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ABSTRACT: Sediment-water exchanges of ammonium, nitrate, and phosphate are incorporated into a eutrophication model of Gunston Cove, Virginia. The exchange rates are obtained from laboratory measurements and are modeled as empirical functions of temperature, concentration, and pH. Simulation of the period from June 1 to September 30, 1983, indicates nitrogen, phosphorus, and chlorophyll ‘a’ are correctly modeled only when the sediment-water nutrient exchanges are taken into account.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A study was performed to identify sources of solute loading to the Dirty Devil River and its major tributaries, in southeastern Utah. A primary goal was to determine the contribution of gypsum dissolution to total dissolved solids concentration, and its potential increase in the future if salinity control measures are instituted. Synoptic field data were collected during the low flow period in October 1983. Data were analyzed using the geochemistry models WATEQF and BALANCE to postulate mineral reactions leading to solute loading. Three known sources of solute loading, involving two different geochemical mechanisms, were clearly discernable. Two additional areas of possible gypsum dissolution were located.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Sequential water reuse by various users, i.e., municipal, industrial, agricultural, is common practice in all river systems. In the arid and semiarid western United States where streams are not large and water demands are high relative to the virgin water supply, the practice causes a reduction in stream flow and an increase in stream salinity. This paper outlines a quick and easy application of the materials balance principle to approximate the effects of increasing the level of sequential reuse on residual stream flow and salinity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Floodplain forests directly influence water quality by serving as sinks, sources, or transformers of nutrients. Increases in the demand for timber raise the question of how silvicultural disturbance may affect this function. The objective of this research was to compare biogeochemical relationships between undisturbed vs. disturbed conditions in a floodplain forest. A randomized complete block design consisting of three blocks and two treatments (partial harvest and undisturbed) was installed on the Flint River floodplain, Georgia. The partial cut was conducted during September-October 1993. Automated water samplers were situated to sample during flood events as sheet flow entered and exited treatment plots during the 1994, 1995 and 1996 flood seasons. Prevs. post-contact comparisons indicated that the undisturbed floodplain has minimal influence on water chemistry at this scale of measurement. Although the partial harvest on an 8-ha scale had minimal effect upon sheetfiow water chemistry for three years following harvest, the data suggest that harvests may stimulate a minor increase in Ca and K sink activity.  相似文献   

Water development in the Green River Basin of Wyoming is projected to increase salinity downstream in the Green River and Colorado River, and thereby increase salinity costs to users of water from these two rivers. Despite these water quality and economic impacts to downstream water users, Wyoming will probably be able to develop its currently unused but allocated water supplies of the Green River Basin. The Colorado River Compact and Upper Colorado River Basin Compact are binding, and protect Wyoming's share of the Colorado River System waters for future use. The argument that water may be used to greater profit downstream is not sufficient to reduce Wyoming's allocation. In addition, the no-injury rule under the appropriation doctrine of law does not appear to protect prior downstream appropriations from increasing salinity in this case.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The influence of a forest on the formation of steps in two small streams of the Colorado Rocky Mountains was studied. Steps provided by logs fallen across the channel added to flow energy reduction. The streams required additional gravel bars to adjust to slope. Average step length between logs and gravel bars was strongly related to channel gradient and median bed material size. Based on the average number of log steps per 50 feet of channel, an average of 116 percent of gravel bars were added at Fool Creek and 60 percent at Deadhorse Creek. The latter had 52 percent more logs in the channel and therefore required less bed material movement than the former. Although these are “rushing mountain streams,” most flow velocities ranged between 0.5 and 2.5 f.p.s. Exponents of a function relating rate of change of depth or velocity to discharge indicated that dynamic stream equilibrium was attained. Implications for forest management are that sanitation cuts (removal of dead and dying trees) would not be permissible where a stream is in dynamic equilibrium and bed material movement should be minimized.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were used to assess the relationships between land use patterns and the physical habitat and macroinvertebrate fauna of streams within similar sized watersheds. Eleven second or third order watersheds ranging from highly urbanized to heavily forested were selected along Lake Superior's North Shore. Land use patterns within the watersheds were quantified using readily available digital land use/land cover information, with a minimum mapping resolution of 16 ha. Physical habitat features, describing substrate characteristics and stream morphology, were characterized at sample points within each stream. Principle component and correlation analyses were used to identify relationships between macroinvertebrates and stream physical habitat, and between habitat and land use patterns. Substrate characteristics and presence of coarse woody debris were found to have the strongest correlations with macreinvertebrate assemblage richness and composition. Agricultural and urban land use was correlated with substrate characteristics. Algal abundance, associated with macroinvertebrate compositional differences, was correlated with housing density and non-forest land covers. The use of readily available spatial data, even at this relatively coarse scale, provides a means to detect the primary relationships between land use and stream habitat quality; finer-resolution GIS databases are needed to assess more subtle influences, such as those due to riparian conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Watershed and aquatic ecosystem management requires methods to predict and understand thermal impacts on stream habitat from urbanization. This study evaluates thermal effects of projected urbanization using a modeling framework and considers the biological implications to the fish community. The Stream Network Temperature Model (SNTEMP) was used in combination with the Hydrologic Simulation Program Fortran (HSPF) to assess changes in stream thermal habitat under altered stream‐ flow, shade, and channel width associated with low, medium, and high density urban developments in the Back Creek watershed (Roanoke County, Virginia). Flow alteration by the high density development scenario alone caused minimal heating of mean daily summer base flow (mean +0.1°C). However, when flow changes were modeled concurrently with reduced shade and increased channel width, mean daily temperature increased 1°C. Maximum daily temperatures exceeding the state standard (31°C) increased from 1.1 to 7.6 percent of the time using summer 2000 climatic conditions. Model results suggest that additional urban development will alter stream temperature, potentially limiting thermal habitat and shifting the fish community structure from intolerant to tolerant fish species in Back Creek. More research is needed on the sub‐lethal or chronic effects of increased stream temperature regimes on fish, particularly for those species already living in habitats near their upper limits.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. As a result of several investigations conducted in the Department of Civil Engineering through the Water Resources Research Center at The University of Tennessee, dating from 1966 to the present, a rather comprehensive surveillance of water quality conditions has been maintained in Forth Loudoun Reservoir on the Tennessee River near Knowville, Tennessee. During the period covered by these investigations, the Knoxville Third Creek Sewage Treatment Plant was upgraded from a primary plant to a secondary (activated sludge) treatment plant. Comparison of the collected data is being undertaken herein to elucidate the impact of these modifications upon water quality conditions in the reservoir. Consideration is given to the improvements of water quality as related to the expenditure for modification of the treatment facilities. In addition, comment is directed toward the public health significance of the water quality conditions determined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To comprehend the distributions of salinity, temperature, and suspended sediment in the Danshuei River estuary in Taiwan, monthly field surveys were conducted in 2003. These included several high and low slackwater surveys and intensive surveys. The results show that the Danshuei River estuary is predominately a partially mixed estuary. The highest concentration of suspended sediment is typically observed at the Chung‐Hsin Bridge, the most upstream sampling station. The suspended sediment concentration exhibits a general decreasing trend in the downstream direction. It may be concluded that the sediments mostly come from the upstream reach. A locally high concentration of suspended sediment is found at the Kuan‐Du station because of the local deep channel bathymetry and two‐layered estuarine circulation. A vertical two‐dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport model is applied to investigate the tidally averaged salinity distribution, residual circulation, and suspended sediment concentration. The modeling results reveal that, under the Q75 flow condition (i.e., low flow), a turbidity maximum occurs at the Kuan‐Du station due to the strong estuarine circulation. The model simulation with a much higher river flow condition results in a weaker residual circulation and weaker turbidity maximum.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To help meet national energy demands, interest has been focused on the coal, oil shale, and uranium deposits of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Several energy output projections for the basin have been presented based upon water availability. Inherent in all these analyses are estimates as to the rate of water use in each energy development. New energy technologies are characterized by parameters extrapolated from small scale energy facilities. The data provide projected costs, conversion efficiencies, and material inputs and outputs. Alternative techniques for process cooling and solids handling provide variable rates of water use which affect other conversion parameters. Results from a mathematical model are used in analyzing the sensitivity of an optimal energy development strategy for the Upper Colorado River Basin. The impacts of alternative water use rates are investigated in terms of net energy output, total cost, and displacements in the development strategy. Similarly, controls and regulations on energy resource development are evaluated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Human land use is a major source of change in catchments in developing areas. To better anticipate the long‐term effects of growth, land use planning requires estimates of how changes in land use will affect ecosystem processes and patterns across multiple scales of space and time. The complexity of biogeochemical and hydrologic interactions within a basin makes it difficult to scale up from process‐based studies of individual reaches to watershed scales over multiple decades. Empirical models relating land use/land cover (LULC) to water quality can be useful in long‐term planning, but require an understanding of the effects of scale on apparent land use‐water quality relationships. We empirically determined how apparent relationships between water quality and LULC data change at different scales, using LIJLC data from the Willapa Bay watershed (Washington) and water quality data collected along the Willapa and North Rivers. Spatial scales examined ranged from the local riparian scale to total upstream catchment. The strength of the correlations between LTJLC data and longitudinal water quality trends varied with scale. Different water quality parameters also varied in their response to changes in scale. Intermediate scales of land use data generally were better predictors than local riparian or total catchment scales. Additional data from the stream network did not increase the strength of relationships significantly. Because of the likelihood of scale‐induced artifacts, studies quantifying land use‐water quality relationships performed at single scales should be viewed with great caution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The listing of the Snake-Columbia River salmon under the Endangered species Cut will lead to a set of river management changes aimed at species recovery. One measure almost certain to be implemented is a periodic river drawdown. A drawdown will speed fish migration downriver but will also temporarily close the river to barge transportation. Grain shippers in the region rely on the barge carriage to move a significant share of annual production to export elevators on the Lower Columbia. A number of other bulk commodities utilize barges as well. This study outlines the aggregate and distributional economic implications of a suspension of barge transportation resulting from a river drawdown.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In arid regions of rapid economic and population growth, adverse effects of droughts are likely to be increasingly serious. This article presents an introduction and overview of the papers collected in this special issue of the Water Resources Bulletin. The papers report on the second phase of a study of the impacts of and responses to a potential severe sustained drought in the Colorado River Basin in the southwestern U.S. The analyses were performed by a consortium of researchers from universities and the private sector located throughout the Basin. Tree ring studies suggest that droughts of duration and magnitude much more serious than any found in the modern records probably occurred in the Basin during earlier centuries. Taking the present-day configuration of the storage and diversion structures and the economic conditions in the Basin as the base-point, the general objectives of the study are three: first, to define a representative Severe Sustained Drought (SSD) and assess its hydrologic impacts; second, to forecast the economic, social and environmental impacts on the southwestern U.S.; and finally, to assess alternative institutional arrangements for coping with an SSD. The evaluation of impacts and policies was conducted with two distinct modeling approaches. One involved hydrologic-economic optimization modeling where water allocation institutions are decision variables. The second was a simulation-gaming approach which allowed “players” representing each basin state to interact in a real-time decision making mode in response to the unfolding drought.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The major objectives are (1) to identify the problems involved in measuring the environmental impacts of public projects from selected perspectives, and (2) to elaborate a sociological approach used in an empirical investigation in that respect. The construct of environmental impact of a planned action is generally operationalized from different perspectives and with different methodological emphases in the various disciplines. Even the term environment does not elicit agreement among users as to its exact meaning. Although there has been a steady increase in the number of studies from a sociological perspective concerning environmental problems, there is lack of sociological counsel in writing environmental impact statements. Overall, we lack sociological methodology and operational procedures for that purpose. In an attempt to bring some empirical focus to this field, attitudinal measures employed to discover how residents of a river basin perceived negative and positive environmental impacts of a proposed watershed development project are reviewed. These come from a study of creation of the Cooper Reservoir and Dam in Texas. Data on 343 heads of households m the selected areas were collected through structured questionnaires with items on personal information, a vested interest scale, a knowledge of the project scale, and an environmental impact scale. Data show that perception of impacts by residents is influenced significantly by degree of their vested interests involved. Variables for inclusion in a sociological model of environmental impact are suggested.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A methodology is developed for examining the environmental and developmental conflicts inherent in the classification process of a wild river. The Salmon River in Idaho is used as an example of the methodology. The steps were: 1. a resource inventory, 2. an evaluation methodology, and 3. an economic comparison of resource use tradeoffs. Alternatives for the Salmon were examined, following generally the procedures outlined in the United States Water Resources Council's Establishment of Principles and Standards for Planning Water and Related Land Resources Final comparisons showed that hydroelectric development had greater net benefits than outdoor recreation at up to a three percent recreation growth rate. When recreation use grew at a faster rate, recreation had a considerable margin of net benefits in its favor.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Effects of the 1993 flood on river water and sediment quality were investigated using historical data and data collected from the Illinois River and Upper Mississippi River in a post‐flood period. Overall the post‐flood results showed systematic reductions and individual changes in the water and sediment constituents. The reductions in sediment metals and nutrients were most obvious at the Keokuk and Lock and Dam 26 stations. By analyzing and comparing the physical changes to the changes in water and sediment constituents at each station, it was found that physical processes such as sediment entrainment and, more importantly, the removal of fine sediment to be the main causes for the reduced concentrations in sediment constituents. On the other hand, sediment redistribution and associated secondary contamination could have caused the emergence of several water and sediment constituents that were undetected before the flood.  相似文献   

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