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A new material with high content of fly ash named ‘Ashcrete’ has been developed. to examine the applicability of Ashcrete to marine structures, strength characteristics, resistance to sea water attack, and safety in the marine environment have been studied. the following results have been obtained:

1) the strength characteristics of high-volume fly ash concrete depend upon the type and proportions of chemical activators as well as curing conditions.

2) Ashcrete using sodium chloride (NaCI) as a chemical activator shows high initial strength and good strength development with age.

3) Ashcrete containing NaCI activator shows good resistance to sea water from the viewpoint of its strength characteristics, volume changes and microstructurcs.

4) Since 1980 many types of large-scale artificial reefs made of Ashcrete have been installed in the sea. As a result of long-term studies and underwater observations, the Japanese Government has demonstrated the durability of the material, safety in the marine environment and attractiveness to fish.

5) It is therefore proposed that Ashcrete might be used in constructing large-scale sea mounts in deep water for the purpose of generating upwelling.  相似文献   

随着超高压联网工程建设项目不断增多,取得巨大经济效益的同时,其电缆安全性日益受到关注。采用标准实验方法,研究电缆绝缘油对8种占据不同生态位的海洋生物(费氏弧菌(Vibrio fischeri)、牟氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros mueleri)、卤虫(Artemia sp.)、蒙古裸腹溞(Moina mongolica)、凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)、裸项栉鰕虎鱼(Ctenogobius gymnauchen)、双齿围沙蚕(Perinereis aibuhitensis)、菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum))的急性毒性,同时进行了电缆绝缘油对裸项栉鰕虎鱼14 d延长毒性实验和电缆绝缘油对蒙古裸腹溞的慢性毒性。结果表明,电缆绝缘油在50%饱和溶解浓度下未对费氏弧菌产生明显的发光抑制作用;对牟氏角毛藻、凡纳滨对虾、裸项栉鰕虎鱼、双齿围沙蚕和菲律宾蛤仔等5种生物未表现出急性毒性影响,其LC50均大于饱和浓度;对卤虫的96 h-LC50为17.07%,LOEC为12.5%,NOEC为6.25%;对蒙古裸腹溞96 h-LC50为29.75%,LOEC为25.0%,NOEC为12.5%;电缆绝缘油对卤虫和蒙古裸腹溞有剧毒。对裸项栉鰕虎鱼成鱼14 d延长毒性LC50大于500 000 mg·L~(-1);对蒙古裸腹溞母溞存活数的NOEC为625μg·L~(-1),LOEC为1 250μg·L~(-1);对母溞存活期的NOEC为312μg·L~(-1),LOEC为625μg·L~(-1);对产胎数的NOEC为625μg·L~(-1),LOEC为1 250μg·L~(-1);对产幼溞数的NOEC为625μg·L~(-1),LOEC为1 250μg·L~(-1)。  相似文献   

Abstract:  For many regions worldwide, multiple and often contrasting biogeographic classifications exist that are derived from a variety of taxa and techniques. This presents a challenge for managers who must choose appropriate large-scale spatial frameworks for systematic conservation planning. We demonstrate how systematically collected community data can be used to evaluate existing biogeographic classifications, identify the most appropriate metric for biogeographic patterns seen in other taxonomic groups, and develop an independent biogeographic classification scheme for systematic conservation planning. We evaluated 6 existing biogeographic classifications for New Zealand's nearshore marine environment with community-similarity metrics derived from abundance and presence–absence data for macroalgae (107 species) and mobile macroinvertebrates (44 species). The concordance between community metrics and the previous classifications was high, as indicated by a high multivariate classification success (CS) (74.3–98.3%). Subsequently, we carried out an independent classification analysis on each community metric to identify biogeographic units within a hierarchical spatial framework. The classification derived from macroalgal presence–absence data achieved the highest CS and could be used as a mesoscale classification scheme in which 11 regional groupings (i.e., bioregions) (CS = 73.8–84.8%) are nested within northern and southern biogeographic provinces (CS = 90.3–98.7%). These techniques can be used in systematic conservation planning to inform the design of representative and comprehensive networks of marine protected areas through evaluation of the current coverage of marine reserves in each bioregion. Currently, 0.22% of the territorial sea around mainland New Zealand is protected in no-take marine protected areas in which 0–1.5% of each bioregion represented.  相似文献   

地理信息系统在近岸海域环境管理中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章研究了地理信息系统技术在某滨海城市近岸海域环境管理中的应用 ,研究表明在地理信息系统支持下的近岸海域环境管理包括 :海洋污染源管理、海洋环境质量评价等 ,具有界面友好、形象直观、使用方便、易于操作和维护等优点。  相似文献   

粉煤灰复合吸附剂的研制及其在工业废水除氟中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
粉煤灰复合吸附剂是一种新型得除氟剂,具有良好的吸附性能,在一定条件下,可用于处理高含氟量的工业废水,粉煤灰复合吸附剂处理50mg/L左右的含F^-废水时,当投加量为0.6%-0.8%时,去除率可达90%以上,从而达到排放标准,粉煤灰复合吸附剂所需原料易得,除氟后可将原料固化制成建筑用砖,合理利用。  相似文献   

Abstract:  We assessed the effects of economic growth, urbanization, and human population size on marine biodiversity. We used the mean trophic level (MTL) of marine catch as an indicator of marine biodiversity and conducted cross-national time-series analyses (1960–2003) of 102 nations to investigate human social influences on fish catch and trends in MTL. We constructed path models to examine direct and indirect effects relating to marine catch and MTL. Nations' MTLs declined with increased economic growth, increased urbanization, and increased population size, in part because of associated increased catch. These findings contradict the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis, which claims that economic modernization will reduce human impact on the environment. To make informed decisions on issues of marine resource management, policy makers, nonprofit entities, and professional societies must recognize the need to include social analyses in overall conservation-research strategies. The challenge is to utilize the socioeconomic and ecological research in the service of a comprehensive marine-conservation movement.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We compared and integrated marine protected areas proposed through community and scientific assessments in 2 regions of British Columbia, Canada. The community priorities were identified during individual and group interviews with knowledgeable resource users. The scientific priorities were developed with abiotic and biotic data in Marxan, a decision-support tool. The resulting maps of community-based and science-based priorities were very similar for the inshore areas, which lent credibility to both approaches. The resource users thought the science-based maps were fairly good at highlighting areas important for conservation, but preferred the scenarios that integrated the 2 maps to either constituent map. Incorporating spatial variation in human impacts on the marine areas and commercial fishing, which are both costs of protection, into our Marxan analyses led to scenarios that were different from either constituent map. Our results show the value of integrating community-based and science-based approaches in conservation planning to achieve community acceptance and conservation utility. They also reveal that people's assessments on the basis of their traditional ecological knowledge may serve as a reasonable proxy for scientific approaches in selecting areas of ecological value.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Marine environments have suffered from a lack of quantitative methods for delineating areas that are sensitive or vulnerable to particular stresses, natural and anthropogenic. We define sensitivity as the degree to which marine features respond to stresses, which are deviations of environmental conditions beyond the expected range. Vulnerability can then be defined as the probability that a feature will be exposed to a stress to which it is sensitive. Using these definitions, we provide a quantitative methodology for identifying vulnerable marine areas based on valued ecological features, defined as biological or physical features, processes, or structures deemed by humans to have environmental, social, cultural, or economic significance. The vulnerability of the valued ecological features is a function of their sensitivity to particular stresses and their vulnerability to those stresses. We used the methodology to demonstrate how vulnerable marine areas for two groups of endangered whale species (inshore and offshore) could be identified with a predictive habitat model and acoustic stress surfaces. Acoustic stress surfaces were produced for ferry traffic, commercial shipping traffic, potential offshore oil production, and small-boat traffic. The vulnerabilities of the two whale groups to the four stressors considered in this example were relatively similar; however, inshore species were more sensitive to on-shelf, coastal activities such as offshore hydrocarbon production, ferry traffic, and small-boat traffic. Our approach demonstrates how valued features can be associated with stresses and the likelihood of encountering these stresses (vulnerability) in order to identify geographic areas for management and conservation purposes. The method can be applied to any combination of valued ecological features and stressors.  相似文献   

Differences between the scientific and environmental policy communities regarding marine environmental protection strategies are discussed in the context of the nature and extent of scientific influence on marine environmental policy. Public perceptions of the nature and severity of marine pollution frequently differ from scientific assessments. the thesis of this paper is that the increasing influence of public perception on marine environmental protection policy is leading to the adoption of simplistic and unnecessarily extreme approaches to marine pollution prevention and to a reduced reliance on science. This trend is illustrated by some recent international developments and some suggestions are made towards enhancing the influence of science on marine protection policy.  相似文献   


Differences between the scientific and environmental policy communities regarding marine environmental protection strategies are discussed in the context of the nature and extent of scientific influence on marine environmental policy. Public perceptions of the nature and severity of marine pollution frequently differ from scientific assessments. the thesis of this paper is that the increasing influence of public perception on marine environmental protection policy is leading to the adoption of simplistic and unnecessarily extreme approaches to marine pollution prevention and to a reduced reliance on science. This trend is illustrated by some recent international developments and some suggestions are made towards enhancing the influence of science on marine protection policy.  相似文献   

粉煤灰对土壤和作物生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
粉煤灰施用量控制在60~600t/hm2,不会造成土壤、粮食的污染,且能改善土壤的物理、化学和生物学性质.有利于养分的转化。粉煤厂磁化后15~7.5t/hm2的施用量即可达到最佳的改上增产效果。本文在分析粉煤灰埋化性质的基础上,讨论了粉煤灰对土壤和作物生长的影响,同时也提出了降低粉煤灰中有害物质对土壤和作物不利影响的农用技术。  相似文献   

A Bioeconomic Model of Marine Reserve Creation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper employs a dynamic and spatial model of renewable resource exploitation to investigate the effects of marine reserve creation. The model combines a metapopulation model incorporating resource patch heterogeneity and dispersal with a behaviorally based spatially explicit harvesting model that assumes that fishermen choose location in a manner that eliminates spatial arbitrage opportunities. The combined spatial bioeconomic model is used to simulate the effects of reserve creation under various ecological structures. We identify parameter configurations and ecological dispersal processes that give rise to a double-payoff in which both aggregate biomass and harvest increase after an area of the fishery is set aside and protected from exploitation.  相似文献   

HDTMAB改性粉煤灰对水体中磷的吸附特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制备了十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(HDTMAB)改性粉煤灰,研究了该改性粉煤灰对水体中磷的吸附特性,结果表明:①当HDTMAB负载量为10%时,改性粉煤灰吸附磷酸盐的效果最佳;②改性粉煤灰对磷酸盐的吸附速度很快,20min可达吸附平衡;③改性粉煤灰对磷酸盐的吸附行为能较好地符合Langmuir等温吸附模型和Freundlich等温吸附模型,但在Freundlich模式下表现为两个线性区;④pH对改性粉煤灰吸附磷酸盐的性能有显著影响,随着pH的升高对磷酸盐的吸附能力逐渐增加。  相似文献   

采用粉煤灰(FA)和Ca(OH)2水合制得的高活性吸收剂作为二氧化硫的干法脱硫剂,重点研究了两种粉煤灰(电除尘灰和湿式水膜除尘灰)在同一配比、同一水合温度、同一水合时间下的脱硫效率,结果表明:电除尘灰比湿式水膜除尘灰脱硫效率高,并且电除尘的脱硫效率略微低于活性炭,同时介绍了粉煤灰的脱硫机理。  相似文献   

A Synthesis of Marine Conservation Planning Approaches   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  

Fly-ash dumped on the sea bed causes a local impoverishment of the benthos. Experiments on ash in sea water have shown bacterial colonization to occur, at a slower rate than on natural silt, limited meiofaunal colonization after 18 months, selection by meroplanktonic larvae for the ash, though inhibition of development after settlement, and selection against ash by mobile benthic adults. the major inhibition to colonization is the lack of organic content in the ash.  相似文献   


Fly-ash dumped on the sea bed causes a local impoverishment of the benthos. Experiments on ash in sea water have shown bacterial colonization to occur, at a slower rate than on natural silt, limited meiofaunal colonization after 18 months, selection by meroplanktonic larvae for the ash, though inhibition of development after settlement, and selection against ash by mobile benthic adults. the major inhibition to colonization is the lack of organic content in the ash.  相似文献   

浮游植物是海洋生态系统的主要初级生产者,同时作为食物也是许多水生生物摄取汞的主要途径。本文综述了近年来汞在海洋浮游植物中的最新研究进展,包括汞在浮游植物中的吸收、累积规律及其影响因素,汞对浮游植物的毒性效应(生长抑制、光合作用影响)以及生物的适应机制(汞的还原、螯合解毒、矿化固定等),最后对浮游植物中汞累积和毒性的未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

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