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微塑料对环境中有机污染物吸附解吸的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微塑料已成为新的全球性环境污染问题。作为强吸附剂,微塑料可以吸附共存的有机污染物,进而改变其环境行为和毒性;也可以通过解吸作用促进污染物在不同介质中的迁移。因而,微塑料与有机污染物的相互作用强度和机理是全面评估两者的环境风险和深度研究微塑料毒性机制的必要信息。目前微塑料研究处于快速发展的起始阶段,加之微塑料本身成分、粒径、表面风化情况的复杂性及共存有机污染物的多样性使两者的相互作用十分复杂,亟需理清微塑料吸附解吸作用的影响因素和相关机制。因而,本文详细综述了微塑料对有机污染物吸附解吸作用的研究进展,并着重从微塑料性质(成分、粒径和表面风化)、有机污染物性质和水环境介质性质方面探讨了吸附的影响因素和相互作用机制,希望为微塑料吸附有机污染物及吸附的后续影响研究提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

微塑料作为一种新型环境污染物在全球环境介质中普遍存在,其存在可能会影响传统有机污染物的分布、迁移和环境归趋.微塑料本身具有强疏水特性和较大的比表面积,使其能够有效地吸附有机污染物并将其输送到生物体内,从而改变微塑料潜在的环境风险.微塑料与有机污染物之间的相互作用机制主要受二者自身的理化性质,及溶液pH、温度、盐度、溶解性有机质和老化作用等环境因素的影响.本文从微塑料的基本特性、与有机污染物的作用机制、环境影响因素,以及二者复合对有机污染物生物有效性的影响等方面进行了综述,并提出微塑料与有机污染物相互作用研究中亟需解决的问题和未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

微塑料是环境中一类不断增加的新兴污染物,工业生产活动以及日常生活是环境中微塑料的主要来源,同时农用塑料薄膜的残留对其也有贡献.鉴于不可降解塑料在环境中的持久性,作为传统塑料的替代品,可降解塑料的应用越来越多.然而,当前针对陆地系统微塑料的研究主要集中于不可降解材质的微塑料,针对可降解塑料作为微塑料来源的研究则十分匮乏.由于微塑料的憎水性和较大比表面积,进入环境中的微塑料能够通过分配作用和表面吸附作用大量吸附环境中的有机污染物从而改变被吸附物质的生物有效性;同时随着塑料的风化,生产过程中添加的大量助剂也会逐渐进入环境中.与不可降解微塑料相比,可降解微塑料的性质有很大不同,可降解微塑料与污染物的相互作用及对其生物有效性的影响也与不可降解微塑料不同.另外,可降解微塑料进入环境后,粒径及表面性质可在较短时间内产生变化,这些变化对可降解微塑料与有机污染物的相互作用及对所吸附有机污染物的生物有效性的影响有待研究.  相似文献   

水环境中的微塑料(MPs)通过吸附和解吸与共存的有机污染物(OPs)相互作用,影响污染物的迁移转化、生物积累、毒性效应等环境行为.因此,MPs和OPs的生态效应需从它们之间的相互作用角度综合考虑.本文在查阅近几年相关文献的基础上,重点阐述了水环境中MPs的环境行为及其对OPs迁移转化的影响,讨论了MPs的生态风险及其与OPs的复合毒性效应的影响因素,并得出如下规律:MPs和OPs的特性,如MPs的表面极性和OPs的疏水性决定了MPs作为OPs载体的有效性;MPs的粒径、表面特性、表面生物膜等理化性质影响了水环境中OPs的迁移转化途径和复合物MPsOPs的毒性效应.本文以期为进一步评估MPs的环境行为和生态风险提供有益的参考,并为准确评估MPs及其相关OPs的环境风险提出了建议.  相似文献   

微塑料可以改变土壤的物理性质,影响土壤功能,吸附重金属形成复合污染物。通过研究归纳土壤中微塑料吸附重金属的吸附机制,并分析了微塑料对重金属吸附能力的影响因素。微塑料对重金属的吸附机制主要是微塑料的表面性质、络合作用、官能团和分子作用力等多种机制并存。影响微塑料吸附重金属能力的因素主要有土壤中重金属性质、微塑料本身性质、土壤环境的pH和盐度、温度及滞留时间等。同时,分析土壤环境中微塑料吸附重金属的吸附机制及其相关影响因素,并展望土壤中微塑料—重金属复合污染物的联合效应,及实际环境条件的复杂特性等,从而为探索土壤中微塑料—重金属的复合污染机理提供参考,以及为农田土壤中风险防控和治理提供依据。  相似文献   

微塑料与有毒污染物相互作用及联合毒性作用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着塑料产品的广泛应用,微塑料(microplastics,MPs)污染已经成为全球关注的重大环境问题.海洋中的MPs能够与有毒污染物(如有机污染物、重金属和纳米颗粒等)发生相互作用,对海洋生物产生复合效应.因此,MPs与环境中有毒污染物的联合毒性效应越来越引起人们的关注.本文首先概括总结出MPs对海洋生物的毒性效应及致毒机制,包括遮蔽效应、氧化应激、免疫毒性、生殖毒性、遗传毒性、神经毒性和行为毒性等方面:随后分别讨论了MPs和有机污染物、重金属以及人工纳米颗粒的联合毒性效应,从微塑料对污染物的吸附、富集和载体效应着手分析微塑料与污染物之间的相互作用,凝练得出MPs增强或抑制污染物毒性的作用机制,包括微塑料改变污染物的生物可利用性、微塑料改变生物体对污染物的胁迫响应、微塑料与污染物发生交互作用等;最后对微塑料与有毒污染物联合毒作用研究的发展方向进行了展望,建议在未来研究中重点关注环境特征的次生微塑料与有毒污染物相互作用的环境行为和生物效应,特别是通过食物链的传递作用.以期为准确评估和深入理解微塑料的海洋环境和人类健康风险提供理论依据.  相似文献   

环境微塑料可吸附有机污染物,并与有机污染物进行相互作用从而改变其毒性效应,增加微塑料的治理难度.本文就全球范围内微塑料与有机污染物的相互作用及毒性效应的研究进展进行综述,分析不同介质中微塑料与有机污染物的共存水平、吸附机理、影响因素以及联合毒性效应等.研究表明,微塑料可作为多环芳烃(PAHs)、多氯联苯(PCBs)、六...  相似文献   

环境中的微塑料通常会受到紫外辐照、热辐射、化学氧化、生物降解等环境因素的影响,进而经历光老化、热老化、化学老化、生物老化等过程,并且其物理化学性质均发生一定程度的改变.环境中微塑料的自然老化过程需要很长的时间,极大限制了对老化微塑料的研究.本文综述了微塑料的实验室加速老化技术,包括紫外老化、化学老化和生物降解等技术,阐述了老化后微塑料的表面形貌与官能团的变化及对吸附污染物的影响,并总结了老化微塑料对生物的发育毒性、生殖毒性、神经毒性和氧化应激等效应.本文旨在使人们更了解微塑料实验室加速老化技术及其对生物的潜在风险效应.  相似文献   

微塑料作为一种新型污染物,具有难以被彻底降解、在环境中分布广泛、易结合疏水性有机污染物和重金属等特性,已成为国内外学者研究的热点问题.近年来,微塑料在海水、淡水、沉积物、土壤和大气等环境介质中不断被报道,且数量不断增加,甚至在人口稀少的偏远地区均有微塑料的检出.微塑料尺寸较小极易被生物误食,微塑料及其结合的污染物对生态环境产生潜在风险.开展微塑料及其结合污染物鉴别分析技术是研究微塑料环境行为、生态毒理效应及风险防控的基础.本文梳理了微塑料的相关研究,总结和比较分析了不同介质(水体、土壤/沉积物、生物体、大气)中微塑料的采样、分离提取、定性(物理形态表征和化学组分鉴定)、定量(数量丰度和质量浓度)以及结合污染物的检测分析技术和方法,为相关领域的研究提供了方法学的参考.  相似文献   

微塑料作为一种新污染物普遍存在于各类环境介质中,土壤环境中的微塑料污染已受到全球的广泛关注。该研究围绕农田土壤中微塑料污染这一主题,在总结分析国内外最新研究进展的基础上,综述了微塑料对农田土壤理化性质、土壤微生物生物量以及微生物群落结构与功能的影响。通过农业活动等途径进入农田土壤的微塑料会在非生物和生物作用下发生风化和降解,并对土壤理化性质、养分循环和污染物相互作用产生影响,进而影响微生物生物量、微生物群落结构与多样性、土壤酶活性,以及碳、氮循环和污染物降解等土壤生物地球化学过程,且微塑料对上述指标的影响与微塑料自身性质、土壤类型和暴露条件等多种因素有关。最后,对未来土壤微塑料的研究方向做了展望,以期为后续研究提供参考和思路。  相似文献   

● Adsorption of PFASs on MPs and its mechanisms are critically reviewed. ● MPs could alter the transport and transformation of PFASs in aquatic environments. ● Combined toxicity of MPs and PFASs at organismal and molecular levels is discussed. Microplastics (MPs) are recognized as vectors for the transport of organic contaminants in aquatic environments in addition to their own adverse effects on aquatic organisms. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are widely present in aquatic environments due to their widespread applications, and thus coexist with MPs. Therefore, we focus on the interaction of MPs and PFASs and related combined toxicity in aquatic environments in this work. The adsorption of PFASs on MPs is critically reviewed, and new mechanisms such as halogen bonding, π-π interaction, cation-π interactions, and micelle formation are proposed. Moreover, the effect of MPs on the transport and transformation of PFASs in aquatic environments is discussed. Based on four typical aquatic organisms (shellfish, Daphnia, algae, and fish), the toxicity of MPs and/or PFASs at the organismal or molecular levels is also evaluated and summarized. Finally, challenges and research perspectives are proposed, and the roles of the shapes and aging process of MPs on PFAS biogeochemical processes and toxicity, especially on PFAS substitutes, are recommended for further investigation. This review provides a better understanding of the interactions and toxic effects of coexisting MPs and PFASs in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

● Small molecular chains formed on photo-aged polylactic acid microplastics (MPs). ● Oxygen-containing functional groups generated on photo-aged polyamide MPs. ● Photo-aging has the opposite influence on the imidacloprid adsorption on two MPs. ● Electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonds were the main mechanisms. ● High pH value and low ionic strength increase the adsorption capacity. The photo-aging behavior of microplastics (MPs) in natural environment has become a global concern. The ultraviolet radiation has enough energy to change the polymer structure and physical-chemical properties of MPs. Less attention has focused on the interactions of the photo-aged polar and biodegradable MPs with organic pollutants. This work investigated the structural properties of aged polar polyamide (PA) MPs and biodegradable polylactic acid (PLA) MPs exposed to ultraviolet irradiation and their adsorption behavior and mechanism for neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid (IMI). The results showed that the MPs had extensive changes in surface morphology and chemical properties after photo-aging. The C–N bond of PA MPs was disrupted to form more carbonyl groups. The oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface of aged PLA MPs were broken and generated relatively smaller molecules. The adsorption capacity of IMI on PA MPs decreased by 19.2 %, while the adsorption capacity of IMI on PLA MPs increased by 41.2 % after photo-aging. This depended on the natural structure of the MPs and their ability to absorb ultraviolet light. The electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonds, van der Waals interactions, and polar-polar interactions were the main adsorption mechanisms of IMI on MPs. High initial solution pH and low ionic strength favored the adsorption of IMI by altering charge distribution on the MPs surface. The formation of the humic acid-IMI complexes decreased the concentration of IMI in the water phase and further decreased the adsorption on MPs. These results are enlightening for a scientific comprehension of the environmental behavior of the polar MPs.  相似文献   

新型污染物及其生态和环境健康效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,随着现代分析手段的改进和发展,各种污染物检测能力的提高,以及新的毒作用模式的发现、新合成化合物的制造和使用等,一些物质成为广受国内外关注的新型污染物.新型污染物已在世界范围内对环境和生态系统造成了污染,对生态系统中包括人类在内的各种生物均构成了潜在的危害.目前,人们关注较多的新型污染物主要有全氟有机化合物、人用与兽用药物、饮用水消毒副产物、遮光剂/滤紫外线剂、人造纳米材料、汽油添加剂、溴化阻燃剂等.论文在总结国内外相关研究基础上,对一些重点新型污染物的生态效应及其潜在健康影响进行了简要综述,为我国开展这方面的研究提供了一定的参考.  相似文献   

• Micro-plastics (MPs) significantly increase Pb toxicity. • Algae reduce the combined toxicity of MP and Pb. • The toxicity increase comes from high soluble Pb and MP-Pb uptake. • The toxicity reduction might come from energy related pathway. Microplastics (MPs) have been recognized as a new class of emerging contaminants in recent years. They not only directly impact aquatic organisms, but also indirectly impact these organisms by interacting with background toxins in the environment. Moreover, under realistic environmental conditions, algae, a natural food for aquatic organisms, may alter the toxicity pattern related to MPs. In this research, we first examined the toxicity of MPs alone, and their effect on the toxicity of lead (Pb) on Ceriodaphnia dubia (C. dubia), a model aquatic organism for toxicity survey. Then, we investigated the effect of algae on the combined toxicity of MPs and Pb. We observed that, MPs significantly increased Pb toxicity, which was related to the increase in soluble Pb concentration and the intake of Pb-loaded MPs, both of which increased the accumulation of Pb in C. dubia. The presence of algae mitigated the combined toxicity of MPs and Pb, although algae alone increased Pb accumulation. Therefore, the toxicity mitigation through algae uptake came from mechanisms other than Pb accumulation, which will need further investigation.  相似文献   

• PP-MPs reduced the adsorption capacity of the bulk soil for Cd in aqueous medium. • The responses of the POM, OMC and mineral fractions to PP-MPs were different. • PP-MPs reduced the adsorption of POM and OMC fractions to Cd. • PP-MPs increased the adsorption of mineral fraction to Cd. • Effect of MPs on soil may be controlled by proportion of POM, OMC and mineral fractions. Microplastics (MPs) are widely present in a variety of environmental media and have attracted more and more attention worldwide. However, the effect of MPs on the the interaction between heavy metals and soil, especially in soil fraction level, is not well understood. In this study, batch experiments were performed to investigate the adsorption characteristics of Cd in bulk soil and three soil fractions (i.e. particulate organic matter (POM), organic-mineral compounds (OMC), and mineral) with or without polypropylene (PP) MPs. The results showed that the addition of PP-MPs reduced the Cd adsorption capacity of the bulk soil in aqueous solution, and the effects varied with PP-MPs dose and aging degree. Whereas, the responses of the three fractions to PP-MPs were different. In presence of PP-MPs, the POM and OMC fractions showed negative adsorption effects, while the mineral fraction showed positive adsorption. For the bulk soil, POM and OMC fractions, the adsorption isotherm fitted to the Langmuir model better than the Freundlich model, whereas, the Freundlich isotherm model is more fitted for the mineral fraction. Combined with the comprehensive analysis of the partitioning coefficients, XRD and FTIR results, it was found that OMC fraction extremely likely play a leading role in the bulk soil adsorption of Cd in this study. Overall, the effect of MPs on adsorption capacity of the bulk soil for Cd may be determined by the proportion of POM, OMC, and mineral fractions in the soil, but further confirmation is needed.  相似文献   

科学界与公众对微塑料(microplastics, MPs)的污染越来越重视。我们对文献进行了系统综述,以评价MPs对环境危害的证据权重。我们发现MPs在地表水和沉积物中均有存在。主要以珠状组成为主的碎片和纤维只是检测到的MP形态中的一小部分。检测出的MPs环境浓度很低,与能够影响生物分子水平上的毒性终点、以及摄食、繁殖、生长、组织炎症和死亡率的浓度有数量级的差别。MPs作为疏水性有机化合物的携带者使其在生物体中富集的作用很弱。现有数据表明MPs对环境造成的危害并不明显。实验室毒性实验中使用的MPs与环境中检测到的MPs在颗粒形态、尺寸范围和浓度等方面都有差距。研究中环境介质的选择少受关注。我们亟需开展更高质量的整体监测和更多实际环境效应的研究。只有这样,我们才能够全面表征MPs的环境风险,以便制定实施真正改善环境质量的管控措施。 精选自Emily E. Burns, Alistair B.A. Boxall. Microplastics in the aquatic environment: Evidence for or against adverse impacts and major knowledge gaps. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,2018,37:2776–2796.
详情请见 https://doi.org/10.1002/etc.4268

• Physical, chemical and biological methods are explored for MPs removal. • Physical methods based on adsorption/filtration are mostly used for MPs removal. • Chemical methods of MPs removal work on coagulation and flocculation mechanism. • MBR technology has also shown the removal of MPs from water. • Global policy on plastic control is lacking. Microplastics are an emerging threat and a big challenge for the environment. The presence of microplastics (MPs) in water is life-threatening to diverse organisms of aquatic ecosystems. Hence, the scientific community is exploring deeper to find treatment and removal options of MPs. Various physical, chemical and biological methods are researched for MPs removal, among which few have shown good efficiency in the laboratory. These methods also have a few limitations in environmental conditions. Other than finding a suitable method, the creation of legal restrictions at a governmental level by imposing policies against MPs is still a daunting task in many countries. This review is an effort to place all effectual MP removal methods in one document to compare the mechanisms, efficiency, advantages, and disadvantages and find the best solution. Further, it also discusses the policies and regulations available in different countries to design an effective global policy. Efforts are also made to discuss the research gaps, recent advancements, and insights in the field.  相似文献   

青藏高原冰川雪冰微生物研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
微生物作为青藏高原冰川研究的一个参数,不仅能提供丰富的物种和嗜冷基因资源作用于冰川的能量和化学物质平衡,而且还与气候和环境相关联.近年来,青藏高原冰川雪藻的研究主要在南部的Yala冰川开展,细菌的研究集中在北部冰川.这些研究主要针对冰川雪冰微生物与环境的关系.未来除在研究方法上加以改进外,还应该在微生物多样性、生态意义、嗜冷机制及其与气候和环境的关系等方面进一步深入研究.参36  相似文献   

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