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In China, farmland property rights characterized by the household-responsibility system (HRS) have been improved since the reform and opening-up. The rights of use, transfer and gain become more stable, authorized and complete. This paper firstly analyzes the impact on farmland productivity, which comes from the improvement of farmland property rights. Then, an economet-ric model is built to test the above analysis. It concludes that changes of property rights will affect farmland performance in China. In the end, some policy implications are explored for fur-ther reforms.  相似文献   

From the perspective of tourism competitiveness, the paper takes 12 island counties of China as the research object, and applies the method of factor analysis to study their com- petitiveness. The resu...  相似文献   

With the effect of the human trade doctrine in the international trade field, almost all the countries have paid more attention to the sustainable development of international trade. This article chose the export sustainable development as the research object. On the basis of the analysis of the theoretical connotation of the export sustainable development, this article tried to establish an evaluation indices system and set up an evaluation model of the export sustainable development level, and finally made some empirical research on China. The result indicates that the comprehensive level of the export sustainable development in China showed a tendency to rise from 1985 to 2003 and the export sustainable development level of China in these years can be divided into four grades: excellent, good, moderate and poor. In most years, the social economic benefits of export was obtained at the cost of the deterioration of environment and the depletion of resources, and the economic profit of export did not increase with the enlargement of the export scale because of the deterioration of the terms of trade. Therefore, China should be careful about the problem of poverty accompanied by the increase of export.  相似文献   

The measurement of urban population carrying capacity is the basis for cities' sustainable development. However, the traditional study on population carrying capacity which was based on food supply is not applicable to the single urban area. This paper built a model for the analysis of urban carrying capacity, and took Haidian District in Beijing as an example to calculate the urban carrying capacity of Haidian District in the future, which was the basis for the improvement of the population carrying capacity. This study would also provide a reference to the measurement of the urban population carrying capacity for other cities and districts in China.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of income distribution gap on consumption demand from a theoretical view, and draws the conclusion that there is an inverse relationship between income distribution gap a...  相似文献   

High-tech industrial zone is an important carrier for constructing innovative cities. It also plays an important role in implementing the national independent innovative strategy. However, most of the high-tech industrial zones have many problems in their development process, such as efficiency of land use, weakness of oriented function and lack of land intensive. To solve these problems, the authors of this paper introduced the concept of land use performance and established the theoretical model to assess the land use performance of high-tech industrial zones. The model consists of the following three-dimensional parts: land use benefit, land use efficiency and innovative function. Based on this theory model, an index system which was composed of three secondary indictors, eight tertiary indictors and 37 fourth-grade indictors was set up to evaluate the land use performance of high-tech zone. To avoid the defects of plus model and function model, the authors brought out a three-dimensional evaluation model to examine the index of the land use performance of the high-tech industrial parks, which equals to the evaluation indicator system of land use performance of high-tech zone based on the above research. The authors examined the land use performance of five different high-tech industrial parks in Haidian District, Beijing City. The results indicated that the indicator system performs better in the aspect of evaluating land use benefit, land use efficiency and function of the high-tech industrial zone compared with other models.  相似文献   

Since 1949, China has witnessed four development stages of territorial planning. (1) In the 1950s the territorial planning got its start. (2) From the 1960s to 1970s territorial planning declined. (3) From, the 1980s to 1990s the first major tide of territorial planning began. (4) From the end of the 1990s to recent times the new round of territorial planning is under deliberation. Since 1998, the Ministry of Land and Resources has carried out some related work, especially in organizing pilot projects, and early research on the new round of national territorial planning. According to the need for economic and social development and the current conditions in China, it is the appropriate for China to carry out the new round of territorial planning. However, the government should correctly consider the correlations between territorial planning and other plan- nings, and take appropriate development action, e.g. stressing main points for the basis of overall planning, building a territorial planning system that coordinate with national conditions, strengthening research on various supportive measures of territorial planning, summarizing and upgrading experiences obtained in pilot projects, strengthening international exchange and training talented personnel.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to measure the growth drag according to the characteristic of Chinese land resource. Romer model (2001) holds that every country is inevitably af- fected by the growth dr...  相似文献   

Environmental sociology and the sociology of natural resources are two key subdisciplines of the sociological study on the interactions between nature and human society. Previous discussion on the relationships of these two fields has largely focused on their distinctions and synthesis in western (particularly American) academia. Environmental sociology emerged as an important sociological subdiscipline in China in the early 1990s and is under vigorous disciplinary construction at present. By contrast, the sociology of natural resources is still a novel term for most Chinese researchers. This article provides a systematic review of recent literature on the relationships between environmental and natural resource sociologies, which should provide important implications for the further development of environmental sociology in China.  相似文献   


The difference between fishermen’s fishing catch and the optimal fishing catch is the basic reason for the transaction of marine fishing rights (TMFR). The effects of productive cost, non-productive cost, use-cost, transaction cost, productive revenue and non-productive revenue on the TMFR and the optimal fishing catch are analyzed. This paper draws following conclusions: the non-productive revenue has a positive effect on the TMFR, and other factors, such as non-productive cost, use-cost and transaction cost, have a negative effect; the TMFR will promote the resource allocation; the high transaction cost may affect the implementation of TMFR.  相似文献   

我国水权期权交易模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国水资源危机日趋严重。实行水权交易势在必行。而水权交易模式的选择是水权交易的核心问题。传统的水权交易模式存在一定的弊端,不能实现水资源的有效配置。本文将期权理论与水权交易相结合,提出水权期权交易模式,指出该交易模式具有转移风险、价格发现、交易成本低、方便、高效、安全性强等特点,其主要作用是可以有效地规避水权价格波动产生的风险。并提出我国水权期权交易应以流域为单位,在流域内统一建立一个水权期权交易所,具体规定了水权期权交易所的职责,还指出水权期权交易的主体由水权期权交易的双方和水权期权交易所的会员共同组成。最后根据水权价格波动的特点,给出水权价格符合跳跃扩散过程的水权期权定价模型。  相似文献   

水权交易制度绩效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源的稀缺性赋予水资源可交易的商品属性。水资源时空分布的差异性、供求的不均衡性和水权主体边际资源回报率的差异。是水权交易制度存在的前提和基础。由于政府信息的不完全和不对称,传统的行政计划配水制度不能实现资源配置的高效率目标,因此借助市场机制实现水资源配置效率的帕累托最优是可行的选择。本文基于水资源的初始分配不能实现资源有效配置的假设。从理论上揭示了水权的可交易程度是限制水资源配置效率的主要因素之一,并结合优先权制度向可交易水权制度的转换,阐述了水权交易制度能够实现水资源配置高效率的目的。运用收益一成本分析法,说明了东阳-义乌水权交易实践的绩效所在。在此基础上。指明了水权交易制度能够实现交易双方利益最大化目标和政府水资源管理的目的,达到水资源配置“三赢”的结果。  相似文献   

海洋环境区域管理的主体,涉及多个地方政府以及若干涉海部门,政府间横向关系复杂,鉴于海洋环境的特殊性,各主体只有相互合作才能更好地实现治理目标.由于彼此间存在不同的利益诉求.利益协调便在很大程度上决定着合作的成败.因此,良好的协调机制至关重要.本文在海洋区域管理的基础上提出海洋环境区域管理.首先对海洋环境区域管理政府横向协调机制的概念予以界定,并对内涵进行说明.在此基础上对我国目前海洋环境管理的政府问横向关系进行定性分析.区域内各地方政府间的关系体现为合作与自然无关联状态并存,涉海部门间处于矛盾的对立统一关系.从以上分析中得出结论,海洋环境区域管理的横向政府间存在不协调问题.构建我国海洋环境区域管理的政府横向协调机制应制定约束各政府主体的契约,健全跨行政区以及行政区内跨部门的组织机构,并从信息沟通、协商和利益分享与补偿三个方面完善运行机制.  相似文献   

基于整个社会的视角,对水权交易效率进行公理化分析,为水权交易的深入研究奠定基础.首先,提出分析的假设条件,定义水权配置效率,该效率满足完备性、传递性公理.其次,定义水权边际价值、总价值,提出水权边际价值递减规律.再次,给出水权配置的帕累托最优定义,提出帕累托最优时水权配置状态的定理,并论证水权的帕累托配置是稳定的水权配置状态.根据极限理论,给出水权配置序列收敛于帕累托最优配置的定义,论证了在现实水权信息不对称的情况下,只有通过水权交易重新配置水权才能逼近水权配置的最优状态--帕累托配置,而依靠行政配置无法实现.最后,采用本文理论分析我国水权交易现状,指出由于我国目前水权交易成本过高,水权配置向帕累托逼近的速度慢,水权配置无法达到帕累托最优.随着我国水权交易制度的日趋完善,水权配置将达到帕累托最优,从而实现水资源的充分利用.  相似文献   

土地指标配置管理,在特定历史阶段的确对耕地资源配置起到一定保护作用.然而,伴随工业化、城市化以及市场化的迅速推进,源于计划体制下的指标体系不断遭受现实挑战.本文基于三省两市的现实调查,从管理者的视角评价现行土地指标调控绩效,进而探讨指标配置交易的真实意愿.结果表明:其一,统计结果表明,80.33%的被调查人员认可现行土地指标调控绩效,但指标交易在区域性、类型或性质、规模和价格等方面差异较大;其二,交易意愿调查显示,92.27%的被调查者明确表示耕地和建设用地都需要异地交易,并且大都选择获得更多发展型指标支撑经济发展、规避保护型指标约束的策略;其三,分析比较发现,虽然各方指标交易意愿在现实中很难达到均衡,但是土地政策调整对保护型指标交易意愿变化具有显著影响,两对发展型指标交易意愿变化影响相对较小,隐含的政策含义是,指标配置交易机制的建设和完善,对发展型指标配置效率提升具有重要意义.  相似文献   

以辽东湾、渤海湾、莱州湾为海湾地理空间尺度,引入泰尔指数和变差系数、灰色关联法研究三大海湾地区的海洋经济规模总量和海洋产业关联效应的差异,运用多种预测模型预测未来十年三大海湾间地区海洋经济对区域经济发展影响和贡献的差异。结果显示:三大海湾空间地区海洋经济差异呈现先增大后减小趋势,2007年后呈现协调优化发展趋势;滨海旅游业、海洋交通运输和海洋油气业、海洋交通运输和海洋渔业分别对应辽东湾、渤海湾、莱州湾三大经济区的拉动效应较大,形成各具区域特色的重要优势海洋产业;据模型预测结果分析,到2015年辽东湾、渤海湾、莱州湾地区海洋经济比重将分别达到34%、21%、25%;莱州湾、渤海湾的海洋经济直接贡献率分别平均以2%和1%的速度递增,而辽东湾则平均以0.1%的速度递减,到2020年辽东湾、渤海湾、莱州湾的海洋经济直接贡献率将分别为36%、29%、46%。  相似文献   

浅论国家环境权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球环境的日益恶化和公民环保意识的不断增强,环境权理论迅速发展。国家环境权作为一项重要的环境权。在环境法理论逐步变革和权利内涵不断演进的趋势下,已成为法学界研究探讨的重要课题。通过分析国家环境权的国内、国际法律基础。论证了国家环境权的确立。利用类比的方法。阐述了国家环境权与其他宪法权利的不同之处。从权利义务的对等统一和国内国际两个层面。重新归纳了国家环境权的内容。初步构建了国家环境权的基本理论框架。  相似文献   

农村土地“三权分置”:功能作用、权能划分与制度构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实行农村土地所有权、承包权和经营权"三权分置"是我国农村土地制度新一轮改革的基本方向,但如何界定分置后"三权"之间的权利关系并据此进行相关制度构建仍是亟待解决的问题。本文从农村土地"三权分置"的政策背景和概念内涵入手,重释了农村土地"三权分置"产生的功能价值,并在探讨承包权与经营权权能划分的基础上提出推行农村土地"三权分置"改革的制度构建建议。研究认为:以土地承包经营权分离成土地承包权和经营权为核心内容,农村土地"三权分置"可实现从要素、主体、制度、价值等四个层面释放出此次农村土改的"改革红利"。从土地承包权与经营权再分离的功能目的入手,应将土地承包权和经营权二者的性质界定为用益物权,并将二者的权利内容划分为:土地承包权主要包括占有权、收益权、继承权和退出权,土地经营权主要包括占有权、使用权、收益权和处分权。据此,在进行农村土地"三权分置"制度构建时,一个根本前提是立足我国国情和农村实际,并严格坚持一定的基本原则和底线,进而一方面要通过修改调整《农村土地承包法》、《土地管理法》、《物权法》、《担保法》等相关法律法规,做到赋予土地承包权和经营权以法律地位、分别设置土地承包权和经营权的流转规则以及为土地经营权抵押提供法律依据。另一方面要加强有关政策设计与配套,具体包括建立健全土地承包权和经营权的流转规范机制、构建土地经营权抵押实现机制、建立土地承包权与经营权分离的利益协调机制、构建土地承包权与经营权分离的风险防范机制等。  相似文献   

波特假说主要从动态的角度论证了环境规制和农业科技进步之间的正向变亿关系.而在安徽省1990 -2008年的农业生产数据的基础上,选择合适的环境规制和农业科技进步的指标变量,运用Johansen协整分析方法验证了安徽省农业生产中的环境规制和农业科技进步的关系也符合这一假说,Granger因果关系检验说明了安徽省环境规制是农业科技进步产生的原因,脉冲响应分析和方差分析则更深入地从定量的角度分析了环境规制对农业科技进步影响滞后的趋势和影响程度.由实证分析可以看出,只是从静态角度来分析,环境规制是不利于农业的科技进步的;但从长期效益来看,环境规制有利于农业的科技进步.因此,在农业生态环境恶化的形势下,严格对农业废弃物的排放限制,制定较严格的农产品生产标准和产品质量标准,提高农民的环境意识和科技意识,通过强化环境规制来促使农业生产者提高农业生产技术,提高农产品品质和产品的市场竞争力就显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

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