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The kinetics of the reactions of O 3 with 3-bromopropene and 3-iodopropene has been studied over the temperature range of 288–328 K at atmospheric pressure. The results obtained for the room temperature rate constants are (1.88 ± 0.22) × 10 ?18 and (3.52 ± 0.43) × 10 ?18 cm 3 molecule ?1 s ?1, and the proposed Arrhenius expressions are k = (3.47 ± 1.28) × 10 ?15 exp[(?2233 ± 110)/ T] and k = (8.17 ± 2.12) × 10 ?14 exp[(?2991 ± 80)/ T] cm 3 molecule ?1 s ?1 for 3-bromopropene and 3-iodopropene, respectively. The atmospheric chemical lifetimes of these two compounds with O 3 were also estimated from these values. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Energy demand has increased worldwide, and biomass burning is one of the solutions most used by industries, especially in countries that have a great... 相似文献
In the present study, bio-apatite/nZVI composite was synthesized through Fe(III) reduction with sodium borohydride and was fully characterized by FTIR, XRD, SEM–EDX, TEM, BET, BJH, and pHPZC. Column experiments were carried out for the removal of phosphate as a function of four operational parameters including initial phosphate concentration (100–200 mg L?1), initial solution pH (2–9), bed height (2–6 cm), and influent flow rate (2.5–7.5 mL min?1) using a response surface methodology (RSM) coupled with Box-Behnken design (BBD). 2D contour and 3D surface plots were employed to analyze the interactive effects of the four operating parameters on the column performance (e.g., uptake capacity and saturation time). According to ANOVA analysis, the influent flow rate and bed height are the most important factor on phosphate uptake capacity and saturation time, respectively. A quadratic polynomial model was excellently fitted to experimental data with a high coefficient of determination (>?0.96). The RSM-BBD model predicted maximum phosphate adsorption capacity of 85.71 mg g?1 with the desirability of 0.995 under the optimal conditions of 135.35 mg L?1, 2, 2 cm, and 7.5 mL min?1 for initial phosphate concentration, initial solution pH, bed height, and influent flow rate, respectively. The XRD analysis demonstrated that the reaction product between bio-apatite/nZVI composite and phosphate anions was Fe3 (PO4)2. 8H2O (vivianite). The suggested adsorbent can be effectively employed up to five fixed-bed adsorption–desorption cycles and was also implemented to adsorb phosphate from real samples. 相似文献
Diesel particulate matter poses a threat to human health, and in particular nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (NPAHs) found within and on the surface of these particles. Although diesel particulate filters (DPFs) have been designed and implemented to reduce these and other harmful diesel emissions, the particle loaded filters may act as a reaction chamber for the enhanced production of NPAHs from the nitration of PAHs with NO 2.Focus is on the investigation of the heterogeneous reactions that occur on soot particles by exposing laboratory produced pyrene- or benzo(a)pyrene-coated spark discharge soot particles to varying concentrations of NO 2 and temperatures while following the formation of products over time. The sole nitration product that was observed throughout the experiments with pyrene-coated soot was 1-nitropyrene (1-NPYR), which increased linearly with reaction time for all NO 2 concentrations chosen (0.11, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 ppm, m m ?1). Resulting 1-NPYR formation rate increased exponentially with [NO 2]. Throughout the 3-h experiments less than 10% of pyrene has been converted to 1-NPYR and the partial reaction order with regard to [NO 2] was estimated to 1.52. Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) was more reactive than pyrene. After 3 h reaction time almost 80% of the BaP has been converted to 6-NBaP.Highest 1-NPYR concentrations on particles were detected at 373 K, and at higher temperatures a considerable decrease in particulate 1-NPYR was observed. A similar trend was observed in a DPF simulation system (PM-Kat ®-like) with BaP-coated soot. In this case, highest 6-NBaP concentration on particles was detected at 423 K. Backed by corroborating results from separate gas/solid-phase partition experiments with 1-NPYR and 6-NBaP, it is likely that the newly formed 1-NPYR and 6-NBaP became transferred from particle to gas phase at higher temperatures. Results from this study confirm the presence of 1-NPYR and 6-NBaP in particulate and gas phase under conditions encountered in DPFs, especially when operated at low temperature situations of the aftertreatment system. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Malaria is a dangerous disease affecting millions around the globe. Biosynthesized nanoparticles are used against a variety of diseases including... 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The freight transport industry is an important field in which to achieve the goal of carbon emission reduction within the transportation industry.... 相似文献
An analysis is presented of continuous simultaneous measurement data for PM 10 and PM 2.5 using TEOM instruments from five sites in the United Kingdom. The results are analysed specifically in relation to the sources and processes influencing the coarse particle fraction (2.5–10 μm). The data show a generally strong correlation between fine and coarse particle concentrations at all sites, with a generally higher proportion of coarse particles in the dryer months of the year. The one rural site shows a notably lower proportion of coarse particles than the urban and suburban sites. Whilst it is possible to disaggregate the coarse particle concentrations into a component which is diluted by increasing windspeed and a component which increases with windspeed and is hence possibly attributable to wind-induced resuspension processes, the latter is only a minor proportion of the total coarse particle concentration. There are appreciable weekday-to-weekend and day-to-night differences between coarse particle concentrations which are most marked at the urban sites indicative of anthropogenic activities being a source of coarse particles. The clearest indication of the likely predominant source of coarse particles arises from an analysis of a data set derived from an urban street canyon site after subtraction of measurements from a nearby urban background location. The data indicate strong relationships of both fine and coarse incremental particle concentrations in the street canyon with incremental NO x. If incremental fine particles and coarse particles are attributed to exhaust emissions and vehicle-induced resuspension, respectively, then it may be concluded that vehicle-induced resuspension provides a source strength approximately equal to that of exhaust emissions. An analysis of the coarse particle concentration data suggest that episodes of elevated coarse particle concentrations alone very rarely lead to exceedence of the UK air quality standard for PM 10 of 50 μg m −3 measured as a 24-h running mean. 相似文献
X-ray powder diffraction analysis was used to characterize submicrometer aerosol samples collected using a modified Lundgren cascade impactor. The Debye-Scherrer method was found to be particularly convenient, for the particles could be easily transferred to an X-ray capillary which could then be sealed to limit chemical changes. Several sets of aerosols were investigated in order to demonstrate the sensitivity and range of applicability of the combined impactor-Debye-Scherrer approach. The findings are varied and are reported here. Numerous compounds were identified. Of particular interest was the observation of nitrates in the form of ammonium nitrate-ammonium sulfate double salts. Earlier infrared characterizations of ambient aerosols in the MAP3S program had demonstrated periodic variations in sulfate acidity with time. The X-ray diffraction examination of archived samples from that study identified the chemical compound responsible for the acidity to be (NH 4) 3H(SO 4) 2 primarily, in amounts which varied with time. Good agreement was observed between the infrared and X-ray methods for acidity evaluation. 相似文献
Introduction The change in light intensity that takes place when an ambient air sample is drawn into the detection chamber of a chemiluminescence
monitor generates changes in the concentrations of several species, such as NO 2, NO and O 3. Although this phenomenon has been known for several decades, there is still no commonly accepted approach on when or how
to correct for it in NO 2 and O 3 readings. 相似文献
Mobile phones emit a radiofrequency radiation (RFR) that might have adverse health effects. We aimed to investigate the possible protective effects of aluminium foil (AF) as a physical shield against the RFR from mobile phones on the blood parameters and the myocardium in rats. The effects of whole body 2100 MHz with 0.84–1.86 W/kg of SAR, 4 h/day for 30 days Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)-RFR exposure for 4 h/day for 30 days on blood parameters (i.e. haemoglobin, leucocytes, thrombocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, white blood cell differential count, corticosterone, CKMB), and the histology of myocardium were investigated. Three-month-old male rats (n?=?32) were studied and randomised equally in the following four groups: K1 (non-AF non-RFR control), K2 (AF non-RFR control), P1 (non-AF RFR-exposed), P2 (AF RFR-exposed). Data were analysed with level of significance of p?<?0.05. In P1, lower leucocytes and neutrophils counts with high corticosterone levels were found compared with the control groups, whilst a significantly higher CKMB was observed compared with P2 (p?=?0.034). Lower cardiomyocyte counts congruent to the area fraction of the non-fibrotic myocardium were observed in P1 compared with the other groups (p?<?0.01). AF might decrease the inflammatory-oxidative stress on rodent’s blood cells and myocardium induced by the exposures of radiofrequency radiation of the mobile phones. 相似文献
A competitive real-time (RT) immuno-polymerase chain reaction (iPCR) (RT-iPCR) assay was developed for the sensitive quantification of 17β-estradiol in water. Using a universal iPCR method and polyclonal antibodies, 17β-estradiol was accurately quantified at concentrations ranging from 1 pg mL ?1 to 10 µg mL ?1. The RT-iPCR assay's limit of detection was 0.7 pg mL ?1. The RT-iPCR assay provided an 800-fold increase in sensitivity as well as an expanded working range compared with the corresponding enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Assay cross-reactivity to estrone and estriol, two structurally related estrogens, was below 8%. Water samples spiked with 17β-estradiol were analyzed by RT-iPCR to determine the assay's potential as a rapid screen for the monitoring of manure-borne estrogens in the environment. The assay showed recoveries of 82, 102 and 103% for Milli-Q, tap, and irrigation water, respectively, without requiring sample extraction or concentration prior to analysis. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Apart from protecting the environment from undesired waste impacts, wastewater treatment is a crucial platform for recovery. The exploitation of... 相似文献
The trend of tropospheric ozone from 1998 to 2006 was examined based on continuous measurements made at a site on Mt. Happo, Japan. We focused our study on springtime ozone, to coincide with the East Asian continental outflow that dominates the lower tropospheric ozone over Japan during this season. The observed increase of ~1 ppbv yr ?1 in the mean ozone level was statistically significant. We also found that the probability distribution of the springtime ozone mixing ratios was substantially modified, with the ozone mixing ratios greatly increasing at the upper end of the probability distribution. This increase has been particularly large since 2003, with larger increases occurring at the higher percentiles. The number of high-ozone days doubled during 2003–2006 compared to 1999–2002. One of the very likely explanations is the enhancement of regional ozone pollution due to rapidly increasing anthropogenic emissions from East Asia. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The contamination left by abandoned mines demands sustainable mitigation measures. Hence, the aim of this study was to examine the phytoremediator... 相似文献
The paper discusses the results of the measurement of wet and dry deposition of sulfate, nitrate, chloride and heavy metal aerosols which were obtained from a network established in the Federal Republic of Germany during 1979 to 1981. The results characterize the deposition-pattern with respect to time and space. 相似文献
Emissions of greenhouse gases for the City of Barcelona are estimated for the period 1987–1994. The sources considered are: public and private transportation; industrial, commercial and domestic activities; and municipal solid waste disposal. The results show that the main source of CO 2 emissions in Barcelona is private vehicle transportation, which accounts, as an average for the period studied, for 35% of total emissions. The second most important source is the municipal solid waste landfill facility of the city (24% of total emissions). The percentages for the remaining sources under consideration were: 14% electricity, 12% natural gas, 5% incineration, and 3% liquefied petroleum gases. However, the values for CO 2 emissions per inhabitant over the period studied are lower than those for any other industrialized city available for comparison. This is closely related to the high percentage of electricity generation from nuclear power stations and hydro power facilities, and also to the extensive use of natural gas for domestic uses. 相似文献
Cuvette measurements are a tool to analyse CO 2 exchange, transipiration and deposition/emission of different trace gases by plants. To verify these experimental methods and to use them efficiently we have developed a numerical model with atmospheric chemical reactions. The model includes reactions between 54 different chemical species in the gas phase. Using the model we are able to determine optimal size/flow rate ratios and cuvette cycles (closure times) from an experimental point of view. Using the cuvette model with atmospheric chemistry more accurate estimates for emissions/deposition rates of different species can be found. Some chemical reactions are significant, e.g. for NO and terpenes, as regards the analysis and interpretation of measured concentrations. With slower flow rates through a cuvette the significance of reactions is more pronounced. However, there are some species like ozone, where stomatal deposition is a dominant phenomenon and chemistry plays a minor role. 相似文献
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the milligram range was co-heated with calcium oxide (CaO) powder in sealed glass ampoules at 340–400 °C. The heated samples were characterized and analyzed by Raman spectroscopy, elemental analysis, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, ion chromatography, and thermal/optical carbon analysis. The degradation products of HCB were studied at different temperatures and heated times. The amorphous carbon was firstly quantitatively evaluated and was thought to be important fate of the C element of HCB. The yield of amorphous carbon in products increased with heating time, for samples treated for 8 h at 340, 380 °C and 400 °C, the value were 17.5%, 34.8% and 50.2%, respectively. After identification of the dechlorination products, the HCB degradation on CaO at 340–400 °C was supposed to through dechlorination/polymerization pathway, which is induced by electron transfer, generate chloride ions and form high-molecular weight intermediates with significant levels of both hydrogen and chlorine, and finally form amorphous carbon. Higher temperature was beneficial for the dechlorination/polymerization efficiency. The results are helpful for clarifying the reaction mechanism for thermal degradation of chlorinated aromatics in alkaline matrices. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Hydrogen production by methane dry reforming is an important yet challenging process. A performing catalyst will favor the thermodynamic equilibrium... 相似文献