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The study of relationships between symbiotic fungi and germinating seeds of the Orchidaceae showed that the effect of a fungus on germination depends on the presence of seed dormancy and its pattern. The specificity of symbiosis varies widely. The development of symbiotic sprouts in situand in vitro differs only in the rate, whereas the morphogenesis of asymbiotic sprouts is characterized by several anomalies.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - A method for estimating direct wildfire emissions that considers fire intensity based on infrared radiation data from the Terra/MODIS satellite is proposed. In Siberia,...  相似文献   

The invasion of natural ecosystems by alien plants is a serious environmental problem that threatens the sustainable use of benefits derived from such ecosytems. Most past studies in this field have focussed on the history, ecology and management of invasive alien species, and little work has been done on the economic aspects and consequences of invasions. This paper reviews what is known of the economic consequences of alien plant invasions in South Africa. These economic arguments have been used to successfully launch the largest environmental management programme in Africa.Ten million hectares of South Africa has been invaded by 180 alien species, but their impacts are not fully understood, although they are undoubtedly significant. The indications are that the total costs of these impacts are substantial. Selected studies show that invasions have reduced the value of fynbos ecosystems by over US$ 11.75 billion; that the total cost of invasion would be about US$ 3.2 billion on the Agulhas Plain alone; that the net present cost of invasion by black wattles amounts to US$ 1.4 billion; that invasions by red water fern have cost US$ 58 million; and that the cost to clear the alien plant invasions in South Africa is around US$ 1.2 billion. These few examples indicate that the economic consequences of invasions are huge.One of the unique aspects of invasive plant control programmes in South Africa has been the ability to leverage further benefits (mainly through employment) for the expensive control programmes from the government's poverty relief budget. This has made it possible to allocate substantial funding to a programme that would otherwise have struggled to obtain significant support. Biological control of invasive species also offers considerable benefits, but is often the subject of debate. We believe that, at least in the case of many invasive alien plant species in South Africa, biological control offers one of the best, and most cost-effective, interventions for addressing the problem.  相似文献   

山东省城市土地集约利用评价及其时空差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪的中国进入经济社会发展的转型期,城市化的迅速推进支撑了区域的快速发展,但城市用地的急剧扩张带来耕地锐减、社会矛盾加剧等严峻问题,土地集约利用成为解决问题的关键。在构建城市用地集约度评价指标体系的基础上,通过多因素综合评价模型对山东省城市用地现状进行综合分析,并阐释了其时空变化特征。研究结果表明:山东各城市土地投入程度不断增强、土地产出效益不断增加、土地生态环境质量也有一定程度的提高,但土地利用强度波动较大,城市用地总体上趋于集约化、高级化;各城市土地利用集约化呈现不同的变化轨迹,大致可分为持续上升型、偶变型、波动上升型、先升后变型四种类型;城市间土地集约利用水平整体上呈现由东向西递减的空间分布特征,区域差距有所下降。据此建议中西部地区从加快经济发展、增加土地投入强度、实行城市增长边界限制等方面入手,提高土地利用集约水平。  相似文献   

The reproductive capacity of Taraxacum officinale s.l. (two morphological forms: T. off. f. dahlstedtii Lindb. fil. and T. off. f. pectinatiforme Lindb. fil.) under conditions of chemical environmental pollution was studied in years differing in weather conditions. The number of generative shoots in plants increased along the toxic load gradient, which led to an increase in the total number of seeds and the weight of filled seeds. The relative energy value of seeds was determined from the amount of plastic substances in them. The number of seeds was shown to increase at a considerably higher rate than the energy expenditures for the formation of each seed. A general principle was revealed that determines the energy expenditures for the formation of a normal seed in both T. officinale forms under different weather conditions and under the chemical pollution of the environment.  相似文献   

能源强度反映了能源的利用效率,并且可以体现出一个国家及地区的经济发展水平、产业结构和技术进步的综合作用。本文在1995-2009年各省份数据的基础上,利用面板VAR模型脉冲响应函数和面板协整模型分析中国区域能源强度与就业之间的动态作用及其长期均衡关系。结果显示,能源强度与就业之间存在着长期均衡关系;能源强度对就业总量和就业变动率有着负向的冲击,能源强度的降低可以有效拉动中国就业的提高。各个省份之间的能源强度对于中国就业的影响存在显著的差异;影响作用由西向东呈现出梯度递增的趋势。因此,建议通过扩大经济增长的规模降低能源强度,提高就业水平;东部地区应侧重于提高能源利用效率及发展第三产业来增加就业,而中西部地区可以适度降低能源的消费总量,并不会对就业产生较大的冲击;另外,在政策制定和实施过程中,需要注意政策的时滞效应,通过优化工业布局,加强区域间的合作,实现能源强度变动与就业增加的良性互动。  相似文献   

中国碳排放强度与产业结构的关联分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
产业结构调整与低碳经济发展相互联系,内在统一,从产业结构角度探讨碳排放强度问题,有利于正确判断和把握影响碳排放量变化的产业因素,有效制定控制碳排放的产业发展政策。本文在对我国碳排放总量变化趋势进行分析的基础上,选用2001-2008年全国及28个主要省域的碳排放总量、三次产业比重、单位GDP碳排放量数据,运用灰色关联分析方法,研究了我国碳排放强度与第一产业、第二产业和第三产业之间的关联性,得到以下结论:第二产业是影响地区碳排放强度的主要因素,全国有16个地区二次产业与碳排放强度关联度最大,但第二产业并不是影响地区碳排放量增大的绝对因素;第三产业对地区碳排放强度的降低效应并不明显,全国有11个地区第三产业对碳排放量的影响超过第二产业的影响,需要引起重视;第一产业对碳排放强度的影响最小,全国只有4个地区第一产业对碳排放强度的影响不是最小。在此基础上,探讨了未来我国产业结构调整的碳减排策略,以期能有效控制产业发展对我国碳排放强度的影响。  相似文献   

在发展低碳经济的趋势下,新疆过高的能源强度成为其自身发展和全国节能工作的"短板",会给我国的节能减排工作造成越来越难以解决的障碍,因此新疆面临严峻的节能减排挑战。能源强度(单位GDP能耗)是一个地区能源综合利用效率指标,受到多方面因素的影响。本文编制了1992、1997、2002和2007年新疆30部门能源投入产出表,采用投入产出结构分解方法(SDA),全面并深入分析GDP变动、单位产出能耗(即直接能源消耗系数)、技术变动和最终需求(包括消费规模、消费结构、投资规模、投资结构和净出口)变动对新疆生产能源强度的影响效应,并基于节能降耗角度分析技术变动和最终需求对产业结构变动的影响效应。结果表明:1992-2007年技术变动、消费规模、消费结构、投资规模和投资结构均对新疆生产能源强度的降低起抑制作用,并推动了产业结构中低能耗部门比重的下降。最后结合测算结果与新疆资源经济的特殊性,从技术投入、投资与消费引导以及民生扶持等方面提出了新疆能源强度治理策略建议。  相似文献   

中国工业水资源消耗强度变化的结构份额和效率份额研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
多年来,中国工业用水量占当年总供水量的比例呈现逐年递增的趋势。定量研究中国工业水资源消耗强度的变化及其内在原因,降低工业水资源消耗强度.对建设节水型社会具有重要意义。本文利用因素分解法分析了水资源消耗强度变化的结构份额和效率份额。研究结果表明:2002-2005年间,我国工业水资源消耗强度总体呈不断下降的趋势。工业水资源消耗强度下降的结构份额不断下降,效率份额逐渐上升。为了促进我国工业水资源消耗强度的持续下降.应该不断加强我国工业内部的结构调整和优化升级,发展高科技工业。大力发展循环经济,提高水资源的重复利用率。  相似文献   

In this article, based on the data of the energy statistics from 1980 to 2004, we analyze the relationship between the primary energy structures, technique, management, and the energy use per unit of GDP based on the path analysis approach and present the degree of the direct, indirect, and the overall influences of the primary energy structures on the energy use per unit of GDP. The results show that the technical change and management level play a decisive role in the energy use per unit of GDP, and the ratio of oil consumption was the major limiting factor to energy use per unit of GDP. We then found the model of the energy use per unit of GDP and the structures of the primary energy consumption, eliminated the multicollinearity in the model with the path analysis result, and finally, analyzed the influence of the primary energy structure on the energy conservation.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - The development of methods for exclusion or reduction of the abundance of the target group in a field experiment is one of the important methodological tasks in...  相似文献   

Fucai Xia  Cheng  Fushan  Liu  Zhiyu  Lin  Lin  Wang  Huan  Wang  Gerong 《Russian Journal of Ecology》2020,51(4):345-350
Russian Journal of Ecology - We studied 1,403 species, 102 families and 473 species of flowering plants in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve. Based on the data and field investigation, the plant...  相似文献   

Communities in Cabo Delgado have a long tradition of using medicinal plants. In Mozambique, rural populations in general are highly dependent on natural resources. One example is the use of surrounding vegetation by people from Cabo Delgado. They use plants for food, handicrafts, construction, as a primary energy source and even for medicine purposes. In this survey, we examined the diversity of plant usage for medicinal purposes by 146 individuals, including adults and youth living in the Cabo Delgado province. This community quoted 16 species of plants, belonging to 13 families. Utilisation by different categories of people based on sex and age was compared and differences were found among some groups. In general, older people show a deeper knowledge of medicinal plants than younger people. Men and women show similar knowledge of medicinal plants.  相似文献   

Long-term observations on needle transpiration in pine and spruce, the main forest-forming tree species in the North, made it possible to estimate the rate of this process depending on different ecological factors in years with different weather conditions. Using a large amount of data, an attempt was made to compare transpiration rates in pine and spruce and reveal some specific features of this process under conditions of the North.  相似文献   

从地区、产业以及规模以上工业三个视角,利用四种没有残值的指数分解方法将山东省的有关能源消费强度指标分解为效率效应和结构效应,研究结果显示:山东省生产总值的地区结构变动对其能源强度的下降有阻碍作用,而各地区能源效率的提高则有促进作用;农业、工业、建筑业、交通运输和仓储邮政、商业和住宿餐饮、其它服务业六大产业的增加值占全省增加值比重的变动对山东省能源强度的下降有不利影响,而各产业能源效率的变动则基本上起到促进作用;规模以上工业增加值的行业结构对规模以上工业能源强度的下降有增进作用,而各行业能源效率变动的影响则不稳定.着重发展第三产业,尤其是交通运输、商业、住宿餐饮之外的其它服务业、重视高耗能行业能源效率的持续提高、加强对重点地区的监控,包括泰安市、日照市、莱芜市、临沂市、聊城市等,是降低山东省能源强度的主要途径.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out in the Mercantour Mountains at 2200 m altitude to investigate the processes of soil enrichment in atmospheric Chernobyl (137)Cs. Soils with high (137)Cs activities have been collected in the pasture areas with frequently measured (137)Cs activity values of the order of 7000 Bq m(-2). At some single spots (about 6% of the studied area), activity in soils reached 300000 Bq m(-2), which represents 44% of the (137)Cs of the total area. Data further showed that spatial distribution of Cs depends widely on its origin: Chernobyl Cs is mainly concentrated in "enriched" soils, whereas older Cs and (241)Am fallout from nuclear weapons tests (NWTs) and natural atmospheric (210)Pb in soils is less heterogeneously distributed.In order to elucidate the processes which have led to the enrichment in Chernobyl (137)Cs in the Alps in May of 1986, we have studied the repartition of atmospheric (7)Be isotope (half-life=53.3 d) in the pasture compartments (soil, litter, grass, and snow). Snow (7)Be data give evidence that fallout enrichment is related to snow accumulation (snow drift). The transfer of beryllium occurs rapidly to the grass and litter, where the strongest pollutant accumulations were measured. However, (7)Be transport to the soil required more than 8 months.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - The present study was conducted to investigate the n-alkane composition of typical alpine meadows. Plant and soil samples were collected and analyzed to characterize...  相似文献   

在中国,城乡统筹作为整体发展的一个基本机制,一方面反映了社会主义共同富裕的道义原则,另一方面也是由城市和农村的各自状况及其相互关系所规定的必然要求。与此相一致.新型城市形态既是一个发展理念.也是一个具体的建设内容和文明形态.它所表明的就是城市本身在城乡统筹的具体实施中逐步生成的整体形态特征。作为自觉的发展理念和建设实践.新型城市形态至少需要针对几个主要的要素关系进行相应的政策、制度、甚至法律创制。对此。本文指出并说明了以下主要几个方面:①同一辖区内不同行政级别之间的政府职能及行为关系:②本地(或常驻)居民与外来(或流动)农村人员的关系;③不同社会群体与发展取向的关系;④城市内部在形象塑造中的精抻面貌、生活方式、消费导向、开放态度,以及行政划分和政策连接等方面的城乡关系。  相似文献   

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