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During the El Niño of 1982/1983, the Humboldt penguin population diminished dramatically in the whole distributional area of the species. Recovery of the population was slow since 1983 and it has been suggested that large numbers of Humboldt penguins die at sea, entangled in nets, or starve to death, even during non-“El Niño” years. We were able to determine for the first time, how Humboldt penguins on Pan de Azúcar Island (26°S; 72°W) utilize their marine habitat and where their feeding areas lie. For this purpose we employed two streamlined Argos satellite transmitters during the 1994/1995 and 1995/1996 breeding seasons, respectively. Mean travelling speed of Humboldt penguins during foraging trips was 0.94?m s?1 and 50% of bird positions were located within 5?km of the island (90% within 35?km). Total area covered by Humboldt penguins foraging from Pan de Azúcar Island was 12?255?km2. Satellite transmitters also recorded dive duration; penguins spent on average 7.8 to 9?h diving per foraging day but showed no preferences for particular feeding areas. Mean daily dive durations (4-d mean) recorded during the 1994/1995 breeding season were positively correlated between birds. Significant correlation between dive duration and sea surface temperature anomalies and negative correlation between dive duration and fishery landings at nearby Caldera harbour indicate that the 1994/1995 increase in foraging effort was a response to deteriorating prey availability. Sea surface temperatures during the 1995/1996 breeding season were colder than average, and we observed no trends in bird diving activities.  相似文献   

A total of 22 magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) from Isla Martillo in the Beagle Channel, Argentina, were successfully satellite tracked in 2004 (n = 7), 2005 (n = 7) and 2006 (n = 8) to monitor their winter migration after moult. Only one magellanic penguin migrated northwards into the Pacific Ocean, whereas all others remained in the Atlantic Ocean. In general, these birds left the island in an easterly direction, rounded Cabo San Diego, the southeasterly tip of South America, and continued northwards occupying inshore waters mostly less than 50 km from the coast, only occasionally venturing further offshore. By the end of the transmission period, birds were still travelling northwards and the most northerly positions were obtained from birds located in the area of Peninsula Valdés, Argentina, at a latitude of around 42°S, some 1,500 km from their breeding site on Isla Martillo. The mean maximum distance to the breeding site was, however, only 624 ± 460 km. The mean minimum distance covered during the study period was 1,440 ± 685 km, which corresponded to a mean distance of 23.2 ± 6.6 km covered per day. The northbound migration of the penguins could be separated into periods of rapid movement, interspersed with periods during which the birds remained for some time in particular coastal regions. Areas with a high density of daily penguin positions were observed in three distinct areas: at the northeastern coast of Tierra del Fuego, at the southern entrance of Golfo San Jorge and to the northeast of the Peninsula Valdez. The observed migration pattern is presumably driven by the formation and subsequent dispersal of areas of enhanced productivity as the season progressed. Our findings also suggest that magellanic penguins are increasingly threatened by human activities in coastal areas as penguins migrate northwards.  相似文献   

Although polyclads are amongst the most structurally simple of the triploblastic metazoans, they adopt a wide range of reproductive strategies. Parental care behaviour in this group is yet to be quantified for any species. We assessed the significance of brooding behaviour to the reproductive success of two free-living marine flatworms. Echinoplana celerrima and Stylochus pygmaeus were collected from the field and placed in pairs in containers of filtered seawater where they laid batches of eggs. Both parents were then removed from half of the containers and the brooding behaviour and hatching success of eggs were quantified. There were interspecific differences in brooding behaviour. Egg masses were covered by one E. celerrima parent for 12 ± 2% of time, whereas egg masses of S. pygmaeus were covered by one or both parents simultaneously for 85 ± 8% of time. Egg batches were abandoned by both species immediately prior to the onset of hatching (10–12 days). Hatching success was generally high (~90%) and brooding did not enhance the hatching success of eggs. We assessed the significance of parental care to hatching success of E. celerrima egg masses in the presence of three potential egg predators; in the presence of other organisms. E. celerrima devoted less time to brooding; however, hatching success was not affected. The amount of time spent brooding eggs differed greatly between the two polyclad species but was not essential to their reproductive success under benign conditions. Parental care may be of adaptive value under more stressful environmental conditions commonly experienced in estuarine environments such as lowered salinity, increased hypoxia or turbidity. Covering egg batches may play an additional role of advertising sexual status and a willingness to care for eggs.  相似文献   

The diet of the Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti) was examined and compared in two colonies in Chile. Field work was conducted on Pan de Azúcar Island in northern Chile in the breeding season 1998/1999 and on the Puñihuil Islands in southern Chile over two successive breeding seasons during 1997/1998 and 1998/1999. Penguin diet was studied by stomach-pumping birds and analysed by species composition, size and mass of prey. Fish were the dominant prey item at both sites, the contribution of cephalopods and crustaceans varying between sites. The fish prey consisted predominantly of school fish, but there were clear latitudinal differences in fish prey taken. Penguins in the northern colony consumed primarily garfish (Scomberesox saurus), while birds at the southern colony of Puñihuil fed primarily on anchovy (Engraulis ringens), Araucanian herring (Strangomera bentincki) and silverside (Odontesthes regia). The results showed significant differences in terms of numbers of fish taken between the two breeding seasons at Puñihuil. In 1997/1998 penguins consumed almost exclusively anchovy, while they fed primarily on silversides in the successive year. Almost all prey, except stomatopods, were characterised as being pelagic species that occur in relatively inshore water, consistent with the foraging behaviour of Humboldt penguins. The dependence of Humboldt penguins on commercially exploited, schooling prey species makes the species particularly susceptible to changes in prey stocks, due to non-sustainable fisheries management.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

A honeybee queen normally mates with 10–20 drones, and reproductive conflicts may arise among a colony’s different worker patrilines, especially after a colony has lost its single queen and the workers commence egg laying. In this study, we employed microsatellite markers to study aspects of worker reproductive competition in two queenless Africanized honeybee colonies. First, we determined whether there was a bias among worker patrilines in their maternity of drones and, second, we asked whether this bias could be attributed to differences in the degree of ovary activation of workers. Third, we relate these behavioral and physiological factors to ontogenetic differences between workers with respect to ovariole number. Workers from each of three (colony A) and one (colony B) patrilineal genotypes represented less than 6% of the worker population, yet each produced at least 13% of the drones in a colony, and collectively they produced 73% of the drones. Workers representing these genotypes also had more developed follicles and a greater number of ovarioles per ovary. Across all workers, ovariole development and number were closely correlated. This suggests a strong effect of worker genotype on the development of the ovary already in the postembryonic stages and sets a precedent to adult fertility, so that “workers are not born equal”. We hypothesize a frequency-dependent or “rare patriline” advantage to queenless workers over the parentage of males and discuss the maintenance of genetic variance in the reproductive capacity of workers.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated factors affecting annual mating success (MS) and reproductive success (RS) of spotted sandpipers (Actitis macularia) from 13 years of a 17-year study at Little Pelican Island, Leech Lake, Minnesota. Analyses were restricted to ages 1–3. Mean annual female MS varied from 1.3 to 2.7 mates, and the MS pattern was indistinguishable from random. However, female MS increased with age and was affected by arrival date, territory size, and beach size. Female RS also increased with age, and number of mates and year effects were the most significant explanatory variables in each age. Older female RS was increased by priority on a territory and presence of a previous mate. Territory size and beach size varied with population density and did not predictably affect RS. The strong year affect on RS was associated with annual variation in sex ratio and predation. Males produce only one successful clutch per year, so MS greater than one is a result of nest loss and does not increase RS. Neither male MS nor RS changed with age. Male reproductive failure rate varied by year. Given that a male produced young, the degree of RS was affected by year, arrival date, priority on a territory, territory size, and beach size. In years with early-season predation, late arrivals had higher RS; territory and beach size effects varied by year. Neither the presence, nor degree, of female care was associated with male RS. Male RS was more subject to annual environmental variability than was female RS, probably because of relatively low annual potential RS among males.Offprint requests to: L.W. Oring at the current address  相似文献   

The foraging activity of the high-shore, crevice-dwelling limpet Helcion pectunculus (Gmelin, 1791) (Prosobranchia: Patellidae) from an exposed shore on the eastern Cape coast of South Africa was monitored. Activity was compared during spring and neap tides and between spring, summer, autumn and winter. Rhythms of activity in this limpet varied depending upon microhabitat; individuals inhabiting both east- and west-facing rock surfaces were active during nocturnal low tides, but limpets on west-facing rock surfaces were also active during daytime low tides, whilst in the shade. Individuals travelled further during foraging excursions in winter (=85.53 cm) than in either spring (=55.7 cm) or summer (=48.8 cm) and also during spring low tides (=89.8 cm) compared with neaps (=40.9 cm). H. pectunculus exhibited rigid homing to a fixed scar within a crevice, and feeding excursions were found to consist of three distinct phases: a relatively rapid outward phase, a much slower foraging phase and a rapid homeward phase. Whether or not these limpets graze throughout an excursion is not known. Foraging was always highly directional, with a mean vector which took limpets onto an area of the rock face with the highest microalgal biomass. The fact that H. pectunculus took advantage of optimal feeding areas and memorized their location to enable return visits suggests a learning component in herbivorous gastropod foraging behaviour. Received: 29 December 1997 / Accepted: 8 May 1998  相似文献   

The diving behaviour of southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes c. chrysocome) was studied at two breeding sites in the Southwest Atlantic: the Falkland Islands and Staten Island, Argentina. Incubating and brooding birds were equipped with time-depth recorders to monitor their foraging activities. Rockhopper penguins from Staten Island started their breeding season about 3 weeks earlier than their conspecifics from the Falkland Islands. The foraging area used by incubating males from the Falkland Islands comprised about 150,000 km² to the northeast of the breeding site and was characterised by shelf and slope waters, whereas the foraging area of incubating males from Staten Island comprised 350,000 km² of oceanic waters to the southeast of the breeding site. A number of dive parameters were measured and compared between the four study groups: Incubating males and brooding females from the Falkland Islands, and incubating males and females from Staten Island. In all study groups, dive depth correlated positively to light intensity, dive duration and vertical velocity. However, significant differences between various diving parameters of the study groups were noted, not only in terms of diving performance, but also as regards diving efficiency (DE). A principal component analysis (PCA) on 16 variables revealed that 75% of the variance could be explained by only two principal components: diving pattern (PC1) and diving effort (PC2). PC1 indicated that the birds from Staten Island, both males and females, dived deeper, covered a greater vertical distance per hour and had higher ascent rates, but spent less time underwater and at the bottom of a dive, and had a lower DE than conspecifics from the Falkland Islands. PC2, which included the percentage of foraging dives, the number of dives per hour, dive duration, bottom time and descent rate, differed significantly between incubating males from the Falkland Islands and the other three groups, which were all very similar. Overall, the diving behaviour was notably similar to that of conspecifics from the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The implications of the results in terms of intra-specific adaptations as well as potential threats from human activities are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the reproductive cycle, the mechanism of male-on-female pairing behavior and the spawning behavior of Archaster typicus Müller et Troschel. Field studies were conducted in the intertidal zone of the sand beaches at Penghu, Taiwan (23 32N; 119 33E) at ebb-tide in 1984 and 1985. The pairing behavior of A. typicus is a reproductive behavior which leads to simultaneous spawning, increasing the probability of fertilization. As the breeding season approaches, sea stars, especially males, display increased mobility. Because only males tend to mount another individual and because males can detect the sex of another individual by contact with the side of their arms, a male-on-female pair is formed when a male encounters a female. Eighty-five percent of the sea stars observed were paired during the pairing season. Spawning by a paired female is closely followed by spawning of its paired male; male spawning, however, does not induce spawning in its paired female. During spawning, the male turns slightly so that its arms overlap the arched arms of the female. The gonad volume of males is much less than that of females. This may result from the high efficiency of fertilization in this species, which does not require a large amount of gametes to be released, or from the higher energetic demands made on the males.  相似文献   

In queen-right honeybee colonies workers detect and eat the vast majority of worker-laid eggs, a behaviour known as worker policing. However, if a colony becomes permanently queen-less then up to 25% of the worker population develops their ovaries and lay eggs, which are normally reared into a final batch of males. Ovary development in workers is accompanied by changes in the chemical secretion of the Dufour's gland with the production of queen-like esters. We show that ester production increases with the period that the colony is queen-less. The increased ester production also corresponds to an increase in persistence of worker-laid eggs in queen-right colonies, since the esters somehow mask the eggs true identity. However, in a rare queen-less colony phenotype, workers always eat eggs indiscriminately. We found that the egg-laying workers in these colonies were unusual in that they were unable to produce esters. This apparently maladaptive egg eating behaviour is also seen in queen-less colonies prior to the appearance of egg-laying workers, a period when esters are also absent. However, the indiscriminate egg eating behaviour stops with the appearance of ester-producing egg-laying workers. These observations suggest that esters are providing some contextual information, which affects the egg eating behaviour of the workers.  相似文献   

Summary In the redlip blenny Ophioblennius atlanticus, commonly found on Caribbean reefs, eggs are laid in a male's nest and are guarded by the male until they hatch as planktonic larvae. Male reproductive success, defined as the number of egg batches hatched per reproductive period, was positively correlated with male size and with the inner surface area of the male's nest. Male blennies often switch nests between reproductive periods. Most nest switching (83%) occurred following periods of low reproductive success. Moreover, a male having low reproductive success was more likely to switch if the inner surface area of his nest was small. Most nest switching (72–80%) was to a nest of larger surface area than the previous nest. In 72% of all switches, males had higher reproductive success in the period following the switch than in the one preceding it. The results suggest that male redlip blennies monitor their current reproductive success and the characteristics of their current nests, switch to better nests if their reproductive success is low, and typically benefit from the decision to do so. These capabilities have seldom been demonstrated in any phylum.  相似文献   

Summary In October 1984 foraging areas and foraging behaviour of the rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi, were studied around a nursery colony on the hill slopes of Sri Lanka. The bats only foraged in dense forest and were not found in open woodlands (Fig. 1). This strongly supports the hypothesis that detection of fluttering prey is by pure tone echolocation within or close to echo-cluttering foliage. During a first activity period after sunset for about 30–60 min, the bats mainly caught insects on the wing. This was followed by a period of inactivity for another 60–120 min. Thereafter the bats resumed foraging throughout the night. They mainly alighted on specific twigs and foraged in flycatcher style. Individual bats maintained individual foraging areas of about 20x20 m. They stayed in this area throughout the night and returned to the same area on subsequent nights. Within this area the bats generally alighted on twigs at the same spots. Foraging areas were not defended against intruders. The bats echolocated throughout the night at an average repetition rate of 9.6±1.4 sounds/s. While hanging on twigs they scanned the surrounding area for flying prey by turning their bodies continuously around their legs. On average they performed one brief catching flight every 2 min and immediately returned to one of their favourite vantage points. Echolocation sounds may consist of up to three parts, a brief initial frequency-modulated (FM) component, a long constant frequency (CF) part lasting for about 40–50 ms, and a final FM part again (Fig. 4b, c). Adult males and females emitted pure tone frequencies in separate bands, the males from 73.5–77 kHz and the females from 76.5–79 kHz (Fig. 5). During scanning for prey from vantage points, the bats mostly emitted pure tones without any FM component (Fig. 4a). The last few pure tones emitted before take-off were prolonged to about 60 ms duration. The final FM part was therefore not an obligatory component of the echolocation signals in horseshoe bats. During flight and especially during emergence from the cave, most sounds consisted of a pure tone and loud initial and final FM sweeps. We therefore suggest that the initial FM part might also be relevant for echolocation. From our observations we conclude that the FM components are especially important during obstacle avoidance. In most sounds emitted in the field a fainter first harmonic was present. It was usually up to 30 dB fainter than the second harmonic, but in some instances it was as loud or even distinctly louder than the second one (Fig. 6a). Even within one sound the intensity relationship between the two harmonics may be reversed. We therefore suggest that the first harmonic is an integral part of the signal and relevant for information analysis in echolocation.  相似文献   

The pattern of shell shape variation in populations of the mussel, Mytilus chilensis (Hupe 1854) from Southern Chile was analyzed as a function of sample origin (cultivated vs. wild) and latitude, using standard tools of geometric morphometrics for landmark data. Additionally, posterior adductor muscle index (PAMI), Freeman condition index and shell thickness were measured in each sample. Highly significant differences in shell shape components were found among mussel populations. These differences are related to the origin of samples (expansion of the posterior adductor muscle scar, elongation of the lateral ligament and of the ventral umbo position in non-cultivated samples) and to latitude (more elongated shells and more extended posterior adductor muscle scar in most southern samples when compared with the northernmost ones). PAMI and shell thickness were statistically higher in wild population, and Freeman condition index was higher in cultivated shells. It is suggested that in wild populations of M. chilensis, the mussels may face higher predator pressures and other environmental stress factors. Consequently, individuals may be using higher energy fraction to reinforce shells and to promote adductor muscle growth at the expense of somatic growth. In contrast, individuals found in calm aquaculture environments are relatively protected from predators and use most of their assimilated energy in somatic growth. In turn, this growth depends on changes that covariate with shell morphology.  相似文献   

In a variety of fish species with paternal care of offspring, females prefer to spawn in nests that already contain eggs. This female preference has been hypothesized to explain egg thievery in male sticklebacks, allopaternal care of eggs in minnows, and the evolution of egg-mimicking body features in male cichlids and darters. Here we employ microsatellite-based parentage analyses to evaluate the reproductive success of striped darter (Etheostoma virgatum) males that appear to utilize two of these functionally related tactics to entice females to spawn in their nests. In an isolated population (Clear Creek, Ky.), we observed that breeding males develop conspicuous white spots on their pectoral fins. If these spots are egg mimics, as we suspect, then this represents the fourth independent evolutionary origin of egg mimicry documented to date in darters, the first based on pigmentation (as opposed to physical structures), and the first in which the egg mimics vary greatly in number among males. From direct counts of microsatellite genotypes in clutches of embryos, at least 3.8 females contributed to the progeny within a typical nest, and females tended to spawn preferentially with males that were larger and displayed more egg-mimic spots. In another population (Hurricane Creek, Tenn.) without egg mimics, the multi-locus genetic data document that allopaternal care is common, especially among the smallest males who sometimes tend nests containing their own as well as an earlier sire's offspring. Thus, these foster males had adopted egg-containing nests and then successfully spawned with subsequent females. Overall, the genetic data on paternity and maternity, in conjunction with field observations, suggest that egg mimicry and allopaternal care are two mate-attracting reproductive tactics employed by striped darter males to exploit female preferences for spawning in nests with 'eggs'. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

P. Munk 《Marine Biology》1995,122(2):205-212
Fish larvae meet diverse environmental conditions at sea, and larval growth and chance of survival depend on a flexible response to environmental variability. The present study focuses on the flexibility of the foraging behaviour of larval cod in a series of laboratory experiments on larval search activity, prey selectivity, and hunger in a variable prey environment. Gadus morhua eggs were collected in March 1992 and 1993 from the Kattegat area, Denmark, fertilised and incubated in the laboratory. After hatching, the larvae were transferred to rearing tanks of 172 litres. The behaviour of larvae (6 to 7 mm long) was observed visually, and prey attacks, swimming activity and gut contents were registered across a range of 1 to 120 copepod nauplii l-1. When prey density decreased, larvae increased their swimming activity, increased their responsiveness to prey (distance of reaction) and decreased their prey size selectivity. Behavioural response was to a large degree determined by the level of hunger, represented by the number of newly ingested prey in the gut. The findings show that cod larvae have a flexible response to changes in feeding conditions and imply that larvae can grow and survive even in the lower range of (mean) prey densities measured at sea.  相似文献   

Summary Polyterritorial polygyny in passerine birds, i.e., when already-paired males attract females in secondary territories, has been explained by male deception. Secondary females are assumed to make a poor choice, because they lack information about males' pairing status. To date, the deception hypothesis has focused mainly on the hole-nesting pied flycatcher. In this study of polyterritorial wood warblers, an open-nesting species, secondary females did not differ in number of fledged young compared with females of monogamous males, and they fledged even more young than primary females. Nest predation influenced the allocation of paternal care. Almost half of the secondary females had exclusive male assistance because nests of primary females were preyed upon.  相似文献   

Understanding how population density influences mating systems may lead to important insights into the plasticity of breeding behavior, but few natural systems allow for such studies. Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) provide an interesting model system because they breed in colonies of varying densities. Previous studies have largely focused on a high-density site at Bird Island, South Georgia. Here, 13 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were used to conduct a genetic analysis of a low-density breeding colony of this species at Livingston Island, approximately 1,600 km south of South Georgia. The majority of adults seen ashore (n?=?54) were sampled together with every pup born (n?=?97) over four consecutive years. Paternities were confidently assigned for 34 out of the 97 pups. Two out of 23 sampled males accounted for the paternity of 28 % of all pups sampled during the study and 82 % of the pups with an assigned father. Moreover, a full likelihood pedigree inference method assigned a further eight paternities to a single unsampled male seal that is inferred to have held a territory during the season before the study began. The most successful males in our study easily surpassed the previous record for the total number of pups sired per male seal for the species. Furthermore, we identified two triads of full siblings implying that their parents remated in three consecutive years. These findings suggest that territorial male fur seals may achieve greater success in monopolizing access to breeding females when population density is relatively low.  相似文献   

Summary Lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of male (N=103) and female (N= 66) spotted sandpipers (Actitis macularia) was studied for 13 years of a 17-year study at Little Pelican Island, Leech Lake, Minnesota. There was no sex difference in longevity, but females had significantly more mates, eggs, chicks, fledged young, and young returning in subsequent years than did males. Variance in LRS was partitioned into five life-history components: longevity (L), mates per year (M), eggs per mate (E), proportion eggs hatched (H), and proportion of chicks fledged (F). For both sexes, F accounted for the greatest proportion of variance in LRS (males, 43%; females, 47%), followed by L (males, 26%; females, 43%) and H (males, 21%; females, 28%). Positive covariance between H and F was consistent with predator-caused clutch and brood loss. Contrary to our expectations, males had a higher coefficient of variation in reproductive success than did females. This was because males were relatively more likely than females to produce no young.Offprint requests to: L.W. Oring at the current address  相似文献   

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