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Emergency resources are an important basis of effective emergency response. But there are many disadvantages of the Chinese traditional material reserve method in which the resources are separately reserved in different regions and sections according to the kinds of disasters. So there comes the Multi-formal and Information- based Emergency Resource Reserve System (MIERRS) in China. The reserve body and method change from the single into the multiple forms, that is, the main reserve body changes from the single government agency into the organizations combining with the military, enterprise and society, and the reserve method changes from single material reserve into the reserve combining with market reserve, talents and technology reserve, and production capacity reserve. The content of the reserve change from material to information means to develop the Emergency Resource Management Information System realizing real-time control of resource characteristics and relevant reserve information. The MIERRS leads to a reserve system with rapid response and flexible schedule. It provides a convenient platform for resource sharing, thus avoiding duplication and waste, improving the utilization of resources, reducing the reserve loss and optimizing the structure of resource reserve.  相似文献   

突发性能源短缺的应急体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界范围内自然灾害等突发事件的增多趋势,使得应急管理成为一个重要而热门的研究领域.但是,关于突发性能源短缺应急体系的研究还很少.利用案例研究、统计分析和比较分析方法,本文研究了中国应对突发性能源短缺的应急体系.首先介绍了西方国家应对突发性石油短缺的基本经验,包括完善的应急法规体系、明晰的应急组织体系、有效的协同响应体系、庞大的应急储备体系:然后以中国2009年11月至2010年1月的突发性煤炭短缺为例,分析了其起因及其应急晌应过程,并通过与西方国家应对突发性石油短缺的对比,指出了中国突发性能源短缺应急体系的不足,包括应急监测预警不力、应急响应的组织化、协同化、信息化程度不高、应急储备体系尚未建立、应急响应缺乏制度保障和政策依据等;最后从应急法规体系、应急预案体系、应急组织体系、监测预警体系、应急储备体系五个方面,提出了中国构建突发性能源短缺应急体系的基本构想.  相似文献   

环境与贸易紧密联系相互影响。我国现行的贸易体系不仅使贸易不可持续.而且给资源环境带来了很大压力。要实现优化贸易增长和缓解资源环境压力的“双赢”目标,需要构筑绿色贸易体系。绿色贸易体系是指通过一定的环境管理政策手段来绿化或优化贸易结构、调控贸易总量、提高贸易的环境效率。最终能够减少并扭转我国贸易的资源环境逆差和促进绿色贸易发展的政策体系。绿色贸易体系的政策框架包括:从具体政策措施看.包括加征产品出口的资源环境关税、制定基于环保目的的市场准入与准出制度,设计投资的资源环境导向等环保“阀门”和手段;从政策的作用点看.包括从产品、企业、行业三个层面着手;从政策的管理看,依据环境影响的程度。对产品、企业和行业分别进行鼓励、许可、限制和禁止贸易的分类管理。  相似文献   

中国区域经济与资源丰度相关性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以省域面板数据为基础.选取水、耕地、森林、能源、矿产等五种资源.验证了1978—2004年中国不同种类资源丰度与区域经济发展之问的相关关系。研究表明:①资源诅咒原理在中国内部区域之间仍然成立,除水资源外.耕地、能源、矿产和森林等四种资源的丰度与区域经济发展水平都呈现负相关关系.其程度由裔到低依次是:耕地资源、矿产资源、能源资源、森林资源;②遭遇“资源诅咒”的省处于“资源丰度一经济发展”坐标系第Ⅳ象限。并绝大多数都位于西部地区和东北地区;③各省人均GDP与综合资源丰度的对数成反比.我国资源丰裕度与经济发展水平成相反的变化趋势;④自然资源对于经济增长的影响作用往往是通过多种机制共同作用的结果.中国资源诅咒的传导机制主要包括“荷兰病”效应、制度效应、“挤出”效应以及区位和交通因素等方面。  相似文献   

Started with the discussions on the value orientation of urban water supply industry marketization,the article points out that the current urban water supply industry marketization reform is inconsistent with the goal of public water service equalization to some extent.The article also analyzes the problems emerged in urban water supply industry marketization reform and various reasons in view of efficiency and fairness.An efficiency and fairness oriented management model is built in this article to illustrate how the government should conciliate interests of various communities involved in the process of marketization reform of the urban water supply industry so as to actualize the coordination of efficiency and fairness.At the end,an assumption on urban water price is put forward to help achieve the public water service equalization.  相似文献   


Along with the rapid growth of economy in the postreform period after 1979, China has faced severe problems of resource overusing and environmental degradation which would threaten the sustainable development of economy and society. This article explores an effective mechanism of managing resource and environment in China. It examines some major resource and environmental issues, and constructs a framework of institution innovation to cover three sectors (government, market and society). In addition, the article analyzes their experience and evaluation in resource management and environmental conservation during the transitional period. We argue that the combination of market regulation, government intervention and public participation is an effective way of allocating resource and protecting environment. Some suggestions are put forward to balance the relationship between them, including coordinating role of government and market, building platform for market operation and creating an atmosphere of public participation.  相似文献   

Along with the rapid growth of economy in the postreform period after 1979,China has faced severe problems of resource overusing and environmental degradation which would threaten the sustainable development of economy and society.This article explores an effective mechanism of managing resource and environment in China.It examines some major resource and environmental issues,and constructs a framework of institution innovation to cover three sectors(government,market and society).In addition,the article analyzes their experience and evaluation in resource management and environmental conservation during the transitional period.We argue that the combination of market regulation,government intervention and public participation is an effective way of allocating resource and protecting environment.Some suggestions are put forward to balance the relationship between them,including coordinating role of government and market,building platform for market operation and creating an atmosphere of public participation.  相似文献   

基于需求分析的应急资源结构框架研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
应急资源结构是指在应对公共突发事件中所利用的应急资源的内部联系和一定秩序,构建应急资源结构框架是进行应急资源体系建设的重要基础。本文以2008雪灾和5.12汶川大地震的应急管理为案例,分析了在两次自然灾害应急管理中的应急资源需求,对应急资源进行了归类。在此基础上,充分考虑国民经济与社会发展指标体系的现状,构建了层次递阶的应急资源结构框架:第一个层次为应急资源类别,包括应急救援资源、基础设施与服务、专业处置资源和支撑保障资源四大类别;第二个层次为应急资源子类,在每个资源类别下划分若干个应急资源子类;第三个层次为应急资源细目,在每个子类下设计若干应急资源细目。从而形成了以应急救援资源为核心、以基础设施与服务为基础、以专业处置资源为依托、兼顾支撑保障资源的应急资源结构框架。  相似文献   

资源安全问题是国际社会和我国所面临的一个重大问题,资源安全是在某种状态下资源供给与需求相均衡的一种状态。我国资源立法从上个世纪80年代开始,但并未确立资源安全的立法指导思想。资源是提升国家综合国力的重要因素,在经济全球化下,我国资源安全问题面临着严峻挑战,解决问题的关键是进行资源安全立法,构建资源安全法律制度体系。本文介绍了全球资源危机和我国所面临的资源安全形势,分析了国外资源安全立法动态,提出了我国资源安全立法的模式选择,并对资源安全(基本法)进行了框架结构设计。  相似文献   


Coastal cities represented by Ningbo are directly or indirectly affected by typhoons each year. By analyzing the past three typical typhoons landing in Ningbo from 2013 to 2016, it was found that before and after the typhoon transit, reservoir and water treatment plant would be made by the destructive impact, including the increasing water level, water volume in a short time, and the deteriorating water quality. Among those, the water quality caused by typhoons increased the water treatment process load, the amount of water purification agents increased significantly, and the emergency response put a great pressure on the inventory of water plants. Based on the statistics and analysis of the basic parameters of the reservoir and water treatment plant during the typhoon season, the emergency management of the typhoon was divided into three situations, namely, pre-typhoon, typhoon period and post-typhoon. Thus, it is effective for the relevant practitioners of the reservoir and water plant to ensure the safe water supply during typhoon season.  相似文献   

Today the resources are becoming scarcer, which should not be regarded as unexhausted any more. Correspondingly, the production would be constrained by the scarcity of resources clearly. Then the economic researchers would pay much more attention to reducing the consumption of natural resources in the future. Therefore this paper brings foreword the conception of elasticity ratio of resource consumption based on the concept of elasticity and analyzes the relationship between the parameters. For the certain relationships between the elasticity ratio of resource consumption and resource consumption, this paper will try to reveal, to keep economy growing while resource consumption reducing, what conditions should be met as to the relationships among resource productivity, its growth rate, energy saving efficiency, economic growth rate and elasticity ratio of resource consumption. This paper proves the relationship between the China's energy consumption and economy growth using statistic data from 1978 to 2003.  相似文献   

Despite its strong advantages in resource, technology and human resource, China's Northeast Industrial Area is also experiencing problems of unreasonable industrial structure, environmental pollution, and the degradation of ecological condition, etc., which prevent this area from achieving a sustainable devel- opment. Through analyzing the resource problem, the present paper proposed a strategy of circular economy for the prosperity of this are, discussed the theories of circular economy and resource recycling, and finally concluded that improving resource productivity is at the core of circular economy.  相似文献   

中国未来20年资源与环境技术预见研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了技术预见的定义和发展,对中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目中国未来20年技术预见研究中资源与环境技术领域的德尔菲调查结果进行了概要介绍和系统分析,得出了一些初步结论:①深海油气与矿产资源开采技术得到广泛应用在综合重要度中名列第一;②从技术课题的预期实现时间分布来看.主要集中在2015-2020年;③我国资源与环境领域技术的总体研究水平远远低于国际水平,只有少量技术课题具有世界可比性;④普遍认为美国是当前资源与环境领域技术领先国家,美国、欧盟和日本三者基本上占据了资源与环境技术领域领先的主要领域;⑤从技术发展制约因素来看,研究开发投入因素影响最大.其后依次是技术可能性、法规、政策和标准、基础设施、人力资源和商业可行性.文章最后提出了若干政策建议.  相似文献   


Despite its strong advantages in resource, technology and human resource, China's Northeast Industrial Area is also experiencing problems of unreasonable industrial structure, environmental pollution, and the degradation of ecological condition, etc., which prevent this area from achieving a sustainable development. Through analyzing the resource problem, the present paper proposed a strategy of circular economy for the prosperity of this are, discussed the theories of circular economy and resource recycling, and finally concluded that improving resource productivity is at the core of circular economy.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION As an irreplaceable resource for the subsistence and development of mankind, water is essential to sustainable economic and social development. As a resource-poor and the biggest developing country in the world, China is facing the challenge from water resources.2 THE MAIN PROBLEMS OF CHINA'S WATER RESOURCES In China, the problems of water resources involve four aspects: drought and water shortage, serious threats of flooding, water pollution, soil erosion an…  相似文献   

中国水资源与农业经济增长关系研究——基于面板VAR模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过构建水资源与农业经济增长的面板VAR模型,利用1998-2009年中国省级面板数据,检验与分析了水资源与农业经济增长的内在依存和因果关系。研究结果表明:①东部、中部和西部地区水资源和农业经济增长之间存在长期协整关系;②无论在短期内,还是在长期内,东部、中部和西部地区的水资源均是推动农业经济增长的重要因素,并且随着时间的推移,水资源对农业经济增长的影响逐步加强;③农业经济增长对水资源的影响存在明显的区域差异。中部地区所受影响最大,东部次之,西部相对较小。因此,为实现水资源与农业经济增长的协调发展,中国应该提高农业水资源的利用效率,根据各区域水资源和农业经济增长的不同因果关系因地制宜地制定水资源政策。  相似文献   

自然资源禀赋对经济增长来说究竟是“财富”还是“诅咒”是一个存在争议的问题.我国资源富集地区经济发展过程中呈现了对自然资源的高度依赖,自然资源禀赋与经济增长总体上呈现负相关关系,但资源禀赋通过何种渠道影响经济增长尚缺乏理论和实证检验.本文以“条件收敛”假说为基础,构建了资源禀赋对人均收入影响的理论模型,并将自然资源对经济增长所产生的影响区分为直接效应和间接效应;在此基础上,以我国煤炭、石油、天然气和铁矿石地域分布与储量前十名的18个省(区)19年的自然资源储量以及经济社会面板数据为研究对象,在分析了自然资源对经济增长所产生直接、间接和总效应大小的同时,对我国资源富集地区资源禀赋影响经济增长的渠道和机制进行了比较.研究结果显示:自然资源禀赋对我国经济增长的影响既存在正面的直接效应,也存在负面的间接效应,且间接效应大于直接效应;自然资源禀赋主要是通过影响投资、受教育水平、开放度、R&D等社会经济变量,降低了自然资源对经济增长的促进作用.  相似文献   

我国开发区土地资源配置效率的区域差异研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应用比较优势理论,以国家级53个经济技术开发区为例。研究了不同区域间开发区土地利用的比较优势。结果表明。按照区域土地利用的比较优势来配置土地资源能够提高土地利用的总福利水平。整体上.中西部国家级开发区的比较优势高于东部地区:而区域内部东部地区的京津苏沪及中西部地区的中心城市在开发区建设用地的利用上具有比较优势。因此,按照开发区土地利用的比较优势度计算结果,在排除开发区自身发育不完善和管理层面因素后,对于确实不适宜进行开发区工业建设的应进行空间布局的调整,恢复其农业生产;而对于比较优势度较高的地区可根据实际需要增设相应的开发区。以实现耕地保护与开发区建设的双赢。  相似文献   

Successful long-term management of natural resources requires the development of strategies which recognise the constraints pertaining to the environmental system and can therefore be realistically expected to work. This paper presents a new technique for strategy formulation using belief networks, a framework based on Bayesian probability calculus that supports the investigation of complex environmental systems by the user and analysis of all constraints. While mathematical in nature, belief networks are superficially simple and allow concepts to be expressed in terms with which a wide range of user will be familiar. This offers a participatory approach to the development of management strategies through consideration of the impact of potential management options with consequent benefits for strategy implementation.  相似文献   

我国实行的是国家所有的水资源产权制度,在水资源的实际管理中存在多级代理和管理者短视行为等问题。水资源资产化管理作为解决管理者短视行为的重要措施引入到水资源管理中,然而由于相关理论的不足,相应措施沦为缺乏监督的政府间行为,并限制水资源资产市场机制的形成。本文考虑到水资源的多重功能,以及水资源资产与承担支撑社会经济功能的社会水循环通量的内涵一致性,将二元水循环理论引入水资源资产化管理的框架构建中去。本文根据资产的定义和水资源的功能界定了水资源资产的内涵,并发现其与社会水循环通量的重合,提出这部分水资源可以作为水资源资产进行管理,并总结了二元水循环耦合水资源资产化管理中的水资源资产界定、监管体系、用途管制以及产权界定方面的路径。在此基础上,本文辨析了水资源资产管理与水资源管理的关系,认为水资源资产管理与传统的水资源管理组成水资源管理,水资源资产管理弥补了传统水资源管理上的不足。在分层管理上,提出传统水资源管理作用于宏观、中观管理,水资源资产管理作用于微观管理的机制。此外,根据二元水循环理论中的社会水循环过程,将其权属进行分解,并结合各部门的社会水循环机制对水资源资产化管理进行了设计。  相似文献   

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