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多年来,甘肃省环境宣传教育中心紧紧围绕新形势下环境保护中心工作,着眼于公众环境意识的提高,本着出精品、出效果、出成果的工作方针,结合实际情况,精心组织了大量丰富多彩、富有成效的环境宣传教育项目。以扎扎实实的工作,推动《全国环境宣传教育行动纲要》的阶段性目标和甘肃省“十一五”环境保护目标的实现。  相似文献   

何光俊 《环境技术》2003,(Z1):13-15
本文对番禺区目前工业企业的大量发展与环境保护的不协调关系这一问题,论述了清洁生产的概念和清洁生产的优越性,通过工作实例探索了清洁生产在环境影响评价和环境管理中的可行性.从而明确,工业和经济的可持续发展,推行清洁生产是必由之路.  相似文献   

中国环境保护技术政策框架及实施方式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境保护技术政策,是指在可持续发展战略的指导下,由政府制定和颁布执行的、旨在整治一定历史阶段的主要环境问题、实现其环境目标,用以引导、约束、协调经济———社会行为主体的行为准则和调控手段之一。环境保护技术政策作为环境政策体系的重要组成部分和环境保护战...  相似文献   

正从某种程度上讲,中国环境保护事业的健康、持续、高效发展,人才因素在所有因素当中起着"顶梁柱"作用,起决定作用的是高校环境教育及人才培养的速度、数量、质量。大学担负着各类人才教育、培养和输送的重任。2020年,我国要实现全面建成小康社会目标,生态环保是个突出短板;实现两个一百年的目标,生态文明建设及其环境保护更不能拖后腿。在环境保护愈加重要的当下,大学理应担当起我国环境教育及人才培养的神圣使命。  相似文献   

策略是实现战略的手段。战略是具有全局性的谋划。战略确定以后,就要根据不同的时空环境和政治经济形势采取不同的策略逐步实现战略目标。在全国环境保护战略确定以后,在国民经济全面改革的新形势下,我们应采取什么样的策略来实现环境保护的战略任务呢?我认为,新形势下环境保护策略的基本点,概括起来说就是要对环境保护实行目标管理,用目标管理把环境保护工作提高到一个新的水平。本文将就此谈一点粗浅看法。一,环境保护新策略提出的依据 1.党的十一届三中全会以后,我国政治局势稳定,各项改革已经取得了显著成效,有关环境保护的政策、法律、标准相  相似文献   

在我国,由于现行国民经济计划指标体系中还缺少与环境保护目标相对应的一整套环境经济指标体系。因而使环境保护无法参与国民经济的综合平衡,因此,建立适合我国国情的、能参与国民经济决策计划、管理的环境经济指标体系是改革和完善我国社会经济与环境保护协调关系,实现城市环境综合整治的一项重要研究任务。而环境经济指标定量化是环境经济指标的一种主要存在形式。环境经济指标定量化体系由指标体系、  相似文献   

太湖流域水环境保护目标责任考核机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
建立科学规范的环境保护目标责任考核机制是实现我国环境保护目标的重要手段之一。作为一个自上而下的制度典范,基层环境保护管理部门是环境管理目标的落实者也是被考核的对象。本研究以太湖流域水环境保护基层管理部门面临的水环境保护目标责任考核机制为研究对象,从水环境保护考核指标的设定、考核评价的实施以及考核结果的应用三个方面分析太湖流域水环境保护目标考核机制的实施现状。结果表明,现阶段的考核体系存在考核指标设置不合理、考核过程实施过程成本较高,以及考核结果缺乏对管理部门的激励性等问题。最后,本文从提高现阶段太湖流域水环境保护考核指标设定的科学性、协调不同部门之间的关系以及加强考核结果的公开与合理应用方面对太湖流域水环境保护目标责任考核机制提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

一第二次全国环境保护会议明确提出要加强环境保护工作的科学管理,指出:我国大量的环境问题,都与环境缺乏管理和管理不善有关。在目前我国财力有限、技术条件比较落后的情况下,更要通过加强管理来解决许多环境问题。强化环境管理,就要求有明确的环境目标和可行的规划,要建立健全一系列包括排放标准在内的环境标准管理体制。这样的排放标准,应具有以下一些共同特性。首先,作为实现环境目标的重要手段,排放标准应具有法规性。环境保护作为一项基本国策,就要求环境建设要与经济建设、城乡建设同步规划、同步实施、同步发展,  相似文献   

试论番禺区二氧化硫的综合防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本报告主要通过对番禺区能源消耗状况,环境空气质量和酸雨现状、二氧化硫排放及治理状况等专题进行全面调查,分析研究,提出2000年至2010年二氧化硫及酸雨控制规划目标,并从经济政策、环保监督、技术措施、治理技术、替代能源开发和推广固硫剂等方面详细论述了二氧化硫排放的全面管理.目的是使番禺区经济发展的同时,环境恶化得到缓解,环境质量得到改善.本报告有针对性地提出了番禺区及周边电厂二氧化硫治理对策.在开发太阳能、农村新能源、城镇垃圾能等方面具有创造性.  相似文献   

回顾总结我局1989年以环境保护目标责任制为重点,全面强化环境管理工作的实践,我们深深体会到:环境保护目标责任制是强化环境管理工作的金钥匙,是环境管理的一项重要改革。实行环境保护目标责任制就牵住了环境保护工作的“牛鼻子”,掌握了工作的主动权。  相似文献   

番禺市民环境意识调查与评价研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了了解番禺市民环境意识的现状,把握市民环境意识的总体水平,探讨今后环境保护宣传教育的重点和方向,对番禺市21个镇区的市民的环境意识进行了抽样设想。从环境态度,环境行为,环境知识3个方面对市民的环境意识水平进行了评价,并对影响环境影响水平的个人因素进行了分析和综合评价。结果表明:现阶段番禺市民环境意识勉强进入中 等水平,而市民的环境态度已进入较高水平,环境知识为中等水平,环境行为为中等水平,市民的环境态度,环境行为,环境知识水平相互脱节,表现为意识先行,行为滞后。  相似文献   

In Sweden, environmental policy is essentially carried out through a system of environmental objectives adopted by Parliament in the late 1990s. This system contains principles, objectives, interim targets, strategies, and follow-up mechanisms, which together provide a solid ground for increased efficiency and improved prioritization in environmental policies. Despite the ambitious approach of the Swedish Parliament, the system of environmental objectives suffers from certain shortcomings. Some of the objectives are imprecise and difficult to evaluate, and there are no rules or principles that may be used to solve goal conflicts and to prioritize between different objectives. As a consequence, the environmental objectives tend to differ in their degrees of operationalizability, and the priority-setting between different objectives is often unclear.*Rskr. denotes a written communication (from the Swedish Parliament to the Swedish Government) of a Parliamentary decision. Note: This version was published online in June 2005 with the cover date of August 2004.  相似文献   

Management by objectives (MBO) is a technique for integrating ecological concerns into national political and administrative structures. Politicians determine environmental objectives and interim targets to be implemented and assessed by civil servants in national, regional, and local contexts. Well-developed organizational communication is a prerequisite for MBO. However, communication-related obstacles can arise when using MBO in public environmental management. We examine communicative aspects of environmental MBO, looking specifically at the implementation, administration, and assessment of Swedish environmental quality objectives. Our argument is illustrated by quotations from individual and focus group interviews. We conclude that communicative problems may arise, because different actors interpret messages from different perspectives, depending on their agendas, prior knowledge and experience, and positions in the administrative system. It is crucial to recognize the dialogical aspects of communication, by involving the receiver of a message in a process of response. In addition, the different timeframes underlying different arguments could contribute to misunderstandings between actors involved in handling environmental issues. In assessing the achievement of environmental objectives, indicators are used as communicative tools. It is important to investigate whether and how these indicators contribute to the de- and recontextualization of environmental objectives.  相似文献   

There is no simple recipe for success in implementing environmental accounting. Day-to-day needs and strategic objectives will determine how an organization can benefit from environmental accounting. Our previous article listed many potential applications of environmental accounting and discussed common environmental accounting objectives.1 This article is geared toward organizations that want to start implementing environmental accounting and create a foundation of success on which to build. In this context, the questions are (1) What are some logical starting points? and (2) Where do companies go from there? This article first describes some paradigms that may guide companies as they think about how to implement environmental accounting, then it presents a series of critical activities that are needed to make environmental accounting an integral part of ongoing business management functions.  相似文献   

本文全面系统地分析了我国当前面临的环境形势,阐述了近2年来全国环境保护工作的进展,进一步明确了我国跨世纪的环保目标及具体措施。  相似文献   

通过分析建立闵行区环境数据中心的必要性,探讨闵行区环境数据中心的建设目标、原则和构建过程、意义、成果和不足,以期对闵行区环境数据进一步进行规范化管理。  相似文献   

结合天津市和平区的地域特点,分析了环境污染的形式和特点,探讨了如何加强城区小型建设项目和强化工商执照前环保审批程序,控制和减轻对环境的污染,并介绍了和平区对加强城区小型建设项目和强化工商执照环境保护管理审批的办法和措施。  相似文献   

郭镜彬 《环境技术》2003,(Z1):63-65
本文阐述并分析了番禺区的水环境污染现状与特点,提出了番禺区水环境污染防治对策.  相似文献   

In managing environmental problems, several countries have chosen the management by objectives (MBO) approach. This paper investigates how focus group participants from the Swedish environmental administration used metaphors to describe the mode of organization needed to attain environmental objectives. Such analysis can shed light on how an MBO system is perceived by actors and how it works in practice. Although the Swedish government intended to stimulate broad-based cooperation among many actors, participants often saw themselves as located at a certain “level,” i.e., “higher” or “lower,” in the MBO system—that is, their conceptions corresponded to a traditional, hierarchical interpretation of MBO. Prepositions such as “in” and “out” contributed to feelings of inclusion and exclusion on the part of MBO actors. However, horizontal metaphors merged with vertical ones, indicating ongoing competition for the right to interpret how the system of environmental objectives should best be managed. The paper concludes that any organization applying MBO could benefit from discussing alternate ways of talking and thinking about its constituent “levels.”  相似文献   

关于国家环境保护“十三五”规划的战略思考   总被引:4,自引:9,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在对我国当前环境形势以及未来重大环境保护问题识别的基础上,结合国家生态文明建设新要求,提出了"十三五"环境保护规划体系以及规划目标的设想,并从国民经济绿色化、国土空间功能化、保护环境法治化、环境供给市场化、决策监管科学化、治理主体多元化、环境信息公开化等7个方面给出了基本策略建议,可为制定国家"十三五"环境保护规划提供参考。  相似文献   

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