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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from agricultural sources are believed to be an important contributor to tropospheric ozone in some locations. Recent research suggests that silage is a major source of VOCs emitted from agriculture, but only limited data exist on silage emissions. Ethanol is the most abundant VOC emitted from corn silage; therefore, ethanol was used as a representative compound to characterize the pattern of emission over time and to quantify the effect of air velocity and temperature on emission rate. Ethanol emission was measured from corn silage samples removed intact from a bunker silo. Emission rate was monitored over 12 h for a range in air velocity (0.05, 0.5, and 5 m s?1) and temperature (5, 20, and 35 °C) using a wind tunnel system. Ethanol flux ranged from 0.47 to 210 g m?2 h?1 and 12 h cumulative emission ranged from 8.5 to 260 g m?2. Ethanol flux was highly dependent on exposure time, declining rapidly over the first hour and then continuing to decline more slowly over the duration of the 12 h trials. The 12 h cumulative emission increased by a factor of three with a 30 °C increase in temperature and by a factor of nine with a 100-fold increase in air velocity. Effects of air velocity, temperature, and air-filled porosity were generally consistent with a conceptual model of VOC emission from silage. Exposure duration, temperature, and air velocity should be taken into consideration when measuring emission rates of VOCs from silage, so emission rate data obtained from studies that utilize low air flow methods are not likely representative of field conditions.  相似文献   

采用前置反硝化BAF系统处理玉米青贮液,在前期实验的基础上重点考察了水力负荷和回流比对COD、NH3-N、TN的去除效果。结果表明,前置反硝化BAF系统处理玉米青贮渗出液有着良好的除碳脱氮效果;在气水比为2:1、水力负荷2.60m3/(m2·h)、回流比为300%的条件下COD、NH3-N、TN的去除率分别达到89.6%、84.5%和81.3%;出水浓度分别为22.36、16.28和22.81mg/L;水力负荷影响着系统内生物膜的更新速度、生物膜的厚度以及水的剪切力大小;回流比对该系统脱氮性能有着重要影响,当回流比从50%提高到300%时TN去除率显著提高,从42.3%增加到81.3%,增加了39.0%。  相似文献   

Using aircraft, electrical and microphysical observations were made, on a few occasions within 15 km upwind and downwind of a thermal power station under cloud-free and in-cloud conditions. The values of the parameters measured were found to be systematically higher in the downwind region than in the upwind. Under cloud-free conditions, the concentrations of the cloud condensation nuclei and the computed cloud droplets were higher up to two times, the atmospheric electric field was higher up to seven times and the air temperature up to 2.3°C. Under in-cloud conditions, the values of the electric field and droplet charge were higher up to two times, the measured droplet concentration was higher by one and a half times, the cloud air temperature up to 1.5°C and the liquid water content up to four times. However, these differences were in general within the spatial variability found outside the plume affected area.  相似文献   

Outdoor fires, such as wildfires and prescribed burns, can emit substantial amounts of particulate matter and other pollutants into the atmosphere. In Texas, an inventory of forest, grassland and agricultural burning activities revealed that fires consumed vegetation on 1.6 and 1.7 million acres of land, in 1996 and 1997, respectively. Emissions from the fires were estimated based on survey and field data on acres burned and land cover and literature data on fuel consumption and emission factors. Fire data were allocated spatially by county and temporally by month. While fire events can cause high transient air pollutant concentrations, for most criteria pollutants, the fire emissions were a relatively small fraction of the annual emission inventory for the State. For fine particulate matter, however, the annual emission estimates were 40,000 tons/yr, which is likely to represent a significant fraction of the State's emission inventory, especially in the counties where the emissions are concentrated.  相似文献   

Luoto M  Rekolainen S  Aakkula J  Pykälä J 《Ambio》2003,32(7):447-452
The drastic loss of seminatural grasslands and the decrease in species diversity in Europe during the 20th century are closely linked to social-economic factors. Development in agricultural production drives land-use changes, and thus controls the capacity of landscapes to maintain biodiversity. In this study, we link agricultural production changes to landscape fragmentation and species diversity. Our results show that the termination of grazing on seminatural grassland caused significant changes in landscape structure and a decline in the number of vascular plant species. The decline of grazed grasslands has been driven mainly by farm-level economic efficiency and profitability interests, which have been connected with agricultural policy measures. Since 1995, when Finland joined the European Union, the area of grazed patches in our study area has again increased as a result of a support scheme for the management of seminatural grasslands.  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes, although often highly altered in nature, provide habitat for many species of amphibian. However, the persistence and health of amphibian populations are likely to be compromised by the escalating use of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals. This review examines some of the issues relating to exposure of amphibian populations to these chemicals and places emphasis on mechanisms of toxicity. Several mechanisms are highlighted, including those that may disrupt thyroid activity, retinoid pathways, and sexual differentiation. Special emphasis is also placed on the various interactions that may occur between different agro-chemicals and between chemicals and other environmental factors. We also examine the indirect effects on amphibian populations that occur when their surrounding pond communities are altered by chemicals.  相似文献   

农业管理实践对除草剂环境行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
除草剂的土壤环境行为与受人为控制的农业管理实践有密切的关系。本文通过文献调研综合分析了农田灌溉、耕作制度、施肥、作物秸秆还田和除草剂施用量等农业管理实践对除草剂土壤环境行为的影响 ,并据此提出了减轻除草剂污染地下水的若干思路。  相似文献   

A more detailed characterization of particulate organic matter in wastewater streams is needed to improve solid-liquid separation and biological processes for wastewater treatment. The objective of this paper was to evaluate particle size distributions and the associated chemical composition for municipal, industrial, and agricultural waste streams. Most of the organic matter in these wastewaters was larger than a molecular weight of 10(3) amu and therefore would require extracellular hydrolysis before any bacterial metabolism. Particle size distributions were significantly different for the studied waste streams. In municipal wastewater, the organic matter was evenly distributed in all eight size fractions ranging from 10(3) amu up to 63 microm. The industrial and agricultural wastewaters, however, contained mainly soluble organic matter (<10(3) amu) and larger particles (>1.2 microm for the industrial and >10 microm for the agricultural waste) leaving a gap in the size range of large macromolecules and colloids. The relative protein and carbohydrate concentrations varied for the different size fractions compared to the measured chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the corresponding size fraction. Thus, the design of the solid-liquid separation at a treatment plant could be used to purposefully modify the overall chemical composition of the organic matter before further biological treatment. Particle size distributions will influence design and operation of biological nutrient removal processes such as denitrification or biological phosphorus removal that may be carbon limited if a large fraction of the organic matter is composed of large particles with slow hydrolysis rates. Measured particle size distributions for the different waste streams in this study (municipal, industrial, agricultural) were significantly different requiring specific approaches for treatment plant design.  相似文献   

In the present work, the CH4 sink associated to Italian soils was calculated by using a process-based model controlled by gas diffusivity and microbial activity, which was run by using a raster-based geographical information system. Georeferenced data included land cover CLC2000, soil properties from the European Soil Database, climatic data from the MARS-STAT database, plus several derived soils properties based on published algorithms applied to the above mentioned databases. Overall CH4 consumption from natural and agricultural sources accounted for a total of 43.3 Gg CH4 yr(-1), with 28.1 Gg CH4 yr(-1) removed in natural ecosystems and 15.1 Gg CH4 yr(-1) in agricultural ecosystems. The highest CH4 uptake rates were obtained for natural areas of Southern Apennines and islands of Sardinia and Sicily, and were mainly associated to areas covered by sclerophyllous vegetation (259.7+/-30.2 mg CH4 m(-2) yr(-1)) and broad-leaved forest (237.5 mg CH4 m(-2) yr(-1)). In terms of total sink strength broad-leaved forests were the dominant ecosystem. The overall contribution of each ecosystem type to the whole CH4 sink depended on the total area covered by the specific ecosystem and on its exact geographic distribution. The latter determines the type of climate present in the area and the dominant soil type, both factors which showed to have a strong influence on CH4 uptake rates. The aggregated CH4 sink, calculated for natural ecosystems present in the Italian region, is significantly higher than previously reported estimates, which were extrapolated from fluxes measured in other temperate ecosystems.  相似文献   

A major, often unrecognized variable regulating plant growth in semi-closed environment is air contaminant. The vapor of propylene glycol (PG), which was used as coolant in growth chambers, has been found to be toxic to corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) plants. PG solution leaked from a valve packing system and volatilized to vapor, which was trapped in a semi-closed growth chamber. Symptoms of leaf edge chlorosis, later developing into necrosis, were observed on the third day of emergence or on the third day after moving healthy plants into the chamber. For young soybean plants, symptoms were slightly different from those observed in corn plants; the chlorosis symptoms were not uniformly distributed on all leaves. Some soybean leaves curled up and others had white spots. This problem was identified by using a portable photoionization detector to obtain instantaneous readings of total volatile organic compound concentrations inside the chambers. The presence of PG in selected chambers was verified using sample collection with solid phase microextraction (SPME) followed by analysis with multi-dimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry (MD-GC-MS). This information is pertinent to researchers who use controlled environment to grow plants.  相似文献   

AP Jackson  GH Eduljee 《Chemosphere》1994,29(12):2523-2543
A model has been developed to describe the transfer of PCDDs and PCDFs from sludge-amended soils to the human foodchain. The model is conservative and assumes that all foods consumed by an individual are derived from sludge-amended soils. Predicted concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs in potatoes, cereals, root vegetables and leafy vegetables were in close agreement with mean concentrations reported in the food survey conducted by MAFF in the UK. Predicted concentrations in milk were well below the Maximum Tolerable Concentration adopted by MAFF. Assuming a half-life of ten years in sludge-amended soils, the maximum estimated incremental daily intake (IDI) predicted by the model following ten applications of sludge to agricultural land was 0.80 pg I-TEQ kg−1 day−1, representing an increase of approximately 45% on current levels of background exposure. For an individual whose diet is solely derived from sludge-amended soils, the total exposure is predicted to be approximately 181 pg I-TEQ day−1 or 2.6 pg I-TEQ kg−1 day−1. This compares with an average background exposure of approximately 2 pg I-TEQ kg−1 day−1, well within the TDI of 10 pg I-TEQ kg−1 day−1 and indicates that the application of sewage sludge to agricultural land under the conditions assumed would not appear to present a significant health risk under the conservative scenarios considered in this assessment.  相似文献   

Samara C  Voutsa D 《Chemosphere》2005,59(8):1197-1206
The size distributions of airborne particulate matter (PM) and associated heavy metals Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, V, Mn, Cu and Fe in different inhalable fractions (< 0.8 microm, 0.8-1.3 microm, 1.3-2.7 microm, 2.7-6.7 microm and > 6.7 microm) were determined at a traffic-orientated urban site in the city of Thessaloniki, northern Greece. The airborne PM displayed a bimodal distribution with most of the mass (52%) contained in the submicron size range (< 0.8 microm) and an additional minor mode (20%) in the coarse size fraction (> 6.7 microm). Characteristic size distributions of heavy metals allowed identification of three main behavioral types: (a) metals whose mass was resided mainly within the accumulation mode (Pb,Cd), (b) those which were distributed between fine, intermediate and coarse modes (Ni,Cu,Mn), and (c) those which were mainly found within particles larger than 2.7 microm in diameter (Fe). The mean mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) of PM was found at 0.85+/-0.71 microm, while the mean MMADs of heavy metals followed the order Pb (0.96 +/- 0.71 microm) < Cd (1.14 +/- 0.82 microm) < V (1.38 +/- 0.63 microm) < Ni (1.45 +/- 0.88 microm) < Cu (2.04 +/- 0.77 microm) < Mn (2.61 +/- 1.23 microm) < Cr (2.91 +/- 1.40 microm) < Fe (3.82 +/- 0.88 microm). The measured distributions are believed to result from a combination of processes including local anthropogenic and natural sources, such as traffic, industrial emissions and resuspension of road dust.  相似文献   

混汞法是一种设备简单、操作简便且应用历史悠久的提金方法 ,在世界范围内得到了普遍使用 ,同时也导致了严重的汞污染。本文介绍了混汞法的流程以及汞的释放过程和释放因子 ;综述了应用混汞法提金的不同国家和地区 ,对由此引发的大气、水体、生物 (包括人体 )和土壤汞污染的研究现状 ,并讨论了采金地区的环境管理政策  相似文献   

Contamination by microscopic fungi and mycotoxins in different bee pollen samples, which were stored under three different ways of storing as freezing, drying and UV radiation, was investigated. During spring 2009, 45 samples of bee-collected pollen were gathered from beekeepers who placed their bee colonies on monocultures of sunflower, rape and poppy fields within their flying distance. Bee pollen was collected from bees’ legs by special devices placed at the entrance to hives. Samples were examined for the concentration and identification of microscopic fungi able to grow on Malt and Czapek-Dox agar and mycotoxins content [deoxynivalenol (DON), T-2 toxin (T-2), zearalenone (ZON) and total aflatoxins (AFL), fumonisins (FUM), ochratoxins (OTA)] by direct competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). The total number of microscopic fungi in this study ranged from 2.98 ± 0.02 in frozen sunflower bee pollen to 4.06 ± 0.10 log cfu.g?1 in sunflower bee pollen after UV radiation. In this study, 449 isolates belonging to 21 fungal species representing 9 genera were found in 45 samples of bee pollen. The total isolates were detected in frozen poppy pollen 29, rape pollen 40, sunflower pollen 80, in dried poppy pollen 12, rape pollen 36, sunflower 78, in poppy pollen after UV radiation treatment 54, rape 59 and sunflower 58. The most frequent isolates of microscopic fungi found in bee pollen samples of all prevalent species were Mucor mucedo (49 isolates), Alternaria alternata (40 isolates), Mucor hiemalis (40 isolates), Aspergillus fumigatus (33 isolates) and Cladosporium cladosporioides (31 isolates). The most frequently found isolates were detected in sunflower bee pollen frozen (80 isolates) and the lowest number of isolates was observed in poppy bee pollen dried (12 isolates). The most prevalent mycotoxin of poppy bee pollen was ZON (361.55 ± 0.26 μg.kg?1), in rape bee pollen T-2 toxin (265.40 ± 0.18 μg.kg?1) and in sunflower bee pollen T-2 toxin (364.72 ± 0.13 μg.kg?1) in all cases in frozen samples.  相似文献   

Barley is grown as a crop in South Africa, mainly for use in the barley beer (lager) industry, particularly in the production of barley malt. This investigation was done to find out what fungal infection and mycotoxin contamination this barley and the malt contained. The survey, done in 2005, not only covered barley and malt but also the final product in the form of several brands of beer purchased from retail outlets. Analysis was done using a range of methodologies including chromatography, immunoaffinity/fluorimetry and cytotoxicity testing. The results show that barley, which also includes barley sold directly to the public, and malt, contain various fungi, sometimes at high incidence and also a range of mycotoxins which persisted through, although at low levels, to beer. The malt showed a different pattern of micro flora, as compared to the barley, which indicates infection during the malting process, which is not uncommon. Interestingly, fumonisin B1 was found in some of the samples, as well as the beer, although in the latter case these were at very low levels. Recent studies have shown that the immunoaffinity/fluorimetry method can give false positives for the fumonisins, so these results were confirmed by high performance liquid chromatography. As is the case with other cereals grown in South Africa, there is the concern that the public is exposed to mycotoxins on a regular basis through the consumption of products made from them.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Groundwater pollution seriously threatens water resource safety due to high-intensity land use throughout the world. However, the relationship between...  相似文献   

Contamination by microscopic fungi and mycotoxins in different bee pollen samples, which were stored under three different ways of storing as freezing, drying and UV radiation, was investigated. During spring 2009, 45 samples of bee-collected pollen were gathered from beekeepers who placed their bee colonies on monocultures of sunflower, rape and poppy fields within their flying distance. Bee pollen was collected from bees' legs by special devices placed at the entrance to hives. Samples were examined for the concentration and identification of microscopic fungi able to grow on Malt and Czapek-Dox agar and mycotoxins content [deoxynivalenol (DON), T-2 toxin (T-2), zearalenone (ZON) and total aflatoxins (AFL), fumonisins (FUM), ochratoxins (OTA)] by direct competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). The total number of microscopic fungi in this study ranged from 2.98 ± 0.02 in frozen sunflower bee pollen to 4.06 ± 0.10 log cfu.g(-1) in sunflower bee pollen after UV radiation. In this study, 449 isolates belonging to 21 fungal species representing 9 genera were found in 45 samples of bee pollen. The total isolates were detected in frozen poppy pollen 29, rape pollen 40, sunflower pollen 80, in dried poppy pollen 12, rape pollen 36, sunflower 78, in poppy pollen after UV radiation treatment 54, rape 59 and sunflower 58. The most frequent isolates of microscopic fungi found in bee pollen samples of all prevalent species were Mucor mucedo (49 isolates), Alternaria alternata (40 isolates), Mucor hiemalis (40 isolates), Aspergillus fumigatus (33 isolates) and Cladosporium cladosporioides (31 isolates). The most frequently found isolates were detected in sunflower bee pollen frozen (80 isolates) and the lowest number of isolates was observed in poppy bee pollen dried (12 isolates). The most prevalent mycotoxin of poppy bee pollen was ZON (361.55 ± 0.26 μg.kg(-1)), in rape bee pollen T-2 toxin (265.40 ± 0.18 μg.kg(-1)) and in sunflower bee pollen T-2 toxin (364.72 ± 0.13 μg.kg(-1)) in all cases in frozen samples.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to survey the fungal and mycotoxin contamination of South African wheat ranging from that growing in the field to processed wheat products. Samples of wheat were taken from various growing areas in South Africa and screened for fungi and mycotoxins, using a range of methodologies, including chromatography, immunoaffinity/fluorimetry, and cytotoxicity testing. Similar samples were taken from supermarkets and retail outlets in South Africa and analyzed in a similar manner. The result showed that a range of fungi and mycotoxins could be detected in wheat in all these sample types. The major fungal contaminants were Fusarium spp. and their attendant mycotoxins, in particular deoxynivalenol, which is in keeping with the observations made in the rest of the world. An interesting observation was that samples of wheat taken from the field with heavy Fusarium contamination were contaminated with fumonisin B1, which is not normally associated with this crop. Of more concern were the low but persistent levels of mycotoxins and fungi in wheat-based products sold directly to the public.  相似文献   

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