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Antimicrobial activity of Red Sea corals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scleractinian corals and alcyonacean soft corals are the two most dominant groups of benthic marine organisms inhabiting the coral reefs of the Gulf of Eilat, northern Red Sea. Antimicrobial assays performed with extracts of six dominant Red Sea stony corals and six dominant soft corals against marine bacteria isolated from the seawater surrounding the corals revealed considerable variability in antimicrobial activity. The results demonstrated that, while the majority (83%) of Red Sea alcyonacean soft corals exhibited appreciable antimicrobial activity against marine bacteria isolated from the seawater surrounding the corals, the stony corals had little or no antimicrobial activity. From the active soft coral species examined, Xenia macrospiculata exhibited the highest and most potent antimicrobial activity. Bioassay-directed fractionation indicated that the antimicrobial activity was due to the presence of a range of compounds of different polarities. One of these antibiotic compounds was isolated and identified as desoxyhavannahine, with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 48 μg ml−1 against a marine bacterium. The results of the current study suggest that soft and hard corals have developed different means to combat potential microbial infections. Alcyonacean soft corals use chemical defense through the production of antibiotic compounds to combat microbial attack, whereas stony corals seem to rely on other means.  相似文献   

Chemical resistance of gorgonian corals against fungal infections   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The frequency and impact of diseases affecting corals throughout the Caribbean have been increasing but little is known about the factors promoting the emergence and outbreak of disease. A disease caused by a fungal pathogen [Aspergillus sydowii (Thom et Church)] which affects Caribbean sea fan corals provided an opportunity to examine the efficacy of coral crude extracts in disease resistance. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays showed that of the 20 common gorgonian species in the Florida Keys, extracts from 15 species had MICs < 15 mg ml−1 against A. sydowii pathogenic to sea fans. Extracts from several species in two gorgonian genera (Pseudoplexaura and Pseudopterogorgia) were among the most active, with MICs < 10 mg ml−1. Gorgonia ventalina L., one of two sea fan species known to be hosts to A. sydowii in the field, had an MIC < 10 mg ml−1, suggesting that complete disease resistance requires more active extracts. For the antifungal compounds to be effective in situ, they must also occur in sufficiently high concentrations in living coral tissue. For example, Pseudopterogorgia americana (Gmelin) had comparatively potent extracts but did not have sufficient concentrations in the tissue to be effective. Conversely, Plexaura homomalla Esper extracts were less potent but occurred in high enough concentrations in the tissue to be effective against A. sydowii. When potency and extract concentration are considered together (i.e. potency × concentration), several other gorgonian corals emerge as likely hosts to A. sydowii. Crude extracts from the most active gorgonian species were also effective against two geographic variants of A. sydowii pathogenic to sea fans, a non-pathogenic terrestrial strain of A. sydowii, and three strains of A. flavus Link known to be human, plant, and insect pathogens (MIC range, 7.5 to > 15 mg ml−1). Although the potency in these assays did not attain a clinically significant level, the potency is comparable to a known antifungal agent, hygromycin B, which had an MIC ≤7.5 mg ml−1 in our assays, highlighting the potential of these gorgonian corals for bioprospecting. Received: 29 May 1999 / Accepted: 22 May 2000  相似文献   

Reproductive success among clonal taxa is often portrayed as a simple function of clone size, but reproduction in Pseudoplexaura porosa (Houtuyn), a common Caribbean gorgonian, reflects a more complex relationship between size and gamete production. Tagged colonies were sampled at two reefs in the San Blas Islands, Panama during the 1995 spawning season to determine the colony size at first reproduction, size-dependent polyp fecundities, and whole colony gonad production, and to follow the gametogenic cycle. Additional data were obtained during non-spawning months in 1984 and 1985. Of 120 colonies ranging in height from 20 to 250 cm, only colonies taller than 50 cm were reproductive. An average of 4.33 oocytes polyp−1, 560 to 800 μm in diameter, were released during monthly synchronous spawning events from June to September. Oocytes released each month developed from a group of intermediate size oocytes present at the end of the preceding month. Almost all oocytes >560 μm were released during each spawning event. Spermatogenesis was a shorter process than oogenesis. During each spawning month, mature spermaries developed from a group of <125 μm spermaries. Virtually all spermaries >190 μm were released each month, and most of the spermary volume in mature male polyps was generated anew each month of spawning. Among reproductive colonies, polyp fecundity increased with colony height from 50 to 200 cm. Per capita fecundity of >200 cm tall female colonies was lower than for 150 to 200 cm colonies, but whole colony fecundity of large colonies was greater due to the exponential increase in the number of polyps that occurs with increasing colony height. In male colonies, both polyp and colony reproductive output increased with colony height. The large amounts of sperm produced by large male colonies probably contributes to the high rates of in situ fertilization observed in P. porosa. Differences in fecundity as a function of colony size and sex suggest differences in some combination of the cost of reproduction and/or allocation of resources to reproduction. Received: 9 September 1998 / Accepted: 7 June 1999  相似文献   

Coral reef conservation management policy often focuses on larval retention and recruitment of marine fish with scant data available on important, less motile reef-building species such as corals. To evaluate the concept of population connectivity in corals, we tested whether broadcast spawning reproduction per se confers the same degree of dispersal to two sister species, Montastraea annularis (Anthozoa: Scleractinia; Ellis and Solander 1786) and M. faveolata (Ellis and Solander 1786), both dominant taxa in reefs of the northern Caribbean. Genetic analyses of ten nuclear DNA loci (seven microsatellite and three single-copy RFLP) reveal strikingly different patterns of population genetic subdivision for these closely related, sympatric species, in spite of likely identical dispersal abilities. Strong population genetic structure typified the architecture of M. annularis, whereas M. faveolata populations were principally genetically well mixed. A higher level of clonality was observed in M. annularis potentially because of a susceptibility to physical fragmentation. Clonality did not, however, significantly contribute to population genetic structure or low-level Hardy–Weinberg and linkage disequilibria observed in some populations. The lack of consistent association between reproductive mode and dispersal reinforces the perspective that population connectivity is not so much a function of predictable marine population source and sink relationships as is due to a more complex interface of oceanic currents interacting with and amplifying stochastic fluctuations in larval supply and settlement success. Our results support others promoting an overall ecosystem approach in marine protected area design.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The skeletons of 3 gorgonian and 2 antipatharian corals were subjected to quantitative chemical analysis. Protein values ranged from 70.4 to 93.6%; ash from 3.0 to 19.4%; lipid from 0 to 8.4%; carbohydrate from 1.24 to 3.94% and halogen from 4.2 to 24.9% of the dry skeletal weight. Hydroxyproline and phenolic values were 0 to 3.0% and 11.6 to 25.0% of the protein, respectively. Lipid, present in 2 gorgonian species and 1 antipatharian, significantly decreased with age in all three cases. Glucose and galactose accounted for over 90%, and sialic acids for an additional 1 to 10%, of the carbohydrate in the gorgonian skeletons studied; the glucose content of the gorgonian skeleton decreased with age. The antipatharian skeletons possessed no glucose or galactose, but contained significant levels of amino sugars; the presence of chitin is confirmed. In the gorgonians, bromine and iodine, the predominant halogens, increased with skeletal age and were present in nearly equal amounts. Small amounts of bromine were found in the antipatharian skeletons, but very large amounts of iodine were found in older parts of the skeleton. The basal regions of both antipatharian species contained >23% by weight of iodine, the highest content of iodine yet recorded for any organism.  相似文献   

An on-going, Caribbean-wide epizootic affecting sea fan corals (Gorgonia spp.) is caused by the fungus Aspergillus sydowii (Thom et Church). We examined the role of crude extracts in resistance of two species of sea fans, Gorgonia ventalina (L.) and G. flabellum (L.), against A. sydowii and a bacterial pathogen of fish, Listonella anguillarum (MacDonell et Colwell). Sea fans were collected in January 1997 from San Salvador, Bahamas, and in June 1997 and January 1998 from Alligator Reef, Florida Keys, USA. Crude extracts from both species were tested to determine concentrations inhibiting germination of A. sydowii spores. Crude extracts from both species inhibited spore germination at concentrations as low as 1.5 mg ml−1; most samples were active at 5 to 10 mg ml−1. These concentrations are within the range estimated in living tissue and were higher in healthy colonies suggesting their role in mediating disease susceptibility. We also detected within-colony gradients in antifungal activity, which varied with the disease state of the colony. In healthy sea fans, resistance was highest at colony edges and lowest in medial and central regions of the colony. Among sea fans with lesions in the colony center, resistance in tissue from proximal and medial regions was as high as tissue from the colony edge (i.e. distal region). The increase in antifungal activity suggests an inducible response by the coral host to the fungal pathogen. This response is most evident among sea fans with lesions in the colony center and not among colonies with lesions at the edge. Antibacterial activity of crude extracts against L. anguillarum was highest at the colony edge but did not vary with disease state or tissue location. Received: 10 March 1999 / Accepted: 10 November 1999  相似文献   

Three procedures for the extraction of coral lipids were compared and a rapid and effective method for future use is suggested. This method was used to measure the lipid content of the branching coral Porites porites (Pallas) and the massive corals Montastrea annularis (Ellis and Solander) and Siderastrea siderea (Ellis and Solander) during July and August 1991. P. porites and M. annularis were sampled on two fringing reefs, each characterised by different water quality affecting light transmission, and at depths of down to 30 m on a barrier reef on the west coast of the island. m. annularis contained, on average, 29% of dry weight as lipid, and there were no significant differences in lipid levels between corals sampled on either fringing reef at 3 and 6 m, or between fringing reefs and the barrier reef at 13, 20 or 30 m depth. Five samples were also taken from a single massive colony of S. siderea at 3 m on a fringing reef and at 13, 20 and 30 m depth on the barrier reef. Values for lipid ranged from 26 to 35% of dry tissue weight. P. porites from 3 and 6 m depth on both fringing reefs contained the same amount of lipid (11% of dry tissue weight). However, at 13 m depth on the barrier reef this coral contained significantly less lipid (8.5% of dry tissue weight). This difference may be attributable to a higher nutritional intake by P. porites on the fringing reefs.  相似文献   

The recent intensification of human disturbances in the Caribbean has increased the prevalence of partial mortality on coral colonies. Partial mortality can change colony size by directly shrinking colonies or by splitting colonies into fragments. A reduction in colony size can also adversely affect fecundity and fitness as internal resources shift away from reproduction toward colony maintenance. This study aimed to determine whether three Caribbean coral species, Siderastrea siderea, Montastraea faveolata, and Diploria strigosa, along the reef tract in Puerto Morelos, Mexico (20o52′N, 86o51′W), continued to dedicate resources to reproduction when colonies were fragmented to pre-maturation size. Contrary to expectations, eggs were found in colonies that were smaller than the maturation size and had been subjected to partial mortality. The continued dedication of resources toward reproduction, even in the smallest colonies, suggests that resource trade-offs away from reproduction are not as rigid as previously suggested in stressed corals.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of deep-water gorgonian corals were investigated along 52 transects at 183–498 m depth in the Northeast Channel, between Georges Bank and Browns Bank in the northwest Atlantic, using a remotely operated vehicle and a towed video-camera system. Three species (Paragorgia arborea, Primnoa resedaeformis, and Acanthogorgia armata) were observed. Primnoa occurred on 35 transects below 196 m depth, with highest local abundance in stands of 104 colonies per 100 m2. Paragorgia was present on 21 transects deeper than 235 m, with highest local abundance of 49 colonies per 100 m2. Acanthogorgia was observed at only four transects between 231 m and 364 m, with a local maximum abundance of 199 colonies per 100 m2. The maximum abundance averaged for whole transects was 19.2 and 6.2 colonies per 100 m2 for Primnoa and Paragorgia, respectively. The corals were more common in the outer part of the channel along the shelf break and slope than on the shelf in the inner part. All three species showed a patchy distribution with no signs of competitive exclusion at any spatial scale. Transects with high abundance of corals were characterised by depths greater than 400 m, maximum temperatures less than 9.2°C, and a relatively high percentage coverage of cobble and boulder (more than 19% and 6%, respectively). High temperatures probably control the upper depth limit of the corals, and Primnoa seems to tolerate slightly higher temperatures than Paragorgia. Abundance of both species was negatively correlated with average temperature and positively with cobbles. Together, temperature, percentage cobble and salinity accounted for 38% of the variance of Primnoa. The comparable figure for Paragorgia was 15%. The observed distribution indicated that the abundance of coral is controlled by additional factors such as larger-scaled topographic features governing the current regimes and thus also the supply of food and larvae.Communicated by R. J. Thompson, St. Johns  相似文献   

The Caribbean reef-building corals Porites porites (Pallas) and Montastrea annularis (Ellis and Solander) and the Red Sea corals Pocillopora verrucosa (Ellis and Solander), Stylophora pistillata (Esper) and Goniastrea retiformis (Lamark) were analysed for total lipid, wax ester and triglyceride content, and fatty acid composition. M. annularis contained about 32% of dry weight as total lipid, whereas much lower values of between 11 and 17% were recorded for the other four species. It is concluded that there is greater variation in coral total lipid than hitherto thought. The total lipid contained a substantial proportion of wax ester (22 to 49%) and triglyceride (18 to 37%). The storage lipids (wax esters and triglycerides) accounted for between 6 and 20% of the dry weight and between 46 and 73% of the total lipid. Variation in lipid content between species could not be attributed to geographical location, but the low values for total lipid in Red Sea corals may in part be due to environmental factors as these samples were collected in winter. All corals analysed contained high levels of saturated fatty acids, the most abundant fatty acids being 16:0, 18:0 and 18:1n-9. Marked differences were observed in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content between species, with comparatively low levels of 10 and 11% of fatty acids being recorded in M. annularis and G. retiformis, respectively. The values for the other species ranged between 21 and 37%. Fatty acid composition may vary according to the proportions of fatty acids obtained from diet, algal photosynthesis and synthesis by the animal tissues.  相似文献   

This study is the second of two surveys designed to systematically screen extracts from marine plants for antimicrobial effects against ecologically relevant marine microorganisms, and to compare results on a geographical basis. In the preceding survey, extracts from tropical Atlantic marine algae and seagrasses were screened in growth inhibition assays against the pathogenic fungus Lindra thalassiae, the saprophytic fungus Dendryphiella salina, the saprophytic stramenopiles, Halophytophthora spinosa and Schizochytrium aggregatum, and the pathogenic bacterium Pseudoaltermonas bacteriolytica. In this study, the same assay microorganisms were used to examine the antimicrobial effects of lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts from 54 species of marine algae and two species of seagrasses collected from Indo-Pacific reef habitats. Overall, 95% of all species surveyed in this study yielded extracts that were active against one or more, and 77% yielded extracts that were active against two or more assay microorganisms. Broad-spectrum activity against three or four assay microbes was observed in the extracts from 50 to 21% of all species, respectively. Extracts from the green alga Bryopsis pennata and the red alga Portieria hornemannii inhibited the growth of all assay microorganisms. Given that antimicrobial activity was prevalent among extracts of Indo-Pacific marine plants, it is interesting to note that the inhibitory effects of each extract varied considerably between the assay microorganisms. Overall, H. spinosa and D. salina were the most susceptible while L. thalassiae, S. aggregatum, and P. bacteriolytica were the most resistant to the extracts tested. These results provide good evidence that antimicrobial chemical defenses are widespread among Indo-Pacific marine plants. Further, the activity profiles of plant extracts suggest that antimicrobial secondary metabolites can have pathogen-selective or broad-spectrum effects. To confirm these results, chemical studies will be needed to isolate and characterize the compounds responsible for the observed antimicrobial activities.  相似文献   

Studies investigating disease resistance in marine plants have indicated that secondary metabolites may have important defensive functions against harmful marine microorganisms. The goal of this study was to systematically screen extracts from marine plants for antimicrobial effects against marine pathogens and saprophytes. Lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts from species of 49 marine algae and 3 seagrasses collected in the tropical Atlantic were screened for antimicrobial activity against five ecologically relevant marine microorganisms from three separate kingdoms. These assay microbes consisted of the pathogenic fungus Lindra thalassiae, the saprophytic fungus Dendryphiella salina, the saprophytic stramenopiles, Halophytophthora spinosa and Schizochytrium aggregatum, and the pathogenic bacterium Pseudoaltermonas bacteriolytica. Overall, 90% of all species surveyed yielded extracts that were active against one or more, and 77% yielded extracts that were active against two or more assay microorganisms. Broad-spectrum activity against three or four assay microorganisms was observed in the extracts from 48 and 27% of all species, respectively. The green algae Halimeda copiosa and Penicillus capitatus (Chlorophyta) were the only species to yield extracts active against all assay microorganisms. Among all assay microorganisms, both fungi were the most resistant to the extracts tested, with less than 21% of all extracts inhibiting the growth of either L. thalassiae or D. salina. In contrast, over half of all lipophylic extracts were active against the stramenopiles H. spinosa and S. aggregatum, and the bacterium P. bacteriolytica. Growth sensitivity to hydrophilic extracts varied considerably between individual assay microorganisms. While 48% of all hydrophilic extracts were active against H. spinosa, 27% were active against P. bacteriolytica, and only 14% were active against S. aggregatum. Overall, more lipophilic extracts inhibited microbial growth than hydrophilic extracts. The variability observed in the antimicrobial effects of individual extracts against each assay microorganism reflects the importance of choosing appropriate test microbes in assays from which ecologically relevant information is sought. Results from this survey demonstrate that antimicrobial activities are prevalent among extracts from marine algae and seagrasses, suggesting that antimicrobial chemical defenses are widespread among marine plants.  相似文献   

We developed quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays to distinguish each of the four clades (AD) of dinoflagellate endosymbionts (genus Symbiodinium) commonly found in Caribbean corals. We applied these primer sets, which target portions of the multi-copy ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene family, to assess the presence/absence of symbionts in clade D (as indicated by the detection of clade D DNA). We detected these symbionts in five of six Caribbean host species/genera (21% of samples analyzed, N = 10 of 47 colonies), from which clade D had rarely or never been observed. This suggests that Symbiodinium in clade D are present in a higher diversity of coral species than previously thought. This qPCR-based approach can improve our understanding of the total microbial diversity associated with corals, particularly in hosts thought to be relatively specific, and has many other potential applications for studies of coral reef ecology and conservation.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-one species in twenty genera of the plant family Meliaceae were assayed for the production of growth-inhibiting phytochemicals, using the generalist herbivorePeridroma saucia. Most species were inhibitory when methanolic extracts were incorporated into artificial diets at concentrations at or below those occurring naturally. In general members of the subfamily Melioideae were more inhibitory than members of the Swietenioideae. Extracts of deciduous species with short leaf lifetimes were significantly more inhibitory than those of evergreen species with longer leaf lifetimes. In a smaller sample of species, evergreen species showed a trend towards having tougher leaves than deciduous species. These results support the resource availability hypothesis of Coleyet al. (1985), and suggest that life history attributes may be of some value in selecting plants for phytochemical prospecting.  相似文献   

The different solvent extracts (viz Petroleum ether Ethyl acetate and Methanol) obtained from leaves and flowers of Heliotropium indicum and Spilanthes calva were screened for antifeedant activity against Helopeltis theivora. All the six different extracts showed antifeedant activity at four different concentrations. The methanolic extracts of leaves of Heliotropium indicum and Spilanthes calva exhibited significant activity at 4% concentration. The numbers of spots produced were only 18.67 and 22.67 respectively which are significantly less than the numberof spots produced in control (104.00 and 93.33 respectively). The treatment with methanolic extracts of flowers of both the plants significantly reduced the number of feeding spots to 22.33 and 23.67 respectively in comparison to the control values of 101.33. All the activities are dose dependent. The mean results with SEM (mean +/- SE) were statistically significant at 1% level (p<0.01) for three observations.  相似文献   

Gnathiid isopod larvae are members of the marine demersal zooplankton community and are common ectoparasites of coral reef fishes, emerging from the substratum, mostly at night and crepuscular periods to feed on fish blood. Given that the activity of many marine organisms is often linked to changes in the phase of the moon, we examined the relationship between lunar phase and activity in gnathiid isopods on Caribbean reefs. We employed two sampling methods to quantify gnathiid activity: (1) Emergence traps set on reefs over a 24 h period; and (2) live fish placed in cages on reefs and retrieved during night and dawn peaks in gnathiid activity. These were compared during discrete phases as well as a continuous metric, the lunar “angle”, and an estimate of ambient light availability (luminance). Lunar phase and angle varied in their statistical effect on gnathiid activity patterns by sampling method and/or year. Luminance had a significant but inconsistent effect on measures of gnathiid activity. Our results suggest that changes in the lunar cycle are not a strong predictor of gnathiid activity at our shallow reef study sites.  相似文献   

This study examined the capacity for photoprotection and repair of photo-inactivated photosystem II in the same Symbiodinium clade associated with two coexisting coral species during high-light stress in order to test for the modulation of the symbiont’s photobiological response by the coral host. After 4 days exposure to in situ irradiance, symbionts of the bleaching-sensitive Pocillopora damicornis showed rapid synthesis of photoprotective pigments (by 44 %) and strongly enhanced rates of xanthophyll cycling (by 446 %) while being insufficient to prevent photoinhibition (sustained loss in F v/F m at night) and loss of symbionts after 4 days. By contrast, Pavona decussata showed no significant changes in F v/F m, symbiont density or xanthophyll cycling. Given the association with the same Symbiodinium clade in both coral species, our findings suggest that symbionts in the two species examined may experience different in hospite light conditions as a result of different biometric properties of the coral host.  相似文献   

Seven fringing reef complexes were chosen along the leeward coast (west) of Barbados to study the effects of eutrophication processes upon the scleractinian coral assemblages. The structure of scleractinian coral communities was studied along an eutrophication gradient with a quantitative sampling method (line transect) in terms of species composition, zonation and diversity patterns. On the basis of these data the fringing reefs were divided into three ecological zones: back reef, reef flat, and spur and groove. Statistically discernible and biologically significant differences in scleractinian coral community structure, benthic algal cover and Diadema antillarum Philippi densities were recorded among the seven fringing reefs. High correlations between environmental variables and biotic patterns indicate that the effects of eutrophication processes (nutrient enrichment, sedimentation, turbidity, toxicity and bacterial activity) were directly and/or indirectly affecting the community structure of scleractinian coral assemblages. In general, species diversity was most sensitive in delineating among-reef, and among-zone, differences, which were attributed to intensification of eutrophication processes. Porites astreoides Lamarck, P. porites (Pallas), Siderastrea radians (Pallas), and Agaricia agaricites (Linnaeus) were the most abundant coral species in the polluted southern reefs. The absence and/or low abundance of coral species previously characterized as well adapted to high turbidity and sedimentation [i.e. Montastrea cavernosa Linnaeus, Meandrina meandrites (Linnaeus)] indicate that eutrophication processes may adversely affect these species. It is suggested that sediment rejection abilities, combined with feeding and reproductive strategies, are the primary biological processes of scleractinian corals through which eutrophication processes directly and/or indirectly affect the structure of coral communities.  相似文献   

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