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Wastewater nutrient removal by Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Scenedesmus sp   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two different species of photosynthetic microalgae, Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Scenedesmus sp., were grown in settled and activated sewage filtrates at two different inoculum sizes, aimed to reduce nutrient load from wastewater. Higher growth rates were recorded in cultures with higher inoculum size, and algal cells usually grew better in settled sewage than in activated sewage. As algae started to grow and multiply, both nitrogen and phosphorus content in wastewater decreased significantly. The removal rate was rapid during the first week of growth and more than 2/3 of wastewater N and P was reduced. After the initial period, the removal rate slowed down. At the end of this study, more than 80% of total-P and inorganic N present in settled sewage were reduced but such removal efficiency was lower in activated sewage. In general, high inoculum size of algal cells provided more N and P removal than low inoculum, and Chlorella cells performed better than Scenedesmus. These results suggest that cultivation of Chlorella seems to be one of the feasible methods to reduce the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the nearby coastal water, thus preventing the eutrophication problem. It is also clear that algal ponds with high inoculum size might be more suitable to be installed as a secondary rather than a tertiary treatment process.  相似文献   

为提高小球藻净化猪场废水的效果,在户外条件下系统比较了预处理方式、管道光反应器的种类和光径对蛋白核小球藻生长及其对猪场废水净化效果的影响。结果表明,猪场原废水COD、NH4+、PO43-、TN、TP含量分别为710、491、54、590和108 mg·L-1 时,蛋白核小球藻对经过3级过滤预处理后的猪场废水净化效果最好,其中脱色率及NH4+去除率分别高达88.56%和83.48%,显著高于对原废水的处理效果(P-1。采用直径为5 cm的立式光生物反应器培养蛋白核小球藻,通过循环采收,藻粉产量可达到0.93 g·L-1,其蛋白质含量最高达到58.9%,汞、砷、镉、铅含量分别小于0.1、1.0、0.5和4.0 mg·kg-1,符合《饲料用小球藻粉》(DB32/T 564-2010)标准。采收小球藻后的出水中,NH4+、PO43-、色度的去除率均高达90%以上,基本达到国家排放要求。该研究结果可为制定猪场废水的净化及蛋白核小球藻的工业化生产方案提供参考。  相似文献   

3,4-Dichloroaniline (3,4-DCA), widely used in the synthesis of dyes, textile and herbicides, is toxic to living organisms. The purpose of this study was to investigate the capability of green algae in degrading and removing 3,4-DCA in water. An environmentally ubiquitous green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa was isolated from fresh aquatic environment. Then unicellular alga was incubated with 3,4-DCA at a concentration of 4.6 μg/?mL in water. The residual concentration of 3,4-DCA in the medium and the metabolites were analyzed. A removal percentage of 78.4 % was obtained over a 7-day period. Two major metabolites with less toxicity were identified as 3,4-dichloroformanilide and 3,4-dichloroacetanilide from the liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry analysis. The application of microalga C. pyrenoidosa may have potential for removing the environmental pollutant in aquatic environment.  相似文献   

张楠  陈蓉  王永忠  廖强  朱恂 《环境工程学报》2015,9(3):1496-1500
本文采用多孔曝气管的曝气方式,以蠕动泵为藻液循环的动力,研究了气体流量、光照强度、光照周期等因素对跑道池光生物反应器内蛋白核小球藻生长与代谢特性的影响,并利用傅里叶红外光谱半定量法对不同光照条件下藻细胞内蛋白质、油脂以及多糖含量变化进行了分析。研究结果表明,适当的气体流量、光照强度和光照周期有利于跑道池内蛋白核小球藻细胞的生长和代谢。在本实验条件下,在最佳气体流量2 000 mL/min条件下,光照强度为3 500 μW/cm2,光照周期为16:8时最有利于蛋白核小球藻的生长;光照强度为2 000 μW/cm2和光照周期为16:8的条件均有利于藻细胞内油脂的积累。  相似文献   

城市污水处理系统作为人类生活排水的主要收纳者,是人类肠道病毒的重要储存库,也是肠道病毒进入水环境的重要途径。膜生物反应器在保证出水水质稳定的前提下,同时强化了污水中病毒的削减。但是,目前对好氧(aerobic membrane bioreactors, AeMBR)和厌氧(anaerobic membrane bioreactors, AnMBR)膜生物反应器在削减病毒效能和机制方面的差异了解较少。基于此,本研究对比了AeMBR和AnMBR在同一工况下对城市污水中病毒的去除效能,并探究了污泥吸附病毒,病毒在污泥混合液中的灭活及膜污染对病毒截留的差异。结果表明,AeMBR和AnMBR对城市污水中的病毒去除效率均能达到3 log,但在去除机制上存在差异。AeMBR对病毒的去除率在反应器运行初期迅速上升至2 log,而AnMBR对病毒的去除率随着膜污染的加剧而提高,且和TMP有显著相关性(r=0.81,P<0.05)。厌氧污泥的病毒吸附能力高于好氧污泥,而好氧污泥混合液中病毒的灭活速率高于厌氧污泥混合液。泥饼层是膜生物反应器的膜污染组分中截留病毒的主要贡献者。以单位膜阻力对病毒截留效率为计算依据,AeMBR的膜污染各组分中不可逆污染和原始膜的单位膜阻力对病毒截留效率最大,AnMBR的膜污染的孔道有机污堵物的单位膜阻力对病毒截留效率最大。  相似文献   

Triclosan that is widely used as antimicrobial agent has been detected as contaminant in various aquatic environments. In this work, removal and biodegradation of triclosan in water by using a ubiquitous green alga, Chlorella pyrenoidosa was investigated. When C. pyrenoidosa was exposed to a series concentration of triclosan from 100 to 800 ng mL−1, more than 50% of triclosan was eliminated by algal uptake from the culture medium during the first 1 h exposure and reached equilibrium after the 6 h treatment. In the biodegradation experiments, a removal percentage of 77.2% was obtained after C. pyrenoidosa was cultivated with 800 ng mL−1 triclosan for 96 h. A major metabolite from the reductive dechlorination of triclosan was identified by using liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. The ultrastructural morphology of algal cells grown in the presence of triclosan was observed by using transmission electron microscopy and the growth of algal cells was detected. It was found that the trilcosan treatment resulted in the disruption of the chloroplast and the release of organic material into aquatic environment, which indicated that triclosan may affect membrane metabolism.  相似文献   

利用CASS工艺协同处理高盐高氮榨菜有机废水和生活污水,针对协同处理碳源不足问题,提出以榨菜废水和甲醇作为碳源的两种碳源投加方案,对比分析了CASS工艺在运行周期为8 h、排水比为30%、回流比为100%、预处理后的榨菜废水掺入比为20%的条件下,分别以榨菜废水和甲醇补充碳源及不外加碳源3种情况的脱氮效果。实验结果表明,不外加碳源时,协同处理进水C/N小于3∶1,系统脱氮效果差,出水总氮不达标;以榨菜废水和甲醇为碳源提高C/N至4∶1~5∶1时,系统脱氮效果提高,出水总氮满足GB18918-2002一级B标排放标准;盐度的变化对微生物活性产生的抑制作用,当盐度升高0.1%±0.02%时,微生物系统恢复时间为10 d,而当盐度降低0.1%±0.02%时,微生物系统恢复时间为15 d。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Oilfield-produced wastewater (OPW) provided by the local oil industry was used as a medium (without any pre-treatment) for the outdoor cultivation of...  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical substances have been detected in sewage effluents as well as receiving waters in many parts of the world. In this study, the occurrence and removal of a number of drug compounds were studied within a large sewage treatment plant in the south of England. Samples were processed using solid phase extraction and analysed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results demonstrate that ibuprofen, paracetamol, salbutamol and mefenamic acid were present in both the influent and effluent of the works while propranolol-HCl was not found above the limit of quantification in any sample. Elimination rates were circa 90% for each compound but several hundred nanograms per litre were still present in the final effluent.  相似文献   

大坦沙污水厂承接粪便污水的脱氮除磷研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广州市大坦沙污水处理厂采用A2/O工艺,合并处理城市生活污水和粪便污水,由于粪便污水的污染物含量高和水量不稳定等特点,对水厂的运行有不利的影响。实践表明:通过控制好氧池溶解氧、延长好氧段的水力停留时间、增大回流比和提高MLSS与污泥龄等措施,该厂取得较好的脱氮除磷效果,实现出水COD、总氮、氨氮和总磷达标排放。  相似文献   

我国城镇污水处理厂进水碳源普遍偏低,严重影响生物脱氮效能。外加碳源会造成大量化学品消耗及碳排放,与双碳战略背道而驰。考察了餐厨垃圾和剩余污泥联合发酵中试装备 (规模10 t·d−1) 制备挥发性脂肪酸 (VFA) 效能,并将生产的VFA发酵液投加至昆山市某城镇污水处理厂,以减少外源乙酸钠碳源投加量,以期探索城市污水与有机固废的协同、高效、低碳处理技术。结果表明:餐厨垃圾与剩余污泥体积比为7∶3时,VFA质量浓度最高,达到54.3 g·L−1 (以COD计) ,乙酸和丙酸质量分数分别为36.5%和22.8%;在批次发酵中试实验中,VFA最高质量浓度达67.5 g·L−1 (以COD计) ,最低质量浓度为42.4 g·L−1 (以COD计) ,平均质量浓度为55.0 g·L−1 (以COD计) ;对比3类碳源的反硝化实验结果,投加乙酸钠组1.5 h脱氮率为86.5%,投加发酵液组4.5 h脱氮率为81.0%,投加餐厨垃圾组仅为69.8%;根据出水总氮预警阈值 (>8 mg·L−1) 补加发酵液,替代部分乙酸钠,通过实际污水厂运行数据,拟合得到发酵液投量X (m3) 与乙酸钠吨水节约量Y (g·m−3) 的线性关系式Y=4.9X+3.5,其中R2=0.91。该研究结果可为联合发酵制备优质碳源提升污水厂脱氮工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Individual and combined effects of three heavy metals; namely, copper, chromium and nickel, on growth, photosynthesis and chlorophyll a synthesis of the unicellular green alga, Chlorella pyrenoidosa 251, were determined. Within the concentration range of 0.1 to 1.0 mg litre(-1) of the three heavy metals tested on growth, photosynthesis and chlorophyll a synthesis of the alga, the order of toxicity of the three heavy metals was copper > chromium > nickel. The presence of one of the three heavy metals interacted synergistically with the other two heavy metals in various bimetallic combinations on growth, photosynthesis and chlorophyll a synthesis of the alga.  相似文献   

The effect of Chlorella pyrenoidosa on fecal excretion and liver accumulation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin in C57BL/6N mice administered dioxin was examined. Mice were administered 2.2 microg of 1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (H6CDD) dissolved in corn oil once after a period of acclimatization, after which they were fed either a basal diet, a 10% C. pyrenoidosa diet, or a 10% Spinach diet, for five weeks. Among mice fed the 10% C. pyrenoidosa diet, cumulative fecal excretion of H6CDD over the first week following administration was significantly greater (9.2-fold) than that observed among mice fed the basal diet. Moreover, excretion during the fifth week following administration of H6CDD was still significantly greater (3.1-fold) among mice fed the 10% C. pyrenoidosa diet than among mice fed the basal diet. Five weeks after administration of H6CDD, liver accumulation of H6CDD in mice fed the 10% C. pyrenoidosa diet was significantly less than that observed among mice fed either the basal diet and the Spinach diet (by 27.9% and 34.8%, respectively). These findings suggest that C. pyrenoidosa may be useful in inhibiting the absorption of dioxins via food and the reabsorption of dioxins stored already in the body in the intestinal tract, thus preventing accumulation of dioxins within the body.  相似文献   

Lee J  Lee BC  Ra JS  Cho J  Kim IS  Chang NI  Kim HK  Kim SD 《Chemosphere》2008,71(8):1582-1592
The removal efficiency of endocrine disrupting compounds from effluents using pilot scale sewage treatment processes, including various treatment technologies, such as membrane bioreactors (MBR), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) for the purpose of water reuse, were estimated and compared. The calculated estrogenic activity, expressed in ng-EEQ/l, based on the concentration detected by GC/MS, and relative potencies for each target compound were compared to those measured using the E-screen assay. The removal efficiencies for nonylphenol, was within the range of 55-83% in effluents. High removal efficiencies of approximately >70% based on the detection limits were obtained for bisphenol A, E1, EE2 and genistein with each treatment processes, with the exception of E1 ( approximately 64%) using the MBR process. The measured EEQ values for the effluents from the MBR, NF and RO processes also indicated low estrogenic activities of 0.65, 0.23 and 0.05 ng-EEQ/l, respectively. These were markedly reduced values compared with the value of 1.2 ng-EEQ/l in influent. Consequently, the removals of EDCs in terms of the EEQ value from the biological and chemical determinations were sufficiently achieved by the treatment process applied in this study, especially in the cases of the NF and RO treatments.  相似文献   

在生物脱氮除磷工艺中,污泥膨胀是运行管理的难题。介绍了生物脱氮除磷工艺中丝状菌的种类和数量的变化,数据表明,生物脱氮除磷工艺中的丝状菌主要是微丝菌,其次是0675型和0914型菌。经分析认为,污泥龄的增加会促进丝状菌长度的明显增长并导致污泥膨胀,生物残渣的浓度是造成长泥龄污泥膨胀的原因之一。厌氧阶段有分解生物残渣的功能,可改善菌胶团菌的微环境,从而抑制丝状菌的过剩生长,控制污泥膨胀。  相似文献   

The need to improve on-site wastewater treatment processes is being realized as populations move into more environmentally sensitive regions and regulators adopt the total maximum daily load approach to watershed management. Under many conditions, septic systems do not provide adequate treatment; therefore, advanced systems are required. These systems must remove significant amounts of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids, and substantially nitrify, denitrify, and remove phosphorus. Many existing advanced on-site wastewater systems effectively remove BOD, suspended solids, and ammonia, but few substantially denitrify and uptake phosphorus. The purpose of this research was to design and test modifications to an existing on-site wastewater treatment system to improve denitrification and phosphorus removal. The Nayadic (Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc., Franklin, Ohio), an established, commercially available, extended-aeration, activated sludge process, was used to represent a typical existing system. Several modifications were considered based on a literature review, and the option with the best potential was tested. To improve denitrification, a supplemental treatment tank was installed before the Nayadic and a combination flow splitter, sump, and pump box with a recirculation system was installed after it. A recirculation pump returned a high proportion of the system effluent back to the supplemental treatment tank. Two supplemental treatment tank sizes, three flowrates, and three recirculation rates were tested. Actual wastewater was dosed as brief slugs to the system in accordance with a set schedule. Several ion-exchange resins housed in a contact column were tested on the effluent for their potential to remove phosphorus. Low effluent levels of five-day biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids, and total nitrogen were achieved and substantial phosphorous removal was also achieved using a 3780-L supplemental treatment tank, a recirculation ratio of 5:1, and a fine-grain activated aluminum-oxide-exchange media. Good results were also obtained with an 1890-L supplemental treatment tank and a recirculation ratio of 3:1. The most significant benefit of the supplemental treatment tank, in combination with the recirculation system, appears to be the low nitrogen concentration dosed to the Nayadic. By reducing the nitrogen concentration and spreading out its mass over time during no-flow periods, the Nayadic's inherent low-level denitrifying capacity was more closely matched and effective treatment was achieved.  相似文献   

高负荷渗滤田工艺处理农村生活污水后,出水中C/N值降低,后续反硝化池由于缺少碳源,系统出水中TN难以稳定达标。研究在不对整个系统构筑物进行大的改造、不增加外购碳源的前提下,通过往后续反硝化池掺混部分调节池原水的措施,提高了TN的去除效率。研究结果表明,通过掺混10%左右的调节池原水,系统TN的去除效率提高了约10%,由68.2%提升到了77.5%。系统出水中各主要指标均可达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级A标准要求。系统运行费用低且实验未增加运行成本,工程可为气候条件相近、水质类似地区农村生活污水的处理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A new synthetic medium has been developed for routine use in laboratory-scale sewage treatment simulation and biodegradation tests, such as OECD guideline 302A & 303A or ISO method 11733. The new medium, Syntho, was designed to meet the following objectives: 1) to be more representative of real sewage than the existing standard OECD synthetic sewage, 2) the COD:N:P ratio and mineral composition must allow a good degree of biological nutrient (N, P) removal, and 3) the medium should result in stable unit operation, including good sludge settling and minimal need for control actions. The IAWQ Activated Sludge Model No. 2 (ASM2,) was used to help design the medium and predict reactor performance for different possible media compositions. The results obtained with Syntho indicate that Continuous Activated Sludge (CAS) units with or without nutrient removal can be operated routinely on this feed. The new medium was also characterized by means of a respiration test. The different influent fractions applied in the model were validated, and a respiration profile indicated that Syntho is a close approximation of real sewage.  相似文献   


The combined effect of polystyrene (PS) particles and triphenyltin chloride (TPTCl) to the green algae Chlorella pyrenoidosa was studied. The 96 h IC50 of TPTCl to the green algae C. pyrenoidosa was 30.64 μg/L. The toxicity of PS particles to C. pyrenoidosa was size-dependent, with the 96 h IC50 at 9.10 mg/L for 0.55 μm PS but no toxicity observed for 5.0 μm PS. The exposure to 0.55 μm PS led to damage on structure of algal cells, which could in turn cause inhibition on photosynthesis and population growth of the green algae. TPTCl concentrations in test medium were lowered by 15–19% at presence of 0.55 μm PS particles, indicating a reduced bioavailability of TPTCl. In spite of this reduced bioavailability, the presence of PS increased the toxicity of TPTCl, which might be attributed to facilitated uptake of TPTCl by the green algae after the damage of cell structure. The overall results of the present study provided important information on the effect of PS on the bioavailability and toxicity of TPTCl to phytoplankton species.


考察了A2/O同步化学除磷工艺中Al2(SO4)3投加量对TP、COD、NH4+-N和TN的去除率与活性污泥性能的影响。结果表明,常温(18~32℃)条件下同步化学除磷最适宜的Al2(SO4)3投加量为铝、磷摩尔比0.5:1,此条件下出水TP、COD、NH4+-N和TN浓度均能达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)一级A标准。研究同时发现,Al2(SO4)3投加后,活性污泥的沉降性能和污泥活性均有所增强,其中SVI值由93.8 mL·g-1降至81.3 mL·g-1,Zeta电位由-5.5 mV降至-11.8 mV,胞外聚合物EPS含量增加了59.9%,蛋白质与多糖的比例由5.2降至2.1,比耗氧速率由4.2 mg·(g·min)-1升高到6.7 mg·(g·min)-1(以MLSS计)。微生物菌群结构分析结果表明,投药后污泥中微生物种类由投药前的8种减少为6种,硝化菌和反硝化菌比例有所降低,聚磷菌比例升高为6%。在低温(0~10℃)条件下,Al2(SO4)3投加量需有所增加,当铝、磷摩尔比为1:1时,反应器出水TP、COD、TN和NH4+-N浓度方可达到一级A标准。  相似文献   

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