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Adsorption of phenolic compounds from aqueous solutions by a water-compatible hypercrosslinked polymeric adsorbent 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
A water-compatible hypercrosslinked polymeric adsorbent (NJ-8) for adsorbing and removing phenolic compounds from their aqueous solutions was prepared. This product can be used directly without a wetting process. Its adsorption property toward four phenolic compounds, phenol, p-cresol, p-chlorophenol, and p-nitrophenol was tested using the commercial Amberlite XAD-4 as a reference. The capacities of equilibrium adsorption for all four phenolic compounds on the NJ-8 from their aqueous solutions are around two times as high as that of Amberlite XAD4 within the temperature range 283-323 K, which may contribute to their micropore structure and the partial polarity on the network. Freundlich isotherm equations, as well as relative adsorption capacities and isosteric adsorption enthalpies for the four phenolic compounds, indicate that the adsorption of phenolic compounds on the NJ-8 resin is a physical adsorption process. Mini-column adsorption studies for phenol on Amberlite XAD4 and NJ-8 resins show that the breakthrough adsorption capacities are 0.54 and 0.99 mmol/ml, and the total capacities are 0.62 and 1.37 mmol/ml, while no extra acetone was needed to remove the adsorbed phenol from NJ-8 as from Amberlite XAD4. 相似文献
Treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater containing antibiotics by O3 and O3/H2O2 processes 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
Ozonation of three different synthetic pharmaceutical formulation wastewater containing two human antibiotics and a veterinary antibiotic has been studied to enhance the their biodegradability. The effects of pH and initial chemical oxygen demand (COD) value as well as addition of hydrogen peroxide on ozonation process were investigated. Total organic carbon (TOC), COD, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and aromatic content (UV254) were the parameters followed to evaluate the performance of ozonation process. Comparison of the biodegradability of selected wastewaters containing different antibiotics confirmed that the variation of biodegradability was associated with the target compound. While BOD5/COD ratio of veterinary antibiotic formulation wastewater was increased from 0.077 to 0.38 with an applied ozone dosage of 2.96 g/l, this ratio for human antibiotic I and human antibiotic II was increased from 0 to 0.1 and 0.27 respectively. Moreover the results of this investigation showed that the ozonation process is capable of achieving high levels of COD and aromaticity removals at about their natural pH values. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2007,41(39):8995-9001
The emissions of CO2 and H2S from the aqueous solutions and wastewater were studied to determine and compare the times required to reach the equilibrium of H2S and CO2 between water and gas phases. The solutions of NaHCO3 and NaHS were acidified and the change in the pressure of emitted gases was measured with a manometric OxiTop® system. The average time required to achieve the equilibrium state of distribution of CO2 between two phases was 16.7±1.5 min, and it did not depend on the initial amount of NaHCO3 in the solution. The average time required to achieve the equilibrium of H2S (sulfide) was 19.5±5.5 min, having the same value for solutions with different initial contents of sulfide ions. The average time required to achieve the equilibrium of H2S in the wastewater was 16.2±3.6 min, and it showed the faster emission of gaseous H2S to decrease the oversaturation of the solution. The ratio of measured values of pressure to the calculated values did not depend on the concentration of NaHS in the initial solution, and its average value was 0.86±0.14. The results showed that measured values of pressure of H2S emitted from the wastewater were twice lower than the calculated values and it is necessary to take into account the catalyzed formation of polysulfide in the solution of sulfides. 相似文献
以波长为254 nm的紫外杀菌灯为光源,研究了水溶液中消炎镇痛药物安替比林(PZ)的光降解行为;考察了初始pH值及水中其他物质对PZ光降解的影响,探讨了PZ光解机制,并分析其降解产物及光解途径。结果表明,安替比林的光降解遵循拟一级反应动力学规律,pH值变化对光解速率基本没有影响。安替比林直接光降解占主导作用,活性氧类物种(ROS)对安替比林间接光解基本没有贡献。腐殖酸对安替比林光降解有抑制作用,而NO-3,HCO-3,Cl-对安替比林光降解没有明显作用。GC-MS分析表明安替比林在紫外辐射下生成甲酰胺,乙酰胺,2-羟基吲哚-3-酮,2,4(1氢,3甲基)-喹唑啉二酮,1-甲基-2-羟基苯并咪唑,2-羟基苯并恶唑等一系列具有安替比林母体苯环结构的化合物,表明安替比林侧链上N—N键断裂导致其最终降解。 相似文献
The formation of nitrophenols was studied as a consequence of ultra violet (UV) irradiation of aqueous solutions of phenol and nitrate in the range of pH 1-12. The study was performed both in homogeneous phase and in the presence of water-suspended TiO2. The effects of pH, dissolved oxygen and 2-propanol as .OH scavenger have been evaluated. A reaction mechanism is proposed, based on the experimental results. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2007,41(29):6265-6275
Surface tension of pure and mixed aqueous solutions of both inorganic and organic species that are relevant in atmospheric droplets has been studied in a laboratory investigation. Following the Gibbsian theory of surfaces experimental data have been fitted by the Szyszkowski equation. As a function of the carbon-chain length trends in the maximum surface excess Γmax and the inverse surface activity β have been clearly identified for pure aqueous solutions of homologous series of n-alcohols and mono-carboxylic acids, while these parameters oscillate for the homologous series of di-carboxylic acids. For mixed aqueous solutions of water-soluble organic and inorganic compounds, e.g. cis-pinonic acid and sodium chloride, a further decrease in surface tension has been observed, which can be interpreted as an interaction between the inorganic and organic solutes and an enrichment of the surface-active organic compound in the surface layer. Taking this effect into account surface-tension data of real atmospheric samples become more plausible, especially when also slightly soluble or water-insoluble organic compounds having a high surface activity at low concentrations are considered. 相似文献
The photodestruction of Acid Orange 7 (AO7), an anionic acidic dye, was studied in the UV/H2O2 process. H2O2 and UV light have a negligible effect when they were used on their own. Removal efficiency of AO7 was sensitive to the operational parameters such as initial H2O2 concentration, initial AO7 concentration, pH and different light sources. The photodestruction of AO7 was inhibited by addition of EtOH as an electron scavenger. The semi-logarithmic graphs of the concentration of AO7 versus time (t<30 min) were linear, suggesting pseudo-first order reactions (k(optimum)=0.105 min(-1)). A simple kinetic model is proposed which is in agreement with experimental results. 相似文献
In this study, the heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of prometryn using TiO(2) as photocatalyst was investigated. The main objectives of the study were: (I) to evaluate the kinetics of the pesticide disappearance, (II) to compare the photocatalytic efficiency of two different types of TiO(2), (III) to examine the influence of various parameters such as initial concentration of pesticide or catalyst and presence of oxidants (H(2)O(2) and K(2)S(2)O(8)), (IV) to evaluate the degree of mineralization and (V) to assess the detoxification efficiency of the studied processes. The experiments were carried out in a 500 ml pyrex UV reactor equipped with a 125 W high-pressure mercury lamp surrounded by a pyrex filter blocking wavelengths below 290 nm. Prometryn concentration was determined using HPLC. It was found that the degradation of the pesticide follows the first order kinetics according to the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model. Parameters like the type and concentration of the catalyst affect the degradation rate. A synergistic effect was observed when an oxidant was added in the TiO(2) suspensions increasing the reaction rate of photodegradation. In order to examine the extent of pesticide mineralization, DOC measurements were carried out. After 6h of illumination, mineralization was achieved up to almost 70%. The toxicity of the treated solution was evaluated using the Microtox test based on the luminescent bacteria Vibrio fisheri, in order to compare the acute toxicity of prometryn and its photoproducts. The detoxification efficiency was found to be dependent on the studied system and it did not follow the rate of pesticide disappearance. 相似文献
Phenolic compounds originating from plant residue decomposition or microbial metabolism form humic-like polymers during oxidative coupling reactions mediated by various phenoloxidases or metal oxides. Xenobiotic phenols participating in these reactions undergo either polymerization or binding to soil organic matter. Another effect of oxidative coupling is dehalogenation, decarboxylation or demethoxylation of the substrates. To investigate these phenomena, several naturally occurring and xenobiotic phenols were incubated with various phenoloxidases (peroxidase, laccase, tyrosinase) or with birnessite (delta-MnO(2)), and monitored for chloride release, CO(2) evolution, and methanol or methane production. The release of chloride ions during polymerization and binding ranged between 0.2% and 41.4%. Using the test compounds labeled with 14C in three different locations (carboxyl group, aromatic ring, or aliphatic chain), it was demonstrated that 14CO(2) evolution was mainly associated with the release of carboxyl groups (17.8-54.8% of the initial radioactivity). Little mineralization of 14C-labeled aromatic rings or aliphatic carbons occurred in catechol, ferulic or p-coumaric acids (0.1-0.7%). Demethoxylation ranged from 0.5% to 13.9% for 2,6-dimethoxyphenol and syringic acid, respectively. Methylphenols showed no demethylation. In conclusion, dehalogenation, decarboxylation and demethoxylation of phenolic substrates appear to be controlled by a common mechanism, in which various substituents are released if they are attached to carbon atoms involved in coupling. Electron-withdrawing substituents, such as -COOH and -Cl, are more susceptible to release than electron-donating ones, such as -OCH(3) and -CH(3). The release of organic substituents during polymerization and binding of phenols may add to CO(2) production in soil. 相似文献
Hitoshi Ueno Toshiharu Segawa Katsuhiko Nakamuro Yasuyoshi Sayato Shoji Okada 《Chemosphere》1989,19(12):1843-1852
Ozonated soil-humic acid induced direct mutagenicity on
TA98, TA100 and TA104, while not the ozonated reagent- and wastewater-humic acids. Oxygen radicals generated from mutagens such as glyoxal and hydrogen peroxide identified as the ozonation products might, in part, contribute to the mutagenicity of ozonated soil-humic acid. 相似文献
The effects of chloride, nitrate, perchlorate and sulfate ions on the rates of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and the oxidation of organic compounds by the Fenton's process have been investigated. Experiments were conducted in a batch reactor, in the dark at pH < or = 3.0 and at 25 degrees C. Data obtained from Fe(II)/H2O2 experiments with [Fe(II)]0/[H2O2]0 > or = 2 mol mol(-1), showed that the rates of reaction between Fe(II) and H2O2 followed the order SO4(2-) > ClO4(-) = NO3- = Cl-. For the Fe(III)/H2O2 process, identical rates were obtained in the presence of nitrate and perchlorate, whereas the presence of sulfate or chloride markedly decreased the rates of decomposition of H2O2 by Fe(III) and the rates of oxidation of atrazine ([atrazine]0 = 0.83 microM), 4-nitrophenol ([4-NP]0 = 1 mM) and acetic acid ([acetic acid]0 = 2 mM). These inhibitory effects have been attributed to a decrease of the rate of generation of hydroxyl radicals resulting from the formation of Fe(III) complexes and the formation of less reactive (SO4(*-)) or much less reactive (Cl2(*-)) inorganic radicals. 相似文献
Toxicity and biodegradability of sulfonamides and products of their photocatalytic degradation in aqueous solutions 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
The photocatalytic degradation of sulfacetamide, sulfathiazole, sulfamethoxazole and sulfadiazine in water solutions during their illumination of UV radiation (lambda(max) 366 nm) with TiO2 catalyst was examined. The growth-inhibition effect of sulfonamides and intermediate products theirs photodegradation was investigated in aqueous solution with the green alga Chlorella vulgaris. The biodegradability of the investigated compounds was determined in the illuminated solutions and is expressed as Biochemical Oxygen Demand. It was found that all of the investigated sulfonamides in the initial solutions were resistant to biodegradation and were toxic relative to C. vulgaris. The toxicity (EC50 values) relative to C. vulgaris increased in the following order sulfacetamide, sulfathiazole, sulfamethoxazole, sulfadiazine. All of the investigated sulfonamides undergo photocatalytic degradation. The toxicity of intermediate products of the sulfonamides degradation was significantly lower than the toxicity of sulfonamides in the initial solutions and was dependent on illumination time and degradation rate. The intermediate products of photocatalysis in contrast to the initial sulfonamides, might be mineralized using biological methods. 相似文献
Viet-Dung Nguyen Xavier Pierens Karim Benhabib 《Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B》2019,54(5):357-365
The present paper aims at presenting a kinetic model that is supposed to result in the decomposition of methylparaben in completely mixed batch reactor (CMBR) using the UV/H2O2 process. The proposed model incorporates photochemical, chemical reactions and their constant rates to formulate the overall kinetic rate expressions which are integrated into MATLAB. Thus, the changes in pH values during the process of oxidation are taken into consideration. In addition, the effects of hydrogen peroxide (HP) dosage, as well as the concentration of hydroxyl radicals, are examined. Accordingly, the pseudo-first-order rate constant, its variation as functions of HP concentration, incident UV-light intensity and the limitations of the adopted approach are discussed. In line with that, the authors provided evidence of the validity of the kinetic model through the exposure of previous experimental studies as reported in the literature review then through the evidence of the present experimental data. 相似文献
Feifei Hao Weilin Guo Xin Lin Yanqiu Leng Anqi Wang Xinxin Yue Liangguo Yan 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2014,21(10):6723-6728
Increasing attention has been paid to pyrite due to its ability to generate hydroxyl radicals in air-saturated solutions. In this study, the mineral pyrite was studied as a catalyst to activate molecular oxygen to degrade Acid Orange 7 (AO7) in aqueous solution. A complete set of control experiments were conducted to optimize the reaction conditions, including the dosage of pyrite, the AO7 concentration, as well as the initial pH value. The role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by pyrite in the process was elucidated by free radical quenching reactions. Furthermore, the concentrations of Fe(II) and total Fe formed were also measured. The mechanism for the production of ROS in the pyrite/H2O/O2 system was that H2O2 was formed by hydrogen ion and superoxide anion (O2 ·?) which was produced by the reaction of pyrite activating O2 and then reacted with Fe(II) dissolved from pyrite to produce ·OH through Fenton reaction. The findings suggest that pyrite/H2O/O2 system is potentially practical in pollution treatment. Moreover, the results provide a new insight into the understanding of the mechanism for degradation of organic pollutants by pyrite. 相似文献
Sotelo JL Rodríguez AR Mateos MM Hernández SD Torrellas SA Rodríguez JG 《Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B》2012,47(7):640-652
Adsorption has been used to study the removal of atenolol, caffeine, diclofenac and isoproturon, pharmaceutical compounds as emerging contaminants and an endocrine disruptor from ultrapure water and a municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent with three carbonaceous materials: activated carbon, multiwalled carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers. The adsorption capacities were studied in the temperature range of 25-65°C and pH range from 3 to 9. Several model isotherms were used to model the adsorption equilibrium data. Also, the competitive adsorption was evaluated. 相似文献
Suitability of dye-clay complexes for removal of non-ionic organic compounds from aqueous solutions 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Aqueous sorption of phenol, atrazine and naphthalene was measured on complexes formed from Na-montmorillonite (Fischer bentonite) and the organic cationic dyes crystal violet and rhodamine-B. Sorption isotherms were found to be non-linear. This agrees well with the rigid nature of the dye-clay organic coverage, which provides a finite surface for adsorption. High values of organic carbon-normalized distribution coefficients reached 20,000-25,000 for atrazine on rhodamine-B-montmorillonite, 7000 for atrazine on crystal violet-montmorillonite, and 1500 for phenol on crystal violet-montmorillonite. As such, dye-clays may significantly extend the variety of organoclay sorbents that effectively reduce aqueous concentrations of non-ionic organic compounds. 相似文献
Replacement of H2O2 by O2 in Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
The consumption of oxygen during the degradation of aniline by Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions is studied. The effect that parameters like aniline, Fe(II) and H2O2 initial concentration, pH, temperature and O2 flow rate have on the ratio O2 consumed/H2O2 consumed is examined. The determination of those combinations of experimental conditions for which an effective partial replacement of H2O2 by O2 as electron acceptor takes place is investigated. The results show that this replacement takes place in a variable extent, but the presence of H2O2 is necessary along the reaction, and the maximum consumption of O2 only takes place when the ratio amount of aniline mineralized vs. initial aniline concentration is minimal. 相似文献
Hyun-Jin Choi Daekeun Kim Tae-Jin Lee 《Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B》2013,48(11):927-934
The degradation of atrazine in aqueous solution by UV or UV/H2O2 processes, and the toxic effects of the degradation products were explored. The mineralization of atrazine was not observed in the UV irradiation process, resulting in the production of hydroxyatrazine (OIET) as the final product. In the UV/H2O2 process, the final product was ammeline (OAAT), which was obtained by two different pathways of reaction: dechlorination followed by hydroxylation, and the de-alkylation of atrazine. The by-products of the reaction of dechlorination followed by hydroxylation were OIET and hydroxydeethyl atrazine (OIAT), and those of de-alkylation were deisopropyl atrazine (CEAT), deethyl atrazine (CIAT), and deethyldeisopropyl atrazine (CAAT). OIAT and OAAT appeared to be quite stable in the degradation of atrazine by the UV/H2O2 process. In a toxicity test using Daphnia magna, the acute toxic unit (TUa) was less than 1 of TUa (100/EC50, %) in the UV/H2O2 process after 30 min of reaction time, while 1.2 to 1.3 of TUa was observed in the UV process. The TUa values of atrazine and the degradation products have the following decreasing order: OIET> Atrazine> CEAT≈CIAT> CAAT. OIAT and OAAT did not show any toxic effects. 相似文献
采用H2O2/Fe0、H2O2/Fe2+、H2O2/Fe3+3种体系分别对印染废水进行处理,研究pH 值、H2O2投加量、不同价态铁元素的投加量及反应时间对印染废水的COD和色度处理效果的影响。实验最佳的处理条件:H2O2/Fe0体系在pH 为3.0,Fe0投加量为3.0 mmol/L,H2O2投加量为9.0 mL/L,反应时间为40 min时,COD去除率达到95.99%,色度去除率达到100%;H2O2/Fe3+体系在pH 为3.0,Fe3+投加量为5.0 mmol/L,H2O2投加量为12.5 mL/L,反应时间为100 min时,COD去除率达到95.89%,色度去除率达到100%;H2O2/Fe2+体系在pH 为3.0,Fe2+投加量为6.0 mmol/L,H2O2投加量为12.0 mL/L,反应时间为100 min时,COD去除率达到95.85%,色度去除率达到100%。对比分析3种体系在各因素下的处理结果,H2O2/Fe0体系和H2O2/Fe3+体系都要优于H2O2/Fe2+体系,其中H2O2/Fe0体系的处理效果最好。 相似文献
O3/H2O2高级氧化技术H2O2加入量的简易控制方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对与臭氧有着不同反应活性的3类有机污染物,探讨并建立了O3/H2O2高级氧化技术H2O2较优投加量的简易控制方法。结果表明,水中存在溶解臭氧是H2O2与臭氧降解效率具有协同作用的必要条件,另外,H2O2的较优加入量直接依赖于目标有机污染物与臭氧的反应活性。对于不同的有机物及在常规的臭氧化水处理时间内,H2O2加入量控制在单独臭氧化处理时水中溶解臭氧的20-30倍(质量比)之间为宜。这种简易控制H2O2加入量的方法对推广O3/H2O2技术在实际废水处理中的应用具有重要的意义。 相似文献