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Identification of metal toxicity in sewage sludge leachate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sewage sludge is a source of organic matter and nutrients with the potential for being used as a fertilizer. However, metals in sewage sludge might accumulate in soil after repeated sludge applications, and metal concentrations might reach concentrations that are toxic to microorganisms, soil organisms and/or plants. This toxicity might change with time due to kinetic factors or abiotic factors such as freezing, drying or rainfall. The objective of this study was to determine toxicity of sewage sludge leachate from a lysimeter with 50 cm of sludge applied. Attempts were also made to identify the cause of toxicity of the sludge leachate by toxicity identification and evaluation (TIE) techniques. Sludge leachate was collected monthly during 1 experimental year (August 2001 to August 2002). Metal concentrations were analysed, and the toxicity was determined with Daphnia magna (48-h immobility). The effect of EDTA or sodium thiosulphate addition, filtration through a CM-resin or a Millex-resin on toxicity was also tested. The results showed that toxicity of the sludge leachate apparently varied during the year, and that filtration through the CM-resin reduced most of the toxicity followed by the addition of EDTA. None of the other treatments reduced the toxicity of the sludge leachate. This indicated that one or more metals were responsible for the observed toxicity. Further calculations of toxic units (TU) suggested that Zn contributed most to the toxicity. Results also indicated that Ca concentrations in the sludge leachate reduced the toxicity of Zn.  相似文献   

The content, behaviour and significance of heavy metals in composted waste materials is important from two potentially conflicting aspects of environmental legislation in terms of: (a) defining end-of-waste criteria and increasing recycling of composted residuals on land and (b) protecting soil quality by preventing contamination. This review examines the effects of heavy metals in compost and amended soil as a basis for achieving a practical and sustainable balance between these different policy objectives, with particular emphasis on agricultural application. All types of municipal solid waste (MSW) compost contain more heavy metals than the background concentrations present in soil and will increase their contents in amended soil. Total concentrations of heavy metals in source-segregated and greenwaste compost are typically below UK PAS100 limits and mechanical segregated material can also comply with the metal limits in UK PAS100, although this is likely to be more challenging. Zinc and Pb are numerically the elements present in the largest amounts in MSW-compost. Lead is the most limiting element to use of mechanically-segregated compost in domestic gardens, but concentrations are typically below risk-based thresholds that protect human health. Composted residuals derived from MSW and greenwaste have a high affinity for binding heavy metals. There is general consensus in the scientific literature that aerobic composting processes increase the complexation of heavy metals in organic waste residuals, and that metals are strongly bound to the compost matrix and organic matter, limiting their solubility and potential bioavailability in soil. Lead is the most strongly bound element and Ni the weakest, with Zn, Cu and Cd showing intermediate sorption characteristics. The strong metal sorption properties of compost produced from MSW or sewage sludge have important benefits for the remediation of metal contaminated industrial and urban soils. Compost and sewage sludge additions to agricultural and other soils, with background concentrations of heavy metals, raise the soil content and the availability of heavy metals for transfer into crop plants. The availability in soil depends on the nature of the chemical association between a metal with the organic residual and soil matrix, the pH value of the soil, the concentration of the element in the compost and the soil, and the ability of the plant to regulate the uptake of a particular element. There is no evidence of increased metal release into available forms as organic matter degrades in soil once compost applications have ceased. However, there is good experimental evidence demonstrating the reduced bioavailability and crop uptake of metals from composted biosolids compared to other types of sewage sludge. It may therefore be inferred that composting processes overall are likely to contribute to lowering the availability of metals in amended soil compared to other waste biostabilisation techniques. The total metal concentration in compost is important in controlling crop uptake of labile elements, like Zn and Cu, which increases with increasing total content of these elements in compost. Therefore, low metal materials, which include source-segregated and greenwaste composts, are likely to have inherently lower metal availabilities overall, at equivalent metal loading rates to soil, compared to composted residuals with larger metal contents. This is explained because the compost matrix modulates metal availability and materials low in metals have stronger sorption capacity compared to high metal composts. Zinc is the element in sewage sludge-treated agricultural soil identified as the main concern in relation to potential impacts on soil microbial activity and is also the most significant metal in compost with regard to soil fertility and microbial processes. However, with the exception of one study, there is no other tangible evidence demonstrating negative impacts of heavy metals applied to soil in compost on soil microbial processes and only positive effects of compost application on the microbial status and fertility of soil are reported. The negative impacts on soil microorganisms apparent in one long-term field experiment could be explained by the exceptionally high concentrations of Cd and other elements in the applied compost, and of Cd in the compost-amended soil, which are unrepresentative of current practice and compost quality. The metal contents of source-segregated MSW or greenwaste compost are smaller compared to mechanically-sorted MSW-compost and sewage sludge, and low metal materials also have the smallest potential metal availabilities. Composting processes also inherently reduce metal availability compared to other organic waste stabilisation methods. Therefore, risks to the environment, human health, crop quality and yield, and soil fertility, from heavy metals in source-segregated MSW or greenwaste-compost are minimal. Furthermore, composts produced from mechanically-segregated MSW generally contain fewer metals than sewage sludge used as an agricultural soil improver under controlled conditions. Consequently, the metal content of mechanically-segregated MSW-compost does not represent a barrier to end-use of the product. The application of appropriate preprocessing and refinement technologies is recommended to minimise the contamination of mechanically-segregated MSW-compost as far as practicable. In conclusion, the scientific evidence indicates that conservative, but pragmatic limits on heavy metals in compost may be set to encourage recycling of composted residuals and contaminant reduction measures, which at the same time, also protect the soil and environment from potentially negative impacts caused by long-term accumulation of heavy metals in soil.  相似文献   

A potential hazard to Beijing was revealed due to the accumulation trend of heavy metals in agricultural soils with sewage irrigation, which results in metal contamination and human exposure risk. Samples including soils and plants were collected to assess the impacts of sewage irrigation on the irrigated farming area of Beijing. Concentrations of the five elements Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, and Pb were determined in samples to calculate the accumulation factor and to establish a basis for environmental protection and the suitability of sewage irrigation for particular land use in the urban-rural interaction area of Beijing. Using reference values provided by the Beijing Background Research Cooperative Group in the 1970s, the pollution load index (PLI), enrichment factor (EF), and contamination factor (CF) of these metals were calculated. The pollution load indices (sewage irrigation land 3.49) of soils indicated that metal contamination occurred in these sites. The metal enrichment (EF of Cd 1.8, Cr 1.7, Cu 2.3, Zn 2.0, Pb 1.9) and the metal contamination (CF of Cd 2.6, Cr 1.5, Cu 2.0, Zn 1.7, Pb 1.6) showed that the accumulation trend of the five toxic metals increased during the sewage irrigation as compared with the lower reference values than other region in China and world average, and that pollution with Cd, Cu, Zn, and Pb was exacerbated in soils. The distributions of these metals were homogeneous in the irrigation area, but small-scale heterogeneous spatial distribution was observed. Irrigation sources were found to affect heavy metal distributions in soils. It was suggested that heavy metal transfer from soils to plants was a key pathway to human health exposure to metal contamination. However, with the expansion of urban areas in Beijing, soil inhalation and ingestion may become important pathways of human exposure to metal contamination.  相似文献   

An incubation experiment was performed to study the effect of sewage sludge on microbial respiration and nutrient mineralization in a sandy soil as an indication of its effects on soil biological properties and nutrient transformation. Sewage sludge was amended with a sandy soil at 0, 25, 50, 150 and 350 g kg−1 fresh weight. An increase in the sludge amendment rate caused an increase in both pH and electrical conductivity (EC). However, pH decreased while EC increased and then decreased along the incubation time. Nevertheless salinity and heavy metal contents of the soil sludge mixture were all within the safety guidelines. Soluble NH4+, NO32− and PO32− increased after amending the soil with sewage sludge, but increasing the application rate to 350 g kg−1 of sludge decreased the N and P mineralization efficiency and created an adverse effect on nitrification. The daily CO2 evolution pattern was the same in all treatments that CO2 evolution increased initially and then decreased till the end of the incubation period. All the treatments had peak CO2 evolution at day 7, except for the soil amended with 350 g kg−1 of sludge which had peak CO2 evolution at day 2. Similarly, the percentage of C-mineralization decreased with an increase in sludge amendment rate. The present experiment indicated that an application rate of 50–150 g kg−1 sludge for sandy soil would have the optimal beneficial effect on the soil in terms of microbial activity and nutrient transformation.  相似文献   

In areas which are highly urbanised, where water re-use is frequently necessary, the importance of “heavy metal” removal during sewage treatment cannot be overestimated. One critical factor controlling the forms of the metals in the sewage is the chemical matrix of the sewage; as a consequence of their chelating capacity detergent builders are important in modifying the sewage matrix. Laboratory simulations of the activated sludge process have been studied to estimate the impact of the detergent builder zeolite type A on the removal of heavy metals from sewage in this treatment process.Experiments have also been undertaken in which the influent concentrations of the builder were doubled, in an endevour to simulate the effect of a “wash day”. It is apparent from the data presented that under conditions of constant loading, zeolite type A did not significantly affect the concentrations of any of the metals studied with the exception of zinc. However, removal of some of the metals was less than in the presence of a condensed phosphate solution. Under conditions of shock loading the improvement in metal removal which has been observed when condensed phosphates were added under conditions o of variable loading was not observed when zeolite type A was added under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Toxicity of copper in sewage sludge   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sewage sludge is a source of organic matter and nutrients, but a major obstacle for its recycling is that the municipal wastewater sludge has low but significant levels of contaminants. This investigation, on the acute toxicity of copper in sewage sludge, was conducted with three organisms, Daphnia magna, Lemna minor and Raphanus sativus (seeds). The toxicity of the leakage water from sewage sludge spiked with CuSO(4) was studied for 64 days. The toxicity increased during the first 8-16 days and then started to decrease. The first increase in toxicity was due to ammonia, but after 32 days, a dose-related effect of copper was found. After 64 days, L. minor had an EC50 of 3800 mg Cu/kg dw for 7 days growth inhibition, a LOEC of 3200 mg Cu/kg dw and a NOEC of 1600 mg Cu/kg dw. D. magna had an EC50 of 18100 mg Cu/kg dw (24-h immobility) and a NOEC of 12800 mg Cu/kg dw. Root elongation of R. sativus was reduced at 25600 mg Cu/kg dw. Both for Daphnia and Lemna, the pH of the leakage water had an effect of the toxicity. This means that chemical speciation and bioavailability is very important for the hazard assessment of copper in sludge and soil.  相似文献   

Recent developments in wastewater treatment are resulting in the production of substantial amounts of chemically [Ca(OH)2 and Al2(SO4)3·H2O] treated sludges in need of further treatment before disposal. Although a seemingly suitable method, an unfavorable pH and low volatile solids content constitute serious problems for composting. Hence, an investigation was made of the feasibility of window composting Ca(OH)2 (lime) precipitated sludge (approximately 25% solids) when mixed with a bulking agent. Bulking agents tried were the paper fraction of municipal refuse and chipped tree and shrub trimmings. Both bulking agents were tried in their raw and in their composted states. Initial mixing was by way of a specially designed hammermill, and subsequent mixing was done manually. Compostability was measured by rate and extent of the temperature rise and fall and by destruction of volatile solids. According to the results, lime exerted no inhibitory influence on the composting process. However, the high ratio of biologically inert material to volatile solids resulted in a shortage of nutrients for the bacteria. Consequently, temperatures attained were neither sufficiently high nor of long enough duration to ensure the pathogen destruction required for public health safety.  相似文献   

A detailed comprehensive study on the effects of heavy metals on the biological activity and other characteristics of common chernozem of the southern European facies was performed. This involved the analysis of various microbiological and biochemical indices characterizing soil biological activity, their dynamics, a set of several metals and their different chemical forms, and a wide range of metal concentrations in the soil. New important aspects of the effects of heavy metals on biological processes in the soil were revealed. An integral method was proposed for assessing changes in the total biological activity of the soil on the basis of informative indices used in the monitoring, diagnosis, and indication of soils polluted with heavy metals. Geographic trends in changes of soil resistance to heavy metal pollution were analyzed within the common chernozem subtype and by comparing chernozem with other soils.  相似文献   

As polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) face increasing restrictions worldwide, several alternate flame retardants are expected to see increased use as replacement compounds in consumer products. Chemical analysis of biosolids collected from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) can help determine whether these flame retardants are migrating from the indoor environment to the outdoor environment, where little is known about their ultimate fate and effects. The objective of this study was to measure concentrations of a suite of flame retardants, and the antimicrobial compound triclosan, in opportunistic samples of municipal biosolids and the domestic sludge Standard Reference Material (SRM) 2781. Grab samples of biosolids were collected from two WWTPs in North Carolina and two in California. Biosolids samples were also obtained during three subsequent collection events at one of the North Carolina WWTPs to evaluate fluctuations in contaminant levels within a given facility over a period of three years. The biosolids and SRM 2781 were analyzed for PBDEs, hexabromobenzene (HBB), 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane (BTBPE), 2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate (TBB), di(2-ethylhexyl)-2,3,4,5-tetrabromophthalate (TBPH), the chlorinated flame retardant Dechlorane Plus (syn- and anti-isomers), and the antimicrobial agent 5-chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)phenol (triclosan). PBDEs were detected in every sample analyzed, and ΣPBDE concentrations ranged from 1750 to 6358 ng/g dry weight. Additionally, the PBDE replacement chemicals TBB and TBPH were detected at concentrations ranging from 120 to 3749 ng/g dry weight and from 206 to 1631 ng/g dry weight, respectively. Triclosan concentrations ranged from 490 to 13,866 ng/g dry weight. The detection of these contaminants of emerging concern in biosolids suggests that these chemicals have the potential to migrate out of consumer products and enter the outdoor environment.  相似文献   

In Hong Kong, with the implementation of the Strategic Sewage Disposal Strategy (SSDS), there will be a substantial increase in the generation of sewage sludge. An alternative method using pulverized fuel ash (PFA) generated from a local coal fire power station and lime to stabilize the sludge for potential beneficial uses is studied. The effects of the stabilizing agents on the leaching of heavy metals and pasturing of coliform are studied. The results show that PFA together with a small percentage of lime addition has the potential to reduce heavy metal leaching and reduce the total coliform content of the stabilized sewage sludge.  相似文献   

The inertization of sewage sludge in ceramic matrices to be used in structural or red ceramic material for buildings has proved to be a good case of reuse of waste material. However, its practical application has not yet been fully implemented in real-case scenarios, and environmental concern seems to be the main hurdle to overcome for its definitive massive approval by the building industry. In this contribution, air emissions related to the sintering of ceramic bricks made of mixtures of clay with some percentage of sewage sludge have been analyzed (in terms of gases, suspended particles and odors). Tests conducted during this work have shown higher VOC emissions in samples with some percentage of sludge in their composition (still under the regulated emission limit values), and some of them (mercaptans) are associated with odor nuisances. Besides, limit emissions values were exceeded by three inorganic pollutants (suspended particles, NOx and HCl). Measurements in an industrial scenario test showed a high variability in air pollution emissions, suggesting the need of in situ testing for definitive implementation. With the experience collected in this and several previous works in the area of emissions related to the production of added sewage sludge ceramic, some guidelines and recommendations are given to minimize the environmental impact of ceramic production plants implementing this particular waste revalorization process. Guidelines cover different aspects: workplace implementation of gas cleaning equipment; geographical context and local wind pattern analysis; monitoring of emission and immission levels; and information policy through social control participation procedures for reporting of nuisance episodes.  相似文献   

Biosorption efficiency of coir pith, a waste product from coir industry, was investigated in this study for the removal of metallic pollutants such as Ni, Cu and Zn from aqueous solutions. The disposal of coir pith is a major problem associated with the coir industries, especially working in the small-scale sector. The present study explores the effectiveness of utilization of coir pith, an accumulating waste, as a biosorbent for heavy metal removal. Batch mode studies were done to evaluate the efficiency of removal of metals under varying adsorption conditions of pH, metal concentration and contact time. Characterization studies of the biosorbent and SEM analysis were done. Kinetic modelling studies were tried using Lagergren pseudo-first-order and second-order models. Equilibrium studies were done using well-known Freundlich, Langmuir and D–R isotherm models. It was found that all isotherms are fitting well indicating the efficiency of coir pith as an adsorbent of heavy metals. The applicability of all the three isotherms to the sorption processes shows that both monolayer adsorption and heterogeneous energetic distribution of active sites on the surface of the adsorbent are possible. Due to the abundance and low cost of these materials, adsorption technologies developed can act as good sustainable options for the future in heavy metal removal from industrial effluents.  相似文献   

Disposal of sewage sludge from waste water treatment plants is a serious environmental problem of increasing magnitude. Waste water treatment generates as much as 70 g of dry solids per capita per day. Although one of the disposal solutions for this waste is through incineration, still almost 30% of sludge solids remain as ash. This paper presents results related to reuse of sewage sludge ash in concrete. The sludge was characterised for chemical composition (X-ray flourescence analysis), crystalline phases (X-ray diffraction analysis) and pozzolanic activity. The effects of incineration on crystal phases of the dry sludge were investigated. Two water/cement (W/C) ratios (0.55 and 0.45) and three sludge ash percentages (5%, 10% and 20%) per cement mass were used as filler. The mechanical performance of sewage sludge ash concrete (SSAC) at different curing ages (3, 7, 28 and 90 days) was assessed by means of mechanical tests and capillary water absorption. Results show that sewage sludge ash leads to a reduction in density and mechanical strength and to an increase in capillary water absorption. Results also show that SSAC with 20% of sewage sludge ash and W/C = 0.45 has a 28 day compressive strength of almost 30 MPa. SSAC with a sludge ash contents of 5% and 10% has the same capillary water absorption coefficient as the control concrete; as for the concrete mixtures with 20% sludge ash content, the capillary water absorption is higher but in line with C20/25 strength class concretes performance.  相似文献   

Napa  Ülle  Ostonen  Ivika  Kabral  Naima  Kriiska  Kaie  Frey  Jane 《Regional Environmental Change》2017,17(7):2111-2120
Regional Environmental Change - Estonia is the only country in Europe that is actively mining oil shale. Oil-shale-burning power plants have been and still are the main sources of heavy metals in...  相似文献   

Sewage sludge and manure are common soil amendments in crop production; however, their impact on the abundance and diversity of the antibiotic resistome in soil remains elusive. In this study, by using high-throughput sequencing and high-throughput quantitative PCR, the patterns of bacterial community and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in a long-term field experiment were investigated to gain insights into these impacts. A total of 130 unique ARGs and 5 mobile genetic elements (MGEs) were detected and the long-term application of sewage sludge and chicken manure significantly increased the abundance and diversity of ARGs in the soil. Genes conferring resistance to beta-lactams, tetracyclines, and multiple drugs were dominant in the samples. Sewage sludge or chicken manure applications caused significant enrichment of 108 unique ARGs and MGEs with a maximum enrichment of up to 3845 folds for mexF. The enrichment of MGEs suggested that the application of sewage sludge or manure may accelerate the dissemination of ARGs in soil through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Based on the co-occurrence pattern of ARGs subtypes revealed by network analysis, aacC, oprD and mphA-02, were proposed to be potential indicators for quantitative estimation of the co-occurring ARGs subtypes abundance by power functions. The application of sewage sludge and manure resulted in significant increase of bacterial diversity in soil, Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria and Chloroflexi were the dominant phyla (> 10% in each sample). Five bacterial phyla (Chloroflexi, Planctomycetes, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes and Bacteroidetes) were found to be significantly correlated with the ARGs in soil. Mantel test and variation partitioning analysis (VPA) suggested that bacterial community shifts, rather than MGEs, is the major driver shaping the antibiotic resistome. Additionally, the co-occurrence pattern between ARGs and microbial taxa revealed by network analysis indicated that four bacterial families might be potential hosts of ARGs. These results may shed light on the mechanism underlining the effects of amendments of sewage sludge or manure on the occurrence and dissemination of ARGs in soil.  相似文献   


The current study investigates on correlating the heavy metal contamination, its distribution, and the human health risk associated with all three components of an aquatic ecosystem. For this purpose, water, sediment, and fish samples (three species, notably Notopterus notopterus, Clarias batrachus, and Channa striata) from Deepor Beel were considered, and their heavy metal contamination and distribution were determined. The corresponding health risks were then evaluated for six different heavy metals; Cr, Cd, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Pb. Pb and Mn were found to significantly impact the non-carcinogenic human health risks for the water column. Simultaneously, Cd was considered to possess the highest potential for both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health effects in the sediment column. Cd also played a critical role in the fish samples' bioaccumulation factor, with the liver showing the maximum bioaccumulation potential. Furthermore, children were found to have considerably higher effects (both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic) than adults. Finally, the sediment column was found to substantially contribute to the bioaccumulation factor in the fish biota, compared to the water column. The results of this investigation will thus prove consequential in designing, monitoring and restoring aquatic ecosystems.


As a new emerging environmental contaminant, perchlorate has prompted people to pay more attention. The presence of perchlorate in the human body can result in improper regulation of metabolism for adults. Furthermore, it also causes developmental and behavioral problems for infants and children because it can interfere with iodide uptake into the thyroid tissue. In this paper, perchlorate in sewage sludge, rice, bottled drinking water and milk was detected for investigating the perchlorate pollution status in China. The places, where the samples were collected, cover most regions of China. Therefore, the final data on perchlorate levels will give an indication of the perchlorate pollution status in China. The final determination of perchlorate was performed by ion chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry with negative mode. The concentration of perchlorate in sewage sludge, rice, bottled drinking water and milk was in the range of 0.56-379.9 microg/kg, 0.16-4.88 mug/kg, 0.037-2.013 microg/L and 0.30-9.1 microg/L, respectively. The results show that perchlorate has been widespread in China.  相似文献   

Laboratory toxicity tests, using ciliated protozoa, are scarce and they have been carried out usually with freshwater species. In this study, we have analysed the acute cytotoxicity of Cd, Zn and Cu in five different strains of very common soil ciliate species (Colpoda steinii, Colpoda inflata and Cyrtolophosis elongata), which were isolated from very different soil samples (polluted or not with heavy metals). Soil ciliates are quite resistant to heavy metals pollution with regard to ciliates from other habitats. The toxicity sequence was Cd>Cu>Zn. Results from Cd+Zn mixtures indicated that Cd cytotoxicity decreases in the presence of low or moderate Zn concentrations. A broad heavy metal resistance level diversity exists among isolates of colpodid ciliates and it is seen to be a genetic feature rather than a habitat dependence. Bioaccumulation is seen to be the main mechanism involved in the metal resistance, except for Cu. For the first time in ciliates, a fluorescent method has been applied to detect Zn intracellular deposits. This methodology might be an useful tool for monitoring heavy metal pollution in soils.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - An abundant population of Ucides cordatus swamp crabs is present at Lameirão Ecological Station (Brazil), a tropical ecosystem man-made with...  相似文献   

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