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长江中下游湿地保护与流域生态管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
湿地是地球上具有多功能的、独特的生态系统,是人类最重要的生存环境之一。长江中下游湿地保护必须从流域管理角度进行规划和保护,应由过去主要是单块湿地保护向按流域系统保护的转变。具体可采取以下措施:在流域内建立统一协调机制,对流域湿地进行保护与合理利用,合理布局,统一规划;按湖泊流域和物种分布整合现有保护区,建立新的湿地保护区,解决目前管理上的制约问题;大力开展湿地修复重建;推进退耕还林、长江防护林等工程建设,发挥森林治理水土流失、涵养水源的作用;在保护的前提下科学合理地利用长江中下游湿地资源,开拓新的生产力;同时加强湿地科学研究。  相似文献   

Infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) are associated with poor health outcomes and are recognised globally as a serious health problem. Much research has been conducted on the transmission of ARB to humans. Yet the role the natural environment plays in the spread of ARB and antibiotic resistance genes is not well understood. Antibiotic resistant bacteria have been detected in natural aquatic environments, and ingestion of seawater during water sports is one route by which many people could be directly exposed.The aim was to estimate the prevalence of resistance to one clinically important class of antibiotics (third-generation cephalosporins (3GCs)) amongst Escherichia coli in coastal surface waters in England and Wales. Prevalence data was used to quantify ingestion of 3GC-resistant E. coli (3GCREC) by people participating in water sports in designated coastal bathing waters. A further aim was to use this value to derive a population-level estimate of exposure to these bacteria during recreational use of coastal waters in 2012.The prevalence of 3GC-resistance amongst E. coli isolated from coastal surface waters was estimated using culture-based methods. This was combined with the density of E. coli reported in designated coastal bathing waters along with estimations of the volumes of water ingested during various water sports reported in the literature to calculate the mean number of 3GCREC ingested during different water sports.0.12% of E. coli isolated from surface waters were resistant to 3GCs. This value was used to estimate that in England and Wales over 6.3 million water sport sessions occurred in 2012 that resulted in the ingestion of at least one 3GCREC.Despite the low prevalence of resistance to 3GCs amongst E. coli in surface waters, there is an identifiable human exposure risk for water users, which varies with the type of water sport undertaken. The relative importance of this exposure is likely to be greater in areas where a large proportion of the population enjoys water sports. Millions of water sport sessions occurred in 2012 that were likely to have resulted in people ingesting E. coli resistant to a single class of antibiotics (3GCs). However, this is expected to be a significant underestimate of recreational exposure to all ARB in seawater.This is the first study to use volumes of water ingested during different water sports to estimate human exposure to ARB. Further work needs to be done to elucidate the health implications and clinical relevance of exposure to ARB in both marine and fresh waters in order to fully understand the risk to public health.  相似文献   

农地非农化代际配置与农地资源损失   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
合理的资源利用要求资源配置在代际上是有效率的。在资源代际最优配置原理的基础上,建立了一个衡量农地非农化是否符合代际配置效率的宏观决策模型,对我国20世纪90年代以来的农地非农化进行了检验。结果显示,若以1989-2003年为研究区间,1989-1996年阶段东、中、西部地区的过度非农化比例分别占各自实际非农化数量的6.58%、6.84%和7.85%,反映出1989-1996年期间的农地非农化存在一定的短期行为,造成农地的过度非农化。因此,未来一段时间的农地非农化政策应该进一步控制农地非农化的速度,来保证农地资源能够在未来得到更优的利用。  相似文献   

太湖生态修复治理工程   总被引:54,自引:3,他引:54  
太湖是我国第三大淡水湖泊,也是流域的重要水体。近年来,随着人口的增长,经济高速发展,人为社会经济活动影响,水资源系统受到很大冲击,水质变劣,湖体富营养过程加剧,生态环境受到明显损害,制约了流域社会经济的可持续发展。要实现流域水资源的可持续利用,必须加快水污染综合治理。除陆域实施严格的达标治理、河网水质调控、农业面源及生活污水治理外,太湖湖体生态修复和富营养化治理已为当务之急。目前应尽早实施:①太湖重污染区底泥的生态疏浚,减少底泥释放二次污染。②利用浮床陆生植物治理太湖典型富营养化水域,利用生物吸收、降解,继而富集营养盐,净化水质。③建立环湖湿地保护带。④恢复和重建湖滨带水生植被,实现长效生态管理和调控。⑤生态渔业工程,有效控制过度养殖,恢复湖泊生态良性循环。⑥藻类采集和资源化再利用。⑦强化流域管理。  相似文献   

Future climate conditions are likely to affect inland waterway transport in Europe. According to some climate scenarios, in summer, in the river Rhine, periods with low water levels are likely to occur more often and become more serious. Then inland waterway transport carriers will experience more severe restrictions on the load factor of their inland ships, which implies a stronger reduction in transport capacity in the market. Transport prices will rise under such conditions. Some studies reviewed in this paper find that at extremely low water levels, the price per tonne for inland waterway transport in the river Rhine area will almost double. These increased transport prices result in welfare losses. For the dry summer in 2003, the losses for North West Europe are estimated to sum up to around €480 million. Increased transport prices trigger adaptation. Inland waterway carriers may use smaller vessels, and shippers have the opportunity to shift from inland waterway transport to alternative transport modes in periods with low water levels. This effect is probably rather modest, however, with a modal shift to road and rail smaller than 10 %. Also, changes in transport costs may lead to relocation of certain economic activities in the long run.  相似文献   

An estimate of heavy metals emissions to the atmosphere due to the projected changes in the Brazilian energy generation fuel matrix is presented. Present use of fossil fuel combustion for energy production is projected to increase from the present 14.5% to 29.6% of the total energy generation in Brazil in 2005. Most of this increase will be based on coal- and natural-gas-burning plants. The changes will result in an increase of about 100% in the average emissions (in tons year−1) of As (9.4 to 17.7), Cr (7.0 to 16.6) and Hg (2.4 to 4.1), 50% of Cd (1.2 to 1.8), and 20% of Ni (101 to 123) and Pb (23.3 to 29.9). Although relatively small for most heavy metals when compared to other industrial sources, the changes in the energy matrix will be particularly important for Hg, reaching a maximum emission of 12 tons (t) year−1, representing 15% of the total emissions of Hg to the atmosphere in Brazil. The use of Brazilian coals and the location of most coal-burning plants in a relatively small region in the south of the country strongly suggest that monitoring programs should be implemented during the building of the new plants. At a regional level the expected increase in Hg emissions to the atmosphere due to coal burning in Brazil, although small relative to North America and Europe, will equal the total amount estimated for South and Central America.  相似文献   

This paper examines three recent television advertisements that symbolically link meat not only with masculinity, but specifically with the “crisis in masculinity.” Using an ecofeminist lens, I engage in an intersectional analysis of these advertisements to demonstrate how they articulate the eating of meat with primitive masculinities as a response to perceived threats to hegemonic masculinity. These advertisements demonstrate that scholars interested in the status of masculinity must pay attention to the “threats” to masculinity posed by environmental and animal rights movements, and that scholars interested in environmental movements must pay attention to the role of masculinity in resisting moves toward sustainability. This analysis demonstrates the utility of ecofeminism in understanding the relationship between hegemonic masculinity and environmentalism while also pointing to the need for ecofeminism to continue to explore the implications of intersectionality for ecofeminist theory and criticism.  相似文献   

One of the general assumptions for box modelling of the dispersion of radionuclides in marine systems relates to instantaneous mixing in each box which, in turn, results in practical calculations involving instantaneous mixing in the whole of oceanic space. A new approach to box modelling, which includes dispersion of radionuclides as a function of time, was therefore developed in order to provide a better and more realistic/physical approximation to reality relative to traditional box modelling. The novel and significant practical features of the approach are discussed. Calculations of concentrations of radionuclides in the marine environment and doses to man for some scenarios indicate differences of up to orders of magnitude between the traditional and new approaches to box modelling.  相似文献   

Following a radioactive fallout event, there are a number of possible intervention measures to reduce radioactive doses to the public via the surface water pathway. We have critically reviewed the options available to decision-makers in the event of radioactive contamination of surface waters. We believe that the most effective and viable measures to reduce radioactivity in drinking water are those which operate at the water treatment and distribution stage. Intervention measures to reduce concentrations of radioactivity in rivers and reservoirs are expected to be much less viable and efficient at reducing doses via the drinking water pathway. Bans on consumption of freshwater fish can be effective, but there are few viable measures to reduce radioactivity in fish prior to the preparation stage. Lake liming and biomanipulation have been found to be ineffective for radiocaesium, although the addition of potassium to lakewaters appears promising in some situations. Lake liming may be effective in reducing radiostrontium in fish, though this has not, to our knowledge, been tested. De-boning fish contaminated by strontium is probably the most effective food preparation measure, but salting and freezing can also reduce radiocaesium concentrations in fish. The provision of accurate information to the public is highlighted as a key element of countermeasure implementation.  相似文献   

随着我国工业化和城镇化的深入推进,农村人口迁移趋势愈演愈烈。人口迁移导致的劳动力投入减少对农村土地利用存在威胁。运用情景模拟的方法,研究了不同情景下的人口迁移及其对耕地撂荒和宅基地闲置的威胁。研究表明:(1)重庆市未来人口迁移由4部分构成:都市区农村人口向城区迁移;都市区外农村人口向都市区集聚;都市区外农村人口向区域性中心城市和城镇集中;市外人口回流;(2)未来10 a,重庆市总人口流量46445~48481万,而对土地利用有影响的人口流量约36445~42481万;(3)预计到2020年,重庆市存在撂荒威胁的耕地约412~480万hm2;(4)预计到2020年,重庆市农村宅基地闲置潜力为597~611万hm2。建议改革限制农村耕地流转的政策,避免耕地撂荒;探索“复垦+流转”的农村闲置宅基地处置模式  相似文献   

太湖生态修复治理工程   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
太湖是我国第三大淡水湖泊 ,也是流域的重要水体。近年来 ,随着人口的增长 ,经济高速发展 ,人为社会经济活动影响 ,水资源系统受到很大冲击 ,水质变劣 ,湖体营养过程加剧 ,生态环境受到明显损害 ,制约了流域社会经济的可持续发展。要实现流域水资源的可持续利用 ,必须加快水污染综合治理。除陆域实施严格的达标治理、河网水质调控 ,农业面源及生活污水治理外 ,太湖湖体生态修复和富营养化治理已为当务之急。目前应尽早实施 :①太湖重污染区底泥的生态疏浚 ,减少底泥释放二次污染。②利用浮床陆生植物治理太湖典型富营养化水域 ,利用生物吸收、降解 ,继而富集营养盐 ,净化水质。③建立环湖湿地保护带。④恢复和重建湖滨带水生植被 ,实现长效生态管理和调控。⑤生态渔业工程 ,有效控制过度养殖 ,恢复湖泊生态良性循环。⑥藻类采集和资源化再利用。⑦强化流域  相似文献   

Addition of urea-based antifreeze admixtures during cement mixing can make it possible to produce concrete cement in construction of buildings in cold weather; this, however, has led to increasing indoor air pollution due to continuous transformation and emission from urea to gaseous ammonia in indoor concrete wall. It is believed that ammonia is harmful to human body and exposure to ammonia can cause some serious symptoms such as headaches, burns, and even permanent damage to the eyes and lungs. In order to understand the emission of ammonia from indoor concrete wall in civil building and assess the health risk of people living in these buildings, the experimental pieces of concrete wall were first prepared by concreting cement and urea-based antifreeze admixtures to simulate the indoor wall in civil building in this work. Then environmental chamber was adopted for studying the effect of temperature, relative humility and air exchange rate on emission of ammonia from experimental pieces of concrete wall. Also the field experiment was made at selected rooms in given civil buildings. Exposure and potential dose of adult and children exposed to indoor/outdoor ammonia in summer and in winter are calculated and evaluated by using Scenario Evaluation Approach. The results indicated that high air exchange rate leads to decreased ammonia concentration, and elevation of temperature causes increasing ammonia concentration and volatilizing rate in chamber. The complete emission of ammonia from the wall containing urea-based antifreeze admixtures needs more than 10 years in general. Ventilating or improving air exchange can play a significant role in reducing ammonia concentration in actual rooms in field experiments. Urea-based antifreeze admixtures in concrete wall can give rise to high exposure and potential dose, especially in summer. Generally, adults have a high potential dose than children, while children have personal average dose rate beyond adults in the same conditions.  相似文献   

The reasons for developing quantitative estimates of uncertainty in environmental risk assessments are discussed along with a method for developing them which involves scientific judgement. In the situation considered here the regulatory needs are ahead of the science, which makes the development of the estimates on uncertainty more difficult, but not impossible. Quantitative estimates for all uncertainties involved in the estimation of risk resulting from exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in drinking water are developed and tabulated. By far the largest contribution to the uncertainty in the risk estimates for VOCs in drinking water are due to uncertainty in the extrapolation of the dose-response curve to low levels. The uncertainty due to extrapolation is on the order of 104 and 106. Other components of the analysis may contribute uncertainties of a few orders of magnitude. In general the largest uncertainties are in the toxicological data base and the manipulation of it needed to estimate risk. The data base and manipulations needed to estimate exposure due to VOCs in drinking water were at the more an order to magnitudes in uncertainty.  相似文献   

Radium-226 in phosphogypsum produced in a phosphate industry, SICNG operating at Thessaloniki, Northern Greece since May 1966, varied from 261 to 688 Bq kg(-1) (mean value 508 Bq kg(-1)). This radionuclide in soil tilled with phosphogypsum used for agricultural purposes varied from 50 to 479 Bq kg(-1) (average 205 Bq kg(-1)), while in the regular soil of cultivated fields it varied from 37 to 54 Bq kg(-1) (average 48 Bq kg(-1)). Radium-226 in rice originated from cultivated fields tilled with phosphogypsum or not varied from 0.36 to 1.98 Bq kg(-1) (average 1.53 Bq kg(-1)) with the higher values observed in samples originated from cultivated fields tilled with phosphogypsum. Radium-226 transfer factors, TF, from soil tilled with phosphogypsum to plants for the case of rice varied from 6.5 x 10(-3) to 2.0 x 10(-2) (geometric mean: 1.1 x 10(-2)). A mean (226)Ra content in rice 1.53 Bq kg(-1) results in a daily intake of (226)Ra by humans in Greece 0.0084 Bq day(-1) leading to an annual effective dose for adults 0.86 microSv y(-1) which is much less in contributing to the average exposure to natural radiation sources (2.4 mSv y(-1)) and particularly to the part due to ingestion (0.29 mSv y(-1)). It is necessary to continuously control (monitoring) (226)Ra in phosphogypsum before any use for agricultural purposes.  相似文献   

This paper aims to estimate the effects of changing life style and consumption demands driven by income growth and urbanization on increase of energy requirements in China, and es-timate the impacts of improvement in household consumption on mitigating energy requirements towards 2020, based on input-out-put analysis and scenarios simulation approach. The result shows that energy requirement per capita has increased by 159% for urban residents and 147% for rural residents from 1995 to 2004. Growth in household consumption driven by income growth and urbanization may induce a successive increase in energy require-ments in future. Per capita energy requirements of urban residents will increase by 240% during 2002-2015 and 330% during 2002-2020. Urbanization might lead to 0.75 billion ton of increment of energy requirements in 2020. About 45%-48% of total energy requirements in China might be a consequence of residents’ life styles and the economic activities to support consumption demands in 2020. Under low-carbon life style scenario, per capita energy requirements of urban residents may decline to 97% in 2015 and 92% in 2020 in contrast with baseline scenario. That implies that China needs to pay a great attention to developing green low-carbon life style in order to realize mitigation target towards 2020.  相似文献   

Multi-compartment monitoring of residue levels of OCPs in coastal marine environment of Mumbai has been studied. The concentration of total HCHs in seawater varied from 0.16 to 15.92 ng/L and concentrations of total DDT varied from 3.01 to 33.21 ng/L. The total HCH concentration in the sediment samples was in the range of 3.8 to 16.2 ng/g. Gamma-HCH contributed almost 55% to the total HCH. In sediment samples the DDT has higher mean concentration in comparison to its metabolite DDE and DDD. The concentration of total HCHs in different marine species varied from 0.87 to 33.73 ng/g and concentrations of total DDT varied from 0.38 to 34.1 ng/g. The variation in the beta-HCH in different compartments is not significant and this could be due to the high persistence and metabolically inactive nature of this isomer. The alpha-HCH is found to be more dominant in fish samples whereas the gamma-HCH is major contributor in the sediment samples.  相似文献   

Nationwide outdoor radon (222Rn) concentrations in Japan were measured to survey the environmental outdoor 222Rn level and to estimate the effective dose to the general public from 222Rn and its progeny. The 222Rn concentration was measured with a passive-type radon monitor. The 222Rn monitors were installed at about 700 points throughout Japan from 1997 to 1999. The annual mean 222Rn concentration in Japan was estimated from four quarters measurements of 47 prefectures in Japan. Nationwide outdoor mean 222Rn concentration was 6.1 Bq m(-3). This was about 40% of the indoor 222Rn concentration in Japan. The 222Rn concentration in Japan ranged from 3.3 Bq m(-3) in the Okinawa region to 9.8 Bq m(-3) in the Chugoku region, reflecting geological characteristics. Seasonal variation of outdoor 222Rn concentration was also found to be lowest in July to September, and highest in October to December. From the results of this 222Rn survey and previous indoor 222Rn survey program, the effective dose to the general public from 222Rn and its progeny was estimated to be 0.45 mSv y(-1).  相似文献   

Observations of air temperature changes in a steppe marmot burrow were performed from late July to mid-October. Until early September, temperature in the burrow remained relatively constant, but then it began to decrease rapidly. This occurred after air temperature above the ground became equal to the temperature in the burrow. Supposedly, it is in this particular period that marmots begin to plug the entrance to the burrow with earth, thus reducing heat exchange between the increasingly cold aboveground air and the air in the burrow.  相似文献   

Changes in male blood plasma testosterone and cortisol in response to exposure to scent marks (urine and midventral gland secretion, MVGS) of conspecific males and diestrous females in different seasons have been studied in the desert hamster (Phodopus roborovskii), a species whose ecological features are poorly known. The results show that a significant increase in the plasma testosterone level is observed in winter (only to female MVGS), spring (to female MVGS and urine), and summer (to female urine), but not in autumn. The level of plasma cortisol significantly increases only in response to female urine in spring and male MVGS in summer.  相似文献   

The consequences of climate change on smallholder farms are locally specific and difficult to quantify because of variations in farming systems, complexity of agricultural and non-agricultural livelihood activities and climate-related vulnerability. One way to better understand the issues is to learn from the experiences of farmers themselves. Thus, this study aimed to better understand rainfed upland cropping systems in NW Cambodia and to identify practical, social and economic constraints to adoption of known climate adaptation options applicable to local agro-ecosystems. The study also sought to document the climate change perceptions and adaptation options employed by farmers to mitigate the climate risks. A household survey was conducted in the districts of Sala Krau and Samlout in North-west Cambodia in 2013 where 390 representatives of households were randomly selected for interviews, group discussions and field observations. The majority of respondents perceived that changes had occurred in the rainfall pattern such as a later start to the monsoon season, decreasing annual rainfall, increasing frequencies of drought and dry spells, and warmer temperatures. Farmers reported reductions in crop yields of 16–27 % over the five-year period of 2008–2012. However, these reductions were not evident in provincial data for the same period. Farmers claimed climate impacts resulted in significant yield reductions, but they appear not to have an effective strategy to adapt to the changes in climate. Further regional research is required to refine climate change adaptation strategies for rainfed upland cropping systems in Cambodia.  相似文献   

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