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实施既有建筑节能改造ESCO激励是其市场运行特征的内在要求,梳理国外发达国家既有建筑节能改造ESCO激励政策及其特点,剖析我国既有建筑节能改造ESCO激励政策建设实践及其问题,对比分析国内外EPC模式下ESCO激励政策差异,借鉴国外既有建筑节能改造ESCO激励政策设计经验,以改善我国既有建筑节能改造ESCO激励政策体系...  相似文献   

从我国既有建筑节能改造市场发展实践分析入手,探索市场化运作模式和动力具有现实的实践价值.从既有建筑节能改造市场运行的系统特征分析入手,提出并论证了其内外在驱动要素的论点,形成了较为系统的改造市场运行管理学术见解,涵盖既有建筑节能改造EPC模式实践分析、以ESCO竞争优势发展机理为基础的EPC模式内在驱动要素、以政府管制...  相似文献   

EPC模式下既有建筑节能改造市场发展的基础是ESCO项目融资,既有建筑ESCO项目融资结构优化是实现融资效益的有效途径。基于国外既有建筑节能改造项目融资特点与经验梳理,探讨我国既有建筑节能改造项目融资结构优化的有益启迪,提出基于融资结构优化的ESCO项目融资效益提升策略:提升自身融资能力,降低ESCO项目融资风险;构建既改项目融资链,拓宽ESCO项目融资渠道;建立融资结构优化机制,提高ESCO项目融资效益;完善社会信用体系,降低ESCO项目融资成本。以期以既有建筑节能改造ESCO项目融资结构优化来增强融资有效性,驱动既有建筑节能改造市场健康有序发展。  相似文献   

既有建筑绿色改造是完成我国碳减排目标的必由之路,其市场有序运行离不开市场多主体协同下进行主动治理.基于既有建筑节能改造市场运行视角,探讨了国外既有建筑节能改造的EPC模式、风险共担、激励机制和能效标识制度等理论研究动态;从法律法规、信息传递机制、激励政策和融资环境等4个方面概栝了国外既有建筑节能改造市场运行的实践特征....  相似文献   

既有建筑绿色改造是完成节能减排目标的重要举措,也是建设“资源节约型、环境友好型社会”的重要途径。基于市场运行视角,从法规体系、激励政策、合同能源管理模式、市场自治、示范工程等方面分析了国内外既有建筑节能改造实践特征,从风险管理、EPC模式推广策略、主体信任关系、主体行为策略、激励机制、政府监管机制等方面概括了国内外既有建筑节能改造市场运行理论。考虑既有建筑绿色改造具有的改造过程和内容的整体集成性、改造目标的多样综合性和主体间利益关系的层级复杂性等特殊性,论证了既有建筑绿色改造市场监管模式变革与实施路径研究的必要性和价值性。  相似文献   

业主是既有公共建筑节能改造项目的内源动力,激发业主内源动力作用是促进既有公共建筑节能改造市场可持续发展的必然要求.基于市场运行视角,梳理了国外既有建筑节能改造市场运作模式、激励机制、风险共担和融资模式等理论研究成果,阐述了既有建筑节能改造市场EPC模式、动力机制、博弈策略、激励机制和收益分配等理论研究动态,论证了基于市...  相似文献   

既有建筑绿色改造是落实节能减排目标、实现可持续发展战略的必由之路,ESCO是城市低碳转型的重要推手。基于项目治理视角,从法律法规构建、经济政策激励、能效标识制度、技术集成创新等方面概述了国外既有建筑节能改造项目治理成功经验。分析我国既有建筑节能改造项目治理实践现状,总结我国既有建筑绿色改造项目ESCO决策困境和原因,以推动我国既有建筑绿色改造事业蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

既有建筑绿色改造是实现“双碳”目标、打造绿色发展道路的重要途径,激励多元主体合作是推动既有建筑绿色改造事业高质量发展的必然要求。基于市场运行视角,探索了国内外既有建筑节能改造的激励政策、信任机制、风险共担、EPC模式、主体利益诉求、主体行为策略、激励政策组合、效益分配等理论研究动态,剖析既有建筑绿色改造主体合作激励的复杂特殊性,论证了既有建筑绿色改造多元主体合作激励机制研究的重要性和迫切性。  相似文献   

既有住宅建筑节能改造市场驱动的根本力量在于业主内源动力。基于市场运行视角,从激励政策、节能行为、融资模式和收益分配等4方面梳理对比国内外理论研究动态,论证既有住宅建筑节能改造业主内源动力形成机理研究必要性。从市场治理内在机理出发,解析既有住宅建筑节能改造业主动力作用的特殊性,阐述其业主内源动力形成机理研究目标和关键内容,设计既有住宅建筑节能改造业主内源动力形成机理研究架构,以期推动既有住宅建筑节能改造市场健康发展。  相似文献   

既有建筑节能改造实践是多元主体动力协同驱动的结果,不同发展阶段各主体动力作用具有差异性。从市场发展阶段划分、主导主体动力、激励政策、博弈策略研究等方面梳理了我国既有建筑节能改造市场发展理论探索。从合同能源管理模式的运用、多样化的经济激励措施、立体化的法律法规及试点示范工程等方面剖析我国既有建筑节能改造市场发展实践特征。分析了我国既有建筑节能改造市场发展的实践特征和理论研究进展,论证了既有建筑节能改造市场发展中主导动力转移机制研究理论价值与实践意义。  相似文献   

基于建筑全生命周期这个主线,建筑可持续发展视角下供应链协调与社会责任共担机理研究,以绿色建筑供应链运行效率为导向,以既有建筑节能改造效率为切入点,以产业链过程中各主体行为规律为基础,采用“总-分-合”的基本研究思路模式,聚焦了“主导企业驱动下绿色建筑供应链协调机理与策略、既有建筑节能改造主体社会责任共担机理、建筑废弃物再生利用产业链主体社会责任共担机理”等三部分核心内容,初步形成建筑可持续发展视角下供应链协调与社会责任共担机理的理论体系。本成果采用“总-分-合”的思路模式,基于循环经济理念和主体行为策略视角,遵循研究的学理逻辑,以研究生学位论文为基础,开展“主导企业驱动下绿色建筑供应链协调机理与策略、既有建筑节能改造主体社会责任共担机理、建筑废弃物再生利用产业链主体社会责任共担机理”3个子课题研究,从系统整体概况实施全面研究规划着手,构架了总括、绿色建筑供应链协调机理、既有建筑节能改造主体社会责任共担、建筑废弃物再生利用社会责任共担、总结等五大模块及上中下三大篇共12章的系统体系。  相似文献   

废钢铁产业是我国再生资源产业的主体,其节能减排、低碳环保和不可替代的钢铁原料功效十分显著。阐述了我国废钢铁产业在经济转型中的主导地位、应用价值、投资环境及今后的发展战略。指出我国经济发展方式的转变,赋予了废钢铁产业良好的发展机遇和重大的历史使命,中国废钢产业具有良好的投资市场和巨大的发展空间。  相似文献   

Due to the rising worldwide awareness of green environment, both government and contractors have to consider effective construction and demolition (C&D) waste management practices. The last two decades have witnessed the growing importance of demolition and renovation (D&R) works and the growing amount of D&R waste disposed to landfills every day, especially in developed cities like Hong Kong. Quantitative waste prediction is crucial for waste management. It can enable contractors to pinpoint critical waste generation processes and to plan waste control strategies. In addition, waste estimation could also facilitate some government waste management policies, such as the waste disposal charging scheme in Hong Kong. Currently, tools that can accurately and conveniently estimate the amount of waste from construction, renovation, and demolition projects are lacking.In the light of this research gap, this paper presents a building information modeling (BIM) based system that we have developed for estimation and planning of D&R waste. BIM allows multi-disciplinary information to be superimposed within one digital building model. Our system can extract material and volume information through the BIM model and integrate the information for detailed waste estimation and planning. Waste recycling and reuse are also considered in our system. Extracted material information can be provided to recyclers before demolition or renovation to make recycling stage more cooperative and more efficient. Pick-up truck requirements and waste disposal charging fee for different waste facilities will also be predicted through our system. The results could provide alerts to contractors ahead of time at project planning stage. This paper also presents an example scenario with a 47-floor residential building in Hong Kong to demonstrate our D&R waste estimation and planning system. As the BIM technology has been increasingly adopted in the architectural, engineering and construction industry and digital building information models will likely to be available for most buildings (including historical buildings) in the future, our system can be used in various demolition and renovation projects and be extended to facilitate project control.  相似文献   

Reviews including the latest “data‐rich” chemical vapor intrusion‐radon (CVI‐Rn) studies indicate buildings/times can be “screened‐in” as having Rn‐evident‐susceptibility/priority for soil gas intrusion, and elevated‐potential for CVI concerns, or not. These screening methods can supplement conventional indoor‐air chemical sampling, under naturally varying conditions, by prioritizing buildings and times based on indoor Rn levels. Rn is a widespread, naturally occurring component of soil gas and a tracer of soil gas intrusion into the indoor air of overlying buildings. Rn is also an indicator for generally similar behavior of other components of near‐building soil gas, possibly including chemical contaminant vapors. Indoor Rn is easily measured at a low cost, allowing continuous observations from essentially all buildings with the potential for CVI across time. This presents cost savings and other benefits for all CVI stakeholders.  相似文献   

当高压输电线路跨越或邻近建筑物时,线路下方区域工频电场会发生不同程度的畸变,此时,传统的二维模型已无法正确描述该情况时线路下方工频电场的分布。利用自编仿真软件进行模拟,并结合实测数据,研究和分析高压输电线路跨越或邻近建筑物时线路下方的工频电场分布和变化趋势。  相似文献   

There are very few construction and demolition (C&D) waste recycling centres in Brazil. To encourage the building and operation of new units, data were collected and analysed relating to C&D waste management and recycling in Brazil. Based on the results of this analysis, a conceptual model is presented for conducting viability studies of future C&D waste recycling centres. Applying this model to verify the viability of private recycling centres, the results show that under current market conditions in Brazil, C&D waste recycling centres are not financially feasible based solely on revenue from the sale of processed products. Nevertheless, under the same market conditions, the recycling centres could be economically viable for public authorities depending on the particular circumstances of each municipality. The feasibility, however, depends on continuity and the production volume reached. The conceptual model, the results of its applications and the discussions about the experiences of existing centres can strongly support public authorities and private initiatives in their decision-making about investments in Brazil and in other developing countries.  相似文献   

分析、疏理习近平同志关于绿水青山就是金山银山的科学论断及主要内涵,深刻理解这一理念是对农业农村发展观的重大革命,为农业供给侧结构性改革指明了方向。树立和践行绿水青山就是金山银山的新发展理念,发挥其在农业农村绿色发展中的理论支撑作用,在转变农业生产方式和农民生活方式、调整农业产业结构、优化农村产业布局、催生新产业新业态、走“资源节约型、环境友好型”的绿色发展之路、建设美丽宜居乡村等方面具有指导意义。  相似文献   

AECOM's Environmental Remediation Services Group, under a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) remediation contract, was tasked with assessing potential vapor intrusion risks and mitigating identified risks at an active commercial property affected by a former adjacent laundry and dry cleaning operation. The former dry cleaning operation was positioned in the center of row‐buildings containing various commercial businesses. The neighboring active commercial property is an antiquated building that operates as a coffee shop. The coffee shop building contains a service area, a kitchen, and a rear conference room on the first floor, a storage area on the second floor, and a partial basement. The basement has been observed to periodically flood. Adjacent to the coffee shop building is an operating hair and nail salon that formerly functioned as one of the dry cleaning operations buildings with known soil, groundwater, and soil gas impacts. Due to the disposition of the coffee shop building, a methodical approach was implemented to characterize the potential vapor intrusion risk and included a diagnostic building inspection that identified required management of basement apertures and abatement of periodic flooding prior to vapor intrusion mitigation system design and installation.  相似文献   

我国报废汽车回收拆解企业发展的关键问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报废汽车回收拆解具有巨大的经济、环境和社会效益。我国报废汽车回收拆解企业正面临极佳的发展环境,但目前存在着诸多问题,需要进行转型升级。提出报废汽车回收拆解企业转型升级过程中存在的若干关键问题,即回收阶段中的报废汽车量预测、回收模式选择、报废汽车回收网络构建;拆解阶段中的拆解工艺选择、拆解设备选择;产品销售阶段中的产品分类及市场分析、销售模式确定及销售网络构建、产品定价等问题,并对这些问题进行分析,提供解决方法和措施。  相似文献   

汞是煤中最易挥发的重金属元素之一,燃烧产物中汞的排放为火电厂锅炉汞污染的主流。烟气中的汞主要采用活性炭或者其他吸附剂、飞灰再循环、湿法烟气脱硫装置等手段来去除,但普遍存在吸附剂价格昂贵、经济效应不高,具体脱除效应不明显、仅适用中小型火电厂锅炉等实际问题。为配合脱汞市场,需要在完善测试手段和控制手段的基础上,着重解决多组分污染物联合脱除汞反应的竞争机制和活性/选择性调控规律、吸收剂固体表面物理化学、大容积/大流量反应器内超低浓度污染物的富集/反应机理等关键技术问题。在火电厂烟气零价汞形态转化机理、汞迁移转化动力学模型的研究以及高效价廉吸附剂的开发等方面取得突破,开发具有自主知识产权的新型燃煤电厂烟气中汞排放控制方法。  相似文献   

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