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气液两相滑动弧等离子体处理甲基紫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用气液两相滑动弧等离子体降解甲基紫溶液,研究了溶液初始pH值、载气类型、溶液初始浓度对甲基紫降解的影响,并探讨了甲基紫的降解机理.结果表明,300mg/L的甲基紫溶液,经4次循环降解后(20min),降解率达99%,COD的去除率达83%.初始溶液的pH值对甲基紫的降解几乎没有影响.分别以空气、氧气为载气,其降解率差别不大.甲基紫降解率随溶液初始浓度增大而降低,但绝对降解量随溶液初始浓度增大而增大.从能效比考虑,滑动弧等离子体适合降解高浓度的有机废水.对降解前后的紫外-可见光谱、红外光谱及GC-MS结果分析表明,甲基紫的共轭结构被破坏,但溶液中仍有少量含苯环的化合物以及酸等小分子化合物存在.   相似文献   

滑动弧放电等离子体裂解正己烷实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
考察了一种新型低温等离子体发生方式滑动弧放电对正己烷的裂解效果,检测了主要裂解产物,并分析了供给电压、正己烷初始浓度、电极材料和反应器结构对裂解率的影响.结果表明,该法可以有效处理正己烷,最高裂解率达96%.在空气中的主要裂解产物为CO2、CO、NO2和H2O.增大供给电压可以提高正己烷裂解率;初始浓度增大后裂解率下降,但绝对处理量增大;相同能耗情况下,采用铁电极时能量利用率最低,正己烷裂解率低于铝电极和铜电极;电极最小间距和喷嘴直径之间的比例关系影响裂解效果,优化两者的匹配关系可以提高裂解率.  相似文献   

To optimize the arc fabrication of aluminum nanoparticles (Al Nps), six diverse media were probed including ethylene glycol (EG), distilled water, liquid nitrogen, gaseous nitrogen, sunflower oil, and tap water (all free of any surfactant or stabilizer). These were investigated at three different currents: 50, 100 and 150 A/cm2. EG at 50 A/cm2 provides the best recipe for the arc fabrication, giving the relatively purest, most dispersed and the smallest size Al Nps (26.6 nm), with the highest yield (91.5 %). Regardless of the medium used, the SEM analyses show that the size increases of Al Nps are directly proportional to the current density employed. The observed sizes for Al Nps in EG (at three different currents/A cm- 2) are 26.6 nm (50), 64.9 nm (100), and 72.5 nm (150). Also, regardless of the current employed, the SEM analyses show different Al Nps size distributions, depending on the medium nature. The XRD extracted average sizes of the arc fabricated Al Nps show reasonable linear correlations with their corresponding elemental weight% or atomic%, acquired through energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). High quantities of separable industrially significant nanoAl oxides (γ-Al2O3, Al(OH)3) are fabricated along with Al Nps in tap water. In EG medium, TGA revealed only ~7% weight loss, indicating thermal stability of the fabricated Al Nps.  相似文献   

Effects of switching over from gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) to pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding (PCGTAW) on the quality of joints produced in Hastelloy C-276 material were investigated. Welding was carried out both by autogenous mode and using ERNiCrMo-3 filler wire. Microstructures of weld joints produced with and without current pulsing were studied using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Microsegregation occurring in GTAW and PCGTAW joints was investigated using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Strength and ductility of weld joints produced with and without pulsing were evaluated. The results show that pulsing results in refined microstructure, reduced microsegregation and improved strength of weld joints. Secondary phase(s) noticed in GTA weldments were found to be absent in PCGTA weldments. Autogenous PCGTA weldments were found to be the best in terms of: (i) freedom from microsegregation, (ii) strength and (iii) freedom from unwanted secondary phases.  相似文献   

湿地享有"地球之肾"的美誉,广泛分布于世界各地,是自然界最富有生物多样性以及生态功能最高的生态系统.湿地与人类生存、繁衍,发展息息相关,为人类的生产、生活和休闲提供了多种资源,是人类最重要的生态环境之一.介绍了湿地构成、功能以及特点,并从生态,经济,社会三方面分析了湿地的多重经济效益,提出了保护湿地的必要性和重要性.  相似文献   

今年恰逢世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)60岁生日.在秋高气爽的海滨城市巴塞罗那,来自全世界7000多名代表以召开世界自然保护大会的方式共同庆祝这个重大节日.  相似文献   

江西大吉山钨矿地质特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
大吉山钨矿床处于赣南加里东褶皱区九连山断隆西南端。区内断裂发育,岩浆活动强烈。稀土、铌钽和钨的富集成矿,与岩浆的演化多次侵入直接相关。该矿床矿化以浸染状蚀变花岗岩型黑钨矿化与石英脉型钨矿化为主。浸染状蚀变花岗岩型黑钨矿床与石英脉型钨矿床的时空关系、组分上的继承和演化,体现了该矿床在成因上为浸染状蚀变花岗岩型黑钨矿床与石英脉型钨矿床形成的复合型钨矿床。  相似文献   

The relationship of the ozone generation and the heating power, corona wire surface temperature, discharge electrode and netting electrode was studied during the negative corona discharge. The experimental results showed that the ozone concentration reduced with applied voltage decrease. With heating power increase, the ozone concentration of unit current decreased at exponential rate and it almost change no longer over 0.40 W. Under given temperature, the lower the applied voltage was, the smaller the ozone concentration was; while under given applied voltages, only over 11 kV could decrease with the surface temperature increase. The ozone concentration decreased with the lengthening of corona wire, and could reduced to 10 ppb under experimental condition of 14.2 kV; it also decreased with the shortening of wire diarmeter,and could decrease 67% at best in the given condition. Moreover, it decreased with the increasing size of netting electrode mesh. At the anion current of 1.65 μA, the ozone concentration of 5.0 x 5.0 cm^2 is only 41% of that of 3.3 x 3.3 cm^2 .  相似文献   

南岭地区钨矿成矿机理探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
南岭地区是世界著名的钨矿床集中区,国内外许多学者进行了大量的工作。本文通过对南岭地区钨矿形成经历深源物质喷溢、风化剥蚀、沉积、地层重熔成岩、花岗岩多次演化、岩浆热液析出、成矿母岩碱质交代、酸淋滤萃取、热液运移、聚集沉淀成矿等多期多阶段成矿作用探讨研究,认识到碱质交代的成矿母岩、流体的钙质丰富时,一般形成白钨为主的矿床;当碱质交代的成矿母岩贫钙时,一般形成黑钨矿床。  相似文献   

The temperature distribution and residual stresses for a GTAW circumferential butt joint of AISI 304 stainless steel using numerical simulation have been evaluated. For evaluation of weld induced residual stresses, the analysis of heat source fitting was carried out with heat inputs ranging from 200 to 500 J/mm to arrive at optimal heat input for obtaining proper weld penetration and heat affected zone (HAZ). For this chosen heat input, the influence of different weld speeds and powers on the temperature distribution and the residual stresses is studied. The heat source analysis revealed the best choice of heat input as 300 J/mm. The residual stresses on the inner and outer surfaces, and along the radial direction were computed. Increase in temperature distribution as well as longitudinal and circumferential residual stresses was observed with the increase in weld speed and power. The validity of the results obtained from numerical simulation is demonstrated with full scale shop floor welding experiments.  相似文献   

在谈到席卷全球的金融危机成因时,有专家认为,与其说是金融监管不严所致,不如说是金融寡头的唯利是图和推卸社会责任酿成今日的苦果。"大敌"当前,全球上下急寻药方,以安全渡过金融"严冬"。  相似文献   

Positive DC corona discharge is formed with needle-plate electrode configuration, in which the water vapor is ejected though the needle points. The purpose is to increase the numbers of the water-based radicals, ionize the water molecule and improve the desulfuration efficiency of pulsed corona reactor. The water ions were determined by four stages molecular beam mass spectrometer and diagnose the water-based radicals by emission spectrograph. A conclusion on formation of ions and radicals with DC corona discharges can be drawn.  相似文献   

陈安庆 《环境》2005,(12):58-59
污浊的洗矿水源源不断地直接流向了素有“东方瑞士”美誉的东江湖.这是10月30日,笔者在资兴市滁口镇丝裕兴、冬茅垅一带看到的景象.在湖南省郴州市宜章与资兴两地交界的瑶岗仙矿区附近,遍布着湖南省市政府有关部门多次命令查封关闭的非法钨矿.据了解,随着白钨价格的上涨,非法开采在此地区再次死灰复燃,出现了数十家小矿.滥采乱挖使提取饮用水源的东江湖遭受严重污染.此事件经媒体报道后,引起了湖南省有关部门的高度重视。  相似文献   

注重科学探究,提倡学习方式多样化这是初中物理新课程基本理念之一,所以,在教学过程中,教师要更新教育教学观念,要引导学生采取多样化的学习方式,促使学生真正成为课堂的主人。因此,结合自己的教学经验,对如何构建多样化的学习方式进行概述,以为高效课堂的顺利实现打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

成矿结构体系及其钨矿找矿意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
矿床共生组合和成矿系列是古老的或研究时间较长的概念,在不同矿床类型间的成因联系研究、指导成矿预测和找矿起了不小作用。为了更利于成矿预测和指导找矿,在不同矿床(点、体,种)类型的成因联系研究基础上,进行不同矿床(点、体,种)类型的空间分布规律或空间结构形式的研究,对钨矿新一轮找矿尤为重要。为此,本文首次提出成矿结构体系概念,并对其主要特征、类型、形成机制、钨矿成矿结构体系及其找矿意义进行探讨。  相似文献   

论南岭东段钨多金属矿找矿方向   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
南岭东段是世界著名的钨多金属矿集中区,是由独特的地质环境构成多种类型的钨矿集中分布区。本文在探讨南岭东段地区钨多金属矿成矿特征、矿床类型、成矿系列及其分布规律的基础上,提出该区钨矿主攻矿床类型为石英脉型、破碎带—石英脉复合型、石英脉—岩体(蚀变花岗岩型和斑岩型)复合型。主攻找矿靶区为:湘赣相邻的桂东—汝城—遂川—崇义交界地区、湘粤相邻的九峰—西坑地区、赣南崇犹余地区、粤北瑶梅师地区、赣南青塘—银坑地区、赣南崎山地区、赣南三南地区、粤北九连山地区。以期为该区新一轮钨锡多金属矿资源调查提供重要理论和实践指导。  相似文献   

PCDD/Fs have been become a serious issue because of their toxicological effects and associated adverse health implications.In this study,the gliding arc plasma was tested for treatment of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins(PCDDs)and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs),which was synthesized from pentachiorophenol in atmospheric condition at 35℃with or without the catalysis of CuCl_2. From the experiment,we found that the destruction efficiency of PCDD/F homologues after gliding was discharge ranged from 25% to 79%.This result demonstrates that gliding arc plasma is an effective technology to decompose PCDDs/Fs in flue gas.A plausible degradation mechanism for PCDD/Fs by gliding arc was discussed.Finally,a multistage reactor structure of gliding arc was proposed to upgrade removal efficiency for PCDD/Fs.  相似文献   

This paper presents some new evolutions of research works in the IRWTL at SJTU on intelligentized technologies for arc welding dynamic process and robot systems, including multi-information sensing of arc welding process, such as characteristic extraction of weld pool image, voltage, current, and sound, arc-spectral features; multi-information fusion algorithms for prediction of weld penetration; intelligentized modeling of welding dynamic process; intelligent control methodology for welding dynamic process; intelligentized technologies for robotic welding, such as guiding and tracking seam technology and intelligent control of weld pool and penetration in robotic welding process; and development of autonomous welding robot system for the special environment. The ideas of intelligentized welding manufacturing technology (IWMT) and intelligentized welding manufacturing engineering (IWME) are presented in this paper for systematization of intending researches and applications on intelligentized technologies for modern welding manufacturing. The studies of intelligentized welding presented in this paper establish the foundation work of intending researches and applications on intelligentized technologies for modern welding manufacturing.  相似文献   

赣南地区素有“世界钨都”之称,是我国重要的钨矿资源基地和生产基地,尤其是黑钨矿资源量与开采产量一直占据世界首位。根据有关资料,赣南地区钨矿资源量占全国的21%,保有储量占全国的10%左右,在赣南保有储量中,黑钨矿占78%。在过去55年中,赣南累计生产钨精矿106万吨,占全国同期总产量的52%。  相似文献   

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