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在滨海盐渍土中分别混加质量分数为0%、20%、40%和60%的污泥堆肥,作为盆栽基质,研究摩西球囊霉(Glomusmosseae)和根内球囊霉(Glomus intraradices)2种AM真菌对稗草(Echinochloa crusgalli)生长及其吸收Cu、Pb的影响,分别以不接种AM真菌的处理为各自的对照。结果显示:添加污泥堆肥处理中稗草接种苗菌根侵染率均显著高于纯盐泽土处理。同时,随着盐渍土中污泥堆肥含量增加稗草生物量上升,其中在含有40%和60%污泥堆肥处理中接种AM真菌稗草的地上及地下部生物量显著高于未接种苗。接种AM真菌显著提高了稗草Cu、Pb富集总量;接种AM真菌显著提高了稗草地下部Cu富集量,却降低了地下部Pb累积量,提高了Pb向地上部的转运,增加了地上部Pb累积量。这些结果表明污泥堆肥中接种AM真菌可以促进稗草的生长和提高对重金属Cu、Pb的富集能力。  相似文献   

城市污泥堆肥过程中微生物研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用平板计数法和最大概率法测定城市污泥堆肥干污泥中主要微生物类群的变化。结果表明,中、高温好氧菌在第6d达到最大值,分别为1.05×1015g-1、5.08×1012g-1;中、高温厌氧菌在第9d达到最大值5.50×105g-1和1.11×105g-1;中、高温好氧纤维素分解菌分别在第3d和第6d达到最大值,分别为2.66×104g-1、3.26×106g-1;整个堆肥过程中,高温厌氧纤维素分解菌数量不断增加;高温放线菌在第3d达到最大值,为1.12×106g-1;中温放线菌、真菌、中温厌氧纤维素分解菌、中温淀粉分解菌、蛋白质分解菌和油脂分解菌在发酵初期迅速下降至零;高温淀粉分解菌、蛋白质分解菌和油脂分解菌在发酵前6d数量上升,随后开始下降。发酵后期,好氧菌中兼性厌氧菌逐渐增多,严格好氧菌逐渐减少;厌氧菌中的兼性厌氧菌逐渐减少,严格厌氧菌逐渐增多。  相似文献   

为揭示苏云金杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,简称Bt)富集重金属的可行性,考察重金属对Bt发酵的影响,以生物毒性较大的重金属镉(Cd)为研究对象,以城市污泥为培养基,研究了添加Cd(II)对Bt生长和晶体蛋白合成的影响,分析了Bt发酵过程中Cd有效态质量浓度的变化,利用傅立叶红外光谱(FTIR)和X线光电子能谱(XPS)初步探讨了Cd(II)在Bt表面吸附的作用机制。结果表明:培养基中外加Cd(II)对Bt生长的影响主要取决于Cd有效态质量浓度,污泥培养基在支持Bt生长和降低重金属有效态质量浓度上均明显优于常规培养基;Bt对Cd(II)有较好的耐受性,当Cd有效态质量浓度在20 mg.L-1以下时,Bt能较好地完成生长代谢过程;光谱学分析表明Bt对Cd(II)有少量吸附,吸附位点主要为羟基,少量C=O基团也可与吸附反应,可有效降低重金属的生物有效性。  相似文献   

污泥施用对林地土壤基本性质及酶活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王艮梅  杨丽 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1988-1993
以无锡卢村污水处理厂厌氧消化的脱水污泥为有机肥源,采用土培盆栽试验的方法,研究了不同用量污泥施用后土壤基本性质的变化及对土壤酶活性的影响。试验设计5种处理,污泥施用量和占土质量的比例分别为0(不施污泥的对照处理,CK),30(3%),60(6%),120(12%)和240(24%)g·kg^-1。结果表明,污泥使用提高了土壤中养分元素和有机质的含量;黄棕壤中过氧化氢酶的活性平均比潮土中的高5.2%,随污泥用量的增加潮土中过氧化氢酶活性提高,而黄棕壤中的无明显变化;与对照相比,土壤脲酶活性在两种土壤上分别增加55.6%~122%(黄棕壤)和46.2%~67.5%(潮土),且与土壤全氮、全磷、水解氮、速效磷和有机质(黄棕壤)和土壤全氮、水解氮和有机质(潮土)呈正相关;结果还显示污泥使用增加了土壤蔗糖酶活性,但不同污泥用量之间无明显差异。  相似文献   

The biologic treatment of the dewatering effluent from thermally treated sludge is difficult due to the high concentration of refractory humic substances. On the other hand, humic substances are an important source of organic fertilizer. In this study, a novel process using ferric coagulant was developed to recover humic substances from dewatering effluent for use as an organic fertilizer. When ferric coagulant was applied to raw dewatering effluent, up to 70% of humic substances were enmeshed by hydrolyzed ferric ions at an optimum pH of 4.5. The proper mass ratio of iron ions to humic substances was 0.6. In the recovered material, humic substances accounted for 24.2% of the total dry solids, and the amount of phosphorus (equivalent phosphorus pentoxide) was 6.2%. Heavy metals and other components all met the legal requirements for organic fertilizer. When the recovered material was applied to soybeans, the germination and growth of the seeds was significantly improved.  相似文献   

污泥土地利用对土壤中重金属形态的影响   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32  
马利民  陈玲  吕彦  赵建夫 《生态环境》2004,13(2):151-153
土地利用是资源化利用城市污水厂污泥的有效途径,随污泥中的营养成分一起进入土壤中的还有其中的重金属元素,它们有可能成为一种环境安全的隐患。本实验所用的土壤为污泥经过无害化及稳定化处理后,与上海潮滩沙土按不同比例(干污泥质量比)混配而成。种植前后分别对沙土、污泥及混配土的重金属含量及形态进行测试。选择几种花卉植物,如菊花(Calendula officinalis)等进行植物种植试验,一个生长季后对植物中的重金属含量及形态进行测试。应用Tessler连续提取法,对污泥中的重金属进入土壤后,土壤中重金属的含量、赋存状态等方面的规律进行研究,发现污泥的土地利用会明显增加土壤中的重金属含量,而且重金属的形态也有明显的变化,可交换态和碳酸盐结合态的重金属含量有明显的增加;如长期使用,则必须采取相应的措施,以消除有害的影响。  相似文献   

施用城市污泥对杨树土壤化学特性及金属含量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
辛涛  白莉萍  宋金洪  卢振兰  伏亚萍 《生态环境》2010,19(11):2722-2727
采用温室盆栽方法,研究城市污泥对杨树土壤化学特性、金属含量的影响。实验设置6个处理:4个不同用量的污泥处理:30(S1)、60(S2)、90(S3)和120 t.hm-2(S4),以及对照(Control:不施加污泥和肥料)和无机复合肥处理(F:1.5 t.hm-2)。结果表明,施用污泥后,土壤有机质、全氮及全磷均提高,且随污泥施用量的增加而增加。S1~S4处理的土壤有机质、全氮及全磷较Control处理分别提高了32.50%~52.05%、32.00%~95.30%及75.43%~236.25%;较F处理分别提高了47.60%~69.37%、35.04%~99.70%及77.10%~239.46%。但污泥施用降低土壤pH和全钾质量分数,土壤pH较Control和F处理分别下降了0.11~0.42和0.01~0.32,但仍呈弱碱性;土壤全钾质量分数较Control和F处理分别降低了1.65%~21.51%和1.19%~21.14%。随污泥施用量的增加,土壤Cu、Zn、Ca和Na质量分数呈增加趋势,而Mn、Fe、Al、Mg质量分数呈降低趋势,其中Cu和Zn增加明显,并较Control处理分别增加了31.89%~104.36%和38.93%~358.02%,较F处理分别增加了23.10%~90.75%和37.88%~354.55%。总体而言,污泥施用于杨树后,可明显改善土壤的化学特性,但污泥施用量越大,土壤重金属Cu和Zn的质量分数残留越多。  相似文献   

Food contamination by Cd and Pb is of increasing concern because contaminated composts and sewage sludges are used as soil fertilizers. Indeed, Cd and Pb from sewage sludge and compost can be transferred to plants and, in turn, to food. Predicting the quantity of metals transferred to plants is difficult and actual models are unable to give accurate concentrations. Therefore, new techniques are needed. For instance, diffusive gradient in thin-film (DGT) is commonly used to measure metal bioavailability in waters, sediments and soils, but DGT has not been well studied for metal uptake in plants. Moreover, actual models for soil–plant transfer are too complex and require many soil parameters. Here, we simplified the modelization of metal uptake by plants by considering only DGT fluxes and roots surfaces. We grew durum wheat in a greenhouse on sandy soils amended with urban compost or sewage sludge. Results show that Cd uptake was slightly underestimated when whole roots were considered as an absorbing surface. For Pb, the best estimation was found by using root tip surface. Overall, our model ranks correctly the samples but underestimates Pb uptake by 15 % and Cd uptake by 45 %. It is nonetheless a simpler way of modelling by using only DGT fluxes and root system morphology.  相似文献   

Hydroponic experiments were conducted to investigate the role of iron plaque on root surface in chromium accumulation and translocation in three rice cultivars (90-68-2, CDR22 and Jin 23A). Rice seedlings were grown under 1.0 mg L?1 trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) stress with and without phosphorus (P) treatments. P addition significantly increased the shoot and root biomass in all three rice cultivars. In the absence of P, the amounts of iron plaque (DCB-extractable Fe) on the root surface increased resulting in the increase of Cr accumulation in iron plaque. Compared to that with P treatment, Cr concentrations in iron plaque without P treatment were enhanced by 2–3 folds in the three rice cultivars. There was a significantly positive correlation between DCB-extractable Cr and DCB-extractable Fe on the root surface of the three rice cultivars. There were no significant effects on Cr concentration in roots and shoots between P treatments, but significant differences among cultivars were observed. Cultivar Jin 23A had the lowest Cr concentration both in roots and shoots regardless of P treatment. The results suggest that iron plaque could be a trap for immobilising Cr from environment but may not affect Cr uptake and translocation. Screening and breeding the cultivars with low Cr accumulation is considered as the most effective approach in Cr contaminated areas.  相似文献   

The influence of pH, competitor ions (NaNO3) and aerobic and anaerobic stabilization of activated sludge on the cadmium uptake by activated sludge solids was investigated. Above 0.08 mg L‐1 cadmium in solution, biosorption was found to follow the Freundlich isotherm. Active cellular uptake of soluble cadmium does not appear to be a significant mechanism of the biosorption. In addition, the cadmium uptake is not completely reversible. The adsorption of cadmium by activated sludge seems to involve a physico‐chemical mechanism with especially weak electrostatic interactions with ion‐exchange reaction. The optimum adsorption pH was 7.5. Adsorption is influenced by sodium ion concentrations up to an equivalent conductivity of 10 000 μS cm‐1. Aerobic and anaerobic stabilization of activated sludge increase systematically the initial adsorption capacities. Respirometric measurements were done to evaluate the inhibitive effects of cadmium on activated sludge. Monod's equation and the equation of non‐competitive inhibition were used to describe the toxicity related to cadmium uptake. These two equations appear to be complementary.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide emission in sewer systems is associated with toxicity, corrosion, odour nuisance and high costs treatment. In this study, a novel method to inhibit sulfide generation from sewage by means of glutaraldehyde supplementation has been suggested and evaluated under anaerobic conditions. Different concentrations of glutaraldehyde at 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 mg·L-1 have been investigated. Besides, the possible impacts of glutaraldehyde supplementation on an activated sludge system and an appraisal of the economic aspects are presented as well. As observed from the experimental results, a dosage of 20 mg·L-1 glutaraldehyde resulted in a significant decrease of the sulfide production by 70%–80% in the simulated sewage. Moreover, the impacts of additional glutaraldehyde at 20 mg·L-1 on activated sludge, in terms of chemical oxygen demand removal and oxygen uptake rates, were negligible. From an economical point of view, the cost of the commercial glutaraldehyde products required in the operation, which was calculated on the basis of activated sulfide removal avoidance, was around €3.7–4.6 S·kg-1. Therefore it is suggested that glutaraldehyde supplementation is a feasible technique to abate the sulfide problems in sewer systems. Yet further research is required to elucidate the optimum “booster” dosage and the dosing frequency in situ accordingly.  相似文献   

旱地长期施用锌肥对小麦吸锌及产量的影响   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
以17年的微量元素肥料定位试验为背景,研究了长期施用锌肥条件下小麦的需锌特点和增产效应。施人锌肥后,小麦对微量元素锌的吸收明显增加,籽粒中含锌量增加率为18.8%,秸秆含锌量增加率为41.1%。小麦吸锌量在收获期达最大值,收获期籽粒多吸收13.99g/hm^2,秸秆多吸收23.67g/hm^2,常态年锌肥增产率为4.3%。干旱年增产率为3.7%,丰水年增产率为4.1%。应根据小麦需锌特点和效应,合理施用锌肥。  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂进行脱氮除磷工艺时,大量的磷从水体转入活性污泥中,如不能回收这部分磷,将造成磷的大量流失,这与磷矿稀缺的现状形成矛盾。通过建立污泥停留时间5 d和10 d的两个厌氧反应系统,对污泥中磷的释放规律进行研究,并采用鸟粪石法对上清液中的磷进行回收。研究结果表明,厌氧污泥上清液中的磷含量高达150 mg.L-1,SRT为5 d和10 d的系统,分别在4 d和2 d后磷的质量浓度由14 mg.L-1上升到100 mg.L-1,且基本上都以正磷酸盐的形式存在。将pH从8.3上升到9.0,磷的回收率可以从60%提升到90%,当pH达到8.8时,磷的回收率即可超过80%,表现出了较好的磷回收效果。研究还发现镁离子和磷酸根的摩尔比对磷的回收率的影响较小,在pH=8.8时,将镁磷比从1.43提升到1.83,磷的回收率仅从79.2%提升到85.5%;在pH=9.0时提高镁磷比对磷的回收基本没有影响。  相似文献   

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