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Wood is commonly used in residential combustion for heating purposes; however, it can be a major source of air pollutants, namely fine particles, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide. Since 2004, the PM10 daily limit value has been surpassed in Portugal, and the European Commission has stated that plans and programs must be designed in order to reduce these levels. In Portugal, 18% of PM10 emissions are due to residential wood combustion, which may deeply impact the PM10 levels in the atmosphere. The main aim of this study is to investigate the impact of residential wood combustion on the air quality in Portugal. The air quality modelling system MM5/CHIMERE was applied over Portugal for a winter month, for the following three scenarios: the reference scenario, considering the actual emissions of PM10; scenario 1, where residential wood combustion emissions are not considered; and scenario 2, which takes into account a complete conversion from traditional fireplaces to certified appliances (with a 90% reduction in PM emissions). The residential wood combustion contribution to PM10 air quality concentration values during January 2007 ranges from 0 to 14 μg m?3, with a mean contribution of 10 μg m?3 in the Lisboa area and 6 μg m?3 in the Porto region. Concerning the legislated values, the area where the daily average limit value (50 μg m?3) is exceeded decreases by 46% in the simulation when residential combustion is not considered. The modelling results for scenario 2 are not significantly different from those for scenario 1. In summary, the regulation of the residential wood combustion sector is as an effective way to reduce the PM10 levels in the atmosphere as regards air quality plans and programs.  相似文献   

戚涛  高健  李静  徐仲均 《环境工程学报》2017,11(7):4133-4139
为深入了解民用散煤燃烧排放颗粒物对大气环境的影响,利用自行设计的采样装置采集民用散煤燃烧颗粒物并采用扫描电镜-能谱(SEM-EDX)分析颗粒物的形貌和元素组成。结果表明,民用散煤燃烧排放的颗粒物主要有焦油球,飞灰,片状或块状碳质颗粒,矿质颗粒,烟尘集合体,其他颗粒。从形貌上看,民用散煤燃烧排放颗粒物以球形和类球形颗粒为主,占颗粒总数的49.2%,烟尘集合体很少,占颗粒总数的3.6%。从元素组成来看,民用散煤燃烧排放颗粒物主要是炭质颗粒,占排放颗粒总数的77.2%,S元素在颗粒中较为常见,但大多数含量较低。从粒径分布来看,民用散煤燃烧排放颗粒物主要是微小颗粒物,绝大多数(81.0%)颗粒分布在<1 μm粒径范围内。民用散煤燃烧是大气污染物的重要来源之一,应制定相应的管控措施。  相似文献   

A recently completed study has shown that emissions of participate, carbon monoxide, and organics (including polycyclic organic matter) are relatively high from residential woodburning stoves and fireplaces when compared to emissions from residential gas- and oil-fired furnaces. Since these emissions include a number of potentially hazardous compounds; the trend toward greater residential wood usage can have a negative impact on local ambient air quality. EPA is currently studying ways to operate existing stoves and design new stoves to minimize air pollutant emissions.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in concentrations of perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) and sulfonic acids (PFSAs), including perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) structural isomers, were examined in livers of pilot whale (Globicephala melas), ringed seal (Phoca hisida), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), hooded seal (Cystophora cristata), Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus) and in muscle tissue of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus). The sampling spanned over 20 years (1984-2009) and covered a large geographical area of the North Atlantic and West Greenland. Liver and muscle samples were homogenized, extracted with acetonitrile, cleaned up using hexane and solid phase extraction (SPE), and analyzed by liquid chromatography with negative electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). In general, the levels of the long-chained PFCAs (C9-C12) increased whereas the levels of PFOS remained steady over the studied period. The PFOS isomer pattern in pilot whale liver was relatively constant over the sampling years. However, in ringed seals there seemed to be a decrease in linear PFOS (L-PFOS) with time, going from 91% in 1984 to 83% in 2006.  相似文献   

An indoor/outdoor monitoring study was conducted during January–March 1982 in Waterbury, Vermont. Respirable particle measurements were made inside and outside 24 homes (all occupants were nonsmokers), 19 with wood-burning appliances and 5 without. Data were also obtained on seasonal air-exchange rate, heating fuel consumption, and relevant home characteristics. Findings indicate that indoor particle levels are consistently higher than outdoor values regardless of heating-fuel type. No statistical difference was observed between 24-h average respirable particle levels in wood- and nonwood-burning homes. A linear regression model, incorporating information on air-exchange rate, house volume, fuel use, and outdoor levels, accounted for about 20% of the variance in indoor particle concentrations.  相似文献   

Emission data from residential wood combustion are usually obtained on test stands in the laboratory but these measurements do not correspond to the operational conditions in the field because of the technological boundary conditions (e.g. testing protocol, environmental and draught conditions). The field measurements take into account the habitual practice of the operators and provide the more reliable results needed for emission inventories. In this study, a workable and compact method for measuring emissions from residential wood combustion in winter conditions was developed. The emissions for fine particle, gaseous and PAH compounds as well as particle composition in real operational conditions were measured from seven different appliances. The measurement technique worked well and was evidently suitable for winter conditions. It was easy and fast to use, and no construction scaffold was needed. The dilution of the sample with the combination of a porous tube diluter and an ejector diluter was well suited to field measurement. The results indicate that the emissions of total volatile organic carbon (TVOC) (17 g kg−1 (of dry wood burned)), carbon monoxide (CO) (120 g kg−1) and fine particle mass (PM1) (2.7 g kg−1) from the sauna stove were higher than in the other measured appliances. In the masonry heaters, baking oven and stove, the emissions were 2.9–9 g kg−1 TVOC, 28–68 g kg−1 CO and 0.6–1.6 g kg−1 PM1. The emission of 12 PAHs (PAH12) from the sauna stove was 164 mg kg−1 and consisted mainly of PAHs with four benzene rings in their structure. PAH12 emission from other appliances was, on average, 21 mg kg−1 and was dominated by 2-ring PAHs. These results indicate that despite the non-optimal operational practices in the field, the emissions did not differ markedly from the laboratory measurements.  相似文献   

Carbonaceous aerosol particles were observed in a residential area with wood combustion during wintertime in Northern Sweden. Filter samples were analyzed for elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) content by using a thermo-optical transmittance method. The light-absorbing carbon (LAC) content was determined by employing a commercial Aethalometer and a custom-built particle soot absorption photometer. Filter samples were used to convert the optical signals to LAC mass concentrations. Additional total PM10 mass concentrations and meteorological parameters were measured. The mean and standard deviation mass concentrations were 4.4±3.6 μg m−3 for OC, and 1.4±1.2 μg m−3 for EC. On average, EC accounted for 10.7% of the total PM10 and the contribution of OC to the total PM10 was 35.4%. Aethalometer and custom-built PSAP measurements were highly correlated (R2=0.92). The hourly mean value of LAC mass concentration was 1.76 μg m−3 (median 0.88 μg m−3) for the winter 2005–2006. This study shows that the custom-built PSAP is a reliable alternative for the commercial Aethalometer with the advantage of being a low-cost instrument.  相似文献   

The fine particle emissions from a U. S. certified non-catalytic wood stove and a zero-clearance fireplace burning Quercus rubra L. (northern red oak) and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir) cordwood each at two different moisture levels were determined. Emission testing was performed using both time-integrated and continuous instrumentation for total particle mass, particle number, particle size distribution, and fixed combustion gases using an atmospheric wind tunnel, full-flow laboratory dilution tunnel, and dilution stack sampler with a comparison made between the three dilution systems and two sampling filter types. The total mass emission factors (EFs) for all dilution systems and filter media are extremely variable ranging from <1 to 55 g kg−1 of dry wood depending on the combination of appliance type, wood species and moisture content, filter medium, and dilution system. For Teflon filter sampling of stove emissions in the wind tunnel, the total mass EFs varied from 2 to 8 g kg−1 of dry fuel depending on wood type whereas the equivalent fireplace emissions burning wet oak averaged 11 g kg−1. A substantial number of ultrafine particles in the accumulation size range were also observed during all tests as determined by an Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI) and Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer. The PM-2.5 (particles ≤2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter) fractions determined from the ELPI electrometer data ranged from 93 to 98% (mass) depending on appliance type as reported previously by Hays et al. (Aerosol Science, 34, 1061, 2003).  相似文献   

It is known that residential wood combustion (RWC) is an important source of fine particle emissions. The purpose of this work was to characterize the chemical composition of the particulate matter present in the Temuco urban atmosphere during winter, specifically the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) profile, because PAHs are considered to be among the key compounds in particulate matter toxicity. During the 2008 winter monitoring campaign, samples of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters of < or = 10 (PM10) and < or = 2.5 (PM2.5) microm were taken on days with contamination episodes. Sixteen U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) PAH compounds were extracted with toluene and determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results show that phenantrene was the predominant compound associated with particulate matter at a concentration range between 300 and 600 ng m(-3), 18 times higher than the second most abundant PAH compound. High-molecular-mass compounds such as dibenz[a,h]anthracene, benzo[g,h,i]perylene, and indeno[1,2,3,c,d]pyrene were also found, but they were minorities in the set. It was recognized from the PAH concentration ratios of the Temuco atmospheric aerosol that the main contamination source was in fact residential wood combustion; although not all the concentration ratios evaluated match the reported reference values, probably due to the kind of biomass used, the characteristics of Chilean heating appliances and climate.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the emissions of a large number of chemical compounds emitted from birch wood combustion in a wood stove. Birch wood is widely used as fuel in Swedish household appliances. The fuel load was held constant during six experiments.Particles <2.5 μm in diameter were collected and the size distribution of the particles was measured. The results were compared to the size distribution in road traffic emissions. It could be seen that the number distribution differed between the sources. In traffic exhaust, the number of particles maximized at 20 nm, while the number distribution from wood burning ranged from 20 to 300 nm. The ratio K/Ca on particles was found to be significantly different in wood burning compared to road dust, range 30–330 for the former and 0.8±0.15 for the latter. The source profile of common elements emitted from wood burning differed from that found on particles at a street-level site or in long-distance transported particles.The ratio toluene/benzene in this study was found to be in the range 0.2–0.7, which is much lower than the ratio 3.6±0.5 in traffic exhaust emissions.Formaldehyde and acetone were the most abundant compounds among the volatile ketones and aldehydes. The emission factor varied between 180–710 mg/kg wood for formaldehyde and 5–1300 mg/kg wood for acetone. Of the organic acids analyzed (3,4,5)-trimethoxy benzoic acid was the most abundant compound. Of the PAHs reported, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene and pyrene contribute to more than 70% of the mass of PAH. Of the elements analyzed, K and Si were the most abundant elements, having emission factors of 27 and 9 mg/kg wood, respectively.Although fluoranthene has a toxic equivalence factor of 5% of benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), it can be seen that the toxic potency of fluoranthene in wood burning emissions is of the same size as B(a)P. This indicates that the relative carcinogenic potency contribution of fluoranthene in wood smoke would be about 40% of B(a)P.  相似文献   

Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution has been linked to adverse health impacts, and combustion sources including residential wood-burning may play an important role in some regions. Recent evidence suggests that indoor air quality may improve in homes where older, non-certified wood stoves are exchanged for lower emissions EPA-certified alternatives. As part of a wood stove exchange program in northern British Columbia, Canada, we sampled outdoor and indoor air at 15 homes during 6-day sampling sessions both before and after non-certified wood stoves were exchanged. During each sampling session two consecutive 3-day PM2.5 samples were collected onto Teflon filters, which were weighed and analyzed for the wood smoke tracer levoglucosan. Residential PM2.5 infiltration efficiencies (Finf) were estimated from continuous light scattering measurements made with nephelometers, and estimates of Finf were used to calculate the outdoor- and indoor-generated contributions to indoor air. There was not a consistent relationship between stove technology and outdoor or indoor concentrations of PM2.5 or levoglucosan. Mean Finf estimates were low and similar during pre- and post-exchange periods (0.32 ± 0.17 and 0.33 ± 0.17, respectively). Indoor sources contributed the majority (~65%) of the indoor PM2.5 concentrations, independent of stove technology, although low indoor-outdoor levoglucosan ratios (median ≤ 0.19) and low indoor PM2.5-levoglucosan correlations (r ≤ 0.19) suggested that wood smoke was not a major indoor PM2.5 source in most of these homes. In summary, despite the potential for extensive wood stove exchange programs to reduce outdoor PM2.5 concentrations in wood smoke-impacted communities, we did not find a consistent relationship between stove technology upgrades and indoor air quality improvements in homes where stoves were exchanged.  相似文献   

Wood samples impregnated with inorganic wood preservatives containing the elements arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, fluorine, and/or zinc were burned in a furnace. Three different kinds of ash were collected: furnace, boiler, and so-called fly ash. Analyses showed that the ash contained large amounts of elements originating from the inorganic wood preservatives. Further interest was focused on the leachability of the above-mentioned elements. For this purpose a laboratory batch leaching test according to the German Standard DIN 38 414 part 4 was chosen. The results indicate that the leachability is in a range where the release of these elements to the environment from deposited ash can be considered as detrimental.  相似文献   

This paper is a continuation of our previous publication (Bari, M.A., Baumbach, G., Kuch, B., Scheffknecht, G., 2009. Wood smoke as a source of particle-phase organic compounds in residential areas. Atmospheric Environment 43, 4722–4732) and describes a detailed characterisation of different particle-phase wood smoke tracer compounds in order to find out the impact of wood-fired heating on ambient PM10 pollution in a residential area near Stuttgart in southern Germany. The results from previous flue gas measurements help distinguishing different tracer compounds in ambient PM10 samples. In the residential area, significant amounts of hardwood markers (syringaldehyde, acetosyringone, propionylsyringol, sinapylaldehyde) and low concentrations of softwood markers (vanillin, acetovanillone, coniferyldehyde, dehydroabietic acid, retene) were found in the ambient air. The general wood combustion markers Levoglucosan, mannosan and galactosan were detected in high concentrations in all particle-phase PM10 samples. To find out the size distribution of ambient particles, cascade impactor measurements were carried out. It was found that more than 70% of particulate matter was in the particle diameter of less than 1 μm. Using emission ratio of levoglucosan to PM10, it can be demonstrated that during winter months 59% of ambient PM10 pollution could be attributed to residential wood-fired heating.  相似文献   

Speciation and mobility of cadmium in straw and wood combustion fly ash   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two fly ashes from biomass combustion have been analysed regarding cadmium speciation and mobility. A fly ash from straw combustion contained 10 mg Cd/kg dry matter, and around 50% of the cadmium was leachable in water. The possible main speciation of cadmium in this fly ash was CdCl2. When adding this fly ash to agricultural soil a threat for groundwater contamination and plant uptake is existing. A fly ash from wood chip combustion had 28.6 mg Cd/kg dry matter. In this fly ash, the cadmium was bound more heavily, with only small amounts of cadmium leached in mild extractants. A possible speciation of cadmium in this fly ash was as oxide or as CdSiO3. Long-term effects and accumulation of cadmium could be a problem when adding this fly ash to agricultural or forest soils.  相似文献   

Open burning for waste disposal is, in many countries, the dominant source of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, dibenzofurans and biphenyls (PCDD/PCDF/PCB) release to the environment. To generate emission factors for open burning, experimental pile burns of about 100 kg of household waste were conducted with emissions sampling. From these experiments and others conducted by the same authors it is found that less compaction of waste or active mixing during the fire - “stirring” - promotes better combustion (as evidenced by lower CO/CO2 ratio) and reduces emissions of PCDD/PCDF/PCB; an intuitive but previously undemonstrated result. These experiments also support previous results suggesting PCDD/PCDF/PCB generation in open burning - while still highly variable - tends to be greater in the later (smoldering) phases of burning when the CO/CO2 ratio increases.  相似文献   

Emissions from a small residential wood stove and a newly developed residential stove burning charcoal have been characterized by chemical analysis and mutagenicity testing (Ames Salmonella test). For wood burning the samples were taken under normal and starved air conditions burning birch and spruce separately. The burning conditions in the stove seemed to influence the emissions to a larger extent than the type of wood.The emissions of aldehydes, benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the charcoal-burning stove are lower by a factor of 25–1000 as compared to the wood stove. The mutagenicity of the emissions showed a similar trend.  相似文献   

Aging of aerosol from wood chip combustion in a stoker burner was monitored in an outdoor environmental chamber for 19–27 h in order to study the size, volatility and organic carbon (OC) content of the combustion aerosol particles during aging. A scanning mobility particle sizer, a volatility tandem differential mobility analyzer (VTDMA), and a thermal–optical carbon analyzer were utilized. The VTDMA and carbon analyses were performed at the beginning, after 17–24 h of aging and at one intermediate point. The size decrease of freshly emitted particles was 6–10% when heated to 360C, and was found to depend on the experiment start time. For particles aged for 24 h, a 74–86% decrease in particle size at 360C was observed. The more volatile OC fraction and the total OC fraction in the particles increased and the less volatile OC fraction decreased with aging. This suggests that during aging more volatile compounds condense on or heavier compounds photodegrade into lighter ones in the particles. Occasionally, new particle formation and growth were observed in the following day. The new particles were found to be composed mainly of volatile material.  相似文献   

Allouis C  Beretta F  D'Alessio A 《Chemosphere》2003,51(10):1091-1096
The combustion of heavy fuel oil for power generation is a great source of carbonaceous and inorganic particle emissions, even though the combustion technologies and their efficiency are improving. The information about the size distribution function of the particles originated by trace metals present into the fuels is not adequate. In this paper, we focused our attention on the larger distribution mode of both the carbonaceous and metallic particles. Isokinetic sampling was performed at the exhausts of two typical heavy oil flames and the samples were size-segregated by mean of an 8-stages Andersen impactor. Further investigation performed on the samples using electronic microscopy coupled with X-ray analysis (EDX) evidenced the presence of solid spherical particles, called plerosphere(1) as analogy with cenosphere, with typical dimensions ranging between 200 nm and 2-3 microm, whose atomic composition contains a large amount of the trace metals present in the parent oils (Fe, V, Ni, etc). EDX analyses revealed that the metal concentration increases as the plerosphere dimension decreases.  相似文献   

The procedure for and results of a test study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission from a few types of solid fuels combustion in residential furnaces of various designs typical for Belarus are discussed. Greatest levels of PAH emission were detected from domestic wastes and wood waste combustion. Lowest levels of PAH emission are from peat briquette combustion. It was found that PAH concentration in off-gases from firewood combustion also varies significantly depending on the type of wood: the highest values of PAH are typical for waste gases from birch firewood combustion in comparison with pine firewood combustion. Draft PAH emission factors are proposed with intended application for emission inventory of such installations.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Residential settings are of utmost importance for human exposure, as it is where people spend most of their time. Residential wood combustion is a...  相似文献   

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