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桐庐生态公益林主要森林类型土壤抗水蚀功能综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄进  张晓勉  张金池 《生态环境》2010,19(4):932-937
以浙江省桐庐县生态公益林定位监测站为依托,研究了该区域不同森林类型土壤的抗水蚀功能。对比无林地,各森林类型的土壤均有较好的抗水蚀功能。选取土壤初渗速率、稳渗速率、非毛管孔隙度、总孔隙度、水稳性指数、团聚度、分散率、〉0.25水稳性团聚体含量、有机质含量为评价指标,以优劣解距离法为基础,构建了土壤抗水蚀功能综合评价方法。结合实测数据,对研究区各样地土壤的抗水蚀功能进行评价。结果表明:土壤抗水蚀功能为青冈林(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)〉杉木林(Cunninghamia Lanceolata)〉香樟林(Cinnamomum camphora)〉毛竹林(Phyllostachys heterocycla)〉马尾松林(Pinus massoniana)〉板栗林(Castanea mollissima)〉无林地;其中青冈林土壤的抗水蚀功能属较强等级,香樟林、杉木林、马尾松林、毛竹林、板栗林属中等等级,无林地属较弱等级。  相似文献   

Within the framework of the 3-year project “Mapping the habitats of the Republic of Croatia” the marine benthic habitats of the entire Croatian maritory were mapped. The supralittoral and the mediolittoral were mapped as a function of the coastal lithology and the presumed levels of human impact (both in scale of 1:100,000). The infralittoral was mapped on the basis of spatial modelling (using neural networks as a modelling tool, data about habitats collected by fieldwork as the independent variable for training and testing the model, and the digital bathymetrical model, the distance from coast, the second spectral channel of Landsat ETM+ satellite image and the sea bottom sea temperature, salinity and current magnitude, as dependent variables). The circalittoral and the bathyal were mapped by overlapping and reinterpretation of the existing spatial databases (bathymetry and lithology) within the framework of the raster-GIS.  相似文献   

典型产业承接区土壤砷含量的空间分布特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以揭阳市为研究区域,采集了1330个表层土壤(0-20 cm)样品和331个深层土壤(150-200 cm)样品,利用富集因子法分析了表层土壤中As的污染状况,通过GIS空间分析技术以及单因素分析法探究了土壤As的空间分布特征以及影响因素.结果表明,研究区表层土壤As含量的均值为6.03 mg?kg-1,低于该区土...  相似文献   

曹樱子  王小丹 《生态环境》2012,21(2):213-219
沿藏北高寒草原冈底斯山-申扎-双湖样带(30°25′N至33°6′N),在37个样点采集土壤和植物样品,分析藏北高寒草原土壤有机碳含量及其影响因素。结果表明:藏北高寒草原土壤0~15、15~30和0~30 cm有机碳含量分别为2.27、2.17和4.44 kg.m-2。土壤有机碳含量沿样带呈随着纬度的增加而减少的趋势。藏北高寒草原土壤质地总体偏粗,不同质地土壤之间有机碳含量大小关系为砂土〈壤质砂土〈粉壤土〈砂质壤土〈壤土。不同深度土壤有机碳含量与土壤颗粒含量相关性存在显著差异,0~15 cm土壤有机碳与粉粒、黏粒含量呈显著性正相关,与砂粒含量呈显著性负相关,而15~30 cm土壤有机碳含量与土壤颗粒组成相关性不显著。0~15 cm土壤有机碳含量与草地盖度、地下生物量和总生物量呈显著或极显著正相关,与优势种高度呈极显著负相关;15~30 cm土壤有机碳含量与优势种高度呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

白洋淀作为我国富营养化湖泊湿地的典型代表,湿地中的生源要素迁移转化直接影响水质演变趋势,湿地系统中的酶在生源要素的循环过程中具有难以替代的作用,直接影响生源要素的迁移转化特性。于2007年3-11月在白洋淀设置固定监测点,研究土壤磷酸酶含量的时空分布规律及其与土壤营养元素间的相关关系。研究结果表明,在人为污染源等因素影响下,湿地中土壤酶表现出较明显的空间分异规律。垂直层面上,湿地土壤表层0-10cm是酶活性最高区域,同时表层土壤磷酸酶活性普遍大于中下层土壤。水平空间分布上,从府河河口区域至白洋淀中心区域磷酸酶活性基本呈现减小趋势。结果表明在污染较严重的河口区域,磷酸酶活性小于污染较轻区域,使得河口区域土壤中磷含量将进一步累积,有可能导致水体污染进一步加剧,需要采取相应的对策和保护措施。  相似文献   

中国水稻土有机和无机碳的空间分布特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
农业土壤碳库对陆地生态系统碳循环的研究具有重要意义。水稻土是中国主要的耕作土壤,在土壤碳固定研究中具有现实意义。文章根据最近建成的中国1∶100万数字化土壤图和全国1490个水稻土剖面数据,估算我国水稻土碳密度和储量,并进一步分亚类和区域研究了水稻土碳库的分布特征。结果表明,中国水稻土面积为45.69×104km2,占我国土壤总面积的4.92%。中国水稻土无机碳的分布面积为5.93×104km2,仅占水稻土总面积的13%。水稻土碳密度具有高度的空间变异性,水稻土剖面0~100cm有机碳密度介于0.53kg·m-2~446.2kg·m-2之间,无机碳密度介于0.05kg·m-2~90.03kg·m-2。水稻土表层0~20cm有机碳密度介于0.17kg·m-2~55.38kg·m-2之间,无机碳密度介于0.01kg·m-2~21.85kg·m-2。中国水稻土剖面0~100cm和表层0~20cm碳总储量分别为5.39Pg和1.79Pg。水稻土碳储量以有机碳为主,约占水稻土碳总储量的95%,水稻土剖面0~100cm和表层0~20cm有机碳储量分别为5.09Pg和1.72Pg。水稻土无机碳储量较低,仅占水稻土碳总储量的5%左右,水稻土剖面0~100cm和表层0~20cm无机碳储量分别为0.30Pg和0.07Pg。  相似文献   

苏南丘陵区主要林分类型土壤抗蚀性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以苏南丘陵区杉木、马尾松、麻栎、毛竹等4种林分土壤为研究对象,研究了该区域内不同林分类型土壤的抗蚀性。结果表明:不同林地土壤的抗蚀指数、抗冲指数、抗剪强度均表现出明显的规律性,即随着土壤深度的增加,呈减小的趋势;对不同林地土壤的抗蚀指数(S)随浸水时间(t)的变化过程进行拟合,发现本研究区内土壤的抗蚀指数与浸水时间呈二次多项式函数关系,其通式为S=at2+bt+c;选取土壤理化性质、土壤团聚体特征、抗冲、抗剪等17个指标,以主成分分析为基础,筛选出了土壤抗蚀性的最佳评价指标体系;计算各林地土壤的抗蚀性综合指数,得出各林地土壤抗蚀性由强到弱依次为:毛竹(1.33),杉木(0.35),麻栎(-0.75),马尾松(-0.89)。  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) are usually considered to be important sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs). To examine the influence of PCDD/Fs emissions from a MSWI on the surrounding environment, 21 soil samples were collected from various sampling sites distributed at distances of 300–1,700 m away from the stack of a MSWI. International Toxic Equivalent (I-TEQ) concentrations ranged from 0.47 to 2.07 pg I-TEQ g?1, with average and median concentrations of 1.08 and 1.05 pg I-TEQ g?1, respectively. Comparison of the results presented herein with other worldwide studies suggested that the concentrations of PCDD/Fs in the ambient soil were relatively low, indicating a limited impact on the surrounding environment. The emission concentrations from the incinerator were the critical factor in generating an environmental impact on the surrounding environment. An exponential function was developed, indicating a slight decline in TEQs of PCDD/Fs with increasing distance from the MSWI stack. The ordinary kriging interpolation technique was selected to create a contour map, which intuitively showed that a limited surrounding area (≤1,000 m from the stack) was obviously influenced by the MSWI.  相似文献   

高燕  傅建捷  王亚韡  江桂斌 《环境化学》2014,(10):1686-1691
本文对全氟化合物(PFASs)生产工厂厂内及周边土芯样品中的PFASs进行了研究.PFASs浓度范围为1.19—1495 ng·g-1dw(干重),其中全氟辛基磺酸盐(PFOS)浓度在3个主要单体(全氟己基磺酸盐(PFHxS)、PFOS及全氟辛酸(PFOA))中处于最高水平.整体上,土芯中PFASs浓度由上到下呈下降趋势,其浓度与TOC呈正相关.在一个已经停产10年左右的生产企业周围土芯中仍然发现了较高浓度的PFASs,说明其在环境中存在着较强的持久性.  相似文献   

郭建明  郑博福  胡理乐  林伟 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1836-1840
森林土壤有机碳是土壤有机碳库的重要组成部分,研究森林土壤有机碳及其影响因素对于应对气候变化具有非常重要意义。以井冈山自然保护区两种典型森林类型(常绿阔叶林和人工杉木林)为研究对象,各选取12个样地,对比分析了两种森林土壤有机碳密度的垂直分布特征以及与年均温、年降雨量之间的相关性。结果表明:①常绿阔叶林0-100cm层平均土壤有机碳密度为(25.65±3,27)kg-^2,大于人工杉木林0-100cm层平均土壤有机碳密度为(20.37±3.37)kg·m^2;②常绿阔叶林和人工杉木林土壤有机碳密度均随土壤深度的增加显著减少;③常绿阔叶林与人工杉木林土壤有机碳密度随年均温的变化趋势差异较明显,常绿阔叶林0-100cm层土壤有机碳密度随年均温的上升呈显著增加趋势(P〈0.05),而人工杉木林随年均温的上升先减小后增加再减小,且变化趋势显著(P〈0.05);④常绿阔叶林与人工杉木林土壤有机碳密度随年降雨量的变化趋势差异亦明显,常绿阔叶林0-100cm层土壤有机碳密度随年降雨量的增加呈显著减小趋势(P〈O.05),而人工杉木林随年降雨量的增加先增加后减少再增加,且变化趋势极显著(P〈0.005);⑤森林土壤有机碳质量分数与土壤容重呈极显著负相关(P〈0.0001)。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted on the accumulation and spatial distribution of PAHs in surface soils under different land use patterns in a valley in the Yangtze Delta region with an area of 10 km2 containing 15 small copper- and zinc-smelting furnaces. Sixty-five topsoil (0–20 cm) samples were collected and 16 PAHs were determined. The average amount of all the 16 PAHs ranged from 0 to 530 μg kg−1 (oven dry basis), with a mean concentration of 33.2 μg kg−1. Benzo[a]pyrene and indeno[1, 2, 3, -cd]pyrene were the two main PAHs present at high concentrations, while pyrene and fluorene had very low concentrations. PAH concentrations were higher in uncultivated than in cultivated soils, and areas of woods and shrubbery had the␣lowest soil PAH contents. The average PAH-homologue concentrations ranked as follows: 5-rings >> 3-rings, 4-rings > 6-rings >2-rings. Much higher concentrations of PAHs were found in the southern part of the sampling area, perhaps due to deposition of airborne particles by the southeasterly winds in winter and spring. We conclude that the small smelting furnaces were the dominant source of PAHs that accumulated in the soils and the southeasterly winds led to the spatial distribution of PAHs in the topsoils. Land vegetation cover and soil utilization patterns also affected the accumulation and distribution of soil PAHs.  相似文献   

Social interactions are critical to the organization of worker activities in insect colonies and their consequent ecological success. The structure of this interaction network is therefore crucial to our understanding of colony organization and functioning. In this paper, I study the properties of the interaction network in the colonies of the social wasp Ropalidia marginata. I find that the network is characterized by a uniform connectivity among individuals with increasing heterogeneity as colonies become larger. Important network parameters are found to be correlated with colony size and I investigate how this is reflected in the organization of work in colonies of different sizes. Finally, I test the resilience of these interaction networks by experimental removal of individuals from the colony and discuss the structural properties of the network that are related to resilience in a social network. This contribution is part of the special issue “Social Networks: new perspectives” (Guest Editors: J. Krause, D. Lusseau, and R. James).  相似文献   

利用TWINSPAN(双向指示种分析)和CCA排序(典范对应分析)的方法,对北京西卓家营采砂迹地型退化湿地植被进行了群落类型划分,并探讨了湿地植被空间分布与土壤环境因子关系,确定了影响湿地植被空间分布的关键因子。结果表明:38个样方40个植物种可划分为7个群落类型,即茭白+针蔺群落(Zizania latifolia+Eleocharis congesta);牛鞭草+旋覆花+野艾蒿+竹节灯心草+茵陈蒿+扁杆藨草群落(Hemarthria sibirica+Inula japonica+Artemisia lavandulifolia+Juncus turczaninowii+Artemisia capillaries+Scirpus planiculmis);千屈菜+苣荬菜+小香蒲群落(Lythrum salicaria+Herba Sonchi Brachyoti+Typha minima);竹节灯心草+问荆+酸模叶蓼+芦苇群落(Juncus turczaninowii+Equisetum arvense+Polygonum lapathifolium+Phragmites australis);针蔺+扁杆藨草+茵陈蒿+野艾蒿群落(Eleocharis congesta+Scirpus planiculmis+Artemisia capillaries+Artemisia lavandulifolia);鬼针草+狗尾草+香蒲群落(Bidens pilosa+Setaria viridis+Typha orientalis)和朝天委陵菜+猪毛菜+大刺儿菜+稗群落(Potentilla supine+Salsola collina+Cephalanoplos setosum+Echinochloa crusgalli)。植物群落物种和土壤因子的CCA分析表明:益母草、大车前、猪毛菜主要受土壤pH的影响;茭白主要受氨氮、土壤有机质(SOM)的影响;马唐、鸡眼草主要受土壤全氮(TN)和Mg2+的影响;针蔺、狼杷草受土壤K+的影响;苦苣菜、苣荬菜、牛鞭草主要受土壤Na+的影响;黄香草木犀主要受土壤Cl-的影响;灰绿藜、大刺儿菜、球穗莎草主要受土壤NO3-的影响;扁杆藨草、小香蒲主要受全磷(TP)和含水率的影响。研究结论将为采砂迹地型湿地恢复提供科学支持。  相似文献   

在太湖地区乌栅土的稻麦轮作条件下,利用大型原状土柱渗漏液采集器(monolithlysimeter),比较不同尿素品种和施肥量(普通尿素150、300kg·hm-2和包膜尿素100、150kg·hm-2)处理对麦季土壤氮随径流和渗漏损失的影响。结果表明:施用的包膜尿素当季氮不易随排水流失,但可能增加下季氮流失的风险。两麦季排水溶解氮均以NO-3 N为主,达76.7%以上,NH+4 N比例很小;麦季排水氮输出量年际差异明显,降雨产生排水与施肥时间间隔的不同是造成排水氮输出量差异的关键因素;施肥后20d内发生排水易产生较多的氮排放。渗漏液硝态氮浓度(最高为8.12mg·L-1)均未超过饮用水NO-3 N含量标准,但均已超过水体富营养化标准;对照处理麦季渗漏液量显著高于施肥处理;在150kg·hm-2的施N量水平下,普通尿素或包膜尿素均未显著增加氮的渗漏,但过量施用普通尿素则加大氮渗漏的风险。  相似文献   

利用地统计学方法,研究了广西岩溶地区某铅锌矿区农田土壤中Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu四种重金属有效态含量的空间分布特征及其影响因子.结果表明:研究区域不同程度地受到Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu的污染,且水田污染较旱地严重;与广西土壤背景值相比,污染程度最严重的是Cd,在水田和旱地中超标率均为100%,平均超标倍数分别为312.94和33.67;其次是Zn,在水田和早地中超标率分别为100%和34%,平均超标倍数分别为38.34和2.11;污染最轻的为Cu,超标率仅为7%.空间分析表明,有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu的块金系数分别为2.7%、0.2%、6.5%、0.13%,体现了强烈的空间自相关性,且四种重金属空间分布特征相似,在离原铅锌选矿厂较近的西北偏西面有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu含量最高,沿着西北偏西至东南偏东的灌溉渠流向,有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu的含量呈递减趋势,东部旱地有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu含量相对较低.土壤有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu在污染区的空间分布与土壤基本理化性质关系密切,有效态Cd、Zn、Pb、Cu与pH、阳离子交换量、粘粒都呈极显著负相关,与有机质含量则呈极显著正相关.  相似文献   

Geochemical analyses using a sequential extraction method and lead adsorption studies were carried out in order to characterize the distribution and adsorption of lead on each genetic horizon of a Luvisol profile developed on a pelagic clayey aleurolite. Clay illuviation is the most important pedogenic process in the profile studied. Its clay mineralogy is characterized by chlorite/vermiculite species with increasing chlorite component downward. The amount of carbonate minerals strongly increases in the lower part of the profile resulting in an abrupt rise in soil pH within a small distance. The Pb content of the soil profile exceeds the natural geochemical background only in the Ao horizon, and its amount decreases with depth in the profile without correcting for differences in bulk density, suggesting the binding of Pb to soil organic matter. According to the sequential extraction analysis the organic matter and carbonate content of the soil have the most significant effect on lead distribution. This effect varies in the different soil horizons. Lead adsorption experiments were carried out on whole soil samples, soil clay fractions, as well as on their carbonate and organic matter free variant. The different soil horizons adsorb lead to different extents depending on their organic matter, clay mineral and carbonate content; and the mineralogical features of soil clays significantly affect their lead adsorption capacity. The clay fraction adsorbs 25 more lead than the whole soil, while in the calcareous subsoil a significant proportion of lead is precipitated due to the alkaline conditions. 10 and 5 of adsorbed Pb can be leached with distilled water in the organic matter and clay mineral dominated soil horizons, respectively. These results suggest that soil organic matter plays a decisive role in the adsorption of Pb, but the fixation by clay minerals is stronger.*This study was presented at the 20th European SEGH conference in Debrecen, Hungary, 2002.  相似文献   

An undisturbed natural reserve area iocated in a tropical montane rain forest at about 1800 m altitude in Sri Lanka served as a study site to investigate and assess the natural background concentration levels of As, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in plants representing different taxonomic groups (divisions) in the plant kingdom. The plants selected were: the lichen,Usnea barbata (old man's beard);Pogonatum sp. (a moss);Lycopodium selago (epiphytic lycopod);Polypodium lanceolatum (epiphytic fern);Bulbophyllum elliae (epiphytic orchid) andActinodaphne ambigua (dicotyledonous large tree). Degree of homogeneity with respect to Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in homogenised materials of all samples were within acceptable limits, whereasPogonatum sp. showed the highest degree of homogeneity for Pb. In addition to confirming extremely low levels of heavy metals in all plant species, the survey also found that generally the primitive plants,Usnea andPogonatum appear to have a greater tendency to accumulate As, Cd, Co and Pb; in particular,U. barbata appears to be an efficient accumulator for those heavy metals, suggesting its potential use in environmental studies.Actinodaphne ambigua was found to have a specific accumulating ability for nickel. Surface cleaning of theA. ambigua leaves resulted in a substantial decrease in the foliar contents of Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn. Variations in heavy metal contents observed in different plant genera are discussed in terms of their habits and place of growth in the forest. It is anticipated that the background levels presented in this paper from a remote, unpolluted tropical ecosystem will provide useful reference data for comparative environmental studies.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲潮沟湿地植被空间分布对土壤环境的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵欣胜  崔保山  孙涛  贺强 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1855-1861
潮沟在黄河三角洲广泛存在,且分布有多种独特的湿地植被类型。通过设置有代表性的28个样地,获取了植被种类、多度和土壤环境因子数据;并运用双指示物种(TWINSPAN),对黄河三角洲潮沟分布区植被进行了群落类型划分,得出研究区共有7种类型植物群落;同时利用典范对应分析(CCA)阐明了这些植被群落空间分布与土壤环境因子之间的关系,其分析结果显示构成黄河三角洲土壤盐分的主要是Cl-和Na+,距离海洋的远近和土壤含水量共同影响土壤含盐量,盐地碱蓬和中华柽柳分布主要取决于土壤含盐量、Na+含量及距离海洋距离,而各种植被类型的分布与土壤全磷(TP)、全氮(TN)、有机质、Ca2+及Mg2+含量存在一定的关系。  相似文献   

采用定位对比试验方法,连续2年按季节对比监测广州市南沙区沿海防护林(海岸防护林、河涌水网防护林、路网防护林)土壤与岸堤撂荒地土壤、土壤水分与林缘江水中K+、Na+、Mg、Cl-、SO42-、HCO3-、Pb、Cd的含量,研究海岸景观防护林群落对岸堤土壤盐分、重金属元素的生态修复作用。结果表明:①与林缘江水相比,防护林土壤水分中K+、Na+、Cl-、SO42-平均含量分别减小约66.2%、28.8%、34.9%、17.5%,有效地改善了土壤水体钠盐、钾盐的含量。②防护林群落土壤水、林缘江水中Pb与Cd的年均含量依次为:江水〉海岸防护林〉河涌水网防护林〉路网防护林;相对于林缘江水,防护林土壤水分中Pb、Cd平均含量分别减小约38.0%、68.2%。③相对于堤岸撂荒地土壤,防护林群落土壤中K+、Na+、Cl-、SO42-、HCO3-平均含量分别减小约66.5%、63.8%、63.9%、76.8%和11.2%;3种防护林群落间K+、Na+、Cl-、SO42-、HCO3-的含量差异显著,即路网防护林〉河涌水网防护林〉海岸防护林,且相对撂荒地土壤Cd的平均含量减小率分别达到72.8%、57.6%、77.5%,表现出显著的土壤化学生态修复效应。④3种防护林土壤的盐分离子含量在季节上、土壤层上未表现出显著差异;土壤Pb、Cd含量在土层间的差异也不显著,、但在年内季节上的差异极显著。总体来看,海岸景观防护林能够有效缓解珠江口土壤盐分和重金属的侵蚀,在沿海地区发挥着重要的生态修复作用。  相似文献   

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