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基于海南省2016年工业环境统计数据,通过自下而上的方法建立海南省2016年工业大气污染源排放清单,并利用中国多尺度排放清单模型(MEIC)排放清单进行背景源补充,使用CALPUFF模型进行大气污染模拟。污染物排放清单结果显示,2016年海南省SO_2、NO_x、CO、PM_(2.5)、PM(10)、黑碳(BC)、有机碳(OC)、挥发性有机物(VOCs)和NH3的排放量分别为1.50×10~4、5.10×10~4、4.56×10~5、2.34×10~4、2.10×10~4、3.50×10~3、1.20×10~4、4.96×10~4、6.50×10~4 t,其中SO_2主要排放源为化石燃料固定燃烧源(分担率66.67%),NO_x主要排放源为交通源(分担率51.18%),CO、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)主要排放源为生活源(分担率分别59.01%、81.28%和87.62%),VOCs主要排放源为工业溶剂使用源(分担率75.91%),NH_3主要排放源为农业源(分担率93.54%)。排放量较大的区域集中在儋州市、澄迈县一带。SO_2、NO_x年均最大浓度均出现在海口市,PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)年均最大浓度均出现在定安县。交通源对全省污染物浓度贡献突出,工业源虽然对颗粒物浓度贡献率较低,但仍需加强PM_(2.5)治理。  相似文献   

Motor vehicles are one of the largest sources of air pollutants worldwide. Despite their importance, motor vehicle emissions are inadequately understood and quantified, esp. in developing countries. In this study, the real-world emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxide (NO) were measured using an on-road remote sensing system at five sites in Hangzhou, China in 2004 and 2005. Average emission factors of CO, HC and NOx for petrol vehicles of different model year, technology class and vehicle type were calculated in grams of pollutant per unit of fuel use (g l−1) from approximately 32,260 petrol vehicles. Because the availability of data used in traditional on-road mobile source estimation methodologies is limited in China, fuel-based approach was implemented to estimate motor vehicle emissions using fuel sales as a measure of vehicle activity, and exhaust emissions factors from remote sensing measurements. The fuel-based exhaust emission inventories were also compared with the results from the recent international vehicle emission (IVE) model. Results show that petrol vehicle fleet in Hangzhou has significantly high CO emissions, relatively high HC and low NOx, with the average emission factors of 193.07±15.63, 9.51±2.40 and 5.53±0.48 g l−1, respectively. For year 2005 petrol vehicles exhaust emissions contributed with 182,013±16,936, 9107±2255 and 5050±480 metric ton yr−1 of CO, HC and NOx, respectively. The inventories are 45.5% higher, 6.6% higher and 53.7% lower for CO, HC and NOx, respectively, than the estimates using IVE travel-based model. In addition, a number of insights about the emission distributions and formation mechanisms have been obtained from an in-depth analysis of these results.  相似文献   

Non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) are known to have an important role on air quality due to their high reactivity. NMHC analysis has been performed on 148 ambient air samples collected at five different sites in the Kanto area (Tokyo metropolitan area and surrounding six prefectures) of Japan in summer and winter of 2008, and fifty NMHCs have been determined and quantified. A field measurement campaign has been conducted at one of the busiest intersections in Tokyo metropolitan area in winter of 2008. NMHC emissions are evaluated through comparison of distributions of individual NMHCs emitted from motor vehicles, which are estimated from the measurements, with those determined from the current emissions inventory. The comparison revealed that the measured distributions of acetylene, ethylene and toluene showed a good agreement with those estimated from the emissions inventory (the values estimated from the measurements are a factor of 1.5, 0.56 and 2.3 larger than the emissions inventory in median, respectively), however, propane and isobutane are found to be significantly underestimated in the emissions inventory (the measured values were a factor of 18 and 5.1 larger than the emissions inventory, respectively). The significant underestimate of propane can be explained by that the current emissions inventory does not consider emissions from liquefied propane gas (LPG) fueled vehicles. However, for isobutane, reasons for the underestimate are still unclear. Another field measurement has been conducted in summer of 2008, where the air samples have been collected at three different sites on the ground and by a helicopter as well. Remarkable high concentrations of 1-butene and cis- and trans-2-butenes have been sporadically observed in the samples collected at Urayasu in the coastal area of Tokyo bay. Calculated propylene equivalent (PE) concentrations of butenes revealed that those have a significantly important role in ozone formation when the air plume is affected by emissions from their emission sources. The PE concentrations of butenes varied from 0.1 to 39 ppbC, and accounted for 1.5–75% of total PE concentrations at Urayasu. Most of the continuous air quality monitoring stations does not record concentrations of individual hydrocarbons, therefore, the importance of reactive and low concentration hydrocarbon such as butenes might be overlooked in the current emissions inventory and/or air quality model. In this paper, the reliability of NMHC emissions is evaluated based on the field measurements. Their possible impacts on air quality in the Kanto area are discussed as well, based on the calculated propylene equivalent concentrations.  相似文献   

A grid-based, bottom-up method has been proposed by combining a vehicle emission model and a travel demand model to develop a high-resolution vehicular emission inventory for Chinese cities. Beijing is used as a case study in which the focus is on fuel consumption and emissions from hot-stabilized activities of light-duty gasoline vehicles (LGVs) in 2005. The total quantity of emissions, emission intensity, and spatial distribution of emissions at 1- by 1-km resolution are presented and compared with results from other inventory methods commonly used in China. The results show that the total daily fuel consumption and vehicular emissions of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and oxides of nitrogen from LGVs in the Beijing urban area in 2005 were 1.95 x 10(7) L, 4.28 x 10(4) t, 1.97 x 10(3) t, 0.28 x 10(3) t, and 0.14 x 10(3) t, respectively. Vehicular fuel consumption and emissions show spatial variations that are consistent with the traffic characteristics. The grid-based inventory developed in this study reflects the influence of traffic conditions on vehicle emissions at the microscale and may be applied to evaluate the effectiveness of traffic-related measures on emission control in China.  相似文献   

To improve the accuracy and applicability of vehicular emission models, this study proposes a speed and vehicle-specific power (VSP) modeling method to estimate vehicular emissions and fuel consumption using data gathered by a portable emissions monitoring system (PEMS). The PEMS data were categorized into discrete speed-VSP bins on the basis of the characteristics of vehicle driving conditions and emissions in Chinese cities. Speed-VSP modal average rates of emissions (or fuel consumption) and the time spent in the corresponding speed-VSP bins were then used to calculate the total trip emissions (or fuel consumption) and emission factors (or fuel economy) under specific average link speeds. The model approach was validated by comparing it against measured data with prediction errors within 20% for trip emissions and link-speed-based emission factors. This analysis is based on the data of light-duty gasoline vehicles in China; however, this research approach could be generalized to other vehicle fleets in other countries. This modeling method could also be coupled with traffic demand models to establish high-resolution emissions inventories and evaluate the impacts of traffic-related emission control measures.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic and natural CO2 emission sources in an arid urban environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent research has shown the Phoenix, AZ metropolitan region to be characterized by a CO2 dome that peaks near the urban center. The CO2 levels, 50% greater than the surrounding non-urban areas, have been attributed to anthropogenic sources and the physical geography of the area. We quantified sources of CO2 emissions across the metropolitan region. Anthropogenic CO2 emission data were obtained from a variety of government and NGO sources. Soil CO2 efflux from the dominant land-use types was measured over the year. Humans and automobile activity produced more than 80% input of CO2 into the urban environment. Soil CO2 efflux from the natural desert ecosystems showed minimal emissions during hot and dry periods, but responded rapidly to moisture. Conversely, human maintained vegetation types (e.g. golf courses, lawns, irrigated agriculture) have greater efflux and are both temperature and soil moisture dependent. Landfills exhibited the most consistent rates, but were temperature and moisture independent. We estimate the annual CO2 released from the predominant land-use types in the Phoenix region and present a graphical portrayal of soil CO2 emissions and the total natural and anthropogenic CO2 emissions in the metropolitan region using a GIS-based approach. The results presented here do not mimic the spatial pattern shown in previous studies. Only, with sophisticated mixing models will we be able to address the total effect of urbanization on CO2 levels and the contribution to regional patterns.  相似文献   

WinMISKAM is evaluated from an emergency response perspective. Comparisons are made between ground level concentrations observed during selected Mock Urban Setting Test (MUST) field trials and predictions generated by the model. The model was driven by 5 min averaged on-site meteorological data, and used minimum grid spacing of 0.5 m in both the horizontal and vertical. The code was found to perform well, with 46% of all predictions (paired in time and space) and 83% of arc maxima predictions within a factor of two of observed concentrations. The model was found to perform better for neutral cases than stable cases with 27% of stable case predictions and 57% of neutral case predictions within a factor of two when compared in time and space.  相似文献   

基于机动车排放因子(MOVES)模型和地理信息系统(ArcGIS)技术,建立了西安市2017年分辨率为1km×1km的机动车污染物排放清单。结果显示:2017年西安市机动车污染物PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、NO_x(NO+NO_2)、NO、NO_2、N_2O和挥发性有机物(VOCs)的年排放总量分别为126.1×10~4、138.2×10~4、2 884.2×10~4、2 577.8×10~4、306.4×10~4、27.9×10~4、1 281.2×10~4 kg;柴油车是PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)和NO_x排放的主要来源,贡献率分别为80.2%、79.5%和75.8%;VOCs和N_2O则主要来自汽油车,贡献率分别为74.2%、89.7%;总体看来,研究区域内不同污染物的空间分布规律相似,这与西安市公路分布有关,PM_(2.5)和NO_x的排放主要集中在主城区及周边县区的高速路和国道,而VOCs的排放主要集中在主城区二环及环内。  相似文献   

A wind tunnel study was performed to examine some turbulent characteristics and statistical properties of the concentration field developing from the steady release of a tracer gas at street level in a canyon amidst urban roughness. The experiment was conducted with the approaching wind direction perpendicular to the street axis and, with a street width to building height aspect ratio equal to one. Concentration time series were recorded at 70 points within the test street cross-section and above. Mean concentrations, variances and related turbulent quantities, as well as other statistical quantities including quantiles were computed. Concentration spectra and autocorrelation functions were also examined. The emphasis is put here on the results concerning mean concentrations and the variance of concentration fluctuations. The main objective of this paper is to put forward potential benefits of the experimental approach taken in this study. Through a simple and already widely studied configuration it is aimed to show how, for modelling purposes, this approach can help improving our understanding of the mechanisms of dipersion of pollution from car exhausts in built-up areas and, with further measurements, how it could assist in drawing specifications for siting monitoring networks.  相似文献   

The soil in a drained fjord area, reclaimed for arable farming, produced N2O mainly at 75–105 cm depth, just above the ground water level. Surface emissions of N2O were measured from discrete small areas by closed and open-flow chamber methods, using gas chromatographic analysis and over larger areas by integrative methods: flux gradient (analysis by FTIR), conditional sampling (analysis by TDLAS), and eddy covariance (analysis by TDLAS). The mean emission of N2O as determined by chamber procedures during a 9-day campaign was 162–202 μg N2ONm−2h−1 from a wheat stubble and 328–467 μg N2ONm−2 h−1 from a carrot field. The integrative approaches gave N2O emissions of 149–495 μg N2ONm−2 h−1, i.e. a range similar to those determined with the chamber methods. Wind direction affected the comparison of chamber and integrative methods because of patchiness of the N2O emission over the area. When a uniform area with a single type of vegetation had a dominant effect on the N2O gradient at the sampling mast, the temporal variation in N2O emission determined by the flux gradient/FTIR method and chamber methods was very similar, with differences of only 18% or less in mean N2O emission, well below the variation encountered with the chamber methods themselves. A detailed comparison of FTIR gradient and chamber data taking into account the precise emission footprint showed good agreement. It is concluded that there was no bias between the different approaches used to measure the N2O emission and that the precision of the measurements was determined by the spatial variability of the N2O emission at the site and the variability inherent in the individual techniques. These results confirm that measurements of N2O emissions from different ecosystems obtained by the different methods can be meaningfully compared.  相似文献   

城市规划的环境影响评价研究初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
环境影响评价法的颁布是中国环境影响评价的一个新阶段。中国至今尚无明确的、系统的规划环境影响评价的技术导则和规范,其评价理论仍在探索之中。分析了国内外规划环境影响评价的历史和现状。从区域环境影响评价的实践经验总结出了城市规划环境影响评价应强调城市发展的可持续性。探讨了该层次评价的介入时间、评价原则、环境影响因素识别及评价内容,提出从生态合理性、绿色化程度等方面考虑城市规划的生态环境影响。  相似文献   

Vehicle emission inventory is a critical element for air quality study. This study created systemic methods to establish a vehicle emission inventory in Chinese cities. The methods were used to obtain credible results of vehicle activity in Beijing and Shanghai. On the basis of the vehicle activity data, the International Vehicle Emission model is used to establish vehicle emission inventories. The emissions analysis indicates that 3 t of particulate matter (PM), 199 t of nitrogen oxides (NO(x)), 192 t of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and 2403 t of carbon monoxide (CO) are emitted from on-road vehicles each day in Beijing, whereas 4 t of PM, 189 t of NO(x), 113 t of VOCs, and 1009 t of CO are emitted in Shanghai. Although common features were found in these two cities (many new passenger cars and a high taxi proportion in the fleet), the emission results are dissimilar because of the different local policy regarding vehicles. The method to quantify vehicle emission on an urban scale can be applied to other Chinese cities. Also, knowing how different policies can lead to diverse emissions is beneficial knowledge for other city governments.  相似文献   

为全面、准确地获得成都市餐饮源大气污染物排放清单,针对成都市社会餐饮、家庭餐饮和食堂餐饮分别选择监测对象进行细颗粒物(PM2.5)、非甲烷总烃(NMHCs)、油烟、氮氧化物(NOx)、SO2和CO 6种大气污染物排放浓度监测.分别按照用油量、就餐人次和灶头风量3种核算依据计算了6种大气污染物的排放因子,并计算成都市餐饮...  相似文献   

Alcock RE  Gemmill R  Jones KC 《Chemosphere》1999,38(4):759-770
PCDD/F data are presented from 75 samples of primary emissions sampled between 1995-97 as part of the compliance monitoring survey undertaken by the UK Environment Agency. Municipal solid waste (MSW), chemical waste and clinical waste incinerators, cement kilns, sinter plants and sewage sludge incinerators were the source categories monitored and reported here. Based on this monitoring programme, the previous national UK emission estimates by Eduljee and Dyke (1) of 560-1100 g I-TEQ a(-1) for 1993 have been revised downwards to 220-660 g I-TEQ a(-1). Despite source reduction measures, MSW incinerators remain a significant source of PCDD/Fs to the atmosphere, contributing between 30-50% of the EPCDD/F I-TEQ emission, rather than the approximately 80% they were estimated to contribute in 1993. 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/F congener profile data are presented for some of the source categories and generally support the view that differences in the mixtures ('fingerprints') of PCDD/Fs emitted from different sources are observed. New data on the dioxin-like PCB emissions are presented for cement kilns and sinter plants. These show that TEQ-rated PCBs can make an important contribution to the I-TEQ emitted from certain combustion sources. High concentrations of a full range of PCB congeners/homologues have been measured in the atmosphere close to sintering strands, although the precise source of PCBs from this process remains unclear.  相似文献   

Emissions of ammonia have received increasing attention recently, following concern about the environmental consequences, especially in The Netherlands where levels are high due to intensive livestock farming. Direct local effects and more widespread consequences for a range of ecosystems have been attributed to ammonia emissions. As the most prevalent alkaline gas in the atmosphere, ammonia interacts with acidic species, changing their characteristics, chemical and physical behaviour, and enhancing their potential for acidification of soils. Ammonia also forms an important component of the nitrogen cycle and of nitrogen deposition. In the UK, as in many other European countries, there has been a considerable increase in the emission of ammonia within the last 30 years, estimated at about 50%. This results mainly from increases in agricultural production based on the steadily rising number of livestock and increasing fertilizer consumption. This paper discusses the various sources to emissions of ammonia from agricultural sources in the United Kingdom, and some of the uncertainties involved in constructing a national emissions inventory.  相似文献   

In response to community concerns, the air quality impact of imploding a 22-story building in east Baltimore, MD, was studied. Time- and space-resolved concentrations of indoor and outdoor particulate matter (PM) (nominally 0.5-10 microm) were measured using a portable nephelometer at seven and four locations, respectively. PM10 levels varied in time and space; there was no measurable effect observed upwind of the implosion. The downwind peak PM10 levels varied with distance (54,000-589 microg/m3) exceeding pre-implosion levels for sites 100 and 1130 m 3000- and 20-fold, respectively. Estimated outdoor 24-hr integrated mass concentrations varied from 15 to 72 microg/m3. The implosion did not result in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM10 being exceeded. X-ray fluorescence analysis indicated that the elemental composition was dominated by crustal elements: calcium (57%), silicon (23%), aluminum (7.6%), and iron (6.1%). Lead was above background but at a low level (0.17 microg/m3). Peak PM10 concentrations were short-lived; most sites returned to background within 15 min. No increase in indoor PM10 was observed even at the most proximate 250 m location. These results demonstrate that a building implosion can have a severe but short-lived impact on community air quality. Effective protection is offered by being indoors or upwind.  相似文献   

沈阳市固定燃烧源挥发性有机化合物2007年排放清单研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)与.OH的反应是对流层臭氧形成的重要化学过程,是导致城市光化学烟雾的根本原因。为建立沈阳市固定燃烧源VOCs排放清单,选取了电力热力行业、钢铁行业和秸秆燃烧3个主要排放源进行研究。结果表明:(1)2007年,沈阳市固定燃烧源VOCs排放总量为8 544.539 t,其中排放量最大的是秸秆燃烧,为6 317.115 t;其次是电力热力行业,为2 225.780 t;最小的是钢铁行业,为1.644 t。(2)沈阳市各区县固定燃烧源VOCs排放量由大到小排序依次为新民市、法库县、东陵区、康平县、辽中县、于洪区、苏家屯区、大东区、沈北新区、铁西区、沈河区、皇姑区、和平区;VOCs排放强度由大到小排序依次为大东区、沈河区、铁西区、东陵区、皇姑区、和平区、于洪区、苏家屯区、法库县、康平县、辽中县、沈北新区、新民市。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The China government focuses on changes in carbon emission efficiency with establishing carbon emission trade exchange (CETE). It is meaningful to...  相似文献   

Air quality in Cyprus is influenced by both local and transported pollution, including desert dust storms. We examined PM10 concentration data collected in Nicosia (urban representative) from April 1, 1993, through December 11, 2008, and in Ayia Marina (rural background representative) from January 1, 1999, through December 31, 2008. Measurements were conducted using a Tapered Element Oscillating Micro-balance (TEOM). PM10 concentrations, meteorological records, and satellite data were used to identify dust storm days. We investigated long-term trends using a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) after controlling for day of week, month, temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity. In Nicosia, annual PM10 concentrations ranged from 50.4 to 63.8 μg/m3 and exceeded the EU annual standard limit enacted in 2005 of 40 μg/m3 every year. A large, statistically significant impact of urban sources (defined as the difference between urban and background levels) was seen in Nicosia over the period 2000–2008, and was highest during traffic hours, weekdays, cold months, and low wind conditions. Our estimate of the mean (standard error) contribution of urban sources to the daily ambient PM10 was 24.0 (0.4) μg/m3. The study of yearly trends showed that PM10 levels in Nicosia decreased from 59.4 μg/m3 in 1993 to 49.0 μg/m3 in 2008, probably in part as a result of traffic emission control policies in Cyprus. In Ayia Marina, annual concentrations ranged from 27.3 to 35.6 μg/m3, and no obvious time trends were observed. The levels measured at the Cyprus background site are comparable to background concentrations reported in other Eastern Mediterranean countries. Average daily PM10 concentrations during desert dust storms were around 100 μg/m3 since 2000 and much higher in earlier years. Despite the large impact of dust storms and their increasing frequency over time, dust storms were responsible for a small fraction of the exceedances of the daily PM10 limit.
ImplicationsThis paper examines PM10 concentrations in Nicosia, Cyprus, from 1993 to 2008. The decrease in PM10 levels in Nicosia suggests that the implementation of traffic emission control policies in Cyprus has been effective. However, particle levels still exceeded the European Union annual standard, and dust storms were responsible for a small fraction of the daily PM10 limit exceedances. Other natural particles that are not assessed in this study, such as resuspended soil and sea salt, may be responsible in part for the high particle levels.  相似文献   

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