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ABSTRACT: Water abundance has led most North American societies to use water freely without priorizing its use. As water scarcity becomes reality in the southern part of Saskatchewan, planners and managers of water require information about the value of water in irrigation, as well as in alternative uses. In this study, the value of water to the producer in irrigation is developed both for the short and long run. The basis of this imputation is a derived demand function for water using linear programming. Water demand was bound to be inelastic at lower prices, and highly elastic at higher prices. The short-run value of water varied between $0.44 and $127.82 (1986 dollars) per acre-foot for different levels of product prices. However, the long-run value was estimated between zero and $1.59 per acre-foot of water.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study evaluates the economic value of riparian buffers and open space in a suburban watershed through two nonmarket valuation methods. A contingent valuation survey was implemented in the Dardenne Creek watershed, a suburban watershed of the St. Louis metropolitan area in Missouri, to evaluate the residents' perceptions of and willingness to pay (WTP) for adopting riparian buffers and preserving farmland in a hypothetical real estate market. A hedonic pricing model based on actual sale prices of homes in the watershed was applied to estimate the market value of open space and other environmental conditions such as flood zone and stream proximity in the study area. The results showed that residents' WTP was consistent with the economic values of open space and proximity to streams embedded in existing home prices. Through a better understanding of residents' perceptions and values, riparian buffer and open space programs can be designed and promoted to achieve greater implementation success and environmental benefit.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents estimates of the statewide economic impacts of guided whitewater rafting on five rivers in six states: the Nantahala (North Carolina), Gauley (West Virginia), Kennebec (Maine), Middle Fork of the Salmon (Idaho), and Chattooga (Georgia-South Carolina). Except for the Chattooga and Middle Fork, rafting is dependent on upstream dam releases. Guide fees range from about $15 per trip on the Nantahala to over $1,000 on the Middle Fork. Economic impacts per nonresident 1000 visitors increase along with length of the rafting trip and remoteness of the river. Total industrial output per 1000 nonresident visitors ranged from $95,000 on the Nantahala to over $2.5 million on the Middle Fork. However, because of differences in annual visitation levels, total impacts were greatest at the Nantahala, at over $14 million in 1993. Multipliers for all economic measures were relatively consistent over the rivers. Employment multipliers (Type III) ranged from 1.67 to 1.90, income multipliers from 2.0 to 2.4, and industrial output multipliers from 2.1 to 2.5.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During the last three decades, developing countries have invested enormous amounts of resources (running into billions of dollars) in the development of large surface irrigation systems. Investment funds were largely spent on the development of the main systems such as dams, canals and distributaries. Very little attention and resources have been spent on the development of below-the-outlet subsystems, in spite of very low levels of water use efficiency due to lack of proper land leveling, high water losses in field channels, and skewed distribution of available water among farmers served by individual water courses. This state of affairs has resulted in a lack of confidence on the part of most farmers in the reliability of surface irrigation systems to deliver water on time and in adequate quantities which, in turn, has resulted in farmers using below optimum levels of all other complementary inputs except labor. Realizing the importance of improving water use efficiency, both the domestic governments and donor agencies are increasingly paying serious attention to these problems. On-Farm Water Management (OFWM) as a strategy to improve water use efficiency and consequently agricultural production in many developing countries has been currently receiving very wide and vigorous consideration among economists, water management experts, policymakers, and donor agencies. A judicious use of the newly allocated funds of OFWM projects obviously needs proper evaluation procedures so that money could be allocated for the most deserving purposes and projects. In particular, recently, private profitability calculations due to public investments in OFWM activities have received attention from economists and decision makers in developing countries’governments and in donor agencies are very much interested in knowing the impacts of their investments in OFWM activities on farmers’income and welfare. However, the evaluation procedures commonly used in empirical studies, using a production function approach, seem to be at variance and sometimes inconsistent with proper comparative-static procedures. Thus, the primary objective of this paper is to develop consistent procedures for evaluating the impacts created by OFWM investments on farmers’income and resource use. In this context, the paper examines the critical relationship between the market price of the agricultural output and production function parameters which are affected by the OFWM investments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This work evaluates the economic losses due to diversion from the Snake River during the relatively low-flow year May 1928-April 1929. The results determine the losses due to pollution abatement and power generation for several different patterns and volumes of diversion, and the tool of analysis is dynamic programming.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Outdoor recreation is a major, growing use of water resources in the United States. The economic effects of expenditures by visitors to three recreational river sites on local economies surrounding the sites were estimated using an input-output model (IMPL.AN). Expenditure data were from the Public Area Recreation Visitors Study (PARVS). Results indicate that visitor spending stimulates a considerable amount of economic activity and growth in local economies. Economic effects include increases in total gross output ranging from $2.6 million to $13.4 million, increases in total income ranging from $1.2 million to $5.6 million, and increases in employment ranging from 60 to 292 jobs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Under the riparian doctrine of eastern states, transfers of water to nonriparian lands and, thus, to different river basins, are only possible if the natural flow theory has been modified to allow for reasonable use. Even this adaptation is too nebulous to provide water managers and water users with certainty regarding water transfers. To provide a more precise mechanism for allocating water, 14 eastern states have adopted some form of administrative permitting process. Of these, five states statutorily allow for interbasin transfers of water. Thus far, no states have successfully issued permits for interbasin water transfers but Georgia and South Carolina are positioned to do so. Whether the permitting process will deter court action may rest on the ability of affected parties to negotiate an equitable agreement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The geomorphic instantaneous unit hydrograph (GIUH) may be one of the most successful methodologies for predicting flow characteristics in ungauged watersheds. However, one difficulty in applying the GIUH model is determination of travel time, and the other difficulty is the large amount of geomorphologic information required in the study watershed. Recently, using the kinematic-wave theory Lee and Yen (1997) have analytically determined the travel times for overland and channel flows in watersheds. The limitation of using an empirical velocity equation to estimate the runoff travel time for a specified watershed is then relaxed. To simplify the time-consuming work involved in geomorphic parameter measurement on topographic maps, the GIUH model is linked with geographic information systems to obtain geomorphic parameters from digital elevation models. In this paper, a case study performed for peak flow analysis in an ungauged watershed is presented. The geomorphic characteristics of the study watershed were analyzed using a digital elevation model and were used to construct the runoff simulation model. The design storm was then applied to the geomorphic runoff simulation model to obtain the design hydrograph. The analytical procedures proposed in this study can provide a convenient way for hydrologists to estimate hydrograph characteristics based on limited hydrologic information.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study determines the most cost effective spatial pattern of farming systems for improving water quality and evaluates the economic value of riparian buffers in reducing agricultural nonpoint source pollution in a Midwestern agricultural watershed. Economic and water quality impacts of alternative farming systems are evaluated using the CARE and SWAT models, respectively. The water quality benefits of riparian buffers are estimated by combining experimental data and simulated water quality impacts of fanning systems obtained using SWAT. The net economic value of riparian buffers in improving water quality is estimated by total watershed net return with riparian buffers minus total watershed net return without riparian buffers minus the opportunity cost of riparian buffers. Exclusive of maintenance cost, the net economic value of riparian buffers in reducing atrazine concentration from 45 to 24 ppb is $612,117 and the savings in government cost is $631,710. Results strongly support efforts that encourage farmers to develop or maintain riparian buffers adjacent to streams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a summary of the findings and recommendations of the studies of severe, sustained drought reported in this special issue. The management facilities and institutions were found to be effective in protecting consumptive water users against drought, but much less effective in protecting nonconsumptive uses. Changes in intrastate water management were found to be effective in reducing the monetary value of damages, through reallocating shortages to low-valued uses, while only water banking and water marketing, among the possible interstate rule changes, were similarly effective. Players representing the basin states and the federal government in three gaming experiments were unable to agree upon and effect major changes in operating rules. The conclusions are (1) that nonconsumptive water uses are highly vulnerable to drought, (2) that consumptive uses are well-protected, (3) that drought risk is greatest in the Upper Basin, (4) that the Lower Basin suffers from chronic water shortage but bears little drought risk, (5) that opportunities exist for win-win rule changes, (6) that such rule changes are extremely difficult to make, and (7) that intrastate drought management is very effective m in reducing potential damages.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During the last 27 years of independence, a large number of inter-state water disputes cropped up over the use of rivers. Surprisingly enough, more disputes developed in this short period than in the earlier 200 years of the development of irrigation and so far none of the disputes has been permanently solved. The major rivers of India are all inter-state rivers and this is one of the more important reasons why some of them are not yet fully developed for irrigation or power production. The Union Government has set up, so far, only three tribunals to adjudicate inter-state disputes. But the problems do not end simply by setting up the tribunals. In practice, it has also proved a dilatory process. None of the tribunals has been successful in settling any dispute in the long years of their existence. There is no codified law prescribing rights and the notion of “equity” has come to prevail restraining the upper states from drawing such quantities of water as would injure the interests of the lower states. Though the general principle of equitable apportionment had been advocated many times, in practice each contending state had given this principle an interpretation that suited it. The basic principle would be to harness the rivers not for the benefit of a particular state but for the maximization of agricultural, industrial, and navigational potential in the areas served by the rivers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In current hydrologic practice flood frequency estimates are usually based upon either the annual or the partial duration series of floods. Recurrence intervals generated by each series are not equivalent, however, and conversion of recurrence intervals from one series to the other is usually achieved by reference to a mathematical function developed by Langbein in 1949. Data collected on the Murrumbidgee River in New South Wales suggest, however, that the Langbein conversion function does not always provide a reliable means of comparing recurrence intervals. For discharges more frequent than the three year annual flood the Langbein function understates the discrepancy between the two sets of recurrence interval by approximately 35 percent. Langbein's own North American data appear to be consistent with those collected on the Murrumbidgee River.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In this paper a new methodology for estimating conveyance efficiency within irrigation systems is presented. Based on statistical analysis of daily water releases from the source of supply and deliveries to the farmers in an irrigation district in Mexico, a linear model is obtained for estimating conveyance efficiency and two component factors. One of these factors points out the relative importance of the operational losses (i.e., losses due to water management), and the second shows the importance of the fixed losses which can be attributed to the average flow through the canal network without variations. In the last part of this paper, an analysis of the expected benefits and costs accruing from system improvement permits derivation of a decision rule which may be used for analyzing the economic feasibility of lining in-place canals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The implementation of various bioretention systems was analyzed, including rain gardens, vegetated swales, trenches, and infiltration basins in the St. Francis subdivision, Cross Plains, Wisconsin. Through the examination of archival data and interviews with key participants, it was found that although regulatory and political pressures encouraged the inclusion of bioretention, current standards for storm water management prevailed. The developers had to meet both existing requirements and anticipated rules requiring infiltration. As a result, bioretention systems simply supplemented, rather than replaced, traditional storm water practices. The confusion surrounding dual standards contributed to substantial delays in the negotiations among relevant stakeholders in the watershed. It is concluded that the St. Francis subdivision serves as both a cautionary tale and a bioretention success story. As a caution, this situation demonstrates the need for careful review and refinement of existing storm water ordinances to incorporate water quality improvement technologies, such as bioretention. The demonstrated success of the St. Francis development, however, is that it became a positive prototype for best management storm water practices elsewhere in the region. In addition, the water quality monitoring data from the site has contributed to development of a new county ordinance, the first in Wisconsin to address both quantity and quality of storm water runoff.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During the past 15 years a number of methods have been developed that purport to evaluate the amenity values of rivers. Most methods are designed to identify the physical, biological, cultural, and esthetic features of a river or river corridor that are conducive to recreation, preservation, and other amenity values. This paper reviews and comments on 13 methods that evaluate amenity values. The methods are reviewed and discussed under three general headings: River Recreation Potential Evaluation, River Esthetic Evaluation, and River Preservation Evaluation. A final section of the paper identifies areas where improvements and further research are needed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Many of the resources generating aesthetic and visual benefits are publically owned and their optimum use and development depends upon public investment. Traditionally, public investment decisions have been couched in economic terms requiring quantitative measurement of benefits and costs. Since many of the benefits these resources provide are not consumed when they are enjoyed, the total contribution of the resource is imperfectly measured in the usual market sense. Thus, if the provision of these public goods is left to the conventional market mechanism, less than socially optimal investment may occur. This study was designed to investigate whether aesthetic preferences related to water projects could be determined, and whether they differ among different groups of people. A Q sort of 44 photographs of a wide variety of water development projects was conducted with two groups, i.e., photographers (aesthetic man) and town assessors (economic man). The resultant analysis identified two significant factors. Factor 1 provided insight into a hypothesis of nature dominant or man dominant scenes. Factor 2 indicated that the respondents had a negative preference for projects which were in varying stages of completion or appeared to be polluted. Preferences were consistent between the two groups tested. The test revealed that people do not necessarily equate only naturalness with aesthetic appeal, but will accept development as aesthetic, provided that it is designed to complement the natural landscape.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper considers the problem of forecasting the discharge time series of a river by means of a chaotic approach. To this aim, we first check for some evidence of chaotic behavior in the dynamic by considering a set of different procedures, namely, the phase portrait of the attractor, the correlation dimension, and the largest Lyapunov exponent. Their joint application seems to confirm the presence of a nonlinear deterministic dynamic of chaotic type. Second, we consider the so‐called nearest neighbors predictor and we compare it with a classical linear model. By comparing these two predictors, it seems that nonlinear river flow modeling, and in particular chaotic modeling, is an effective method to improve predictions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper details the increasing tendency to overdevelop lands adjacent to public reservoirs. The impact on water quality of the pollutant load carried in surface runoff from developed lands is described as well as the depreciation in recreational experience due to loss of scenic horizons. The case study, Spruce Run Reservoir in Clinton, New Jersey, included population and demand projections. Land speculation and proposed development are evaluated on a physical constraint basis. Areas of conflict are outlined and conflict resolutions proposed.  相似文献   

The Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulation (SSARR) model was calibrated and verified on the Madison and Gallatin watersheds in the upper Missouri River drainage. The study was performed to determine if the SSARR model could simulate snowmelt-runoff volumes to effect better operation of six multipurpose reservoirs on the Missouri River. Physical watershed characteristics and parameter sensitivity are incorporated into a procedure which expedites model calibration. Criteria are established to facilitate parameter development and to objectively evaluate calibration and verification results. A ratio of simulated to observed snowmelt-runoff volumes of the Madison River averaged 1.00 and 1.02 for calibration (N = 8 years) and verification (N = 6 years) with corresponding standard deviations of 0.08 and 0.13. Gallatin volume ratios averaged 0.99 and 0.95 for calibration (N = 7 years) and verification (N = 5 years) with respective standard deviations of 0.08 and 0.28.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Individuals involved in state water resource planning generally have avoided any development of a comprehensive public water planning investment model that would set the stage for quantitative recommendations of a “what ought to be” tone for future water strategies. Three New Hampshire towns were selected to illustrate the usefulness of a mixed integer multiperiod programming model that utilizes hydrologic and economic data for identifying the discounted least cost of water supply, distribution, and scheduling. Comparisons are made regarding the feasibility of a regional water system approach versus independent “town by town” water supplies that presently prevail. To analyze the sensitivity of optimal water planning solutions to projected water demands, variations in these demands are made.  相似文献   

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