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Geologic emissions of methane to the atmosphere   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Etiope G  Klusman RW 《Chemosphere》2002,49(8):777-789
The atmospheric methane budget is commonly defined assuming that major sources derive from the biosphere (wetlands, rice paddies, animals, termites) and that fossil, radiocarbon-free CH4 emission is due to and mediated by anthropogenic activity (natural gas production and distribution, and coal mining). However, the amount of radiocarbon-free CH4 in the atmosphere, estimated at approximately 20% of atmospheric CH4, is higher than the estimates from statistical data of CH4 emission from fossil fuel related anthropogenic sources. This work documents that significant amounts of "old" methane, produced within the Earth crust, can be released naturally into the atmosphere through gas permeable faults and fractured rocks. Major geologic emissions of methane are related to hydrocarbon production in sedimentary basins (biogenic and thermogenic methane) and, subordinately, to inorganic reactions (Fischer-Tropsch type) in geothermal systems. Geologic CH4 emissions include diffuse fluxes over wide areas, or microseepage, on the order of 10(0)-10(2) mg m(-2) day(-1), and localised flows and gas vents, on the order of 10(2) t y(-1), both on land and on the seafloor. Mud volcanoes producing flows of up to 10(3) t y(-1) represent the largest visible expression of geologic methane emission. Several studies have indicated that methanotrophic consumption in soil may be insufficient to consume all leaking geologic CH4 and positive fluxes into the atmosphere can take place in dry or seasonally cold environments. Unsaturated soils have generally been considered a major sink for atmospheric methane, and never a continuous, intermittent, or localised source to the atmosphere. Although geologic CH4 sources need to be quantified more accurately, a preliminary global estimate indicates that there are likely more than enough sources to provide the amount of methane required to account for the suspected missing source of fossil CH4.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that geological emissions of methane are an important greenhouse-gas source. Remarkable amounts of methane, estimated in the order of 40–60 Tg yr?1, are naturally released into the atmosphere from the Earth's crust through faults and fractured rocks. The main source is natural gas, both microbial and thermogenic, produced in hydrocarbon-prone sedimentary basins and injected into the atmosphere through macro-seeps (onshore and offshore mud volcanoes and other seeps) and microseepage, an invisible but pervasive flux from the soil. This source is now evaluated for Europe on the basis of a literature survey, new field measurements and derived emission factors. The up-scaling criteria recommended by the EMEP/CORINAIR guidelines are applied to the local point and area source data.In Europe, 25 countries host oil and/or natural gas reservoirs and potentially, or actually, emit geological methane. Flux data, however, are available only from 10 countries: the onshore or offshore petroliferous sectors of Denmark, Italy, Greece, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Black Sea countries (Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia). Azerbaijan, whose emissions due to mud volcanism are known to be relevant, is included in the estimate.The sum of emissions, regional estimates and local measurements, related to macro-seeps leads to a conservative total value of about 2.2 Tg yr?1. Together with the potential microseepage fluxes from the petroliferous basins, estimated on the basis of the Total Petroleum System concept (around 0.8 Tg yr?1), the total European seepage is projected to 3 Tg yr?1. This preliminary figure would represent, in terms of magnitude, the second natural methane source for Europe after wetlands. The estimate will have to be refined by increasing the number of seepage measurements both on lands, where there is high potential for microseepage (e.g., Germany, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Georgia) and in coastal marine areas (the North Sea, the Black Sea, offshore Greece and Italy) where emission factors and the extent of the underwater seeping area are not completely known.  相似文献   

Methane biofiltration (MBF) is a novel low-cost technique for reducing low volume point source emissions of methane (CH4). MBF uses a granular medium, such as soil or compost, to support the growth of methanotrophic bacteria responsible for converting CH4 to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). A field research program was undertaken to evaluate the potential to treat low volume point source engineered CH4 emissions using an MBF at a natural gas monitoring station. A new comprehensive three-dimensional numerical model was developed incorporating advection-diffusive flow of gas, biological reactions and heat and moisture flow. The one-dimensional version of this model was used as a guiding tool for designing and operating the MBF. The long-term monitoring results of the field MBF are also presented. The field MBF operated with no control of precipitation, evaporation, and temperature, provided more than 80% of CH4 oxidation throughout spring, summer, and fall seasons. The numerical model was able to predict the CH4 oxidation behavior of the field MBF with high accuracy. The numerical model simulations are presented for estimating CH4 oxidation efficiencies under various operating conditions, including different filter bed depths and CH4 flux rates. The field observations as well as numerical model simulations indicated that the long-term performance of MBFs is strongly dependent on environmental factors, such as ambient temperature and precipitation.  相似文献   

Intensive beef production has increased during recent decades in Brazil and may substantially increase both methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from manure management. However, the quantification of these gases and methods for extrapolating them are scarce in Brazil. A case study examines CH4 and N2O emissions from one typical beef cattle feedlot manure management continuum in Brazil and the applicability of Manure-DNDC model in predicting these emissions for better understand fluxes and mitigation options. Measurements track CH4 and N2O emissions from manure excreted in one housing floor holding 21 animals for 78 days, stockpiled for 73 days and field spread (360 kg N ha?1). We found total emissions (CH4 + N2O) of 0.19 ± 0.10 kg CO2eq per kg of animal live weight gain; mostly coming from field application (73%), followed housing (25%) and storage (2%). The Manure-DNDC simulations were generally within the statistical deviation ranges of the field data, differing in ?28% in total emission. Large uncertainties in measurements showed the model was more accurate estimating the magnitude of gases emissions than replicate results at daily basis. Modeled results suggested increasing the frequency of manure removal from housing, splitting the field application and adopting no-tillage system is the most efficient management for reducing emissions from manure (up to about 75%). Since this work consists in the first assessment under Brazilian conditions, more and continuous field measurements are required for decreasing uncertainties and improving model validations. However, this paper reports promising results and scientific perceptions for the design of further integrated work on farm-scale measurements and Manure-DNDC model development for Brazilian conditions.  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) is the dominant greenhouse gas emitted by animal agriculture manure. Since the gas is relatively insoluble in water, it is concentrated in discrete bubbles that rise through waste lagoons and burst at the surface. This results in lagoon emissions that are inhomogeneous in both space and time. Emissions from a midwestern dairy waste lagoon were measured over 2 weeks to evaluate the spatial homogeneity of the source emissions and to compare two methods for measuring this inhomogeneous emission. Emissions were determined using an inverse dispersion model based on CH4 concentrations measured both by a single scanning tunable diode laser (TDL) aimed at a series of reflectors and by flame ionization detection (FID) gas chromatography on line-sampled air. Emissions were best estimated using scanned TDL concentrations over relatively short optical paths that collectively span the entire cross-wind width of the source, so as to provide both the best capture of discrete plumes from the bursting bubbles on the lagoon surface and the best detection of CH4 background concentrations. The lagoon emissions during the study were spatially inhomogeneous at hourly time scales. Partitioning the inhomogeneous source into two source regions reduced the estimated emissions of the overall lagoon by 57% but increased the variability. Consequently, it is important to assess the homogeneity of a source prior to measurements and final emissions calculation.

Implications: Plans for measuring methane emissions from waste lagoons must take into account the spatial inhomogeneity of the source strength. The assumption of emission source homogeneity for a low-solubility gas such as CH4 emitted from an animal waste lagoon can result in significant emission overestimates. The entire breadth and length of the area source must be measured, preferably with multiple optical paths, for the detection of discrete plumes from the different emitting regions and for determining the background concentration. Other gases with similarly poor solubility in water may also require partitioning of the lagoon source area.  相似文献   

One of the most significant environmental problems arising from landfills is the emission of methane into the atmosphere. In this study, methane emissions from a currently in-use Spanish landfill were modeled as well as being experimentally measured using a two-step method. The first step involved a qualitative walkover survey to detect where gases were being emitted on the surface of the landfill. The second stage comprised a quantitative analysis of these surface methane emissions at a selected number of points on the landfill surface using a specially designed flux chamber. The statistical analysis of the data obtained was based on the Sichel function and resulted in an average emission rate of 74.9 g·m?2·day?1, with 27.8 and 202.1 g·m?2·day?1 as the lower and upper limits of the 95% confidence interval, respectively. The total emission for the landfill, with an emitting surface of 335,000 m2, is 9.16 × 103 ton/yr. These values have been compared with those from three different models, with the model results being above the calculated mean emissions measured at the landfill, but below the upper confidence limit at 95%.

Implications: One of the main environmental problems arising from the presence of landfills is the emission of biogas (which mainly contains methane and carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere. Several experimental methods as well as models have been developed to quantify these emissions. In this work, the authors have compared the results obtained using experimental measurements with those provided by some local and international models using the default parameters proposed. The results obtained from the experimental method are in accordance with those provided by the models, although the models could be slightly overestimating these emissions.  相似文献   

三峡水库是世界上最大的人工水库,其潜在甲烷释放近年来备受关注。目前将甲烷排放量与甲烷功能菌的生长与作用机制相结合开展研究的报道较少。为探究三峡库区夏季万州段甲烷功能菌群落对甲烷排放的影响,分别于2019年7月和9月采集了三峡库区万州段底泥,利用16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术,对该区域的万州干流和高阳、黄石支流在属水平上的甲烷功能菌群落组成结构以及甲烷功能菌群落与甲烷排放通量间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:监测期间内高阳、黄石、万州平均甲烷通量为(0.874±0.011)、(0.884±0.234)、(0.507±0.262) μmol·(m2·h)−1,支流大于干流,总体表现为甲烷排放“源”。在产甲烷菌群落中,部分未分类产甲烷古菌unclassified_p_Euryarchaeota、environmental_samples_f_ Methanosarcinaceae以及未命名古菌对产甲烷影响较大,该类细菌可促进甲烷产生。在甲烷氧化菌群落中,Methylobacter、Methylosarcina以及未分类氧化菌对甲烷氧化有较大影响,当该类细菌占比增加时会加速甲烷氧化,从而减少水-气界面中的甲烷排放。除甲烷功能菌群以外,推测温度与河流回水顶托作用也是导致干、支流甲烷排放出现差异的重要因素。以上研究结果可对揭示水库甲烷排放与甲烷功能菌生长和作用机制的关系提供参考。  相似文献   

Ding W  Cai Z  Tsuruta H  Li X 《Chemosphere》2003,51(3):167-173
To understand the mechanism for spatial variation of CH(4) emissions from marshes grown with different type of plants in a region and plots within a certain marsh grown with one type of plants, we measured CH(4) emissions from a region in which eutrophic freshwater marshes were divided into three types: Carex lasiocarpa, Carex meyeruana and Deyeuxia angustifolia according to plant type as well as CH(4) concentration in porewater, aboveground plant biomass and stem density in situ in Sanjiang Plain of Northeast China in August 2001. Spatial variation of CH(4) emissions from both different marshes in a region and different plots within a certain marsh was high. The flux rates of CH(4) emissions from three marshes ranged from 17.2 to 66.5 mg CH(4) m(-2)h(-1) with 34.76% of variation coefficient, whereas the values in Carex lasiocarpa, Carex meyeriana and Deyeuxia angustifolia marshes varied from 21.6 to 66.5 (39.61%), from 17.2 to 45.0 (29.26%) and from 19.1 to 33.0 mg CH(4) m(-2)h(-1) (17.51%), respectively. Both the flux rates and spatial variation of CH(4) emissions strongly increased as standing water depth increased significantly. Standing water depth greatly governed the spatial variation of CH(4) emissions from different marshes in a region by changing the amount of plant litters inundated in standing water, which provided labile organic C for methanogens and controlled CH(4) concentrations in porewater. Moreover, the aboveground plant biomass determined spatial variation of CH(4) emissions from plots within a certain marsh by controlling the pathways (stem density) of CH(4) emissions from the marsh into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Past efforts to estimate methane emissions from underground mines, surface mines, and other coal mine operations have been hampered, to different degrees, by a lack of direct emissions data. Direct measurements have been completely unavailable for several important coal mining operations. A primary goal of this study was to collect new methane emissions measurements and other data for the most poorly characterized mining operations and use these data to develop an improved methane emission inventory for the U.S. coal mining industry. This required the development and verification of measurement methods for surface mines, coal handling operations, and abandoned underground mines and the use of these methods at about 30 mining sites across the United States. Although the study's focus was on surface mines, abandoned underground mines, and coal handling operations, evaluations were also conducted to improve our understanding of underground mine emission trends and to develop improved national data sets of coal properties. Total U.S. methane emissions are estimated to be 4.669 million tons, and as expected, emissions from underground mine ventilation and methane drainage systems dominate (74% of the total emissions). On the other hand, emissions from coal handling, abandoned underground mines, and surface mines are significant, and collectively they represent approximately 26% of the total emissions.  相似文献   

牛粪和玉米秸秆厌氧消化产甲烷潜力及动力学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了评价牛粪和玉米秸秆的产甲烷潜力,研究其厌氧消化过程动力学方程,采用自制序批式厌氧发酵实验装置对某养殖场牛粪和秸秆的最大甲烷生产潜力及其发酵过程进行研究。通过实验研究,测得接种物、牛粪和玉米秸秆的累计甲烷产量分别为64.87、244.0和466.54 mL CH4/g VS。根据实测的产气量变化曲线,按照modified Gompertz equation模型进行方程拟合,牛粪组和玉米秸秆组拟合方程的相关性系数分别为0.983和0.991,表明运用modified Gompertz equation模型预测牛粪和玉米秸秆的产甲烷潜力方法可行。通过对产甲烷过程的动力学研究得到:接种物、牛粪和玉米秸秆的最大产甲烷潜力分别为66.07、213.93和458.57 mL CH4/g VS,与实测值的误差率分别为1.8%、12.3%和1.7%;牛粪和玉米秸秆的最大甲烷日产气率(Rm)和延滞期时间(λ)分别是13.14 mL CH4/(g VS·d)、30.76 mL CH4/(g VS·d)和0.35 d、0.71 d。综上,玉米秸秆厌氧消化的停滞期长,但总产气量和最大甲烷日产期率都比牛粪高。  相似文献   

Cold heavy oil production with sands (CHOPS) is a common oil extraction method in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan that can result in significant methane emissions due to annular venting. Little is known about the magnitude of these emissions, nor their contributions to the regional methane budget. Here the authors present the results of field measurements of methane emissions from CHOPS wells and compare them with self-reported venting rates. The tracer ratio method was used not only to analyze total site emissions but at one site it was also used to locate primary emission sources and quantify their contributions to the facility-wide emission rate, revealing the annular vent to be a dominant source. Emissions measured from five different CHOPS sites in Alberta showed large discrepancies between the measured and reported rates, with emissions being mainly underreported. These methane emission rates are placed in the context of current reporting procedures and the role that gas-oil ratio (GOR) measurements play in vented volume estimates. In addition to methane, emissions of higher hydrocarbons were also measured; a chemical “fingerprint” associated with CHOPS wells in this region reveals very low emission ratios of ethane, propane, and aromatics versus methane. The results of this study may inform future studies of CHOPS sites and aid in developing policy to mitigate regional methane emissions.

Implications: Methane measurements from cold heavy oil production with sand (CHOPS) sites identify annular venting to be a potentially major source of emissions at these facilities. The measured emission rates are generally larger than reported by operators, with uncertainty in the gas-oil ratio (GOR) possibly playing a large role in this discrepancy. These results have potential policy implications for reducing methane emissions in Alberta in order to achieve the Canadian government’s goal of reducing methane emissions by 40–45% below 2012 levels within 8 yr.  相似文献   

We have used a global version of the Regional Air Pollution Information and Simulation (RAINS) model to estimate anthropogenic emissions of the air pollution precursors sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), primary carbonaceous particles of black carbon (BC), organic carbon (OC) and methane (CH4). We developed two scenarios to constrain the possible range of future emissions. As a baseline, we investigated the future emission levels that would result from the implementation of the already adopted emission control legislation in each country, based on the current national expectations of economic development. Alternatively, we explored the lowest emission levels that could be achieved with the most advanced emission control technologies that are on the market today. This paper describes data sources and our assumptions on activity data, emission factors and the penetration of pollution control measures. We estimate that, with current expectations on future economic development and with the present air quality legislation, global anthropogenic emissions of SO2 and NOx would slightly decrease between 2000 and 2030. For carbonaceous particles and CO, reductions between 20% and 35% are computed, while for CH4 an increase of about 50% is calculated. Full application of currently available emission control technologies, however, could achieve substantially lower emissions levels, with decreases up to 30% for CH4, 40% for CO and BC, and nearly 80% for SO2.  相似文献   

One of the important cultural practices that affect methane and nitrous oxide emissions from tropical rice plantations is the water drainage system. While drainage can reduce methane emissions, it can also increase nitrous oxide emissions, as well as reduce yields. In this experiment, four different water drainage systems were compared in a rice field in central Thailand including: (1) continuous flooding, (2) mid-season drainage, (3) multiple drainage and (4) a local method (drainage was done according to local cultural practice) in order to find a system of drainage that would optimize yields while simultaneously limiting methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Methane and nitrous oxide emission were observed and compared with rice yield and physical changes of rice plants. It was found that drainage during the flowering period could reduce methane emission. Interestingly, nitrous oxide emission was related to number of drain days rather than the frequency of draining. Fewer drain days can help reduce nitrous oxide emission. The mid-season drainage and the multiple drainage, with 6.9% and 11.4% reduction in rice yield, respectively, had an average methane emission per crop 27% and 35% lower when compared to the local method. Draining with fewer drain days during the flowering period was recommended as a compromise between emissions and yield. The field drainage can be used as an option to reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice fields with acceptable yield reduction. Mid-season drainage during the rice flowering period, with a shortened drainage period (3 days), is suggested as a compromise between the need to reduce global warming and current socio-economic realities.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) operators frequently have expressed the need for an indirect indication of the expected production of PCDD/F and associated abatement procedures through a possible correlation with other real-time data, through using marker pollutants (e.g., penta/hexachlorinated aromatics), or through other indications. Since real-time measurement of PCDD/F is impossible, a correlation of PCDD/F emissions with other operating parameters could help in achieving these goals. Literature data of large-scale MSWIs concerning these correlations are scarce and seldom conclusive. Extensive data of Flemish MSWIs are used to statistically assess possible correlations of PCDD/F and other operating parameters. The effect of temperature in the electrostatic precipitator (ESP) is of major importance. When converting values measured between 180 and 270 degrees C to a reference temperature of, for example, 230 degrees C, PCDD/F concentrations achieve nearly constant values, stressing that the major correlating parameter is the temperature of the ESP. High temperatures that enhance de novo synthesis should be avoided.  相似文献   

To investigate the impacts of major factors on carbon loss via gaseous emissions, carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions from the ground of open dairy lots were tested by a scale model experiment at various air temperatures (15, 25, and 35 °C), surface velocities (0.4, 0.7, 1.0, and 1.2 m sec?1), and floor types (unpaved soil floor and brick-paved floor) in controlled laboratory conditions using the wind tunnel method. Generally, CO2 and CH4 emissions were significantly enhanced with the increase of air temperature and velocity (P < 0.05). Floor type had different effects on the CO2 and CH4 emissions, which were also affected by air temperature and soil characteristics of the floor. Although different patterns were observed on CH4 emission from the soil and brick floors at different air temperature-velocity combinations, statistical analysis showed no significant difference in CH4 emissions from different floors (P > 0.05). For CO2, similar emissions were found from the soil and brick floors at 15 and 25 °C, whereas higher rates were detected from the brick floor at 35 °C (P < 0.05). Results showed that CH4 emission from the scale model was exponentially related to CO2 flux, which might be helpful in CH4 emission estimation from manure management.

Implications: Gaseous emissions from the open lots are largely dependent on outdoor climate, floor systems, and management practices, which are quite different from those indoors. This study assessed the effects of floor types and air velocities on CO2 and CH4 emissions from the open dairy lots at various temperatures by a wind tunnel. It provided some valuable information for decision-making and further studies on gaseous emissions from open lots.  相似文献   

Malla G  Bhatia A  Pathak H  Prasad S  Jain N  Singh J 《Chemosphere》2005,58(2):141-147
Mitigation of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from soil is important to reduce the global warming. Efficacy of five nitrification inhibitors, i.e. neem (Azadirachta melia) cake, thiosulphate, coated calcium carbide, neem oil coated urea and dicyandiamide (DCD) and one urease inhibitor, hydroquinone, in mitigating N2O and CH4 emissions from fertilized soil was tested in rice-wheat system in the Indo-Gangetic plains. The closed chamber technique was used for the collection of gas samples, which were analyzed using gas chromatography. Reduction in N2O emission on the application of nitrification/urease inhibitors along with urea ranged from 5% with hydroquinone to 31% with thiosulphate in rice and 7% with hydroquinone to 29% with DCD in wheat crop. The inhibitors also influenced the emission of CH4. While application of neem coated urea, coated calcium carbide, neem oil and DCD reduced the emission of CH4; hydroquinone and thiosulphate increased the emission when compared to urea alone. However, the global warming potential was lower with the inhibitors (except hydroquinone) as compared to urea alone, suggesting that these substances could be used for mitigating greenhouse gas emission from the rice-wheat systems.  相似文献   

There is a lack of information on ammonia (NH3) emissions from cattle housing systems in Mediterranean countries, with most published data deriving from NW Europe. An investigation was carried out in NW Portugal to quantify NH3 emissions for the main types of dairy cattle buildings in Portugal, i.e. naturally ventilated buildings and outdoor concrete yards, and to derive robust emission factors (EFs) for these conditions and compare with EFs used elsewhere in Europe. Measurements were made throughout a 12-month period using the passive flux sampling method in the livestock buildings and the equilibrium concentration technique in outdoor yards.The mean NH3 emission factor for the whole housing system (buildings + outdoor yards) was 43.7 g NH3–N LU?1 day?1 and for outdoor concrete yards used by dairy cattle was 26.6 g NH3–N LU?1 day?1. Expressing NH3 emission in terms of the quantity of liquid milk produced gave similar values across the three dairy farms studied (with a mean of 2.3 kg N ton-milk?1 produced) and may have advantages when comparing different farming systems. In dairy houses with outdoor yards, NH3 emissions from the yard area contributed to 69–92% of total emissions from this housing system. Emissions were particularly important during spring and summer seasons from outdoor yards with NH3 emitted in this period accounting for about 72% of annual emissions from outdoor yards. Mean NH3 emission factors derived for this freestall housing system and outdoor concrete yards used by dairy cattle in Portugal were higher than those measured in northern Europe. In addition, values of animal N excretion estimated in this study were greater than official National standard values. If these emissions are typical for Portuguese dairy systems, then the current National inventory underestimates emissions from this source in NW of Portugal, because of the use of lower standard values of N excretion by dairy cattle.  相似文献   

The animal husbandry industry is a major emitter of ammonia (NH3), which is a precursor of fine particulate matter (PM2.5)--arguably, the number-one environment-related public health threat facing the nation. The industry is also a major emitter of methane (CH4), which is an important greenhouse gas (GHG). We present an integrated process model of the engineering economics of technologies to reduce NH3 and CH4 emissions at dairy operations in California. Three policy options are explored: PM offset credits for NH3 control, GHG offset credits for CH4 control, and expanded net metering policies to provide revenue for the sale of electricity generated from captured methane (CH4) gas. Individually these policies vary substantially in the economic incentives they provide for farm operators to reduce emissions. We report on initial steps to fully develop the integrated process model that will provide guidance for policy-makers.  相似文献   

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