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ABSTRACT: Accurate water balance calculations are essential for water resource and environmental management decisions, but many of the terms used in the equation are difficult to measure. In this study, a method for measuring rates of evapotranspiration and net seepage from a freshwater marsh in southwest Florida is described. The results are compared to evaporation pan estimates as well as to calculations that balanced all the terms in the hydrologic budget. The measured rates of evapotranspiration showed a. distinct seasonal trend ranging from an average high of 0.24 in/d during July 1992 to a low of 0.06 in/d in January 1993. Evapotranspiration rates were higher than Class A evaporation pan measurements during July and August, indicating transpiration by plants exceeded evaporation by pans. Net ground water seepage flowed out of the marsh except during periods of high water table conditions. When all terms in the hydrologic budget were evaluated, the equation balanced on a yearly basis with an error of 2 percent, on a seasonal basis with errors less than 7 percent, but on a monthly basis errors were as great as 30 percent. Total annual rainfall on the marsh was 45 percent of the total marsh hydrologic input and was approximately equal to the loss by evapotranspiration of 41 percent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Foundation theory and experiences are provided that support the need and value of utilizing a results-oriented approach in developing and evaluating water education programs. This approach includes the ability to determine actual learning outcomes, monitoring learning through time, and discovering attitude and behavior changes that result from program participation. The paper also includes a case study of such an evaluation project in connection with the Groundwater Foundation's annual Children's Groundwater Festival. A challenge is also made to water educators to begin assessing actual impacts of education programs on water quality. Plans for such a study relating to the Foundation's Ground-water Guardian program are outlined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hydrologic landscapes are multiples or variations of fundamental hydrologic landscape units. A fundamental hydrologic landscape unit is defined on the basis of land‐surface form, geology, and climate. The basic land‐surface form of a fundamental hydrologic landscape unit is an upland separated from a lowland by an intervening steeper slope. Fundamental hydrologic landscape units have a complete hydrologic system consisting of surface runoff, ground‐water flow, and interaction with atmospheric water. By describing actual landscapes in terms of land‐surface slope, hydraulic properties of soils and geologic framework, and the difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration, the hydrologic system of actual landscapes can be conceptualized in a uniform way. This conceptual framework can then be the foundation for design of studies and data networks, syntheses of information on local to national scales, and comparison of process research across small study units in a variety of settings. The Crow Wing River watershed in central Minnesota is used as an example of evaluating stream discharge in the context of hydrologic landscapes. Lake‐research watersheds in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Nebraska are used as an example of using the hydrologic‐land‐scapes concept to evaluate the effect of ground water on the degree of mineralization and major‐ion chemistry of lakes that lie within ground‐water flow systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper considers the risk of drought and develops drought scenarios for use in the study of severe sustained drought in the Southwestern United States. The focus is on the Colorado River Basin and regions to which Colorado River water is exported, especially southern California, which depends on water from the Colorado River. Drought scenarios are developed using estimates of unimpaired historic streamflow as well as reconstructions of streamflow based on tree ring widths. Drought scenarios in the Colorado River Basin are defined on the basis of annual flow at Lees Ferry. The risk, in terms of return period, of the drought scenarios developed, is assessed using stochastic models.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This report presents the results of a survey of hydrology faculties of colleges and universities in the United States and Canada. Information is presented on topics covered in classes, allocation of class periods to individual topics, textbooks, prerequisites, computer use, and accreditation categories for hydrology courses offered by engineering departments. Hydrology courses generally require courses in fluid mechanics, mathematics, statistics, and computer science as prerequisites. Topics that receive the largest allocation of time in both introductory and advanced courses include rainfall-runoff relations, the hydrologic cycle, routing and open channel flow, and statistics. Advanced courses place greater emphasis on watershed models than do the introductory courses. Hydrology courses at both levels allocate the smallest amounts of time to snow hydrology ground-water hydrology, and “other topics.” Very few courses include field or experimental work. In a discipline where computer modeling is a major tool, this lack of field and data-collection experience may lead students to underestimate the uncertainties associated with data used to calibrate models and the modeling results themselves. Survey responses on hydrology courses taught in departments other than civil engineering were too few to permit detailed analysis. Most of these courses spend approximately two-thirds of available class time on the same topics as presented in engineering hydrology courses. The balance of class time is spent on topics that emphasize the specialized interest of the particular discipline, such as soil physics and soil moisture in agricultural engineering.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hydrologic Transport Assessment System (HYTRAS) is a software package that models contaminant transport in rivers and streams, including volatilization, adsorption/desorption, sedimentation, settling, and resuspension. Biodegradation, photolysis, and any other process that can be modeled using a first‐order decay constant can be included as well. HYTRAS originally modeled the transport of radionuclides and has recently been expanded to include transport of chemicals. The transport of chemicals has been validated using data from an accidental release of the chemicals disulfoton and thiometon into the Rhine River in 1986. For these chemicals, sorption is not an important process. For the range of measured flow velocities, HYTRAS was found to bound the peak arrival times. For the range of measured degradation rates, HYTRAS was found to bound the peak concentrations within 400 km of the source and bound the peak concentrations within a factor of two out to 700 km.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A survey was made to determine the status of formal education in wildland hydrology by colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. As of December 1977 nine institutions offered the B.S. degree, 18 the M.S. degree, and 17 the degree of Ph.D. with a major or minor in watershed management, forest hydrology, or range hydrology. In addition, 8 other schools offer a minor in watershed management. The survey indicated 44 schools in the United States offer a total of 157 courses, five schools in Canada offer 24 courses, and 1 in Mexico offers one course in the related areas. The survey illustrated rapid growth in education programs and it is anticipated that growth will continue.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The population in the Jemez y Sangre Water Planning Region of New Mexico has reached the point at which the demand for water exceeds available supplies, particularly when precipitation is below average, as has frequently occurred in recent years. The desire to develop a sustainable water supply that relies on renewable supplies in wet years and preserves the water in storage for times of drought motivated a diverse set of stakeholders in the region to participate in regional water planning. The planning effort culminated in development of the Jemez y Sangre Regional Water Plan, which was adopted by municipal and county governments in the region. The plan assesses and compares water supply and demand in the region and recommends alternatives for protecting and restoring the existing water supply and addressing the pending gap between supply and demand anticipated by the year 2060. To convey to decision makers the alternatives available to solve the future water shortage, option charts were developed to portray the amount of water that could be obtained or conserved through their implementation. The option charts show that the projected gap between supply and demand cannot be met through one alternative only, but will require a combination of alternatives.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Although our current (1990) knowledge of hydrologic and hydraulic processes is based on many years of study, there are river environments where these processes are complex and poorly understood. One of these environments is in mountainous areas, which cover about 25 percent of the United States. Use of conventional hydrologic and hydraulic techniques in mountain-river environments may produce erroneous results and interpretations in a wide spectrum of water-resources investigations. An ongoing U.S. Geological Survey research project is being conducted to improve the understanding of hydrologic and hydraulic processes of mountainous areas and to improve the results of subsequent hydrologic investigations. Future hydrologic and hydraulic research needs in mountainous areas are identified.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A “synthetic paired basin” technique that combines hydrologic monitoring and watershed modeling proves to be a useful tool in detecting hydrologic change in creeks draining basins undergoing urbanization. In this approach, measured stream flow following subbasin treatment (a period of urbanization) is compared with flow from a control subbasin over the same time period. The control subbasin is the pretreatment subbasin itself as represented by a well‐calibrated hydrologic model that is input with post‐treatment meteorological data. The technique is illustrated for stream monitoring sites at the outlets of two high‐resource sub‐basins in the Bear Creek basin of King County, Washington. Application of this technique holds promise to provide earlier warning of cumulative, human impacts on aquatic resources and to better inform adaptive watershed management for resource protection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of changes in the landscape and climate over geological time are plain to see in the present hydrological regime. More recent anthropogenic changes may also have effects on our way of life. A prerequisite to predicting such effects is that we understand the interactions between climate, landscape and the hydrological regime. A semi-distributed hydrological model (SLURP) has been developed which can be used to investigate, in a simple way, the links between landscape, climate and hydrology for watersheds of various sizes. As well as using data from the observed climate network, the model has been used with data from atmospheric models to investigate possible changes in hydrology. A critical input to such a model is knowledge of the links between landscape and climate. While direct anthropogenic effects such as changes in forested area may presently be included, the indirect effects of climate on landscape and vice versa are not yet modeled well enough to be explicitly included. The development of models describing climate-landscape relationships such as regeneration, development and breakup, water and carbon fluxes at species, ecosystem and biome level is a necessary step in understanding and predicting the effects of changes in climate on landscape and on water resources. Forest is the predominant land cover in Canada covering 453 Mha and productivity/succession models for major forest types should be included in an integrated climate-landscape-water simulation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A procedure using detrended kriging has been developed to calculate daily values of mean areal precipitation (MAP) for input to hydrologic models. The important features of this procedure that overcome weaknesses in existing MAP procedures are: (1) specific precipitation-elevation relationships are determined for each time period as opposed to using relationships based on climatological averages, (2) spatial variability is incorporated by estimating precipitation for each grid cell over a watershed, (3) the spatial correlation structure of precipitation is explicitly modeled, and (4) station weights for precipitation estimates are determined objectively and optimally. Detailed cross-validation testing of the procedure was done for the Reynolds Creek research watershed in southwestern Idaho. The procedure is suitable for use in operational streamflow forecasting.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water flow and supply at the Whiteshell Research Area (WRA) in southeastern Manitoba and the advective movement of contaminants from a hypothetical nuclear fuel waste disposal vault to the adjacent biosphere and a nearby ground water supply well are simulated using finite-element modeling and numerical particle-tracking technique. The hypothetical vault is located at a depth of 500 m, below the water table, in low-permeability plutonic rock of the Canadian Shield. The rock mass is intersected by high-permeability fracture zones (aquifers), which also act as conduits for vault contaminants to migrate to the ground surface. The ground water resource is, therefore, limited in quantity and quality and should be explored with care. A 30 m deep well, which pumps water at a rate of 120 m3/yr from a low-dipping fracture zone, LD1, reduces natural discharge from the system to augment natural recharge. At this pumping rate, a 100 m or 200 m deep well neither reduces discharge nor induces recharge into the system. Thus, at the WRA, a 30 m deep domestic water supply well best meets the water requirements of a one-person household at the rate of 120 m3/yr. The 100 m and 200 m wells best meet the requirements of a family of six and a family of six with light irrigation, respectively, without capturing contaminants’pathways from the vault to the ground surface. By virtue of the proximity of the 200 m well intake to the hypothetical vault, this well performs best as a purge well at pumping rates of 0,000 m3/yr and greater. Finite-element modeling is useful in evaluating the water supply potential of a fractured rock environment in which a nuclear waste disposal vault is proposed to be sited.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Many difficulties exist in the matching of models with data. This paper identifies elements of this problem and discusses considerations involved in model evaluation. The well known multivariate linear regression model is used to illustrate the distinctions between accuracy and precision and between estimation and prediction (because the model is commonly misused.) No amount of additional data will improve the accuracy of a poor model. A high R2, while indicative of a good matching between the observed data and model estimates, is a poor criterion for judging adequacy of the model to make good predictions of future events. Model evaluation also includes the problem of introducing secondary data and proxy variables into a model. Secondary data frequently enter, for example, the mass, energy and water budget equations because of difficulties in measuring the primary variables. Proxy variables arise because of a desire to collapse a vector of incomparable values, say, of water quality into a single number. Review of the above issues indicates that model evaluation is a multi-criterion problem, often imbedded in a larger framework where models are intended to meet multiple objectives. The mismatch of models and data has increasing legal and social consequences.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation developed a hydrologic model to help analyze the effects of allocating water for consumptive and instream uses in the upper Missouri River basin of Montana. The model, a PC-based FORTRAN program, uses a mass-balance approach to compute monthly streamflows, reservoir operations, hydropower production, and irrigation and municipal water uses throughout the 54,000 square mile basin for a 59-year base period. Simulation results are presented as monthly mean and percentile-exceedence values. The model was run for baseline conditions and six hypothetical water-allocation alternatives. Results were used by staff resource area specialists to assess potential impacts to water quantity and distribution, water rights, water quality, stream channel form, fisheries, wildlife, recreation, hydropower production, and economics. These analyses were presented to the public and the decision-making board in an environmental impact statement (EIS). Though, in many instances, the model did not allow for detailed, site-specific analyses, the model was an important tool and its simulation results formed the hydrologic basis for the EIS.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The vulnerability of wetlands to changes in climate depends on their position within hydrologic landscapes. Hydrologic landscapes are defined by the flow characteristics of ground water and surface water and by the interaction of atmospheric water, surface water, and ground water for any given locality or region. Six general hydrologic landscapes are defined; mountainous, plateau and high plain, broad basins of interior drainage, riverine, flat coastal, and hummocky glacial and dune. Assessment of these landscapes indicate that the vulnerability of all wetlands to climate change fall between two extremes: those dependent primarily on precipitation for their water supply are highly vulnerable, and those dependent primarily on discharge from regional ground water flow systems are the least vulnerable, because of the great buffering capacity of large ground water flow systems to climate change.  相似文献   

Water quality must be considered in the development and planning aspects of water resource management. To accomplish this, the decision-maker needs to have at his disposal a systematized procedure for simulating water quality changes in both time and space. The simulation model should be capable of representing changes in several parameters of water quality as they are influenced by natural and human factors impinging on the hydrologic system. The objective of this work is two-fold. The first goal is to demonstrate the feasibility of developing and utilizing a water quality simulation model in conjunction with a hydrologic simulation model. The model represents water quality changes in both time and space in response to changing atmospheric and hydrologic conditions and time-varying waste discharges at various points in the system. This model has been developed from and verified with actual field data from a prototype system selected for this purpose. The second aim is to set forth procedural guidelines to assist in the development of water quality simulation models as tools for use in the quality-quantity management of a hydrologic unit.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of a study on the use of continuous stage data to describe the relation between urban development and three aspects of hydrologic condition that are thought to influence stream ecosystems—overall stage variability, stream flashiness, and the duration of extreme‐stage conditions. This relation is examined using data from more than 70 watersheds in three contrasting environmental settings—the humid Northeast (the metropolitan Boston, Massachusetts, area); the very humid Southeast (the metropolitan Birmingham, Alabama, area); and the semiarid West (the metropolitan Salt Lake City, Utah, area). Results from the Birmingham and Boston studies provide evidence linking increased urbanization with stream flashiness. Fragmentation of developed land cover patches appears to ameliorate the effects of urbanization on overall variability and flashiness. There was less success in relating urbanization and streamflow conditions in the Salt Lake City study. A related investigation of six North Carolina sites with long term discharge and stage data indicated that hydrologic condition metrics developed using continuous stage data are comparable to flow based metrics, particularly for stream flashiness measures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Usability assessments were used to obtain feedback on the development of a flood forecasting decision support system. The feedback was used to guide design of system functionality, interface, training, implementation, and operations. The usability process was user focused and was dependent upon implementation of a prototype system in an operational setting. This paper describes concepts and methods applied to collect reflective and objective data on DSS components and information outputs. The general structure of the usability assessments is discussed and results of assessments are summarized.  相似文献   

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