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Vengono riportate in questo secondo contributo nuove segnalazioni di specie rinvenutenel corso di erborizzazioni nella pianura bresciana centro-occidentale: Silene conica, Nasturtium micro-phyllum, Anthyllis × adriatica, Oenothera erythrosepala, Bunium bulbocastanum, Tordylium apulum,Lamium hybridum, Scrophularia umbrosa, Picris echioides, Gagea pratensis, Juncus tenageja, Phalariscoerulescens, Phalaris brachystachys, Panicum dichotomiflorum. Some new floral records are presented for the first time. The new stations concern: Sileneconica, Nasturtium microphyllum, Anthyllis × adriatica, Oenothera erythrosepala, Bunium bulbocasta-num, Tordylium apulum, Lamium hybridum, Scrophularia umbrosa, Picris echioides, Gagea pratensis,Juncus tenageja, Phalaris coerulescens, Phalaris brachystachys, Panicum dichotomiflorum.  相似文献   

Atpresent,theworldclimaticandenvironmentalchangesfromregionstoglobalextentatvarioustimescaleswillallbeinfluencedbyphysical,chemicalandbiologicalinteraction,someofthesechangesarerecordedinmarine,terrestrial,glacialandbiologicalenvironment,thereby,recon-structtemporallyandspatiallysignificanteventspastenvironmentalandecologicalconditions.In198o'sglobalclimatechangehasbeenwidelypaidattentiontointernationalization,aseriesofresearchplansincludingIGBPhasbeensetupandPAGES,BHAC,GCTEareimportantc…  相似文献   

以包头市表层土壤为研究对象,通过对市内不同功能区的221个表土的重金属Cu,Pb,Zn,Cr,Cd,Hg和As含量的分析测试,认为包头表层土壤污染以重金属Pb,Zn,Cd,Hg和As为主,且造成不同功能区表层土壤污染的重金属种类存在明显差异,工业区以Pb,Zn,Cd,Hg和As为主,市区以Pb为主,郊区以Cd,Hg为主,农村土壤以Hg的点源污染为主。表层土壤的潜在生态风险评价结果表明,工业区土壤的污染程度明显要高于其它地区,局部地区已出现极强污染,其次为郊区,市区和农村地区。  相似文献   

.....口..农村震害,建造街房,农民盖房,建址不当,建筑材料,物筑堵体,农居工租,场址选择,地羞安全,用料保质,堵体构架,结构科学,房塌最‘漆,大计育年,常按习惯,河启暗边,旧瓦碎砖,结构松傲,地震安全,德定地段,沟柑要宽,更乃关健,紧密相联,层层梁圈,人财  相似文献   

TheecologicalenvironmentconstructionisoneofthemajortasksoftheWestChinaDevelop ment.Humanactivities ,especiallytheirrationalexploitationandutilizationofresources ,areoneofro otsoftheecologicalenvironmentalproblems ,sotheecologicalenvironmentconstructionneedshaveaseriesofauxiliarysocial,economicandinstitutionalmeasurestoensureitssmoothlyfulfillment.ThisarticletakestheLhasaarea (includingNy^emoCounty ,Q櫣x櫣County ,Doilungd^eq^enCounty ,Dagz^eCounty ,MaizhokunggarCounty ,Lh櫣nzhu…  相似文献   

晓宜 《防灾博览》2002,(6):35-35
黄帝内经中讲冬三月的养生法是这样的:冬三月,此谓闭藏,水冰地坼。无扰乎阳,早卧早起,必待日光,使志若伏若匿,若有私意,若已有得,去寒就温,无泄皮肤,使气亟夺,此冬气之应,养藏之道也。逆之则伤肾,春为痿厥,奉生者少。这是说冬天气候寒冷,河水结冰,地面冻硬,万物潜藏休眠,这时人们要早睡迟起,也要学会平心静气,保持愉快的心情,不要宣泄过度,也就是说不要像夏天那样大汗淋漓,不要使闭藏的阳气  相似文献   

晓宜 《防灾博览》2002,(5):37-37
黄帝内经中是这样讲述秋三月的,秋三月,此谓容平,天气以急,地气以明。早卧早起,与鸡俱兴,使志安宁,以缓秋刑,收敛神气,使秋气平,无外其志,使肺气清,此秋气之应,养收之道也。逆之则伤肺,冬为飨泄,奉藏者少。这段话的意思是说,在秋天,万物成熟  相似文献   

Some new floral records are presented for the first time.The new stations concern:Viciagrandiflora,Oenothera stucchii,Lindernia dabia,Veronica peregrina,Orobanche arenaria,Conyza bona-riensis,Conyza albida,Bidens frondosa,Ambrosia trifida,Baldellia ranunculoides,Elodea densa,Bro-mus willdenowii,Hordeum maritimum,Dasypyrum villosum,Aegilops cylindrica,Phleum arenarium.  相似文献   

MrChairman,DistinguishedSecretaryGeneraloftheUnitedNations,YourExcellencies,Distinguishedguests,LadiesandGentlemen,ItisindeedanhonourandaprivilegeformetoaddressthisForum,onasubjectofincreasingconcerntohumanity.OnbehalfoftheWorldMeteorologicalOrganiza...  相似文献   

SOMMARIO-Sono segnalate nuove stazioni e riaccertamenti di località già note,relativi alle seguenti spe-cie:Moehringia dielsiana,Cytisus emeriflorus,Minuartia cherlerioides subsp.rionii,Saxifraga presolanen-sis,S.tombeanensis,Potentilla palustris,Viola comollia,Androsace helvetica,A.vandellii,Linaria tonzigii,Pedicularis oederi,Tulipa australis.Some new stations and the verification of well known localities for the following species arepointed out:Moehringia dielsiana,Cytisus emeriflorus,Minuartia cherlerioides subsp.rionii,Saxifraga pre-solanensis,S.tombeanensis,Potentilla palustris,Viola comollia,Androsace helvetica,A.vandellii,Linariatonzigii,Pedicularis oederi,Tulipa australis.  相似文献   

陈建民局长在2011年全国地震局长会暨党风廉政建设工作会议上指出,科学规划"十二五"时期的事业发展,按照"科学防灾、积极避灾"的要求,大力开展基础探测工作,加强抗震设防要求与行业抗震设计规范的衔接,强化监管,把防震保安工作纳入新农村建设,全面提升民居的抗震能力,实现有效减灾。  相似文献   

地方病是与地质环境有一定依存性的疾病。它的致病物质除直接来自人类生产和生活制品外,主要源于自然界的大气、水土、岩石中。换言之,人类生存发育与一定地区的水、土和生物化学元素含量有关,当某些元素含量过高,与人需要量不相适应时,就可能导致人发生某种疾病。归纳与地质因素有关的地方病有甲状腺肿(克汀病)、克山病、硒中毒、氟中毒、铜毒、铅毒症、不孕症、食道癌、肝癌、布鲁氏菌病、鼻咽癌、口腔癌、乳腺癌等。  相似文献   

陕西汉中“98.7”洪涝灾害剖析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
金葆志  彭勇 《灾害学》1999,14(1):43-47
对汉中市1998年7月上旬的雨情、灾情作了初步统计,分析了致灾原因及经验与教训。  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(2):103-121
If community disaster resilience is to mature into a robust and lasting area of research, methodologically facilitated dialogue between empirical observations and theory is necessary. However, methodological and empirical research has outpaced community disaster resilience theory. To address this gap, a theoretical framework called WISC is presented. WISC is named after four constructs of the framework: well-being, identity, services, and capitals. WISC relates the two concepts of community and infrastructure, broadly defined, to the four constructs it is named after. The 4 constructs are respectively defined by 29 variables. The broadest interpretation of WISC is that infrastructure supports and facilitates components of community within human settlements. Infrastructure is represented as combinations of capitals and services; community is represented by connections of identity and well-being. Ultimately, well-being of a community is dependent on that community's collective capital. But these two constructs are mediated by the intervening constructs of identity and services. WISC goes beyond existing frameworks by addressing essential elements of theory building that have been overlooked in the literature, while synthesizing other frameworks and areas of knowledge. WISC provides a powerful foundation for posing and evaluating hypotheses, improving data collection efforts, and, most importantly, enabling critical theory building.  相似文献   

Post-disaster recovery requires co-production; that is, the inputs of citizens are essential for successful community recovery to occur. Citizens contribute to post-disaster recovery by volunteering, taking on consultative and decision-making roles within their communities, and directly participating in post-disaster reconstruction efforts. Without meaning ful contributions from citizens—the intended beneficiaries—unilateral efforts by public officials and authorities will inevitably fail. This study shows that social entrepreneurs can thus play a critical role in spurring post-disaster recovery by facilitating co-production. It focuses on the role of social entrepreneurs after disasters and centres on one rural village, Giranchaur Namuna Basti in the Sindhupalchowk District of Nepal. Specifically, the study uses the case of the Dhurmus Suntali Foundation's Namuna village project in Giranchaur following the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck on 25 April 2015 to examine the pivotal role that social entrepreneurs assume in promoting voluntary activities, community engagement, and participation in post-disaster recovery efforts.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of a series of demographic and socioeconomic factors on preparedness outcomes for a sample of residents of the Rio Grande Valley in the southernmost part of Texas, United States. Data were collected as part of the regional Pulse of the Valley Study, a general social survey of south Texas residents conducted by the Center for Survey Research at the University of Texas‐Rio Grande Valley. The purpose of this investigation is to understand better the effects of ethnicity and income on preparedness within a region of the US that suffers from widespread poverty and limited infrastructure and is prone to flooding and hurricanes. Taken together, the results suggest that while age, disaster experience, and income are associated with preparedness, the relationship between preparedness and ethnicity remains complex. Furthermore, policymakers should consider initiatives that address the socioeconomic and other issues that shape preparedness for a disaster.  相似文献   

This study examines people's immediate responses to earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand, and Hitachi, Japan. Data collected from 257 respondents in Christchurch and 332 respondents in Hitachi revealed notable similarities between the two cities in people's emotional reactions, risk perceptions, and immediate protective actions during the events. Respondents' physical, household, and social contexts were quite similar, but Hitachi residents reported somewhat higher levels of emotional reaction and risk perception than did Christchurch residents. Contrary to the recommendations of emergency officials, the most frequent response of residents in both cities was to freeze. Christchurch residents were more likely than Hitachi residents to drop to the ground and take cover, whereas Hitachi residents were more likely than Christchurch residents to evacuate immediately the building in which they were situated. There were relatively small correlations between immediate behavioural responses and demographic characteristics, earthquake experience, and physical, social, or household context.  相似文献   

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