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Conventional control strategies for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), a precursor to ozone, are identified. The control measures have been adopted by states in their efforts to attain the national ambient air quality standard for ozone by statutorily mandated deadlines. An inventory of viable control approaches for VOCs is presented, rather than a discussion of the approaches' comparative merits or of available alternatives. Focus is placed upon the technologies and control measures that U.S. EPA has identified as “reasonably available”, considering such criteria as effectiveness, costs, and associated energy and environmental impacts. These regulatory approaches include such strategies as vapor control in gasoline marketing, low solvent technologies and/or add-on control equipment for surface coating operations, and vehicle inspection and maintenance programs. By adopting these and additional control measures, as required, most states are projecting attainment of the ozone standard by 1987.  相似文献   

Sustainable engineering is a conceptual and practical challenge to all engineering disciplines. Although the profession has experience with environmental dimensions of engineering activities that in some cases are quite deep, extending the existing body of practice to sustainable engineering by including social and cultural domains is a significant and non-trivial challenge. Nonetheless, progress is being made, as a recent study undertaken by the Center for Sustainable Engineering in the United States demonstrates.
Brad AllenbyEmail:


The US National Science Foundation collects biennial data on views about science and technology (S&T). Analyses have typically focused on the degree to which demographics, knowledge, and attitudes predict S&T support or views about specific technologies or issues. Published efforts do not appear to have focused on identifying latent classes within the data. Initial analyses using latent profile analysis suggests that Americans can be categorized into six substantive audience groups when it comes to views about S&T. These groups vary by demographics, including scientific background and ideology, as well as in views about S&T. Post hoc analyses explore how “class-focused” analyses may provide additional insight beyond what can be obtained from “variable-focused” analyses.  相似文献   

<正>1.Introduction And now we have Parxit.On 1 June 2017,President Trump issued the highly unpopular announcement that the United States will withdraw from the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change.In this brief piece,I will try to explain the reasons for this nearly unprecedented act of foreign policy folly(Ronald Reagan did pull out of the Law of the Sea  相似文献   

A survey of selected radiochemical laboratories in the United States was conducted to estimate the relative numbers and types of analyses performed nationwide for the measurement of environmental radio-activity and to identify the regulatory requirements which affect the selection of analytical procedures and media. Information was sought from each laboratory regarding its parent facility, whether the laboratory performs its own analyses or contracts them out, and the technical and regulatory requirements for which the laboratory performed analyses.Analyses of water, air-particulate, and soil and sediment samples contribute the greatest workload. Many fewer vegetation, milk, diet, gas, or bioassay samples are processed. The most common measurements, especially for water, are for gross-α and gross-β activity. More than 50 different specific-radionuclide analyses are being performed with varying degree of regularity by the 161 laboratories surveyed. γ-spectrometry is the most frequently used method for specific-radionuclide analyses; the use of Ge (Li) detectors for γ-spectrometric measurements now exceeds that of NaI (Tl) detectors. Other radionuclides for which specific analyses are frequently performed by a large percentage (25–75%) of the laboratories include 90Sr, 131I, 226Ra, 238,239Pu, 234,235,238U, and tritium in water (HTO).  相似文献   

美国政府在引导和规范国内气象经济发展的过程中,始终关注并有效抑制国有气象部门的垄断企图,及时果断地采取措施消除不利于气象事业顺应社会经济和技术发展要求的陈规陋习,适时坚定地扶持充满创造活力的民间资本的竞争努力.可以说,没有这种理智而清醒的管理理念,没有这种不昧于时的前赡眼光和超脱手法,没有这种不拘于内的国际视野和全球战略,是断难有其今天的作为的.我国气象经济的起步较美日等发达国家要晚近40年,更因发展思路不明至今已远远落后于诸多国家.如今面对国内社会经济发展对气象信息日益广泛而精细化的迫切需求,面对全球"气候政治"氛围愈益浓烈的全新形势.特别是"WTO'冲击渡带来的沉重的竞争压力,中国气象经济市场势必将在格局和规则方面进行重大调整.我国在推进气象服务市场化进程中亟需借鉴"美国经验",以确保我国气象事业的健康、协调、可持续发展.  相似文献   

This paper contains detailed data on atmospheric emissions from power plants with a capacity of more than 25 MW electric in the United States. The data are gathered from utility files as presented to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Pollutants covered are CO, NOx, SOx3, particulates, and total hydrocarbons. The data indicate that in 1977 about 420×109 kg coal, 84×106 m3 oil, and 65×106 m3 of natural gas were used to generate electricity. Pollutants generated were 2×109kg particulates, 17×109 kg SO2, 6×109 kg NOx, 78×106 kg hydrocarbons and 0.3×106 kg of CO.  相似文献   


Hydraulic fracturing for shale gas is a controversial issue in most countries. In these controversies, actors use discursive boundary work to convince various audiences of their position. Discursive boundary work is a communicative strategy that involves the framing of facts in contrast to other kinds of arguments. In this article we develop the Dynamic Discourse Coalition (DDC) approach to study how discourse coalitions deploy discursive boundary work to confirm, integrate, polarize or disintegrate their own and opposing discourse coalitions. The DDC approach enables a deeper understanding of the dynamics of controversies about hydraulic fracturing and similar contested technologies by illuminating the influence of communicative processes on policy formation. Based on an analysis of policy documents, academic reports, newspapers, interviews and websites we compare the dynamics of contesting discourse coalitions in the Netherlands and New York. This analysis explains why policy formed in different ways in the cases, despite the apparent similarity of the discourse coalitions that emerged in the respective controversies.  相似文献   

Land changes and their driving forces in the Southeastern United States   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The ecoregions of the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain, Southeastern Plains, Piedmont, and Blue Ridge provide a continuum of land cover from the Atlantic Ocean to the highest mountains in the East. From 1973 to 2000, each ecoregion had a unique mosaic of land covers and land cover changes. The forests of the Blue Ridge Mountains provided amenity lands. The Piedmont forested area declined, while the developed area increased. The Southeastern Plains became a commercial forest region, and most agricultural lands that changed became forested. Forests in the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain declined, and development related to recreation and retirement increased. The most important drivers of land conversion were associated with commercial forestry, competition between forest and agriculture, and economic and population growth. These and other drivers were modified by each ecoregion’s unique suitability and land use legacies with the result that the same drivers often produced different land changes in different ecoregions.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) have been identified as the most important precursor pollutants for oxidant formation in the atmosphere. These pollutants are emitted both from natural and anthropogenic sources; however, these two types of sources are generally geographically separated. Anthropogenic emissions are dominant in and around urban centers, where the majority of severe oxidant problems occur. Based on data gathered by the MAP3S/RAINE emissions inventory project, anthropogenic emissions of HC in the conterminous United States were 24.8 million metric tons in 1979. HC emissions were predominantly from area sources, the transportation sector being the largest contributor with 39.8% of the total. State-by-state breakdowns are also included. Based on analyses by other emissions inventory projects, the nonreactive fraction of the emissions from the transportation sector is less than 20% by weight. The highest proportion of HC emissions occur at low altitudes (0–50 m range) in high population density areas. Anthropogenic emissions of NOx were 23.7 million metric tons in 1979; 50.8% were from point sources. The transportation sector and the electric utilities sector account for 37.1% and 30.9% of the NOx emissions, respectively. The NO2 fraction of the emissions from the transportation and electric utilities sectors is less than 10% by weight, based on NO/NO2 speciation data from two other emissions inventories. Highest rates of NOx emissions occur in high population density areas and are released at low altitude (0–50 m); three areas of high electric generating capacity were found to have high release altitudes.  相似文献   

美国作为当今世界上经济最发达的国家,在其发展过程中也曾经历过长时间的严重污染阶段,通过数十年的不断努力,目前美国已经成为生态环境质量最好的国家之一。深入研究美国的环境保护政策和工作计划,对于我国当前和今后一段时间内环境保护工作具有重要借鉴意义。2006年9月,美国国家环保署发布了"环保署战略计划(2006-2011)"(2006-2011 EPA Strategic Plan),结合美国环境现状和前期工作基础,提出了未来五年发展目标和实现这些目标的途径,用于指导美国环保署未来五年的工作。本文对美国环保署2006年发布的战略计划背景、内容及美国环保署的职能进行了简要介绍和分析,对其成功做法进行了初步归纳,总结了其在科学研究、标准制定、系统管理及全方位控制、新型污染物控制、合作伙伴关系建立等方面的成功经验,希望能够对我国环境保护政策和环保科技发展战略研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Water quality criteria, as a means of distinguishing "good" water from "bad" water, have been employed for over 150 years. During the 1940s and 1950s, the formulation of water quality criteria and their role in water quality management were hotly debated in the United States as each state formulated its own approach to water pollution control. In 1965, when the federal government assumed control of water quality management in the US, a single, national approach to the formulation and use of criteria had to be selected and implemented nationwide. The purpose of this paper is to briefly review the history of criteria as a basis for water quality management in the US; note the different water quality management philosophies used by states prior to 1965; and summarize the relationship of criteria to monitoring over the past 30 years. Standards, as legal instruments, are developed for a specific water body by designating a use of the water (society value) and the criteria necessary to protect the use (a scientific finding). Standard violation, as a concept, tends to remain as a single-sample exercise (i.e., the sample measurement is either above or below the standard). Increasingly, however, there is a demand to classify large bodies of water (e.g., lake, river segment, or aquifer), over a set time period, such as a day, year, or decade, as either in compliance or in violation of water quality standards. No peer-reviewed, standardized method for computing standard "violations" has been widely accepted for this purpose. The paper ends with a call to develop such methods, if water quality managers must produce standard violation information (infer sample results) over time and space. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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