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段颀 《绿叶》2012,(3):8-13
中国新能源汽车行业尚处于起步阶段,在我国汽车市场中所占份额仍然微不足道。在这一阶段,中国新能源汽车的发展表现出三个方面的特点:一是示范意义大于现实意义,二是主要依靠政府部门的各种扶持政策和财政补贴,三是为数不多的新能源汽车集中在北京、上海和广州等少数几个中心城市。发展新能源汽车的政策性理由主要是节约能源和减少污染,而高能耗与重污染正是传统动力汽车显著的负外部性特征。我国的新能源汽车注定具有广阔的发展前景,但其发展过程又注定是独特的。在考虑我国新能源汽车的发展问题时,我国整体的经济发展阶段和能源结构,以及由此决定的我国经济发展战略和能源战略,是我们始终无法回避的前提。  相似文献   

马冬  丁焰  张艳  唐骕 《绿叶》2019,(Z1)
当前我国大气污染防治形势严峻。加快新能源汽车推广应用是交通行业节能减排的重要举措。近年来我国新能源汽车取得快速发展,但在大气污染物协同控制方面还存在一些问题。未来应统筹实施大气污染治理与新能源汽车发展政策,充分发挥政策措施的协同效应,以空气质量改善为目标,加快新能源汽车推广应用。  相似文献   

合肥市和芜湖市均是我国第一批新能源汽车推广应用城市,这两个安徽省“领头羊”城市纷纷走上新能源汽车推广应用的道路,引领安徽省新能源汽车的发展。很明显,安徽省新能源汽车的步伐逐步迈开,然而在专家看来,安徽省新能源汽车要想实现“加速跑”,还有一些共性和个性的问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

新能源汽车技术创新的外部激励路径主要是政策和知识产权保护。政策工具可以快速培育新能源汽车市场,但也养成了新能源汽车企业依赖政策红利,而不是依靠技术创新获得发展的习惯。知识产权保护可以激励新能源汽车企业之间持续地进行公平与有效率的技术创新。我国新能源汽车技术创新外部激励路径转换的重点是在国家和企业层面进行知识产权保护战略规划,为新能源汽车企业技术创新活动提供稳定和可预期激励机制。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,以化石能源为动力的传统汽车难以顺应低碳经济的发展趋势,而以非常规车用燃料为动力的新能源汽车对解决环境污染具有重要意义。以我国32家新能源汽车概念股上市公司2012—2014年的数据作为研究样本,用研发投入强度作为解释变量,运用多元回归分析模型分析了税收政策对新能源汽车上市公司研发投入的影响。实证结果表明:新能源汽车上市公司的所得税税负与企业研发投入呈显著负相关关系,流转税税负和研发支出的关系不显著。结合实证分析结果,提出相应的改革建议,旨在激励新能源汽车公司提高研究开发投入,促进新能源汽车产业发展。  相似文献   

<正>我国首批四项高寒地区新能源汽车技术团体标准隆重发布10月26日下午,"2017高寒地区新能源汽车产业发展高层论坛暨首批高寒地区新能源汽车技术标准发布会"在长春国际会议中心举办。会上,隆重发布了由吉林省汽车电子协会组织起草的我国首批四项高寒地区新  相似文献   

加快新能源汽车推广应用 国务院办公厅近日印发《关于加快新能源汽车推广应用的指导意见》,明确要以纯电驱动为新能源汽车发展的主要战略取向,重点发展纯电动汽车、插电式混合动力汽车和燃料电池汽车,以市场主导和政府扶持相结合,建立长期稳定的新能源汽车发展政策体系,创造良好发展环境,加快培育市场,促进新能源汽车产业健康发展。  相似文献   

正国务院总理李克强7月9日主持召开国务院常务会议,部署加快发展现代保险服务业,决定免征新能源汽车车辆购置税,围绕推进简政放权,通过相关法律修正案草案和行政法规修改决定。会议强调,发展新能源汽车是我国交通能源战略转型、推进生态文明建设的重要举措。支持新能源汽车这一战略性新兴产业发展,对于实施创新驱动,促进节能减排和污染防治,拉动国内  相似文献   

正国务院办公厅近日印发《关于加快新能源汽车推广应用的指导意见》(以下简称《意见》),部署进一步加快新能源汽车推广应用,缓解能源和环境压力,促进汽车产业转型升级。《意见》明确,要以纯电驱动为新能源汽车发展的主要战略取向,重点发展纯电动汽车、插电式混合动力汽车和燃料电池汽车,以市场主导和政府扶持相结合,建立长期稳定的新能源汽车发展政策体系,创造良好发展环境,加快培育市场,促进新能源汽车产业健康  相似文献   

近年来,我国在新能源汽车领域持续发力高调喊话多年,但从当下火爆的汽车市场和舆情来看,包括纯电动汽车在内的新能源汽车一直在扮演着“花瓶”“配角”的角色。从销售数据来看。今年1~6月,我国新能源汽车生产和销售仅突破2万辆大关。不过,成绩虽然尴尬,但在躲不过去的能源危机面前,新能源汽车前进的脚步不能歇更不能停。  相似文献   

Changes in the trends in the material composition of domestic and imported automobiles and the increasing cost of landfilling the non-recyclable portion of automobiles (automobile shredder residue or ASR) pose questions about the future of automobile recycling in the United States. In response to these challenges, new and innovative approaches to automobile recycling are being developed. This paper presents the findings of a recent study to examine the impacts of these changes on the life cycle energy consumption of automobiles and on the quantity of waste that must be disposed of. Given the recycle status quo, trends in material composition and the viability of recycling the non-metallic components of the typical automobile are of secondary importance when compared to the energy consumed during the life of the automobile. The energy savings resulting from small changes in the fuel efficiency of a vehicle overshadow potential energy losses associated with the adoption of new and possibly non-recyclable materials. Under status quo conditions, the life cycle energy consumed by the typical automobile is projected to decrease from 599 million Btus in 1992 to 565 million Btus in 2000. Energy consumed during the manufacture of the typical car will increase from about 120 to 140 million Btus between 1992 and 2000, while energy used during vehicle operation will decrease from 520 to 480 million Btus. This study projects that energy saved at the recycle step will increase from 41 million Btus in 1992 to 55 million Btus in 2000. This study also investigated the energy impacts of several potential changes to the recycle status quo, including the adoption of technologies to retrieve the heat value of ASR by incineration and the recycle of some or all thermoplastics in the typical automobile. The study estimates that under optimistic conditions —i.e., the recycling of all thermoplastics and the incineration with heat recovery of all remaining ASR —about 8 million Btus could be saved per automobile —i.e., an increase from about 55 to 63 million Btus. In the more realistic scenario —i.e., the recycling of easy-to-remove thermoplastic components (bumper covers and dash-boards) —the potential energy savings are about 1 million Btus per vehicle. It is estimated that the annual quantity of ASR in the United States could be reduced from about 5 billion pounds to as little as 1 billion pounds of ash if all ASR is incinerated. Alternatively, ASR quantity could be reduced to about 4 billion pounds if all thermoplastics in automobiles are recycled. However, in the case of recycling only thermoplastic bumper covers and dashboards, the quantity of ASR would be reduced by only 0.2 billion pounds. A significant reduction or increase in the size of the ASR waste stream will not in itself have a large impact on the solid waste stream in the United States.  相似文献   

面对能源紧缺问题,世界各国除了加强对常规能源开发外,一些国家纷纷投入到新能源开发中来。核电作为一种新能源,因其清洁、安全、供应能力强等特性逐渐受到各国的青睐。我国核电发展较晚,但进步很快。根据我国大力发展核电的政策形势,分析了我国发展核电的必要性,并用区位商定量分析了核电区域布局,对我国核电发展提出了一些参考建议。  相似文献   

从加强基础教育、提高产品标准及规范招投标市场等方面阐述了目前大多环保装备在技术含量上得不到升华的原因;介绍了一种拥有自主知识产权、节能、降耗、增效的新型倒伞曝气机;为节能、增效、减排、推动和优化发展我国环保装备产业提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Sudan is an agricultural country with fertile land, plenty of water resources, livestock, forestry resources, and agricultural residues. An overview of the energy situation in Sudan is introduced with reference to the end uses and regional distribution. Energy sources are divided into two main types; conventional energy (biomass, petroleum products, and electricity); and non-conventional energy (solar, wind, hydro-electricity, etc.). Sudan possesses a relatively high abundance of solar radiation, and moderate wind speeds, hydro, and biomass energy resources. The application of the new and renewable sources of energy available in Sudan is now a major issue in future energy strategic planning and for an alternative to fossil conventional energy. Sudan is an important case study in the context of renewable energy. It has a long history of meeting its energy needs through renewables. Sudan's renewables' portfolio is broad and diverse, due in part to the country's wide range of climates and landscapes. Like many of the African leaders in renewable energy utilization, Sudan has a well-defined commitment to continue research, development, and implementation of new technologies. Sustainable low-carbon energy scenarios for the new century emphasize the untapped potential of renewable resources. Rural areas of Sudan can benefit from this transition. The increased availability of reliable and efficient energy services stimulates new development alternatives. It is concluded that renewable, environmentally friendly, energy must be encouraged, promoted, invested, implemented, and demonstrated by full-scale plants, especially for use in the remote rural areas of Sudan.  相似文献   

从可持续发展战略出发,阐述了目前我国在工业生产发展中面临的问题。为解决工业发展与保护环境的矛盾,实现社会与自然的协调发展,提出了以清洁生产为主,末端处理为辅,从根本上消除污染,节约原料与能源走发展工业的新路。  相似文献   

我国开发太阳能的紧迫性与可行性对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温莲香 《资源开发与市场》2010,26(6):556-559,555
太阳能是一种具有无限性、无偿性、清洁性特征的自然能源,开发太阳能对缓解我国资源短缺、保护生态环境、促进生产力的可持续发展具有重要战略意义.分析了我国开发太阳能的紧迫性和可行性,探讨了我国太阳能开发的制约因素,提出了建设性的对策.  相似文献   

By concentrating the urban developmental pattern, confining new buildings to areas where technical encroachments on nature have previously taken place, and by utilizing each building site efficiently, considerable advantages can be achieved where the overall goal is to preserve nature and maintain environments. These are the main conclusions from analyses of different alternatives for land use and developmental patterns in three Norwegian urban areas. However, there is relatively little popular support for urban policies in favour of more conservation of land and less use of automobiles. Politicians and bureaucrats are less negative than voters to such a change in urban policies.  相似文献   

能源安全是一国能源战略的重要方面.中国是世界石油生产和消费大国,对油气有着巨大的需求,而俄罗斯是世界油气生产和出口大国.黑龙江省与俄罗斯毗邻,黑龙江省对俄的能源合作不但具有必要性,而且具有巩固中俄战略协作伙伴关系的重要意义.虽然合作面临着种种问题,但合作途径仍极为广阔.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the social features of ene rgy production and use in Brazil and discusses the role of the energy policy goals of accessibility, affordability and acceptability in defining a sustainable energy future for the country. The major findings are that social inequalities in Brazil regarding energy use continue to be substantial and important. This can be explained by the fact that, although recent decades have seen significant improvements in energy accessibility all over the country, much more needs to be done to provide affordable, and socially acceptable modern energy carriers to all socio‐economic groups in all regions.  相似文献   

中小型生活污水处理工艺综述与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生活污水处理工艺较多,目前国内主要采用:人工生物净化、自然生物净化、人工生物净化与自然生物净化三大处理技术。随着污水处理技术的不断发展,水解一好氧处理技术、管道处理工艺、生物膜自然净化工艺、深井曝气等一些新技术以低能耗、低投资,管理简单而受青睐。作者就上述技术进行了综述,并提出因地制宜地研究开发和利用高效节能污水处理工艺是今后发展的方向。  相似文献   

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