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有机污染土壤原位化学氧化药剂投加方式的综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
原位化学氧化技术是修复有机污染土壤最经济有效的技术之一。药剂的投加与分散技术是原位化学氧化修复技术的核心。药剂投加与分散方式的选择与污染场地的土壤渗透性、特征水平、污染深度、氧化剂性质、修复费用等相关。阐述了直压式注射法、注射井法、土壤置换法和高压-旋喷注射法等药剂投加与分散技术的适用性、控制参数及优缺点等,引用工程实例对药剂投加与分散技术在原位化学氧化修复过程中的应用情况进行了论证。  相似文献   

Groundwater monitoring at Department of Energy's (DOE's) Hanford Site is a large, expensive undertaking serving multiple purposes, including compliance with regulations and DOE orders, remediation efforts under CERCLA, and sitewide risk evaluations. Like most large Federal facilities, the monitoring program currently in place has evolved and grown overtime as new requirements were established and groups were assigned to address them. DOE and its regulators simultaneously awakened to the fact that there was a need to reevaluate the monitoring activities at Hanford, to better integrate the program, to avoid duplicative sampling, to improve everyone's understanding of the performance of the network, and to evaluate whether adequate data could be collected for lower cost. This paper describes the approch that was developed to guide the rethinking effort with direct and extensive involvement of DOE, EPA, Washington Department of Ecology, Indian Tribes, and DOE Contractors, and how this approach was applied to a large portion of the site. Both the human element of the process (cultural change), as well as some of the technical details associated with the effort, including a flexible application of EPA's data quality objectives process, are discussed.  相似文献   

Vitrification of electric arc furnace dusts   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Electric arc furnace baghouse dust (EAFD), a waste by-product of the steelmaking process, contains the elements that are volatilized from the charge during the melting (Cr, Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd). The results of leaching tests show that the concentration of these elements exceeds the regulatory limits. Consequently, EAFD cannot be disposed of in ordinary landfill sites without stabilization of the heavy metals. In this work, the vitrification of EAFD, from both carbon and stainless steel productions, were studied. The vitrification process was selected as the inertizing process because it permits the immobilization of the hazardous elements in the glass network and represents an environmentally acceptable method for the stabilization of this waste. Classes of various compositions were obtained by mixing EAFD with glass cullet and sand. The EAFD and the glass products were characterized by DTA, TG, X-ray analysis and by the TCLP test. The results show that the stability of the product is influenced by the glass structure, which mainly depends on the Si/O ratio. Secondary crystallization heat-treatment were carried out on some samples. The results highlighted the formation of spinel phases, which reduced the chemical durability in acid media. The possibility to recover Zn from carbon steel production EAFD was investigated and about 60-70% of metal recovery was obtained. The resulting glass show higher chemical stability than glasses obtained without metal recovery.  相似文献   

The dry deposition of ozone to aconiferous forest in northeastern Bavaria(southern Germany) was quantified during 1999with both the eddy correlation method and a bigleaf model. The model included parameterizationsof the atmospheric transfer resistances fromdirect measurements, stomatal resistance from aplant ecological model, and an estimation of thecuticle resistance as function of leaf wetness.Early in the season, the measured and themodelled deposition fluxes were in goodagreement, although the modelled fluxes tended tounderestimate the measured ones. Thisunderestimation was more pronounced in the latesummer, when high nocturnal fluxes werefrequently measured. The model parameterizationof the cuticle and the stomatal resistances didnot allow for such high fluxes. In these cases,the 24 hour average of the measured fluxes wereup to 4.5 times higher than the modelled ones.The reasons for these large discrepancies remainunknown. However, assigning the unaccounted partof the deposition to a nonstomatal surfacedeposition pathway, a new parameterization of therespective resistance yielded an average value of300 s m-1. It exhibited a decreasing trendthrough the vegetation period.  相似文献   

In a pilot test experiment involving approximately 200,000 gallons of groundwater, Electrochemical Peroxidation (ECP) was used to degrade aqueous phase volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) compounds and methyl tertbutyl ether (MTBE) from a petroleum spill. ECP involves a form of the Fenton's Reagent reaction, which uses electrochemically generated iron and dilute hydrogen peroxide (<30 mg/L) to break down organic molecules through oxidation to carbon dioxide and water. This article discusses a pilot scale demonstration of the ECP technology and its application to aqueous phase organic contaminants. The remedial approach used at the pilot test site involves three phases: (1) ex‐situ chemical oxidation, (2) in‐situ oxidation by reinjection of treated effluent near the plume origin, and (3) reestablishment of aerobic biodegradation as the residual hydrogen peroxide discharged to a series of upgradient wells degrades to oxygen. Analytical results of the pilot demonstration indicate that the ex‐situ chemical oxidation reduced total BTEX concentrations in groundwater from over 1,000 ppb to undetectable concentrations (<1 ppb). © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The RESRAD‐BUILD and RESRAD computer codes were used for dose assessment of the 105‐C Process Water Tunnels at the Hanford Site. The evaluation assessed three different exposure scenarios: recreational use, tunnel maintenance worker, and residential use. The recreationist and maintenance worker scenarios were evaluated by using RESRAD‐BUILD, a computer model for analyzing the radiological doses resulting from remediation and occupancy of structures contaminated with radioactive material. The recreationist was assumed to use the tunnels as an overnight shelter for eight hours per day for one week. The maintenance worker was assumed to spend 20 hours per year working in the the tunnel. Six exposure pathways were considered for both scenarios in dose assessment. The gradual removal of surface contamination over time and ingrowth of decay products were considered in calculating the dose at different times. The maximum dose would occur immediately after the release and was estimated to be 1.9 mrem/yr for the recreationist and 0.9 mrem/yr for the maintenance worker. The residential scenario was evaluated by using the probabilistic RESRAD code. It was assumed that total activity from the tunnels would be brought into the near‐surface layer by future human activities. Eight exposure pathways were considered. The maximum yearly dose for this very unlikely scenario would occur immediately after the release and was less than 4 mrem/yr for the maximally exposed individual. The assessment demonstrates that both codes are suitable for nuclear facility decontamination and decommissioning sites, where buildings and structures with residual radioactivity must be evaluated to facilitate property transfer or release.  相似文献   

Conventional methods to estimate groundwater velocity that rely on Darcy's Law and average hydrogeologic parameter values are insensitive to local‐scale heterogeneities and anisotropy that control advective flow velocity and direction. Furthermore, at sites that are tidally influenced or have extraction wells with variable pumping schedules, infrequent water‐level measurements may not adequately characterize the range and significance of transient hydraulic conditions. The point velocity probe (PVP) is a recently developed instrument capable of directly measuring local‐scale groundwater flow velocity and direction. In particular, PVPs may offer distinct advantages for sites with complex groundwater–surface water interactions and/or with spatially and temporally variable groundwater flow conditions. The PVP utilizes a small volume of saline tracer and inexpensive sensors to directly measure groundwater flow direction and velocity in situ at the centimeter‐scale and discrete times. The probes are installed in conventional direct‐push borings, rather than in wells, thus minimizing the changes and biases in the local flow field caused by well installation and construction. Six PVPs were installed at a tidally influenced site in North Carolina to evaluate their implementability, performance, and potential value as a new site characterization tool. For this study, a new PVP prototype was developed using a rapid prototyping machine (i.e., a “three‐dimensional printer'') and included both horizontally and vertically oriented tracer detectors. A site‐specific testing protocol was developed to account for the spatially and temporally variable hydraulic conditions and groundwater salinity. The PVPs were tested multiple times, and the results were compared to the results of several different groundwater flux and velocity estimation tools and methods, including a heat‐pulse flowmeter, passive flux meters, single‐well tracer tests, and high‐resolution hydraulic gradient analysis. Overall, the results confirmed that the PVP concept is valid and demonstrated that reliable estimates of groundwater velocity and direction can be obtained in simple settings. Also, PVPs can be successfully installed by conventional methods at sites where the formation consists primarily of noncohesive soils and the water table is relatively shallow. Although some PVP tests yielded consistent and reliable results, several tests did not. This is likely due to the highly transient flow conditions and limitations associated with the PVP design and testing procedures. PVPs offer particular advantages over, and can effectively complement, other groundwater flow characterization techniques for certain conditions, and objectives may be useful for characterizing complex flow patterns under steady conditions; however, this study suggests that PVPs are best suited for conditions where the flow hydraulics are not highly transient. For sites where the hydraulic conditions are highly transient, the most reliable approach for understanding groundwater flow behavior and groundwater–surface water interactions would generally involve both a high‐resolution hydraulic gradient analysis and another local‐scale method, such as tracer testing. This study also highlighted some aspects of the current PVP design and testing protocol that can be improved upon, including a more robust connection between the PVP and injection line and further assessment of tracer solution density effects on vertical flow. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Enhanced bioremediation is quickly developing into an economical and viable technology for the remediation of contaminated soils. Until recently, chlorinated organic compounds have proven difficult to bioremediate. Environmentally recalcitrant compounds, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and persistent organic pesticides (POPs) such as dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT) have shown to be especially arduous to bioremediate. Recent advances in field‐scale bioremedial applications have indicated that biodegradation of these compounds may be possible. Engineers and scientists at the Savannah River Site (SRS), a major DOE installation near Aiken, South Carolina, are using enhanced bioremediation to remediate soils contaminated with pesticides (DDT and its metabolites, heptachlor epoxide, dieldrin, and endrin) and PCBs. This article reviews the ongoing remediation occurring at the Chemicals, Metals, and Pesticides (CMP) Pits using windrow turners to facilitate microbial degradation of certain pesticides and PCBs. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

石油污染土壤的生物修复技术研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
通过实验室选择性富集培养,从大庆石油污染土壤中获得了能以大庆原油为碳源快速生长的石油降解菌。采用该降解菌对原油污染土壤进行了原位生物联合修复实验。接入降解菌的处理单元分别种植大豆、碱草或加入蓬松剂,与空白试样作对比。各处理单元石油污染土壤中石油烃含量初始值为2228.25mg/kg(以1kg干土计)。经过135d的生物联合修复,石油烃降解率达63.65%-83.26%。  相似文献   

During the production of thermonuclear fusion weapons at the Y‐12 National Security Complex (Y‐12 NSC) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, between 1950 and 1963, the regional environment was extensively contaminated by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Old Salvage Yard (OSY) on the western side of the site has been characterized as the major source of VOCs. In order to analyze the long‐term fate and transport of chlorinated VOC sources, an integrated surface and subsurface flow and transport model was developed for the Y‐12 NSC using the hydrodynamic and transport numerical package MIKE‐SHE. The model was developed considering the recent hydrogeological investigations on preferential flow and transport pathways at the site. The model was calibrated using the recorded groundwater flow and water‐quality data. The modeling simulated migration of the VOC plume for the next 100 years. Considering a range of hydrogeological and transport parameters, uncertainty of the results is discussed. The modeling predicted that tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, and 1,2‐dichloroethene may exceed human health–related risk levels for the next 10 to 20 years. However, the contamination is unlikely to migrate to surface water under the current hydrogeological conditions and will decay below acceptable risk levels within approximately 20 years. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Environmental disasters, such as the infamous Love Canal site or the Valley of Drums, have taken many years and consumed billions of dollars to investigate and remediate. In consequence, a large amount of geologic and hydrologic information has been gathered over the past few decades. Because of the difficulties involved with compiling this information, scientists and professionals rarely use the data to investigate the unique long‐term databases. This article presents for the first time the compilation of chemical fate and transport data from the Picillo Farm Superfund site in Rhode Island. The data cover a quarter of a century worth of geologic, hydrogeologic, and geochemical information and indicate significant changes in the contaminant inventory and the center of mass contaminant location over time. Many of these changes would have been missed if a data set of shorter duration were evaluated. Thus, compiling and evaluating data collected over many years can be extremely valuable in understanding the fate and transport of contaminants and determining the effectiveness of remediation. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

During incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW), various environmentally harmful elements and heavy metals are liberated either into bottom ash, or carried away with the off-gases and subsequently trapped in fly-ash. If these minor but harmful elements are not properly isolated and immobilized, it can lead to secondary environmental pollution to the air, soil and water. The stricter environmental regulations to be implemented in the near future in The Netherlands require a higher immobilization efficiency of the bottom ash treatment. In the present study, MSW incinerator bottom ash was vitrified at higher temperatures and the slag formed and metal recovered were examined. The behaviour of soluble elements that remain in the slag is evaluated by standard leaching test. The results obtained can provide a valuable route to treat the ashes from incinerators, and to make recycling and more efficient utilization of the bottom ash possible.  相似文献   

Due to high content of heavy metals such as chromium, tannery sewage sludge is a material which is difficult to be biologically treated as it is in the case of organic waste. Consequently, a common practice in managing tannery sewage sludge is landfilling. This poses a potential threat to both soil and water environments and it additionally generates costs of construction of landfills that meet specific environment protection requirements. Vitrification of this kind of sewage sludge with the addition of mineral wastes can represent an alternative to landfilling.The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of obtaining an environmentally safe product by means of vitrification of tannery sewage sludge from a flotation wastewater treatment process and chemical precipitation in order to address the upcoming issue of dealing with sewage sludge from the tannery industry which will be prohibited to be landfilled in Poland after 2016. The focus was set on determining mixtures of tannery sewage sludge with additives which would result in the lowest possible heavy metal leaching levels and highest hardness rating of the products obtained from their vitrification.The plasma vitrification process was carried out for mixtures with various amounts of additives depending on the type of sewage sludge used. Only the materials of waste character were used as additives.One finding of the study was an optimum content of mineral additives in vitrified mixture of 30% v/v waste molding sands with 20% v/v carbonate flotation waste from the zinc and lead industry for the formulations with flotation sewage sludge, and 45% v/v and 5% v/v, respectively, for precipitation sewage sludge. These combinations allowed for obtaining products with negligible heavy metal leaching levels and hardness similar to commercial glass, which suggests they could be potentially used as construction aggregate substitutes. Incineration of sewage sludge before the vitrification process lead to increased hardness of the vitrificates and reduced leaching of some heavy metals.  相似文献   

Strategies for remediation of drilling mud wastes at a typical deep sour gas well site in the foothills of Alberta were assessed in terms of financial and social costs and benefits, in alignment with established sustainable remediation and decision analysis principles. Managers of contaminated sites containing historical drilling wastes are challenged with managing liability through several regulatory changes over time. Excavation and disposal of the contaminated soil from the site was the only means of securing regulatory release, with the nearest landfill located 150 km away. A perception exists that in many cases excavation and disposal inflicts unnecessary levels of site intrusiveness and public disturbance when other options achieving a similar risk end point may do so for lower social cost. The study tested this hypothesis to ascertain whether the currently accepted solution is the best option when the wider costs and benefits to society and the environment are included. Eight remedial strategies were assessed using cost–benefit analysis, including using environmental economics techniques to quantify social and environmental impacts. The economic model showed that methods such as capping in‐place or engineered encapsulation were superior to full excavation and disposal from financial and sustainability perspectives. Quantified external costs and benefits such as road damage, greenhouse gas emissions, public nuisance and safety, and community amenity value were influential in identifying superior options. It was demonstrated that $0.2 million of societal costs could be avoided by choosing capping over landfill disposal. This represents substantial implications when viewed in the context of this and other operators’ portfolios of hundreds of abandoned wells in the area. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Lead-rich solid industrial wastes were vitrified by the addition of glass formers in various concentrations, to produce non-toxic vitreous stabilized products that can be freely disposed or used as construction materials. Toxicity of both the as-received industrial solid waste and the stabilized products was determined using standard leaching test procedures. The chemically stable vitreous products were subjected to thermal annealing in order to investigate the extent of crystal separation that could occur during cooling of large pieces of glass. Leaching tests were repeated to investigate the relation between annealing process and chemical stability. X-ray, scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques were employed to identify the microstructure of stabilized products before and after thermal treatment. Relation between synthesis and processing, chemical stability and microstructure was investigated.  相似文献   

张婧 《化工环保》2001,21(1):33-36
介绍了国内外环境友好有机化工技术进展--原子经济反应、环境保护催化剂、超临界流体技术、以无毒无害及可再生资源为原料的新工艺,指出环境友好化学的发展不仅将对环境保护而且对我国化学工业的可持续发展产生重大影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present work was to investigate the chemistry of rain in the Gulf of Iskenderun, North East Mediterranean, Turkey. The Gulf region has a large number of industries. Main industries existing in the region are iron and steel works, fertilizer plants, a cement plant, and several medium and mini size steel mills in addition to the international pipe line terminals. This study aims to apportion the local sources contributing to the overall pollution of the region. To this end a precipitation sampling program was started in January 2000, and over 48 precipitation samples were collected from each of 5 stations located at Iskenderun city center, Iskenderun industrial zone, Payas city center, the campus of Iskenderun Technical College and the campus of Mustafa Kemal University. Samples were analysed for pH, NO3 +, Cl-. Ca, Al, Ba, Na, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb, Li, Mg, Mn, Ni, Zn, Fe, K. Concentrations of metal ions were determined by ICP-AES. NO3 - ions and pH were determined by using NO3 - selective electrode and pH meter, respectively.pH values of the collected samples at the industrial zone and at Payas city center, ranged between 5.02 and 7.38, respectively. NO3 - and metal ions concentrations were highly variable. Concentrations of Ca and Fe ions were higher in the industrial zone and Payas city center. In the other three stations, concentrations of metal ions and NO3 - ion were lower than that of industrial zone and the values of pH ranged between 6 and 7.4. The average pH values at Iskenderun Gulf showed that the precipitation was not acidic, because of the high concentration of Ca. The highest concentrations of Na and Cl ions were recorded in the University campus because the campus is located by the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

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