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Nitrate and water supplies in the United Kingdom   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Nitrate concentrations in UK waters are rising, with the highest levels occurring in the south and east of England, particularly Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire and East Anglia. The source of the nitrate is arable agriculture where intensification in the last few decades has increased nitrate leaching from soils into both surface and underground waters. Concentrations in underground waters are expected to reach 150 to 200 mg litre(-1) nitrate (i.e. NO(3)) in the future, if agricultural losses remain stable. No widespread environmental deterioration due to nitrate has been observed in rivers or lakes. Excessive concentrations of nitrate in drinking waters can cause methaemoglobinaemia (blue-baby syndrome) in bottle-fed infants and the government Chief Medical Officer has recommended that a maximum concentration of 100 mg litre(-1) is appropriate for public water supplies in the UK. This level has not been exceeded in public water supplies in the UK, but maintaining it has cost approximately 15m pounds in borehole replacement and arrangements to blend high and low nitrate waters. Future capital costs are estimated as 37m pounds over the next 20 years. The European Economic Community (EEC) Drinking Water Directive (80/778/EEC) sets a maximum admissible concentration of 50 mg litre(-1) nitrate. Adherence to this standard will cost 199m pounds over the same period.  相似文献   

中国二噁英排放清单的国际比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用年总排放量、向大气年排放量、人均年排放量、人均向大气年排放量、本地污染指数、人均本地污染指数和地均本地污染指数作比较指标,对中国二噁英排放清单(以2004年为基准年)和基准年相近的27个国家的二噁英排放清单进行了比较研究.结果表明,中国二噁英的年总排放量、向大气年排放量和本地污染指数较大,表明开展二噁英减排工作势在必行;同时,人均年排放量、人均向大气年排放量、人均本地污染指数和地均本地污染指数较小,表明中国的二噁英人均产污水平远低于其他国家,开展二噁英减排有利于实现对二噁英污染的及早控制.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was used to survey the knowledge and attitude of senior managers toward dioxins at five waste incineration plants and seven coking plants. A field survey was performed to verify dioxin control practices at two of the waste incineration plants and one of the coke plants. All the respondents at the waste incineration plants claimed to be knowledgeable about dioxins and had a proactive attitude toward dioxin control. The field survey verified the implementation of various dioxin control measures at their plants. However, the coking plants' respondents were ignorant about dioxins. This study reveals that dioxin emission policies have had a significant effect on industrial practices and knowledge. The differences in economics between the two sites have also contributed to the disparity in their respective knowledge levels. Finally, the paper gives the corresponding recommendations on how to further improve the level of dioxin knowledge and control practices in China.  相似文献   

Dioxin analyses using a DB5MS chromatography column are presented for samples of dust from an electrostatic precipitator and emissions from the main stack of a UK sinter plant. The analyses have been repeated using the SP2331 column, for which the elution order has been determined for the whole range of tetra to octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, and which provides a larger degree of separation than the DB5MS column. Polychlorinated dibenzofurans are present in significantly larger amounts in both the dust and stack emissions, and are the main contributors to the I-TEQ. Analysis using the SP2331 column for dioxins show considerable similarity to those of Bacher et al. for soot from a wood-burning fire, but differ markedly from those of Addink et al. for simulation of waste incineration. The similarities to Bacher's results are less for the dibenzofurans. Comparison of absolute concentrations with reported vapour pressures shows the retention of significant dioxin in the dust to involve mechanisms other than pure condensation.  相似文献   

Federal Tier 3 motor vehicle emission and fuel sulfur standards have been promulgated in the United States to help attain air quality standards for ozone and PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm). The authors modeled a standard similar to Tier 3 (a hypothetical nationwide implementation of the California Low Emission Vehicle [LEV] III standards) and prior Tier 2 standards for on-road gasoline-fueled light-duty vehicles (gLDVs) to assess incremental air quality benefits in the United States (U.S.) and the relative contributions of gLDVs and other major source categories to ozone and PM2.5 in 2030. Strengthening Tier 2 to a Tier 3-like (LEV III) standard reduces the summertime monthly mean of daily maximum 8-hr average (MDA8) ozone in the eastern U.S. by up to 1.5 ppb (or 2%) and the maximum MDA8 ozone by up to 3.4 ppb (or 3%). Reducing gasoline sulfur content from 30 to 10 ppm is responsible for up to 0.3 ppb of the improvement in the monthly mean ozone and up to 0.8 ppb of the improvement in maximum ozone. Across four major urban areas—Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, and St. Louis—gLDV contributions range from 5% to 9% and 3% to 6% of the summertime mean MDA8 ozone under Tier 2 and Tier 3, respectively, and from 7% to 11% and 3% to 7% of the maximum MDA8 ozone under Tier 2 and Tier 3, respectively. Monthly mean 24-hr PM2.5 decreases by up to 0.5 μg/m3 (or 3%) in the eastern U.S. from Tier 2 to Tier 3, with about 0.1 μg/m3 of the reduction due to the lower gasoline sulfur content. At the four urban areas under the Tier 3 program, gLDV emissions contribute 3.4–5.0% and 1.7–2.4% of the winter and summer mean 24-hr PM2.5, respectively, and 3.8–4.6% and 1.5–2.0% of the mean 24-hr PM2.5 on days with elevated PM2.5 in winter and summer, respectively.

Implications: Following U.S. Tier 3 emissions and fuel sulfur standards for gasoline-fueled passenger cars and light trucks, these vehicles are expected to contribute less than 6% of the summertime mean daily maximum 8-hr ozone and less than 7% and 4% of the winter and summer mean 24-hr PM2.5 in the eastern U.S. in 2030. On days with elevated ozone or PM2.5 at four major urban areas, these vehicles contribute less than 7% of ozone and less than 5% of PM2.5, with sources outside North America and U.S. area source emissions constituting some of the main contributors to ozone and PM2.5, respectively.  相似文献   

Tondeur Y  Vining B  Mace K  Mills W  Hart J 《Chemosphere》2012,88(3):358-363
In late 1990s, USEPA/FDA made an important connection regarding the presence of elevated levels of dioxins (e.g., 1500 ng kg−1 TEQ) in ball clays mined in Mississippi (USA) from a geological deposit dated to ∼40 million years (Mississippi Embayment) that stretches over several states (northern part of Mississippi to Kentucky) and levels of dioxins in selected animal food sources. Following a recent beach nourishment program along the mid-Atlantic coast of the US, a number of dark gray, blue tinted nuggets of varying sizes were found on beach strands and near the shoreline. Using the presence of these balls of clay (shape, color, and knowledge regarding their use in pottery) on the beach, together with our direct experience analyzing ball clays for dioxins, we made a possible association between these clays and elevated dioxins. Concerns regarding the potential of nourishment programs to cause severe damage to our beaches drove us to test the dioxin content of nourishment exposed clays. A number of the nuggets, along with freshly dredged and deposited sand (collected the morning after nourishment) with the same coloration, and others (sun-bleached), collected approximately 2 weeks after the completion of the nourishment efforts, were analyzed for the presence of PCDD/Fs, PCBs, and selected semi-volatile chlorinated organics. The clay PCDD/F WHO2005-TEQs (dry weight; ND = DL; EMPC = EMPC) ranged from 0.41 to 5.78 ng kg−1 with an average of 2.64 ng kg−1, whereas the sand sample’s TEQs ranged from 0.18 to 0.31 ng kg−1 PCDD/F WHO-2005, with an average of 0.22 ng kg−1. The average total tetra- through octachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin concentration was 2700 ng kg−1 (with a maximum of 5800 ng kg−1) for the clays and 8.5 ng kg−1 (with a maximum of 16.8 ng kg−1) for the sand samples. The congener 2,3,7,8-TCDD (TEF = 1) was detected in half of the clay samples (0.11-0.77 ng kg−1). All of the clay and sand samples displayed an unambiguous and dominating 1,4,6,9-chlorination pattern across homolog groups. No other chlorinated aromatics were detected above background levels. The observations, along with the absence or an extremely low level of polychlorinated dibenzofurans, together with the mineralogical analysis, supports the conclusion that off-shore dredging activities are reaching reservoir sources containing dioxin-tainted, smectic/kaolinite clay minerals. Subsequent beach erosion provides additional environmental releases over time, as buried balls of clay from previous nourishment efforts become exposed.  相似文献   

Organohalogen chemicals in human blood from the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Blood serum from 154 volunteers at 13 UK locations in 2003 were analysed for a range of PCBs, organochlorine pesticides and PBDEs. HCB, p,p'-DDE and p,p'-DDT and beta-HCH were the dominant organochlorine pesticides in most samples. BDEs 47, 99, 100, 153, 154 and 183 were the most regularly detected PBDEs. This study is the first report of BDE209 in UK human blood (found in 11 samples, range < 15-240 ng/g lipid). Concentration and age correlated for the less easily metabolised PCBs, p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE, HCB and HCHs. With increasing age females tended to have lower concentrations of the more chlorinated PCBs than males. Similar PBDE concentrations, and distributions, to those reported in the general population in Sweden in 2002 were found, despite differences in historical PBDE production and usage. There is increasing regulation to control persistent and bioaccumulative chemicals, and establishing human exposure will help to identify substances which should be urgently phased out.  相似文献   

Acidic (acid neutralizing capacity [ANC] < or = 0) surface waters in the United States sampled in the National Surface Water Survey (NSWS) were classified into three groups according to their probable sources of acidity: (1) organic-dominated waters (organic anions > SO4*; (2) watershed sulphate-dominated waters (watershed sulphate sources > deposition sulphate sources); and (3) deposition-dominated waters (anion chemistry dominated by inputs of sulphate and nitrate derived from deposition). The classification approach is highly robust; therefore, it is a useful tool in segregating surface waters into chemical categories. An estimated 75% (881) of acidic lakes and 47% (2190) of acidic streams are dominated by acid anions from deposition and are probably acidic due to acidic deposition. In about a quarter of the acidic lakes and streams, organic acids were the dominant source of acidity. In the remaining 26% of the acidic streams, watershed sources of sulphate, mainly from acid mine drainage, were the dominant source of acidity.  相似文献   

D.I. Townsend 《Chemosphere》1986,15(9-12):1461-1466
In a recent comprehensive study of dioxin levels in the environment with several potential historical manufacturing and combustion sources, a simple but effective pattern recognition technique was developed and successfully used to guide the study. Using isomer specific data on 20 tetra isomer groups, the resulting isomer profiles were able to identify dominant sources of dioxin in various areas. Several specific studies and multi-variant statistical procedures were used to confirm the findings.  相似文献   

Tung JW  Yu JZ  Lau AK  Louie PK 《Chemosphere》2005,59(10):1387-1398
Ambient measurements of seventeen 2,3,7,8-polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/dibenzofuran congeners (2,3,7,8-PCDD/Fs) have been taken in a number of monitoring programs or ad-hoc studies in Hong Kong. The longest monitoring program started at two locations in the territory in July 1997. The other monitoring efforts are ad-hoc studies, varying from a few coordinated sampling events at multiple sites to a year-long monitoring project that targeted suspected local dioxin sources. In this paper, we examined these measurements to understand the ambient levels, temporal and spatial variation, and possible sources of the 2,3,7,8-PCDD/Fs in Hong Kong. The territory-wide annual average concentration of the dioxins was 0.052 pg I-TEQ/m3 measured at the regular monitoring stations in the most recent annual cycle of 2000/2001. This level fell at the lower end of the range of dioxin concentrations measured at other urban locations around the world. The dioxin levels showed a clear seasonality in that elevated concentrations were observed in the winter and lower concentrations in the summer at all monitoring sites with one year or more regular measurements. The measurements indicated that the few known local dioxin sources, including a major chemical waste incinerator facility, landfill sites, and vehicular traffic, are not important contributors to ambient dioxins in Hong Kong. On days of high dioxin concentrations, the 2,3,7,8-PCDD/F congeners were observed to have almost identical compositions with a north-northwest to south-southeast spatial gradient in concentrations at different sampling locations in Hong Kong. This observation, along with other collaborative evidence, established a strong link between high dioxin concentration days in Hong Kong and regional transport of the polluted air masses from the north.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first attempt to quantify the production, cycling, storage and loss of PAHs in the UK environment. Over 53 000 tonnes of sigmaPAHs (sum of 12 individual compounds) are estimated to reside in the contemporary UK environment, with soil being the major repository. If soils at contaminated sites are included, this estimate increases dramatically. Emission of PAHs to the UK atmosphere from primary combustion sources are estimated to be greater than 1000 tonnes sigmaPAHs per annum, with over 95% coming from domestic coal combustion, unregulated fires and vehicle emissions. It is estimated that approximately 210 tonnes of sigmaPAH are delivered to terrestrial surfaces each year via atmospheric deposition. Therefore, inputs of PAHs to the UK atmosphere outweigh the outputs by a factor of over 4. This may be explained by enhanced particulate deposition near point sources, PAH degradation in the atmosphere and transport away from the UK with prevailing winds. Disposal of waste residues is estimated to contribute a further 1000 tonnes of sigmaPAH per year to the terrestrial environment. It is illustrated that the use of creosote has the potential to release considerable quantities of PAHs to the UK environment. Temporal trends in PAH cycling are then considered. There is good evidence to suggest that air concentrations and fluxes to the UK surface are now lower than at any time throughout this century. Nonetheless, the UK sigmaPAH burden is still increasing at the present time, principally through retention by soils. However, there are marked differences in the behaviour of individual compounds: there is evidence, for example, that phenanthrene concentrations in soils have declined since the 1960s, although soil concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene and other heavier PAHs have continued to increase through this century. Volatilisation of low molecular weight PAHs accumulated in soils over previous decades may be making an important contribution to the current atmospheric burden. The major uncertainties identified by data on this budget are: (1) the lack of PAH concentrations in some environmental matrices; (2) the possible importance of contaminated soils as a major repository and source of PAHs; (3) the lack of emission data (especially vapour phase releases) for some PAH sources; (4) the importance of biodegradation and volatilisation as loss mechanisms for low molecular weight PAHs in soils; and (5) the importance of creosote use in the PAH cycle.  相似文献   

Estimates of the emissions of ammonia have previously concentrated on animal husbandry sources from agricultural systems. Animal husbandry sources still constitute the major fraction of emissions of ammonia, but we have also considered the potential magnitude of other 'minor' sources, which may include coal combustion, waste incineration, road vehicles, sewage treatment plants, fertiliser manufacture and application, vegetation senescence and crop emissions, domestic pets, and human sources. Where possible, a provisional estimate of UK emissions from each of these sources is given. It is concluded that the potential magnitude of emissions from these 'minor' sources may make a significant contribution to the total emissions of ammonia to the atmosphere. On the basis of the available data, and the application of a range of emission factors to the UK situation, an additional annual emission potential lying in the range of approximately 80-140 ktonne year(-1) over and above that from animal husbandry has been calculated. The uncertainties in the emission estimates and instances in which a better resolution of sources is required are discussed. The emission factors used for animals in various inventories are reviewed and applied to the main UK agricultural animal populations. By using this approach, estimates of emissions from these sources range between 113 and 647 ktonne year(-1), which illustrates the uncertainties involved. It is suggested that our knowledge of the sources of ammonia, and their distribution, is far from complete.  相似文献   

Schüler D  Jager J 《Chemosphere》2004,54(1):49-59
Experiments were conducted at the VERONA pilot plant, an incineration plant with stationary grate and separate post-combustion chamber, using wood and propane as basic combustible materials and with controlled dosage of various bromine-, chlorine- and copper-containing compounds. The behaviour of the following compounds was studied in the combustion chamber, after the post-combustion chamber and after the heat exchanger: polychlorinated phenols (PCPh), polybrominated phenols (PBrPh), polychlorinated benzenes (PCBz), polybrominated benzenes (PBrBz), polychlorinated dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) and polybrominated dioxins and furans (PBDD/F). The bromine co-incineration leaded to very high bromophenol concentrations after the post-combustion chamber. The formation of brominated and mixed-halogenated phenols and the further reaction to halogenated dioxins is apparently a relevant reaction mechanism for dioxin formation in processes involving bromine. This assumption is supported by the high formation rates of PBDD/F found in the heat exchanger, which were 4-20 times higher than those of PCDD/F. Moreover, the strong correlations found between the formation rates of PCPh, PCBz and PCDD/F in the heat exchanger indicate that in addition considerable new formation of dioxins takes place through de novo synthesis. Experiments involving the variation of primary operational parameters and fuel properties have shown that the quality of post-combustion plays a much greater role than the other parameters. Furthermore, it became apparent that the congeners of the chlorophenols and of the chlorobenzenes, measured in various incineration stages, do not correlate closely with the dioxin concentrations after the heat exchanger.  相似文献   

The size distributions of Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Se, Sr, Zn and Fe in atmospheric aerosols were measured using impactors at three background sites in central England and southern Scotland. Coarse aerosols (>10.0 μm) were found to be undercollected by a micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI) when compared to an isokinetic technique, to a degree dependent on the size distribution of individual metals. The size distributions obtained in Scotland, which were typically trimodal, differed from those in central England, where modes were more variable.Characteristic size distributions allowed identification of three main behavioural types: (i) metals whose mass resided mainly within the accumulation mode (Cd, Sn, Pb, Se), (ii) those which were distributed between fine, intermediate and coarse modes (Ni, Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Hg), and (iii) those which were mainly found within coarse particles (Fe, Sr, Ba). The measured distributions are believed to result from a combination of processes including local anthropogenic and natural sources, long-range transport and resuspension.  相似文献   

Food is considered to be the main source of dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) for human intake, but there are relatively few publications reporting the levels of dioxins and furans in food samples.(1–4) Food samples from western to eastern Russia were collected during three recent trips by one of us (AS), and tested for dioxins and dibenzofurans to provide some indication of environmental contamination. The results show that in specific food samples there are more dioxins present than dibenzofurans, but in fish samples the opposite is true. We compare the levels found in Russian food with levels found in samples from other countries, on both wet weight and lipid basis. These Russian samples show ranges similar to but slightly lower than those seen in other industrial countries.  相似文献   

The increasing amount of food waste generated as a direct consequence of its excessive production, mismanagement, and wasteful behaviors represents a real challenge in promoting resource efficiency. In the United Kingdom (UK), the lack of robust mass flow data hinders the ability both to understand and address food waste challenges and to devise long-term sustainable prevention strategies. In recognition of these challenges, this paper seeks to (i) provide insights into the UK’s annual estimates of food mass flows, including imports, exports, distribution, consumption, surplus food production, and final disposal; and (ii) scrutinize the uptake and redistribution of surplus food as a potential food waste prevention strategy. Evidence collected from several enterprises and community-led initiatives in the UK, and London specifically, supports that there is an increasing potential of making a shift towards food redistribution and reuse. Further analysis has shown that the outreach of food redistribution initiatives in the UK is currently limited, possibly because redistribution efforts remain largely fragmented and independent from each other. It is concluded that a national commitment could be instrumental in encouraging the roll-out of this practice, and governmental support through fiscal incentives could lead to the development of a larger and coherent surplus food redistribution system, ultimately enabling food waste prevention and recovery of food’s multidimensional value.

Implications: This paper deals with the topical issue of the increasing amount of food waste generated as a direct consequence of excessive production, mismanagement, and wasteful behavior, representing a real challenge in achieving sustainability and resource efficiency. Currently, only a small fraction of food is redistributed back into the system. Yet, a considerable fraction of food waste generated is edible; thus, better planning, storage, and coordination amongst the different stakeholders in the food supply chain is required in order to prevent its wastage and promote its reuse in accordance with the waste hierarchy.  相似文献   

To elucidate the historical changes in polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF), coplanar polychlorinated biphenyl (co-PCB), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) inflows in Lake Suwa, their concentrations in the sediment core were analyzed in 5 cm interval. The maximum concentrations (depth cm) of PCDDs/DFs, co-PCBs, and PAHs were 25.2 ng/g dry (30-35 cm), 19.0 ng/g dry (30-35 cm), and 738, 795 ng/g dry (50-55 cm, 30-35 cm), respectively. Age and sedimentation rate of the sediment were estimated from the vertical changes in apparent density. Deposition rate of dioxins and PAHs were calculated from the concentration and sedimentation rate of the sediment. The results indicate that large amounts of dioxins and PAHs flowed into the lake in flood stage compared to normal stage.  相似文献   

There is a possibility of further controls on emissions to the atmosphere of nitrogen oxides to meet air quality objectives in the UK. Data in the National Air Quality Archive were used to calculate the likely sensitivity of hourly concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in ambient urban air to changes in the total oxides of nitrogen. Since the role of atmospheric chemical reactions is to make the response non-linearly dependent on the emissions control, we seek to establish the magnitude and sign of the effects that this non-linearity might cause. We develop a quantitative approach to analysing the non-linearity in the data. Polynomial curve fits have been developed for the empirical ratio NO2 : NOx (the ‘yield’). They describe nitrogen dioxide concentrations using total oxides of nitrogen. The new functions have the important feature of increased yield in winter episodes. Simpler functions tend to omit this feature of the yields at the highest hourly concentrations. Based on this study, the hourly nitrogen dioxide objective in the UK may require emissions control of no more than ≈50% on total oxides of nitrogen at the most polluted sites: other sites require less or even no control.  相似文献   

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