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国内外农用地膜使用政策、执行标准与回收状况   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
农用地膜覆盖技术具有良好的增温、保墒、除草等作用,已成为中国农业生产上不可或缺的农艺措施,为作物增产增收和保障中国粮食安全做出了巨大贡献。由于长期重使用、轻回收,随着农用地膜的用量和覆膜年限增加,废旧地膜在土壤中的残留量逐年增多,残膜污染已严重影响农业生产和自然环境,成为影响中国农业可持续发展的突出问题。中国的农用地膜污染防治工作总体起步较晚,虽然取得了一定成效,但还面临着政策不健全,监管有难度,执行不到位,回收、替代技术不成熟等困难和问题,防治任务依然艰巨。文章通过深入分析欧美与日本发达国家农用地膜推广使用方面的相关政策及标准,总结归纳了国内外农用地膜管理和回收经验,为今后制定出台适应中国国情的农用地膜管理政策提供参考。建议:(1)推进全程监管,出台相关法律规章,明确生产、流通、使用等各环节的监管责任,建立全程监管体系,从源头上杜绝脱标地膜进入市场、铺进农田;(2)推进源头减量,开展地膜覆盖技术适宜性评价,强化地膜使用控制,对水热资源条件较好的地区,减少地膜覆盖或不再使用地膜,对资源禀赋较差的地区,提高地膜使用效率,降低使用强度;(3)推进回收利用,推动完善政府扶持、市场主导的农膜回收利用体系,探索农膜回收利用长效机制,推动建立区域性绿色补贴政策;(4)推进技术创新,依托科技平台,加大新产品、新设备的研发力度,加强可降解地膜产品和技术跟踪,制定完善评价标准体系。  相似文献   

本文论述了我国乡镇企业发展概况,乡镇工业污染现状和环境管理现状,分析了乡镇企业环境管理中存在的问题:1.情况不明;2.乡镇企业规划差;3.污染治理技术的推广不够;4.管理机构不健全。作者在文中提出6点对策:1.开展全国乡镇工业主要污染行业的调查;2.总结管理经验,并加以完善和提高;3.针对乡镇工业各主要污染行业,分别制订具体的管理办法和技术政策,形成一套环境管理法规体系;4.开培训,提高乡镇企业环境管理人员素质;5.建立、健全环境保护管理机构;6.加强乡镇工业污染治理示范工程的研究和建设。  相似文献   

医疗废物管理事关公共卫生安全和传染病疫情防控大局。该研究基于我国医疗废物产生及处理处置现状统计数据,结合我国医疗废物管理政策与实践,提出当前医疗废物管理主要存在的统计口径不一、信息化管理不足、自行处置配套标准缺失、无害化利用研究不足、供给与处置能力不匹配、处置设施分布不平衡等问题。最后结合疫情新形势对医疗废物处理处置影响,针对制度配套、流程衔接、落实执行、监督管理、布局优化等多方面提出相应展望。建议国家有关部门和地方多管齐下,及时更新完善现有管理制度,加大缺失配套标准研制力量的投入力度,加强输液瓶(袋)回收利用路径研究,通过实行医疗废物分类分流管理、集中处置与应急处置方式并举、城市与乡村问题同步推进、建立高效供需对接平台等方式,优化医疗废物处置设施建设布局,实现医疗废物信息化管理互联互通,完善信息统计路径,进一步统筹推进城乡医疗废物治理现代化体系建立,推动形成多方联动的信息化监管执法工作格局,坚决守牢民生安全防线。  相似文献   

针对渔用废电池被大量丢弃在海洋中的现象,分别开展了废电池中主要重金属离子溶出特性试验和废电池浸出液对不同海洋生物急性毒性效应的研究.试验结果显示,在盐度为20的40L海水中自然浸泡状态下(45节电池),松下一号锌锰废电池溶出液中铅、镉、汞溶出浓度不断增加,但溶出速率较慢.单节电池在第60d,铅、镉和汞溶出总量分别为2.08μg、0.52μg和0.60μg,溶出率分别为0.004%、0.018%和1.263%;第210d铅、镉和汞溶出总量分别为28.76μg、6.38μg和1.02μg,溶出率分别为0.057%、0.224%和2.147%.一节废电池中铅、镉和汞总量在1L海水中全部溶出后浓度分别可达到50445μg·L-1、2850μg·L-1和47.5μg·L-1,分别是我国渔业水质标准(GB11607-89)的1009倍、570倍和95倍.废电池浸出液对不同受试生物的急性毒性试验结果表明,当废电池浸出液混合浓度中铅、镉和汞浓度分别为3.39μg·L-1、0.64μg·L-1和0.76μg·L-1时(45节电池40L海水浸泡60d),对黑鲷、脊尾白虾和缢蛏的96h半致死浓度值分别为溶出液混合浓度的5.13%、4.87%和6.71%,废电池浸出液中各重金属离子对海洋生物毒性具有非常强的协同作用.在鱼、虾、贝三类受试生物中,贝类对废电池溶出液毒性的耐受能力最强,鱼类次之,虾类最弱.  相似文献   

环保部门促进清洁生产的手段 促进清洁生产是未来的环境发展战略和环境管理发展的方向,也是环保部门义不容辞的责任.环保部门主要是侧重于从环境管理措施和技术指导方面推进清洁生产,主要内容为:建立清洁生产审计技术指南和清洁生产的技术标准体系;引导建立清洁生产技术服务机构体系,培训清洁生产服务技术人员;推广清洁生产实用技术;通过排污费优先使用于清洁生产和实施排污交易政策激励企业实施清洁生产;对现有的环境管理制度、标准进行修改完善,把清洁生产的技术要求纳入到三同时、环评、环境标准等制度或法规中,通过严格执法促进企业实施清洁生产;建立企业清洁生产绩效公告制度,树立企业环境形象,激励企业实施清洁生产,对不实施清洁生产,环境绩效差,排污不达标的企业,公布企业名单,接受社会和舆论的监督,同时施以行政和经济处罚.  相似文献   

随着国家对新能源汽车产业支持力度不断加大,大量新能源汽车投入市场,新能源汽车产业带来的环境风险也引起了社会关注,尤其是废旧动力电池回收处理过程中产生的环境影响成为是否制约行业发展的关键。通过梳理广东省新能源汽车产业发展概况、废旧动力电池回收环境风险、现行废旧动力电池环境管理要求,并通过2018—2020年废旧动力电池拆解量预测“十四五”拆解量与废旧动力电池产生量,从健全废旧动力电池循环体系、优化污染治理及回收标准、强化产污环节精准管控、完善多部门联合监督管理机制等方面提出新能源汽车废旧动力电池环境风险防控的有关建议。  相似文献   

于海霞  徐礼强  张强  陈晓宏 《生态环境》2010,19(10):2515-2520
建立珠江三角洲区域一体化的水利政策法规体系是珠江三角洲国民经济社会发展和水利现代化建设的需要。从珠江三角洲地区现行水利政策法规存在的问题入手,开展珠江三角洲区域一体化的政策法规体系研究。结果表明:珠江三角洲地区现行水利政策法规体系仍很不完善,许多立、改、废工作亟待进行,2008年水政执法有效率总体较高,但很少在珠江三角洲层面开展区域一体化的联合执法,珠江三角洲水利政策法规体系建设应重点加强与水利现代化建设、水资源一体化配置、保护及管理相关的政策法规,进而建立统一协调、快速高效的区域一体化的联合执法体系。  相似文献   

环境法制是环境管理的主要支柱和重要手段之一。乡镇企业的环境法制管理是乡镇企业主要环境对策之一。农村各级决策者、环境保护工作者及企业负责人、各方面有关工作人员了解和掌握环境保护法规的基本知识,对于树立法规观念,加强环境管理,自觉地做好乡镇企业环保工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在广泛调研收集化学品环境风险与污染危害等资料基础上,结合化学品环境管理的国内外形势与现状,针对我国目前存在的化学品环境管理体制不完善、环境风险防控工作滞后和技术支撑能力不足等问题,从国家战略层面分析了我国化学品全生命周期环境与健康风险管理需求,提出了我国化学品环境风险管理中长期发展目标及行动计划。行动计划涵盖了健全化学品法律法规和制度体系、系统开展化学品危害筛查和风险评估、推动有毒有害化学品的限制与淘汰、加强有毒有害化学品环境污染防治、提升化学品风险评估与管理能力和促进产业绿色发展等方面建议,对于我国加快构建完善的化学品风险管控制度和技术体系具有重要的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

良好实验室规范(Good Laboratory Practice,GLP)自20世纪70年代建立以来,主要用于规范非临床健康与环境安全性测试的实施,确保测试数据质量,促进数据互认。目前,全球已有30多个国家或组织建立了相应的GLP管理法规、监管计划和检查手册等来指导相关机构建立和遵守GLP法规。我国相关部门建立了相应的GLP监管体系,但是化学品GLP监管体系因上位法的缺失,监管体系尚不健全,需要借鉴发达国家化学品GLP体系建设经验,结合国内化学品管理要求,提升我国GLP监管体系和监管能力。  相似文献   

Economic regulations on recycling and respective waste disposal legislation will increasingly demand the realization of new waste management concepts. They do not stem from a ministerial goal in itself, but instead offen the enterprizes a chance to develop their own waste disposal strategies with a goal toward the future. In the course of an Intra-company analysis, this waste disposal concept must take the operative organization, the relevant processes and manufacturing techniques, the accumulation of waste in the cost centers as well as the waste disposal and utilization into consideration. Fundamental principles include the environmental regulations applicable to the enterprize in the form of both federal decress and injunctions. An environmental examination report demonstrates the methodical possiblities for stock-taking and makes it possible to identify the measures necessary for improving the operational waste disposal situation. The mandatory data acquisition and a feasible waste monitoring network can be used in the course of environmental management system for making an expert opinion by an independent, reputable environmental verifier.  相似文献   

城市垃圾管理综合体系改革探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以漳州为例,分析我国城市垃圾政策体系,管理体制、资金状况、产业市场调控机制的现状,提出城市垃圾管理改革的方向和目标应以“谁污染谁治理”为原则,以实现城市可持续发展为目标,应用生命周期评价理论,在环境可持续性、经济可负担性、社会可接受性的基础上,以清洁生产、最小量化、资源化、无害化和产业化为指导思想,加强立法和政策制定;按政企分开、政事分开原则,建立适应社会主义市场经济的垃圾管理新体制;依靠市场和政府双重动力,全方位、全过程、开放垃圾产业;建立多元化项目投资机制。  相似文献   

Centralized collection and disposal is an integral component of waste management strategies for many solid and liquid wastes, and carbon capture and storage is currently being considered for gaseous waste. In this paper we show how collective waste disposal systems introduce essential changes in the design of optimal environmental policy. Absent collective disposal, an optimal environmental policy imposes relatively stringent regulations on polluters in regions where local environmental damage functions are “high”; however, under collective waste disposal, the optimal environmental policy level increases monotonically over distance from the disposal site, and this is true irrespective of the degree of spatial heterogeneity in local environmental damage functions. We characterize the optimal spatial pattern of environmental policy levels under collective waste disposal and identify optimal membership size for waste disposal networks comprised of homogeneous producers.  相似文献   

In India, the traditional methods are used for urban solid waste management. These practices are associated with degradation of the urban environment Hence, an environmentally sound garbage management system is required for the urban waste management. The concept of waste minimization needs to be adopted in such systems. It is possible to implement certain corrective measures at collection, storage, transport and disposal of urban solid waste to minimize the adverse impacts on the environment The present investigations are emphasized on generation, characterzation and ecofriendly disposal of solid waste generated in Jalgaon city, Maharashtra. In the present study the waste generation at source was studied in the various income groups of the city. The per capita waste generation was studied by sampling the waste directly from the source of generation. The study reveals that the waste generation is large in the high-income group followed by middle and low-income group public. Further the physicochemical characterization of the waste was also studied. The data generated will help to develop environmentally sound and economically feasible solid waste management system for Ihe city.  相似文献   

克百威农药对我国湿地鸟类的威胁及其对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了我国湿地鸟类就地保护现状以及克百威农药在我国的使用,对鸟类的毒性、毒害途径和主要影响区域.针对当前我国克百威农药使用量大,对湿地鸟类构成严重威胁的实际情况,提出了具体的保护对策,包括:筛选一批重要湿地自然保护区进行严格管护;筛选出我国首批禁用克百威农药的市、县;完善湿地鸟类保护与自然保护区法律法规建设;调整农药产品结构,示范推广高效低毒的新农药品种;提高自然保护区管理水平,对毒害鸟类案件严格执法;加强对农药销售和使用的管理.  相似文献   

以城市垃圾焚烧后的残渣为研究对象 ,着重地介绍城市垃圾焚烧炉中灰渣的形成、结构、组成等基本性质 ,同时借鉴燃煤技术初步探讨了城市垃圾焚烧过程中结渣的形成。对垃圾焚烧炉的正常运行提供科学的保证 ,对残渣的管理及综合利用有一定的意义  相似文献   

In a stylized model of international trade, firms in the North indirectly export second-hand products to a representative firm in the South to be reused as intermediate goods, with potential trade gains. The level of reusability of waste products – or green design – is a crucial choice variable in the North. This is because, in the presence of imperfect international monitoring, non-reusable waste can be illegally mixed with reusable waste. I explore the driving forces for illegal waste movement, with a particular focus on local waste regulations such as the EU׳s Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Under mild conditions, it is shown that increasingly stringent regulations in the North can induce Northern firms to reduce product reusability. Consequently, the flow of non-reusable waste to the South increases, magnifying the pollution haven effect.  相似文献   



Sorting and disposal of waste are the last steps in the “lifetime” of a product. If products are contaminated with chemicals assessed to be hazardous for man or environment, waste management has the role of a vacuum cleaner in substance chain management working in two different ways: The hazardous compounds have to be properly separated from potential secondary resources in sorting processes. If this is not possible, those products have to be disposed safely. Starting from the experiences collected with some chemicals banned, the tools used for phasing out these chemicals from the technosphere are studied with respect to their influence on the contamination of the environment.


Even if a dangerous substance has been banned, it is further used in a number of products. In the cases presented here, the substances were banned for further use. In the case of CFCs, the substitutes used have partially also been substituted because of adverse effects. Besides the prohibition of use of hazardous substances, numerous other regulations were issued to reduce unsafe handling and minimize emissions into the environment. It turned out that waste management cannot correct mistakes which already happened “upstream” in the product chain. The control of point sources works quite successfully, whereas today the overwhelming emissions stem from diffuse sources, partially caused by unsafe waste management procedures.


Though there are no complete balances for both groups of compounds serving as examples, some conclusions can be drawn based on the experiences collected. Hazardous compounds may be separated successfully from used products or waste,
  • If they are mostly used in industry and not in households,
  • if they can be identified as part of certain products,
  • if their concentration in these products is rather high,
  • if technical problems come up when they contaminate secondary raw materials,
  • if there is international support for proper waste management.

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