,所以,在常温条件下,对非稳态过滤时的过滤时间、过滤风速、过滤层厚度、粉尘浓度和颗粒层滤料均粒径等五个因素进行了正交实验研究。采用多元回归的方法得出各影响因素与过滤效率呈显性关系的效率关联计算公式,其计算结果与实验测试结果基本吻合。  相似文献   

为进一步去除污水厂二级处理出水中的氮、磷和悬浮污染物,对比研究了一种新型生物膜-微絮凝滤池与高密度沉淀-纤维转盘过滤联用工艺(以下简称组合工艺)的深度处理性能。结果表明:新型生物膜-微絮凝过滤的出水TP质量浓度≤0.1 mg·L−1$ {{\rm{PO}}_4^{3 - }}$-P质量浓度≤0.05 mg·L−1、SS质量浓度≤10 mg·L−1、TN质量浓度≤2 mg·L−1$ { {\rm{NO}}_3^ - }$-N质量浓度≤0.5 mg·L−1;出水水质对受纳水体的环境影响小,综合污染指数仅为0.731,远小于组合工艺的2.734。此外,新型生物膜-微絮凝滤池避免了频繁的反冲洗,降低了反冲洗能耗,水处理成本仅为0.207元·m−3,比组合工艺低0.039元·m−3。  相似文献   

Dust collection efficiency data were analyzed to determine better operating conditions for a two-dimensional circulating granular bed filter (CGBF). The dust collection efficiency in the granular bed was affected by the following operating parameters: the louver angle, the solids mass flow rate, and the particle size of the bed material. Experimental results showed that higher dust collection efficiency occurs when the solids mass flow rates were 20.34 +/- 0.24, 21.50 +/- 0.11, and 30.51 +/- 0.57 g/sec at louver angles of 45 degrees, 30 degrees, and 20 degrees, respectively. Optimal dust collection efficiency peaked with a louver angle of 30 degrees. Average particle sizes of bed material by sieve diameters (microm) of 795 microm had higher dust collection efficiency than the average collector particle size of 1500 microm. Dust collection efficiency is influenced by bed material attrition phenomenon, causing dust collection efficiency to decrease rapidly. The dust collection efficiency analysis not only found the system free of design defects but also assisted in the operation of the two-dimensional CGBF system.  相似文献   

基于良好的实施效果,瑞典的排污许可证制度得到了很多国家的认可.中国于20世纪80年代即意识到排污许可证制度的重要性,但目前为止这一制度的实施遇到了很多阻碍,制度的应用范围和实施效果都还不尽如人意.在对瑞典的排污许可证制度的成功实施经验进行分析的基础上,对比研究了中国在排污许可证制度实施中存在的问题,并给出了完善这一制度的建议.  相似文献   

为了比较不同土壤的污水渗滤土地处理系统对磷的去除效果,在模拟土柱中采用磷同位素(32P)示踪技术,研究污水中磷进入红壤和紫色土不同土层后的行为动力学特征.实验结果表明,污水中磷在红壤中滞留率高于紫色土,而在紫色土中的迁移性则强于红壤.对于紫色土,污水带入的各无机磷组分按比例大小排序为;磷酸铁盐(Fe-P)>闭蓄态磷(O...  相似文献   

A study of the electrostatic enhancement of collection efficiency of filters pretreated with ionic surfactants has been carried out in controlled conditions with monodisperse aerosols. Cationic surfactant (dimethyl dioctadecylammonium bromide [DDAB]) and anionic surfactant (sodium oleate [SO]) were used to pretreat polypropylene fibrous filters as the positively and negatively charged filters, respectively. The effects of aerosol size, aerosol charge state, face velocity, aerosol type, and relative humidity (RH) were considered to elucidate their influence on the aerosol penetration. Results indicate that penetration through surfactant-pretreated filters was lower than that through untreated filters, and pretreatment of the filter with surfactant was observed not to affect the structure of the filter. The electrofieldmeter direct-measured the very clear electric field of filter when treating ionic surfactants. The results proved that pretreatment with surfactant caused filters to become charged. Comparing penetration through surfactant-pretreated filters with that through untreated filters with neutral aerosol, the penetration reduction factor of the surfactant-pretreated filters was in the range 1.3-2.2. Comparing aerosol penetration through the surfactant-pretreated filters with singly charged aerosol with that through untreated filters with uncharged aerosol indicates that the former decreases by a factor of 1.8-48.8. The surface fiber charges of the DDAB- and SO-pretreated filters were calculated to be 2.02 x 1(-10) C/m and -1.53 x 10(-1) degrees C/m. Moreover, the aerosol penetrations through the surfactant-pretreated filters increased with the face velocity. Surfactant-pretreated filters performed better against solid aerosol than against liquid aerosol. RH has no effect on aerosol penetration through the surfactant-pretreated filters. Regression equations for Coulombic and dielectrophoretic single-fiber efficiencies in terms of the dimensionless parameters could be fitted by the experimental measurements of surfactant-pretreated filters in this work.  相似文献   

反冲洗周期是生物除铁除锰滤池的一个重要运行参数,实验中分别设定反冲洗周期为24、48和72h,考察反冲洗周期对成熟稳定运行的滤柱出水铁、锰、氨氮和浊度的影响。结果表明,不同反冲洗周期,滤柱对铁、锰和氨氮均有很好的去除效果,出水中的总Fe、Mn“和NH?-N的平均浓度分别为0.018、0.003和0.016mg/L,0.010、0.001和0.014mg/L,0.013、0.001和0.014mg/L,均远低于国家标准,说明反冲洗周期变化对三者的去除效果没有影响。反冲洗周期为24、48和72h时,出水平均浊度分别为0.27、0.38和0.57NTU,反冲洗周期越长,出水浊度越高。滤柱沿程浊度分析发现,浊度主要在0~O.4m去除,出水浊度与滤层厚度无关。反冲洗后5rain出水浊度为3.16NTU,15min降到了1NTU以下,25min降到了0.5NTU,60min大约降到了反冲洗前的水平。  相似文献   

反冲洗周期是生物除铁除锰滤池的一个重要运行参数,实验中分别设定反冲洗周期为24、48和72 h,考察反冲洗周期对成熟稳定运行的滤柱出水铁、锰、氨氮和浊度的影响。结果表明,不同反冲洗周期,滤柱对铁、锰和氨氮均有很好的去除效果,出水中的总Fe、Mn2+和NH4+-N的平均浓度分别为0.018、0.003和0.016 mg/L,0.010、0.001和0.014 mg/L,0.013、0.001和0.014 mg/L,均远低于国家标准,说明反冲洗周期变化对三者的去除效果没有影响。反冲洗周期为24、48和72 h时,出水平均浊度分别为0.27、0.38和0.57 NTU,反冲洗周期越长,出水浊度越高。滤柱沿程浊度分析发现,浊度主要在0~0.4 m去除,出水浊度与滤层厚度无关。反冲洗后5 min出水浊度为3.16 NTU,15 min降到了1 NTU以下,25 min降到了0.5 NTU,60 min大约降到了反冲洗前的水平。  相似文献   

为研究柴油机Urea-SCR系统喷射雾化规律,应用CFD软件建立喷射雾化模型,对喷嘴喷射距离、喷射位置与方向、喷孔数目与孔径对催化剂载体入口处的浓度分布情况的影响进行了数值模拟。结果表明,喷嘴距反应器距离为排气管直径5倍为宜;采用四喷孔、孔径为0.5 mm、喷嘴处于管道中心,喷射方向为径向时喷射雾化均匀性最好。通过台架实验,验证了采用喷距5D、径向、四孔、小孔径喷嘴方案可使NOx的转化率达到95%以上。  相似文献   

To improve the removal efficiency on hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a biofilter was developed and was made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes. The effects of three different packings (i.e., packing A, packing B, and packing C), containing different proportions of activated carbon, sawdust, wormcast, perlite, and pig manure compost, based on different biofilter parameters on H2S removal efficiency, were investigated. With the extension of running time, the H2S removal rate of packing A reached up to 90.12%, that of packing B reached a peak at 92.96%, and that of packing C was highest at 87.21%. The contribution rate of each packing at the bottom of the device was significantly greater (p < 0.01) than that of other parts, and those of the top of the devices were all greater than those of the middle of the devices. The H2S removal rate increased with greater filler layer height. The removal rate of group B increased first with humidity, and then declined, with the optimal humidity level for the removal of H2S 50–65% in this study. With the prolongation of the run, the pH of packing A was reduced from 7.1 to 5.91, while the pH of packing B and C remained within the range of 6.53–7.10. An increase was found in the number of bacteria and fungi over time. The count of bacteria in packing B and C and following a decreasing order was bottom > middle > top, whereas that for fungi was the opposite. In conclusion, it is thought that packing B (comprising wormcast + sawdust + activated carbon) is more efficient in the removal of H2S than the other packings and may thus be utilized in biofilters. These results hope to provide useful information for future related research on the removal efficiency of H2S using packings.

Implications: Wormcasts use as biological filter packing to remove H2S is limited and needs yet to be explored. A comparative study on the removal efficiency of H2S using three packings showed the packings that included wormcast were more efficient than others, and showed the combined features of physical absorption and biological removal with long sustainability and good efficiency, although these were largely influenced by environmental factors and nutrient content for the microorganisms. In summary, wormcast could be utilized in biological filters in the future in related research beacuse of its good efficiency and low cost.  相似文献   

为高效去除微细颗粒物和减少水雾排放,设计了一种底喷式填料塔,利用表面活性剂能降低水的表面张力的原理,对比分析饮用水、SDBS、AEO-9、A-7对粒径小于1μm的氯化铵微粒的净化效果。结果表明,当底喷填料塔入口氯化铵微粒质量浓度为124.9~194.3 mg·m~(-3)时,饮用水洗涤液的微粒脱除效率仅在40%左右,出口氯化铵微粒质量浓度70 mg·m~(-3);当采用SDBS和AEO-9表面活性剂洗涤液后,微粒脱除效率大幅提高。AEO-9的提效作用较明显,当AEO-9浓度增至0.004%时,脱除效率达到74.8%,氯化铵微粒出口浓度为26.5 mg·m~(-3);当采用浓度为0.3%的A-7洗涤液时,脱除效率为89%,此时氯化铵微粒出口浓度仅为15 mg·m~(-3)。通过分析可知,表面活性剂洗涤液对微细颗粒物的脱除有提效作用。  相似文献   

李芳  陆少鸣 《环境工程学报》2013,7(7):2414-2418
采用中置O3-BAC工艺进行中试实验,通过对微生物、微型生物、消毒副产物和AOC进行检测分析,研究了不同的消毒方式对砂滤池出水消毒效果的影响。结果表明,氯消毒对微型生物、微生物的去除效果稍弱于臭氧联合氯消毒;对于消毒副产物而言,氯消毒产生的卤代烃、氯酸盐的含量高于臭氧联合氯消毒,产生的溴酸盐两者处于同一水平,而产生的甲醛则是氯消毒低于臭氧联合氯消毒;氯消毒最终砂滤池出水AOC平均含量75.93μg乙酸碳/L,臭氧联合氯消毒为101.23μg乙酸碳/L,大于100μg乙酸碳/L,不利于供水管网的生物稳定性。  相似文献   

排水系统是城镇一个重要的基础设施,其运行效能评价对于城镇水环境治理维护和绿色低碳发展具有重要意义。对国内外相关研究成果从以下三方面进行了梳理和分析:首先,运行效能评价研究按评价目标的不同可分为内涝和溢流的控制、管网性能的预测与诊断、排水系统的规划与运营、安全风险类评估和综合性评价五类,阐明了这五类评价指标体系的研究现状,总结了其常用指标;其次,分析各评价指标体系的构建流程,可归纳为“调研准备”“指标构建”“赋分评价”三个阶段,归纳了常用评价指标筛选方法,并指出其中最关键的部分在于第三阶段的评价方法的选择,即指标赋权和最终评价结果的计算;最后,对文献中的各类评价方法进行了分析,结果表明基于层次分析主观定权法的综合评价法是当前研究中的常用方法,可以解决评价过程中产生的不确定性、不一致性、模糊化、定量化等问题;同时也概述了客观定权方法如熵权法、神经网络、组合定权等方法的特点和适用性。研究指出关于智慧水务和平稳输送的效能评价还比较缺乏,而随着物网联、人工智能、在线监测等技术的快速发展以及海量可靠的排水系统相关数据的出现,将给以客观定权法为主流的新评价方法的开发应用带来契机。本研究可为完善排水系统运行效能评价指标体系并计算准确评价结果提供参考。  相似文献   

几种腐殖填料生物滤池COD去除效能比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别采用腐殖垃圾、泥炭、煤炭等腐殖填料及河沙构筑生物滤池,处理模拟废水,比较研究其COD去除效能及降解特征,为工艺填料改性提供理论依据。几种填料的扫描电镜分析图显示腐殖垃圾及泥炭以团聚体三维空间结构为主;煤炭与河沙表面粗糙程度较小,且主要由颗粒状物质构成。稀释平板涂布法分离出各生物滤池中发挥主要作用的微生物共3种,各系统菌落数量有差异,但种类相同。3种腐殖填料生物滤池在进水有机物浓度为500 mg/L及1000 mg/L时均有较理想的有机物去除效率。3种腐殖填料生物滤池中泥炭构筑的腐殖填料生物滤池有机物比降解速率最小,因而微生物比增长速率最小,微生物增长和自身氧化最易趋向于动态平衡,对应的饱和水力渗透系数最大,滤池最不易发生堵塞,最有利于腐殖填料生物滤池长期稳定运行,证明泥炭是一种优良的生物介质。  相似文献   

为制备用于处理含磷废水的新型功能陶粒滤料,研究了以粉煤灰为主要原料的高效除磷型陶粒烧结制备工艺。通过L9(34)正交实验和极差分析,结合筒压强度实验得到最佳烧结条件为:预热时间30 min,烧结温度950℃,烧结时间30 min;各因子对除磷效率的影响程度为:烧结温度〉烧结时间〉预热时间。通过理化性质测试得出最佳工艺制备的陶粒特性:堆积密度为877 kg/m3,表观密度为1 509 kg/m3,空隙率为41.9%,筒压强度6.94 MPa,盐酸可溶率为2.3%。应用最佳工艺条件所制备的陶粒处理10 mg/L含磷废水获得高达99.83%的磷酸盐去除率。通过最佳烧结工艺能够制备高效除磷型粉煤灰陶粒滤料,在处理含磷废水方面具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

将分离筛选得到的氧化亚铁硫杆菌固定在生物滴滤池的填料上,组成生物滴滤池反应系统,并研究了进气SO2浓度、气体流量、液气比、循环液中铁离子浓度对脱硫效率的影响,此外还分析了该反应系统的脱硫机理.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of feedstock additives [polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and NaCl] and spray dryer additives (SiO2, CaCl2, NaHCO3) on heavy metal and fly ash removal efficiencies, and on particle size distribution of heavy metals. A spray dryer with an integrated fabric filter was used as an air pollution control device (APCD). Removal efficiencies for fly ash and heavy metals were greater than 95 and 90%, respectively. When additives of PVC or NaCl were used, the concentration of heavy metals distributed in fly ash apparently varied when the particle diameter was <1 microm. Although the effects of the additives SiO2, CaCl2, and NaHCO3 on the elemental size distribution of Cr were insignificant, these additives did slightly increase concentrations of Cd, Zn, and Pb partitioning in coarser particles (>1 microm).  相似文献   

从液滴受力分析入手,分析了喷淋塔内液滴的运动特性,采用类比定律推导了气相传质系数计算式,建立了喷淋塔脱氨传质模型,并进行了实验验证,分别在不同的喷淋密度和空塔气速的条件下,对传质系数、比表面积及容积吸收率沿塔高的分布进行了模拟。结果表明,沿着液滴的下落方向,比表面积逐渐减小,传质系数缓慢增大,二者在塔顶附近变化显著;传质速率受比表面积和传质推动力的影响较大,增大喷淋密度可显著增加比表面积,提高空塔气速可增大平均传质系数;喷淋塔下半段比表面积小,增大比表面积是强化传质的有效手段。  相似文献   

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