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The paper describes the incorporation of actual emission measurements and future emission standards into the emission model ‘NEMO’ (Network Emission Model). This model is then applied to make predictions on vehicle emission levels on basis of the Austrian fleet composition until 2020. The output is compared to the results based on the most common emission tool for the calculation of vehicle emissions in Central Europe – the recent version (2.1) of the ‘Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport’. The discussion is focused on NOx and particulate matter (PM), since these pollutants are considered to be the most critical for the local air quality level.The NOx emission levels of recent modern diesel vehicle generations observed in several real world driving conditions were observed to be clearly higher than demanded in the type approval procedure. Due to the growing number of modern diesel engine concepts equipped with coated catalytic exhaust after treatment, the fraction of NO2 of the total tailpipe NOx emissions is predicted to continue to increase in the next few years. Bearing in mind the upcoming tightening of the NO2 air quality limits and the steady increase of traffic volumes, excesses of the NO2 air quality limits at roadside locations have to be expected to an increasing extent for the beginning of the next decade. The issue of particle emissions originated from the diesel engine combustion process can be regarded as being technically solved due to the extensive introduction of diesel particle filters in the vehicle fleet if these systems will prove a high efficiency over the entire vehicle life in real world operation conditions. However, PM emissions from road transport will continue to be in the focus of public attention due to particle emissions caused by dust re-suspension and abrasion processes.  相似文献   

We report on the analysis of contributions from road traffic emissions to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations within London for 2008 with the OSCAR Air Quality Assessment System. A spatiotemporal evaluation of the OSCAR system has been conducted with measurements from the London air quality network (LAQN). For the predicted and measured hourly time series of concentrations at 18 sites in London, the medians of correlation, mean absolute error, index of agreement, and factor of two (FAC2) of all stations were 0.80, 4.1 μg/m3, 0.86, and 74%, respectively. Spatial evaluation of modeled and observed annual mean concentrations also showed a fairly good agreement, with all the values falling within the FAC2 range. According to model predictions, the urban increment (including the contributions from urban traffic and other urban sources) was evaluated to be on the average 18%, 33%, 39%, and 43% of the total PM2.5 in suburban environments, in the urban background, near roads, and near busy roads, respectively. However, the highest values of the urban traffic increment can be around 50% of the total PM2.5 concentrations near motorways and major roads. The total concentrations (including regional background, and the contributions from urban traffic and other urban sources) can therefore be almost three times the regional background. The total urban increment close to busy roads was around 7–8 μg/m3, in which the estimated traffic contribution is more than 2 μg/m3. On the average, urban traffic contributes approximately 1 μg/m3 of PM2.5 to the urban background across London. According to modeling, approximately two-thirds of the traffic increment originated from exhaust emissions and most of the rest was due to brake and tire wear.
Implications: The urban increment and traffic contribution to the total PM2.5 are significant and spatially heterogeneous across London. The highly heterogeneous distribution of PM2.5 hence requires detailed modeling studies to be carried out at high spatial resolution, which can be particularly important for exposure and health impact assessment. This type of information can be used to quantify health impacts resulting from specific sources of PM2.5 such as traffic emissions, to aid city and national decision makers when formulating pollution control strategies.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Global prevalence trend and regional differences of coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (CWP) remain unclear. This study aimed to provide systematic...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Stunting is an important risk factor for early growth and health implications throughout the life course, yet until recently, studies have rarely...  相似文献   

Mehring  Marion  Mehlhaus  Nicolai  Ott  Edward  Hummel  Diana 《Ambio》2020,49(7):1297-1312

Demographic change is supposed to be the most important indirect driver for changing biodiversity. In this article, a systematic review of 148 studies was conducted to examine the scientific evidence for this relationship and to identify potential gaps in research. We explored the spatial distribution of studies, the categories addressed with respect to biodiversity and demographic change, and the ways in which their relationships were conceptualised (spatially and temporally) and valued. The majority of studies were carried out in Africa, Europe and North America. Our analysis confirms the trend that demographic phenomena were mostly found to negatively influence biodiversity. However, a considerable number of studies also point towards impacts that were context dependent, either positive or negative under certain circumstances. In addition to that we identified significant gaps in research. In particular, there is a lack of addressing (1) other demographic aspects such as population decline, age structure or gender differences, (2) spatial variability of, e.g. human population growth, (3) long-term effects of demographic processes, and (4) the context dependency (e.g. regulations/law enforcement, type of human activities, and choice of scale or proxy). We conclude there is evidence that the relationship between biodiversity and demographic change is much more complex than expected and so far represented in research. Thus, we call for a social–ecological biodiversity research that particularly focusses on the functional relation between biodiversity and human activities, namely the different types, context, and interdependent dynamics (spatial and temporal) of this complex relation.


Wireless communication systems have been broadly applied in various complicated traffic operations to improve mobility and safety on roads, which may raise a concern about the implication of the new technology on vehicle emissions. This paper explores how the wireless communication systems improve drivers’ driving behaviors and its contributions to the emission reduction, in terms of Operating Mode (OpMode) IDs distribution used in emission estimation. A simulated work zone with completed traffic operation was selected as a test bed. Sixty subjects were recruited for the tests, whose demographic distribution was based on the Census data in Houston, Texas. A scene of a pedestrian’s crossing in the work zone was designed for the driving test. Meanwhile, a wireless communication system called Drivers Smart Advisory System (DSAS) was proposed and introduced in the driving simulation, which provided drivers with warning messages in the work zone. Two scenarios were designed for a leading vehicle as well as for a following vehicle driving through the work zone, which included a base test without any wireless communication systems, and a driving test with the trigger of the DSAS. Subjects’ driving behaviors in the simulation were recorded to evaluate safety and estimate the vehicle emission using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released emission model MOVES. The correlation between drivers’ driving behavior and the distribution of the OpMode ID during each scenario was investigated. Results show that the DSAS was able to induce drivers to accelerate smoothly, keep longer headway distance and stop earlier for a hazardous situation in the work zone, which driving behaviors result in statistically significant reduction in vehicle emissions for almost all studied air pollutants (p-values range from 4.10E-51 to 2.18E-03). The emission reduction was achieved by the switching the distribution of the OpMode IDs from higher emission zones to lower emission zones.

Implications: Transportation section is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. Many studies demonstrate that the wireless communication system dedicated for safety and mobility issues may contribute to the induction in vehicle emissions through changing driving behaviors. An insight into the correlation between the driving behaviors and the distribution of Operating Mode (OpMode) IDs is essential to enhance the emission reduction. The result of this study shows that with a Drivers Smart Advisory System (DSAS) drivers accelerated smoothly and stopped earlier for a hazardous situation, which induce the switch of the OpMode IDs from high emission zones to lower emission zones.  相似文献   

Since we demonstrated the natural formation of chloroform in soil, the question arose to which extent this contributes to the chloroform present in the atmosphere. Concentration gradients in soil air and atmospheric air of different forests were measured. Chloroform concentration gradients indicating emission occur in forest soils and the atmosphere under the canopy, whereas this was not observed for other chlorinated solvents. Above the canopy all concentration gradients observed for chloroform and 1,1,1-trichloroethane indicate deposition. The emission flux was measured using enclosures and calculated from the observed concentration gradients in soil air and atmospheric air. Wood-degrading areas and soils with a humic layer were found to emit up to 1000 ng chloroform m−2 h−1 and seem to be larger chloroform sources than the other areas of study. Rather unexpectedly, some points of one sampling site appeared to emit 1,1,1-trichloroethane, tetrachloromethane and tetrachloroethene. A reasonable agreement was found between the fluxes using enclosures and those derived from the concentration gradients in soil air and atmospheric air.  相似文献   

Real-world emissions of a traffic fleet on a transit route in Austria were determined in the Tauerntunnel experiment in October 1997. The total number of vehicles and the average speed was nearly the same on both measuring days (465 vehicles 30 min−1 and 76 km h−1 on the workday, 477 and 78 km h−1 on Sunday). The average workday fleet contained 17.6% heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) and the average Sunday fleet 2.8% HDV resulting in up to four times higher emission rates per vehicle per km on the workday than on Sunday for most of the regulated components (CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, and particulate matter-PM10). Emission rates of NMVOC accounted for 200 mg vehicle−1 km−1 on both days. The relative contributions of light-duty vehicles (LDV) and HDV to the total emissions indicated that aldehydes, BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes), and alkanes are mainly produced by LDV, while HDV dominated emissions of CO, NOx, SO2, and PM10. Emissions of NOx caused by HDV were 16,100 mg vehicle−1 km−1 (as NO2). Produced by LDV they were much lower at 360 mg vehicle−1 km−1. Comparing the emission rates to the results that were obtained by the 1988 experiment at the same place significant changes in the emission levels of hydrocarbons and CO, which accounted 1997 to only 10% of the levels in 1988, were noticed. However, the decrease of PM has been modest leading to values of 80 and 60% of the levels in 1988 on the workday and on Sunday, respectively. Emission rates of NOx determined on the workday in 1997 were 3130 mg vehicle−1 km−1 and even higher than in 1988 (2630 mg vehicle−1 km−1), presumable due to the increase of the HD-traffic.  相似文献   

Safe and sufficient quantity of water is necessary for a healthy growth of human beings. The gap between water demand and available water supply is increasing day by day. Proper sanitation, especially decentralized approach, can solve the problem of water supply and wastewater management and that can be done by reuse of greywater. Typically, from a household, greywater (GW) flow is around 65 % of the total wastewater flow. Further light greywater is around 50 % of the total GW. Hence, GW has a high potential for recycle and reuse. The aim of this article is to reveal the present state of art in GW treatment and to identify the further scope for research. Present article contains a review on per capita GW generation, GW characteristics, and its treatment. Around 22 treatment systems comprising different treatment processes are discussed in detail for removal efficiency of pollutants, effluent concentrations and their compliance with wastewater reuse guidelines and standards. Constructed wetland and filtration were found efficient in the removal of most of the reuse parameters compared to other technologies. Anaerobic followed by aerobic system with post-disinfection unit may be a sustainable option for GW treatment for reuse. There is a need to develop the technologies for GW treatment at household level to increase the reuse practises at grass root level. Further, there is need of development of flow diagram with different technologies by targeting the type of reuse (flushing, gardening, agriculture, etc.).  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Vietnam has been one of the nations strongly affected by climate change; hence, finding and promoting solutions in order to adapt and proactively...  相似文献   


Bioretention systems have been implemented as stormwater best management practices (BMPs) worldwide to treat non-point sources pollution. Due to insufficient research, the design guidelines for bioretention systems in tropical countries are modeled after those of temperate countries. However, climatic factors and stormwater runoff characteristics are the two key factors affecting the capacity of bioretention system. This paper reviews and compares the stormwater runoff characteristics, bioretention components, pollutant removal requirements, and applications of bioretention systems in temperate and tropical countries. Suggestions are given for bioretention components in the tropics, including elimination of mulch layer and submerged zone. More research is required to identify suitable additives for filter media, study tropical shrubs application while avoiding using grass and sedges, explore function of soil faunas, and adopt final discharged pollutants concentration (mg/L) on top of percentage removal (%) in bioretention design guidelines.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - As one of the most important nutrients for plant growth, phosphorus was often poorly available in soil. While biochar addition induced improvement of...  相似文献   

Carbonyl compounds are very important for the trophospheric physico-chemistry because they are the result of the first photo-oxidation stage of almost all organic compounds and they are the essential originators of the free radicals. In the present review we make a synthesis of the studies on the carbonyl compounds chemistry in the trophosphere by successively examining: measurement methods in the trophosphere, sources of primary carbonyl compounds, formation of secondary carbonyl compounds in the atmosphere, reactivity of carbonyl compounds in the atmosphere.  相似文献   


The binding site interactions of IHSS humic substances, Suwannee River Humic Acid, Suwannee River Fulvic Acid, Nordic Fulvic Acid, and Aldrich Humic Acid with various metals ions and a herbicide, methyl viologen were investigated using fluorescence emission and synchronous‐scan spectroscopy. The metal ions used were, Fe(III), Cr(III), Cr(VI), Pb(II), Cu(II) and Ni(II). Stern‐Volmer constants, KSV for these quenchers were determined at pH 4 and 8 using an ionic strength of 0.1M. For all four humic substances, and at both pH studied, Fe(III) was found to be the most efficient quencher. Quenching efficiency was found to be 3–10 times higher at pH 8. The bimolecular quenching rate constants were found to exceed the maximum considered for diffusion controlled interactions, and indicate that the fluorophore and quencher are in close physical association. Synchronous‐scan spectra were found to change with pH and provided useful information on binding site interactions between humic substances and these quenchers.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The strength and shape of the dose–response relationship between different types of noise and myocardial infarction (MI) remain unclear....  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Groundwater vulnerability assessment using the fuzzy logic technique is attempted in this study. A hierarchical fuzzy inference system is created to...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Wind energy is the most important renewable energy source produced by wind turbines. The optimal placement of wind turbines is a challenging binary...  相似文献   

Precipitation scavenging of particles is a major mechanism for atmospheric deposition of organic contaminants, but there have been few field studies. We studied precipitation scavenging of PCDD/Fs with the aim of deepening understanding of environmental variables influencing this process. Bulk deposition of PCDD/Fs and their concentrations in ambient air measured at a background site in Sweden were used to calculate precipitation scavenging ratios. Contrary to expectations, increasing scavenging ratios with decreasing degree of chlorination of the PCDD/F congeners were observed when the particle-associated PCDD/F concentrations in air were used for the calculation. This was attributed to differences in temperature and thereby in the gas – particle partitioning of the PCDD/Fs between ground level and clouds where much of the particle scavenging occurs. When the particle-associated PCDD/F concentrations were recalculated for a 10–20 °C lower temperature, the scavenging ratios of the different PCDD/F congeners were similar. Hence differences between ground level and in-cloud temperature should be considered when calculating scavenging ratios from field observations and when modeling this process. The scavenging ratios averaged ~200 000, with lower values when the particle-associated PCDD/F concentration in air was lower. The soot concentration in air was a good predictor of bulk deposition of PCDD/Fs.  相似文献   

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