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DetoxifyingmoniliforminingrainsandwaterZhangHong,LiJilunColegeofBiologicalSciences,ChinaAgriculturalUniversity,Beijing1000...  相似文献   

The degradation of pesticide 1-(2-chlorobenzoyl)-3-(4-chlorophenyl)urea(CCU)in water and its accumulation and metabolism in fish were studied using HPLC method.The results of acute toxicity of both CCU and its naetabolites were also reported.The research demonstrated that CCU degraded quickly in aerobic aquatic environment and primary metabolites of CCU were 4-chlorophenyl urea and orthochlorobenzoic acid.Microorganisms play an important role for the degradation of CCU in water.Both the parents compound and its metabolites were not lethal to fish in tested concentration.The accumulation of CCU in fish was sunilar to that of dillubenzuron.The esterase in fish liver which could metabolized CCU was identified.The primary enzymatic degradation products of CCU is the same as that in water.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical cycles of selenium in Antarctic water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BiogeochemicalcyclesofseleniuminAntarcticwater¥XiaWeiping(DepartmentofOceanography,OldDominionUniversity,Norfolk,VA23529,USA)...  相似文献   

SoilwatercharacteristicsinmountainpoplarstandanditsbenefitstosoilandwaterconservationinloesshillyregionWuQinxiao;LiuXiangdong...  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIndustrializationandurbanizationaretwomainaspectsofeconomicdevelopment.Chinahasbeenundergoingthesecourses.IntheprocessofChineseurbanization,theproportionofurbanpopulationintotalpopulationincreasesfrom25-81%in1988to29-92%in1997(SSB,1990;…  相似文献   

Urban villages are unique residential neighborhoods in urban areas in China. Roof tanks are their main form of water supply, and water quality deterioration might occur in this system because of poor hygienic conditions and maintenance. In this study, water samples were seasonally collected from an urban village to investigate the influence of roof tanks as an additional water storage device on the variation in the microbial community structure and pathogenic gene markers. Water stagnation in th...  相似文献   

Silver carp were introduced into the pre-sedimentation pond to control excessive phytoplankton in raw water.The effectiveness of the filter-feeding silver carp on phytoplankton control and the effect of silver carp on phytoplankton community were investigated.The results showed that Microcystis could be effectively removed by silver carp stocked in the pre-sedimentation pond,and simultaneously,the concentration of single-cell phytoplankton increased obviously.The difference in phytoplankton species and singlecell phytoplankton size between in the water and in the gut of silver carp indicated that phytoplankton smaller than 5 μm,such as Chamydomonas and Platymonas,were almost not be filtered by silver carp,phytoplankton with the size between 5 and 20 μm could be partly filtered,and large size phytoplankton,mainly colony-forming Microcystis could be filtered almost completely.These filterfeeding characteristics directly caused the phytoplankton size distribution biased toward miniaturization.Therefore,this biological treatment using silver carp could be applied only to deal with groups of Microcystis-dominated eutrophic water,and was not appropriate in water bodies where single-cell micro phytoplankton were dominant.Especially when silver carp are used in water treatment,a cautious attitude should be taken based on the evaluation of phytoplankton biomass and species structure features in raw water.  相似文献   

InChina,therehasbeenarapideconomicdevelopmentinthepasttwentyyears.Butitdependsmostlyonagreatinputofinvestmentandhighexploitat...  相似文献   

Chaohu Lake water body is a major drinking water source for dwellers of Hefei City and Chaohu City.The paper describes the work that concerning with the method of system analysis on the raw water and drinking water of Fourth Water Plant in Hefei City and the results on the identification of orga.nic compounds iII the water.  相似文献   

IntroductionHakataBayisasemi enclosedbay(from 33°34′Nto 33°41′Nandfrom 1 30°1 3′Eto 1 30°2 6′E)locatedatthenorthsideofKyushuIsland ,Japan .ThelengthandwidthofHakataBayisabout2 0kmand 1 0kmrespectively .Thesurfaceareaisabout 1 33km2 andthemeanwaterdepthisabout1 0 .5m .Thebaymout…  相似文献   

The progress of biomonitoring on water pollution in recent years in China has been summarized in this paper.  相似文献   

1IntroductionThechemicalspeciationofheavymetalsintheaquaticenvironmenthasdetermininginfluenceontheirtransport,reactionsandbio...  相似文献   

The progress of catalytic technologies in water purification: A review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Catalytic technologies have been paid increasing attention in refractory pollutants abatement due to its practical and potential values in water purification. As e ective and e cient approaches for water purification, Fenton’s reagent, ozonation, electrochemical and photocatalytic methods have been widely studied and applied in di erent aspects and have been reviewed by several articles. In recent years, some novel catalytic processes based on above processes have been developed for enhancing the e ciency of removing the organics from water. This review emphasized on the recent development of heterogeneous catalytic ozonation, electrocatalysis in respect of novel electrodes and electro-Fenton method, photoelectrocatalysis process and photoelectron-Fenton in water purification. It was also an attempt to propose general ideas about mechanism and principle enhancing the catalytic e ciency for the degradation and the mineralization of organics in water.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionAccordingtotheHunancomponentoftheproposedinlandwaterwaysmultipurposeproject,theDayuandunavigationalkeyproject,located 6 2kmdownstreamfromtheHengyangCity ,willbebuiltwiththehelpoftheworldbankloan .Aftertheprojectbeingconstructed ,theXiangjiang…  相似文献   

Application potential of carbon nanotubes in water treatment:A review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water treatment is the key to coping with the conflict between people’s increasing demand for water and the world-wide water shortage. Owing to their unique and tunable structural, physical, and chemical properties, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have exhibited great potentials in water treatment. This review makes an attempt to provide an overview of potential solutions to various environmental challenges by using CNTs as adsorbents, catalysts or catalyst support, membranes, and electrodes. The merits of incorporating CNT to conventional water-treatment material are emphasized, and the remaining challenges are discussed.  相似文献   

Chemical technologies have been applied for water and wastewater treatment since more than 150 year ago,and are still playing the leading role in this field. With the fast development of sciences and technologies especially in the last  相似文献   

17β-Estradiol (E2) is an endocrine disrupting chemical of harm to both animals and human beings at a low concentration level (ng/L). It cannot be completely removed by wastewater treatments, and is often detected in both environment and drinking waters. The purpose of this feasibility study, towards environmental engineering in the field of water analysis and treatment, was to remove E2 by extraction using non-imprinted polymer (NIP) submicron particles. Experimental results showed that 0.5 mg/L of E2 could be completely extracted by adding 10 mg of NIP particles directly into 10 mL of water. However, the extraction efficiency decreased to 64% for 100 mL of water. prefilling the NIP particles inside a membrane filter showed a potential for water treatment of a large volume, requiring no effort to distribute the particles uniformly in the water. High extraction efficiency (80 ± 10)% for E2 was achieved for 100 mL of water. A total mass of 0.29 mg E2 was extracted from 1000 mL of water containing 0.8 mg/L E2 (by using only 10 mg of NIP particles). Both efficiency and mass capacity can be increased, by scaling up the amount of NIP particles, towards environmental engineering applications.  相似文献   

A comprehensive investigation of heavy metal pollutants in Xiangjiang river was accomplished to evaluate their chemical stability through three different ways: (1) Chemical speciation by direct measurements; (2) Chemical equilibrium model simulation; (3) Sediment extraction experiments. All the results demonstrated that the directly bioavailable fraction was in a very limited amount. The metal bound to organic ligands, adsorbed particles and precipitated species presented a buffer for solution species. The majority of metals occured in the residues as solid particulates. It was inferred that the heavy metal pollutants in this aquatic system exhibited a high chemical stability. The critical limits of discharging load and pH values were suggested.  相似文献   

objectiveofcouplingshouldbedecidedbecausethefactorsofwaterandlandresourceshavevariedefectsondiferentpurposes,forexample,tobui...  相似文献   

IntroductionInaquaticecosystemsbiologicalcommunitiesareremarkablycomplexinboththeiroperationandresponsetoanthropogenicactivities.Thishasledmanyinvestigatorstoconductlaboratoryandfieldstudiesforevaluatingtheecologicalriskposedbyhumanstoecosystem(Cairns…  相似文献   

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