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城市综合防灾减灾管理是城市管理的一个重要组成部分,上海市综合减灾体系目前尚不够完善,城市抗灾能力仍较薄弱,本文通过对国外大城市减灾管理模式的比较和研究,分析了目前沆减灾管理模式的现状和存在的问题,并提出了一个较为完善的上海市综合减灾管理模式框架和由目前灾害管理模式向理想模式过渡的措施和建议。  相似文献   

Efficient and effective disaster management will prevent many hazardous events from becoming disasters. This paper constitutes the most comprehensive document on the natural disaster management framework of Cameroon. It reviews critically disaster management in Cameroon, examining the various legislative, institutional, and administrative frameworks that help to facilitate the process. Furthermore, it illuminates the vital role that disaster managers at the national, regional, and local level play to ease the process. Using empirical data, the study analyses the efficiency and effectiveness of the actions of disaster managers. Its findings reveal inadequate disaster management policies, poor coordination between disaster management institutions at the national level, the lack of trained disaster managers, a skewed disaster management system, and a top‐down hierarchical structure within Cameroon's disaster management framework. By scrutinising the disaster management framework of the country, policy recommendations based on the research findings are made on the institutional and administrative frameworks.  相似文献   

Public, nonprofit and private organisations respond to large‐scale disasters domestically and overseas. Critics of these assistance efforts, as well as those involved, often cite poor interorganisational partnering as an obstacle to successful disaster response. Observers frequently call for ‘more’ and ‘better’ partnering. We found important qualitative distinctions existed within partnering behaviours. We identified four different types of interorganisational partnering activities often referred to interchangeably: communication, cooperation, coordination and collaboration—the Four Cs. We derived definitions of the Four Cs from the partnering literature. We then tested them in a case study of the response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake. We suggest that the Four Cs are distinct activities, that organisations are typically strong or weak in one or more for various reasons, and that the four terms represent a continuum of increased interorganisational embeddedness in partnering activities.  相似文献   

中国自然灾害应急管理研究进展与对策   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
从中国自然灾害应急管理的现状出发,系统分析了自然灾害应急管理领域的研究进展,指出了中国自然灾害应急管理在理论和实践方面存在的问题.在此基础上,提出了中国自然灾害应急管理框架,认为建立适合中国国情的自然灾害应急管理体制是提高中国自然灾害应急管理的基础;应急预案的制定和实施是规范灾害应急管理,提高灾害紧急救援能力的关键措施;灾害信息快速准确的获取和评估是灾害应急管理的有效保障;建立实际可用的应急管理系统是提高灾害应急管理水平和工作效率的根本出路.  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市防震减灾信息管理系统设计研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
本文通过基于GIS的城市防震减灾计算机信息管理系统设计的分析研究,描述了系统的总体思路,结构设计和功能等内容,该系统的建立既可用于城市防震减灾的日常工作,也可用于应急救灾的紧急情况。  相似文献   

李毅军 《灾害学》2001,16(4):22-26
依据中国地震局有关建设防震减灾示范项目大纲的要求,就大型企业如何建立防震减灾计算机信息系统进行了研究,给出了地震危险性分析、地震地质背景及震害预测和对策,为企业防震减灾工艺的信息化管理,提供了经验和借鉴。  相似文献   

基于互联网GIS(WebGIS)的环境灾害信息系统研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
建立基于WebGIS技术的互联网环境灾害监测信息系统,对我国环境保护和灾害预防具有重要的意义。分析了WebGIS的工作原理、技术支持标准、体系结构和数据库建库方法,详细介绍了该系统开发的关键技术和主要的程序编码。最后给出了互联网浙江省环境灾害监测信息系统的应用实例。  相似文献   

利用WEBGIS实现地震灾害信息数据的管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了WEBGIS技术的特点、基本原理和实现方法,及其在管理海量地理数据中的优势,并构建了基于WEBGIS的地震灾害信息数据的主体框架。  相似文献   

江西省自然灾害链实例分析及综合减灾对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对2002年江西省自然灾害进行综合实例分析,提出了大部分自然灾害是以气候变化和气象灾害为始发源头,并以灾害链形式演变发展的成灾规律,在此基础上探讨了自然灾害的成灾机制,并提出了综合防灾减灾对策.  相似文献   

近50年来,国内外学者对灾害经济问题进行了较为深入的研究,各国政府在灾害管理实践方面也积累了大量的经验,借鉴这些研究成果和管理经验,结合"汶川地震"灾害经济管理的实际,就完善我国以人为本的自然灾害管理机制和确保地震重灾区的可持续重建,提出了7点建议.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to discover how coordination and communication between the government and service organisations responsible for the relief effort following Hurricane Katrina contributed to the poor outcomes for the communities impacted by the storm. Two hypotheses were tested in this study: communication was positively correlated with the degree of coordination immediately following Katrina; and miscommunication was negatively correlated with the degree of coordination after the storm. Quantitative content analysis of media reports was used to analyse the data and test the hypotheses. Both communication and miscommunication were found to be positively correlated with coordination. The results of this study suggest that increasing interorganisational communication and establishing clearly defined roles for organisations must be a high priority in revamping organisational protocol on disaster response if any new approach is to be successful.  相似文献   

This issue of Disasters explores the roles of NGOs and other actors in disaster mitigation and preparedness and also reviews broad international trends in risk management and disaster prevention. The need to address risk, and with that the motivation to improve disaster mitigation and preparedness, has tended to fall between the cracks of grander frameworks of development co-operation and humanitarian assistance. Despite the seemingly glaring need to reduce the horrific impact of floods, droughts and wars, disaster mitigation and preparedness have neither the allure of directly 'saving lives', nor of providing an 'escape from poverty'. There are, however, signs that risk management is becoming a mainstream concern. Factors such as the need to address factors that do not fit into traditional slots on the relief-development continuum, the rising economic costs of disasters and a growing acknowledgement that aid will never cover more than a small fraction of the costs of disasters are all leading to new approaches, priorities and institutional configurations. A realisation that dealing with risk and insecurity is a central part of how poor people develop their livelihood strategies has begun to position disaster mitigation and preparedness within many poverty alleviation agendas. A number of long-standing challenges remain; most of all, the complexities of maintaining the political will that is needed to ensure that risk management becomes more than a passing fad.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an empirically grounded framework for examining the preparedness and recovery phases of disaster management activities and processes pertaining to predictable disasters within a developed country. The two‐stage framework provides a single model composed of important preparedness and recovery initiatives, as well as activities and processes derived from empirical data collected for case studies from Australia: the ‘Black Saturday’ bushfires in the state of Victoria in February 2009; and Cyclone Larry in March 2006. The framework enables a variety of analyses, including the generation of insights into disaster management preparedness and recovery in the context of events in wealthy developed countries. The paper combines two empirical examples, a series of bushfires and a severe tropical cyclone, to enhance understanding of, and to contribute to better, disaster preparedness and recovery in the future. The paper contributes to the growing literature on disasters, preparedness, recovery and associated logistics, and other issues.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of a disaster event, and in the absence of trained professionals, many responsibilities are assumed by uninjured citizens who are willing and able to help, such as care of the injured or search and rescue. These citizens are constrained by communications and logistics problems but are less equipped to deal with them as most often they are cut off from any coordinated assistance. The method proposed in this study would increase the survivability of those injured or trapped by a disaster event by providing a facility to allow citizens to coordinate and share information among themselves. This is facilitated by the proposed deployment and the autonomous management of an ad hoc infrastructure that liaises directly with survivors without central control. Furthermore, as energy concerns present critical constraints to these networks, this research proposes a system of categorising information elements within the network to ensure efficient information exchange.  相似文献   

This study explores the major issues facing collective response operations after destructive earthquakes. The small-n case study design employs qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate the decision-making process in a context of seismic risk to exemplify how public managers can utilise information and communication systems to ensure collaborative actions in managing an extreme event. Fifty-eight semi-structured interviews with 39 key decision-makers and researchers and content analyses of daily reports from Cumhuriyet comprise the main data sources. The study compares and contrasts the Turkish disaster management system following the Marmara and Duzce earthquakes of 1999. It addresses whether the use of information and communication technologies significantly affected its performance. The study's findings reveal that difficulties in accessing and exchanging timely and accurate disaster-relevant information inhibited coordination during the Marmara response while increased communication functions improved coordination and search-and-rescue activities during the Duzce response.  相似文献   

城市公共安全规划与灾害应急管理的集成研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着城市公共安全理论研究与应用的不断深入,对于安全规划与灾害应急管理的孤立研究已渐露弊端.探讨了研究城市公共安全规划与灾害应急管理的融合模式,剖析了城市公共安全规划的空间范围与应变管理空间需求之间的关系,提出了以整合观和可持续发展观构建城市公共安全规划,以空间观构建城市应急管理机制的设想.在此基础上,根据有效服务范围和资源量,提出了城市各类防救灾设施的规划标准与建构模式,以建立城市救灾单元区域.  相似文献   

An essential component of disaster planning and preparation is the identification and selection of temporary disaster debris management sites (DMS). However, since DMS identification is a complex process involving numerous variable constraints, many regional, county and municipal jurisdictions initiate this process during the post‐disaster response and recovery phases, typically a period of severely stressed resources. Hence, a pre‐disaster approach in identifying the most likely sites based on the number of locational constraints would significantly contribute to disaster debris management planning. As disasters vary in their nature, location and extent, an effective approach must facilitate scalability, flexibility and adaptability to variable local requirements, while also being generalisable to other regions and geographical extents. This study demonstrates the use of binomial cluster analysis in potential DMS identification in a case study conducted in Hamilton County, Indiana.  相似文献   

基于洪水灾害快速评估的承灾体易损性信息管理系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
洪水灾害易损性信息管理系统是为了开展洪水灾害快速评估,对不同洪水灾害流域和同一洪水灾害流域中的不同地区、不同承灾体(财产分类)、不同致灾因子(水深和历时等)条件,以财产的损失率为核心的综合信息管理系统。本文介绍了洪水灾害易损性信息管理系统的开发与设计的基本原理,阐述了系统的总体结构框架和功能模块划分,并且在系统数据流程图的基础上,对损失率数据库等几个重要的模块进行了详细的分析与设计,给出了系统的部分运行结果。本系统在与GIS、遥感等空间技术结合后,能够高效地完成各种洪水灾害损失的快速评估与预测分析工作,同时,本系统亦可独立作为对区域洪水灾害易损性研究的数据基础和理论支撑。  相似文献   

国内外大城市防灾减灾管理模式的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
翟永梅  韩新  沈祖炎 《灾害学》2002,17(1):62-69
城市综合防灾减灾管理是城市管理的一个重要组成部分。上海综合减灾体系目前尚不够完善,城市抗灾能力仍较薄弱。本文通过对国外大城市减灾管理模式的比较和研究,分析了目前上海市减灾管理模式的现状和问题,提出了改进目前上海市灾害管理模式的措施建议。  相似文献   

风险管理技术是一种高层次的综合性管理技术。从滑坡的风险因索识别、风险评价、风险控制、滑坡风险防范措施等风险管理流程人手,对基于风险管理技术的边坡安全与滑坡预防思想进行了论述,指出应用风险管理技术是帮助管理者有准备地、理性地面对所可能遇见的风险,并采取措施最大限度地减少风险,最终减少或避免财产损失和人员伤亡的预防手段。最后概括了滑坡灾害研究的进展和风险管理在滑坡灾害预防方面的研究趋势。  相似文献   

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