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<正>随着城镇燃气的快速发展和普及,管道长度及用户数量日益增加,频发的事故使得燃气安全备受公众关注。燃气管道布局复杂,多种因素均可导致泄漏,可燃气体与空气混合后会引发爆炸事故。本文根据我国近年典型管道燃气泄漏事故的经验教训,从抢险人员已介入但未能成功避免伤亡后果的事件中总结应急失效原因,探讨可行对策,以供读者参考。应急处置失效的直接原因未能及时判断影响范围并疏散群众应急人员获知发生燃气泄漏信息到达现场后,  相似文献   

燃气管道是重要的城市现代化基础设施之一,其安全运行涉及到千家万户的生命财产安全,通过有效的检漏方法准确地发现泄漏点并及时进行泄漏抢修抢险工作,保障燃气管道的安全运行。克拉玛依城市天然气正处在大发展阶段,其中  相似文献   

发生油气管道泄漏事故后,需要开展应急抢险工作,以防事故扩大,减少事故损失。同时需要对受损管道进行修复,及时恢复生产。由于油气管道输送的是易燃易爆介质,因此管道应急抢险是一项高风险的作业。抢险过程中,如果处置不当,极易导致二次事故。本文分析了油气管道事故的后果及应急抢险作业的特点,提出了管道应急抢险作业不同阶段安全监督管理的要点。  相似文献   

为研究燃气管道事故各风险因素之间的复杂性,首先收集156份燃气管道事故案例,基于“4M理论”,从人的因素、设备设施因素、环境因素、管理因素4个方面确定了30个风险因素;运用Gephi软件构建燃气管道事故风险演化网络,并分析网络节点的度、平均路径长度、聚类系数和PR值,确定关键节点并对燃气管道安全管理提出建议。结果表明:应急处置不当、误操作、违章操作、管道腐蚀以及监督管理不足是导致燃气管道事故发生的关键风险因素,应控制这些关键风险因素,切断风险演化路径,防止燃气管道事故发生。  相似文献   

为分析多因素耦合作用对城市燃气管道失效可能性的影响,构建了基于复杂网络的N-K模型;应用轨迹交叉理论分析管道失效可能性因素的耦合作用机理;基于N-K模型对2011—2014年所发生的1 127起城市燃气管道事故进行耦合分析,计算不同耦合方式发生的概率和耦合值。结果表明:多因素耦合过程中,参与耦合的因素越多,管道失效的概率越大,但耦合发生的频率却随耦合因素的增加逐渐减少;环境因素和人为因素参与耦合时,管道失效的概率较大。  相似文献   

近两年来,全国陆续发生湖北十堰“6·13”重大燃气爆炸事故、大连“9·10”燃气爆炸事故、沈阳市和平区太原南街222号“10·21”较大管道燃气泄漏爆炸事故、大连瓦房店市“10·24”燃气闪爆事故等多起影响较大的管道燃气爆炸(闪爆)事故,造成近百人伤亡,经济损失巨大。  相似文献   

近两年来,全国陆续发生湖北十堰“6·13”重大燃气爆炸事故、大连“9·10”燃气爆炸事故、沈阳市和平区太原南街222号“10·21”较大管道燃气泄漏爆炸事故、大连瓦房店市“10·24”燃气闪爆事故等多起影响较大的管道燃气爆炸(闪爆)事故,造成近百人伤亡,经济损失巨大。  相似文献   

为研究燃气管道泄漏爆炸后的应急救援物资需求量和最佳救援点选址,采用案例推理方法,建立了燃气管道泄漏爆炸事故应急资源需求模型。以某化工园区发生燃气管道泄漏爆炸为案例,运用MATLAB编程对应急资源需求进行数值计算;利用ArcGIS可视化、地图数据分析功能,建立网络空间数据集,获得该案例工业园区6个应急救援点。结果表明,可通过化工园区应急救援历史数据获得事故应急资源需求量,利用ArcGIS建立位置分配点和确定救援点数量,可获得优化的应急救援选址。  相似文献   

随着城镇化进程的加快,城市天然气管道快速发展,安全事故亦呈频发趋势。2021年6月13日湖北省十堰市发生的重大燃气爆炸事故更是为燃气行业天然气管道安全生产敲响了警钟。通过数据分析、事故树分析等方法,深入探讨城市天然气管道事故发生的原因,进一步提出事故预防安全对策措施,为城市燃气安全运行提供参考。  相似文献   

管道燃气火灾爆炸事故树分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在调查与研究的基础上,采用安全系统工程的方法,对城市管道燃气火灾爆炸事故进行了事故树分析。文中给出的由201个基本原因事件和81个逻辑门所构成的管道燃气火灾爆炸事故树分析图,直观地表现了各可能导致顶上事件发生的初始因素及其逻辑关系,经对FT的求解,得出了243个最小径集,指明了预防事故发生的可能途径;在对采用各可能预防途径的可行性,经济性,可操作性进行充分的考虑与比较后,确定出了城市管道燃气火灾爆炸事故预防措施,并做出安全检查表,以供现场实施使用;最后提出了提高燃气安全运行水平的建议。  相似文献   

城市油气管道泄漏爆炸重大案例应急管理对比研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
青岛东黄输油管道泄漏爆炸特别重大事故,引起公众对城市油气管道安全的普遍关注。近年来,城市油气管道事故频繁发生,反映出我国在城市地下管道安全管理方面存在较大问题。基于国内外管道相似事故调研,选取墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉管道泄漏爆炸事故和青岛东黄输油管道泄漏爆炸事故进行对比分析。基于事故致因理论,探究事故发展模式,建立事故链模型。结合应急管理思想,从预警预控、应急处置、评估恢复角度分析事故应急管理过程的共性失误。最后,针对应急管理各阶段共性失误提出防范措施,对提高类似事故的应急管理能力具有一定的参考意义  相似文献   

In urban areas, buried gas pipeline leakages could potentially cause numerous casualties and massive damage. Traditional static analysis and dynamic probability-based quantitative risk assessment (QRA) methods have been widely used in various industries. However, dynamic QRA methods combined with probability and consequence are rarely used to evaluate gas pipelines buried in urban areas. Therefore, an integrated dynamic risk assessment approach was proposed. First, a failure rate calculation of buried gas pipelines was performed, where the corrosion failure rate dependent on time was calculated by integrating the subset simulation method. The relationship between failure probability and failure rate was considered, and a mechanical analysis model considering the corrosion growth model and multiple loads was used. The time-independent failure rates were calculated by the modification factor methods. Next, the overall evolution process from pipeline failures to accidents was proposed, with the accident rates subsequently updated. Then, the consequences of buried gas pipeline accidents corresponding to the accident types in the evolution process were modeled and analyzed. Finally, based on the above research, dynamic calculation and assessment methods for evaluating individual and social risks were established, and an overall application example was provided to demonstrate the capacity of the proposed approach. A reliable and practical theoretical basis and supporting information are provided for the integrity and emergency management of buried gas pipelines in urban areas, considering actual operational conditions.  相似文献   

Natural gas industry is developing rapidly, and its accidents are threatening the urban safety. Risk management through quantitative assessment has become an important way to improve the safety performance of the natural gas supply system. In this paper, an integrated quantitative risk analysis method for natural gas pipeline network is proposed. This method is composed of the probability assessment of accidents, the analysis of consequences and the evaluation of risk. It is noteworthy that the consequences analyzed here include those of the outside and inside gas pipelines. The analysis of consequences of the outside pipelines focuses on the individual risk and societal risk caused by different accidents, while those of the inside pipelines concerns about the risk of the economic loss because of the pressure re-distribution. Risk of a sample urban gas pipeline network is analyzed to demonstrate the presented method. The results show that this presented integrated quantitative risk analysis method for natural gas pipeline network can be used in practical application.  相似文献   

城市天然气管网预警系统的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着城市天然气管网密度加大,由于天然气管理手段滞后导致的天然气泄漏事故急剧增加。基于GIS技术并结合燃气管网定量风险分析(QRA)模型,提出利用定量风险分析模型实现管网风险预警的方法。结合C#+ArcEngine编程技术,开发城市天然气管网预警系统,实现管网失效率分析、燃气事故扩散模拟、火灾及爆炸模拟、个人风险等值线绘制、社会风险分析等功能,能够进行区域性事故后果预测、个人风险和社会风险计算、安全性评价及应急预案编制等项工作。  相似文献   

为实现油气管道事故中城镇大规模应急疏散的智慧决策,构建基于改进的自适应蚁群算法的应急疏散路径优化模型,开发基于油气管道典型事故后果分析的城镇大规模应急疏散决策优化系统平台(LSSED)。LSSED在地理信息系统平台上,针对油气管道泄漏引起的扩散、喷射火、池火、BLEVE、蒸气云爆炸等典型事故进行事故后果分析,对疏散通道当量长度和疏散时间成本函数进行定量评价,实现大规模应急疏散方案的智慧决策和避难方案的全局优化。案例分析表明,LSSED平台实现了基于地理信息系统的典型事故时变环境信息和应急疏散路径优化算法的数据传递及系统集成,实现了基于事故后果分析的城镇大规模人群疏散路径和避难方案优化,可为城镇安全规划和应急管理提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

为提高燃气管线突发事件应急处置决策水平和应急响应能力及效率,采用复杂网络理论和灾害链演化机理对燃气管线破裂灾害事件影响进行耦合分析,构建燃气管线破裂灾害链网络和风险评估模型,并计算得出燃气管线破裂灾害链风险度。为更准确地表达无传播路径的灾害事件之间的关系,将灾害网络中所有最短路径长度的最大值作为其最短路径长度,计算表明这种算法更符合灾害传播实际情况。结果表明:通过燃气管线破裂灾害链风险分析,能够为燃气管线灾害风险控制措施和方案制定提供参考,有利于提高燃气管线破裂灾害事件的应急处置能力和决策水平。  相似文献   

城市天然气管道半定量风险评估方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以实现天然气管道风险评估资源的合理分配,确定天然气管道定量风险评估的重点为目标,改进燃气管道风险评估方法的肯特模型,探求城市天然气管道的半定量风险评估方法;分析了城市埋地天然气管道失效可能性与失效后果的影响因子,并研究其评分标准;分别给出了城市天然气管道失效可能性与失效后果的等级划分标准,并运用半定量风险矩阵进行燃气管道单元的风险初步排序,以确定高风险管道单元;对城市天然气管道进行半定量风险评估,可为识别管道沿线高风险后果区域、风险动态排序、风险预警及制定事故应急预案等提供科学依据和方法指导,具有重要的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

As an effective way to construct and maintain various life pipelines in urban areas and industrial parks, the underground utility tunnel has been developed rapidly in China in recent years. However, the natural gas pipeline leakage in a utility tunnel may cause fire, explosion or other coupling disastrous accidents that could result in fatal consequences. The effective source term estimation (STE) of natural gas leakage can provide technical supports for emergency response during natural gas leakage accidents in utility tunnels. In this paper, a STE model with the combination of gas transport model, Bayesian inference and slice sampling method is proposed to estimate the source parameters of natural gas leakage in underground utility tunnels. The observed data can be integrated into the gas transport model and realize the inversion of natural gas leakage location and release rates. The parameter sensitivity analysis is presented to evaluate the robustness of the proposed model with good practicability, and the gas sensor layouts in the utility tunnel are analyzed and optimized. The spatio-temporal distribution of the leaked gas could be well predicted based on the estimation source parameters by the proposed STE model. The results show that the proposed model is an alternative and effective tool to provide technical supports for loss prevention and mitigation for natural gas leakage accidents in urban utility tunnels.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel quantitative risk analysis process for urban natural gas pipeline networks using geographical information systems (GIS). The process incorporates an assessment of failure rates of integrated pipeline networks, a quantitative analysis model of accident consequences, and assessments of individual and societal risks. Firstly, the failure rates of the pipeline network are calculated using empirical formulas influenced by parameters such as external interference, corrosion, construction defects, and ground movements. Secondly, the impacts of accidents due to gas leakage, diffusion, fires, and explosions are analyzed by calculating the area influenced by poisoning, burns, and deaths. Lastly, based on the previous analyses, individual risks and social risks are calculated. The application of GIS technology helps strengthen the quantitative risk analysis (QRA) model and allows construction of a QRA system for urban gas pipeline networks that can aid pipeline management staff in demarcating high risk areas requiring more frequent inspections.  相似文献   

为达到帮助应急决策机构能迅速高效地完成天然气管道事故应急救援方案和行动的目的,运用UCINET软件对天然气管道应急体系的网络结构进行优化。通过分析应急指挥体系的自组织特性、控制特性和不确定性,参考美国卡特里娜飓风事故的应急救援组织网络,借助UCINET对天然气管道事故应急救援体系中的组织部门程度、接近和中间集中性分别进行相应的计算分析,归纳总结出天然气管道事故应急过程中最重要的组织部门。通过加强重要组织部门的通讯能力,实现对网络结构的优化,为提高部门间的协作能力,快速高效地完成应急救援任务提供支持。  相似文献   

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