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Effects of Artisanal Fishing on Caribbean Coral Reefs   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract:  Although the impacts of industrial fishing are widely recognized, marine ecosystems are generally considered less threatened by artisanal fisheries. To determine how coral reef fish assemblages and benthic communities are affected by artisanal fishing, we studied six Caribbean islands on which fishing pressure ranged from virtually none in Bonaire, increasing through Saba, Puerto Rico, St Lucia, and Dominica, and reaching very high intensities in Jamaica. Using stationary-point fish counts at 5 m and 15 m depth, we counted and estimated the lengths of all noncryptic, diurnal fish species within replicate 10-m-diameter areas. We estimated percent cover of coral and algae and determined reef structural complexity. From fish numbers and lengths we calculated mean fish biomass per count for the five most commercially important families. Groupers (Serranidae), snappers (Lutjanidae), parrotfish (Scaridae), and surgeonfish (Acanthuridae) showed order-of-magnitude differences in biomass among islands. Biomass fell as fishing pressure increased. Only grunts (Haemulidae) did not follow this pattern. Within families, larger-bodied species decreased as fishing intensified. Coral cover and structural complexity were highest on little-fished islands and lowest on those most fished. By contrast, algal cover was an order of magnitude higher in Jamaica than in Bonaire. These results suggest that following the Caribbean-wide mass mortality of herbivorous sea urchins in 1983–1984 and consequent declines in grazing pressure on reefs, herbivorous fishes have not controlled algae overgrowing corals in heavily fished areas but have restricted growth in lightly fished areas. In summary, differences among islands in the structure of fish and benthic assemblages suggest that intensive artisanal fishing has transformed Caribbean reefs.  相似文献   

Molluscan assemblages were studied on fringing reefs (reef flats, Millepora-fringing reefs, fringing reefs with massive corals) and fore-reef hard substrata (coral patches, coral carpets and small patch reefs) in the Gulf of Aqaba at water depths ranging from the intertidal to 26 m. A total of 1,665 molluscan individuals from 51 taxa was counted on 44 transects, which covered 220 m2 at eight diving sites. The most important molluscs in the assemblage were the parasitic gastropod Coralliophila neritoidea, the encrusting gastropod Dendropoma maxima and the coral-associated bivalve Pedum spondyloideum. The dead assemblage, in contrast, was dominated by encrusting bivalves (Ostreoidea, Chamoidea, Spondylidae) and the coral-predating gastropod Drupella cornus. Distinct molluscan assemblages inhabit each of the three fringing reef-habitats and most of the important depth-related community changes occurred within the uppermost 5 m. In contrast, the three deeper fore-reef habitats are characterized by a more uniform molluscan composition. Molluscan assemblages were more dependent on substrata and their coral associations than on water depth. Comparisons with other published studies indicate that reefoidal hard substrata in the northern Red Sea are largely characterized by similar species-abundance patterns. The minor differences to other Red Sea studies probably reflect the northern, isolated position of the Gulf of Aqaba, the lack of certain molluscan habitats, and the differential impact of anthropogenic influences. Strong differences between living and dead assemblages in Aqaba are similar to those observed in other regions and are due to distinct biases in the dead assemblage. Molluscs closely associated with living corals (mostly bivalves and Dendropoma) can easily be overgrown after death and are thus undetectable in visual censuses. Some gastropod taxa are preferentially transported into surrounding soft-substrata postmortem or redistributed by hermit crabs. Such complex relationships between ecology and taphonomy are crucial in evaluating the quality of the molluscan fossil record in coral reef environments. The comparison of our results with literature data documents an increase in coral predators during the last two decades in the northern Red Sea. Due to the greater mollusc biodiversity in the shallower Aqaba reef habitats, damage to this coral reef zone would have the greatest impact on the overall mollusc community.  相似文献   

Approximately 22 species of sea anemones and 20 species of alcyonarians were found on the reef fringing the shallow water at Eilat (Gulf of Aqaba) and other localities along the Red Sea coast of the Sinai Peninsula. Investigations showed that these 2 groups of non-scleractinian coelenterates from (on different substrates) well identified colonies, part of them inhabiting sandy bottoms, other groups growing on the reef surface. Observations lead to the conclusion that several of the sea anemones and alcyonarians can act, under certain conditions, as factors limiting the development of hermatypic corals. In some areas, several species of the 2 groups of animals are found together with their symbiotic partners, such as fishes and crustaceans.This research has been sponsored partly by a grant from the Smithsonian Institution, No. SFC-7-0074 to L. B. Slobodkin (N. Y.) and L. Fishelson (T.-A.).  相似文献   

Demersal zooplankton, those plankton which hide within reef sediments during the day but emerge to swim freely over the reef at night, were sampled quantitatively using emergence traps planced over the substrate at Lizard Island Lagoon, Great Barrier Reef. Densities of zooplankton emerging at night from 6 substrate types (fine, medium, and coarse sand, rubble, living coral and reef rock) and from 5 reef zones (seaward face, reef flat, lagoon, back reef, and sand flat) were determined. A large population of nocturnal plankton including cumaceans, mysids, ostracods, shrimp, isopods, amphipods, crustacean larvae, polychaetes, foraminiferans and copepods are resident members of the reef community at Lizard Island. The mean density of plankton emerging throughout the reef was 2510±388 (standard error) zooplankton/m2 of substrate. Biomass averaged 66.2±5.4 mg ash-free dry weight/m2 of substrate. Demersal zooplankton exhibited significant preferences for substrate types and reef zones. The highest mean density of zooplankton emerged from coral (11,264±1952 zooplankton/m2) while the lowest emerged from reef rock (840±106 zooplankton/m2). The density of demersal plankton was six times greater on the face than in any other zone, averaging 7900±1501 zooplankton/m2. Copepods dominated samples collected over living coral and rubble while foraminiferans, ostracods and decapod larvae were most abundant from sand. Plankton collected with nets at night correlated only qualitatively with plankton collected in emergence traps from the same location. Although abundant, demersal plankton were not numerous enough to meet the metabolic needs of all corals at Lizard Island Lagoon. Demersal plankton appear especially adapted to avoid fish predation. The predator-avoidance strategies of demersal plankton and maintenance of position on the reef are discussed. Our results indicate that much of the zooplankton over coral reefs actually lives on the reef itself and that previous studies using standard net sampling techniques have greatly underestimated plankton abundance over coral reefs.  相似文献   

Diurnal and nocturnal zooplankton was sampled simultaneously at the surface and at 35 m depth on the outer slope of the fringing reef off the Jordanian coast in the Guff of Aqaba, Red Sea, over a period of 8 d during July 1982. Complementary surface sampling was carried out above the reef and in the open sea in the morning and afternoon for a period of 5 d. Five groups of organisms were classified according to changes in their vertical distribution in the water column which is analyzed and discussed. Zooplankters of the first group appear to be positively phototactic (Calanus robustior, Mecynocera clausi, Oithona helgolandica, Corycella rostrata). Those of the second group also seem to be positively phototactic, but only as regards average and low light (moonlight) intensities (Nannocalanus minor, Acartia negligens, Sagitta enflata, S. hexaptera, Thalia democratica, Oikopleura fusiformis, O. longicauda). The zooplankton of the third group displays a negative phototaxis (Oithona nana, calyptopis and furcilia euphausiid stages, pelecypods and other mollusc veligers). Species exhibiting uncertain behaviour or caught in low numbers and exhibiting no particular distribution are relegated to the fourth and the fifth groups. The horizontal microdistribution of the zooplankton community is not easily discernible: certain neritic or oceanic affinities can be identified, however, by comparing the WP2 standard net surface samples collected above the reef with those from the open sea. The importance of zooplankton communities is emphasized, and the necessity of elucidating the temporal and spatial migrations and exchanges between reef and planktonic organisms in order to gain more insight into their trophic relationship with the reef system.  相似文献   

The occurrence of unusual symbiotic microorganisms was examined in the intestines of a range of fish from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The fish taxa examined included 26 species of the family Acanthuridae, as well as representatives of phylogenetically related and herbivorous taxa. The microorganisms, referred to as protists, were only found in herbivorous and detritivorous members of the Acanthuridae. Protists were not found in planktivorous acanthurids, nor in any members of the families Kyphosidae, Pomacentridae, Scaridae, Zanclidae, Siganidae and Bleniidae we examined. In addition, protists were absent from the herbivorous acanthurids A. xanthopterus and A. nigricans. A range of protist forms, characterized by differences in size (8 to 417 m), shape and mode of cell division (daughter-cell production and binary fission), was observed. The occurrence of these forms appeared to be correlated with host feedingecology. Large forms (>100 m) of the protists were only found in acanthurids which fed over hard-reef substrata. Smaller forms were found in sand-grazing and detritivorous species. One of the protist forms appears identical to protists previously reported from Red Sea acanthurids.  相似文献   

Y. Loya 《Marine Biology》1975,29(2):177-185
The community structure and species diversity of hermatypic corals was studied during 1969–1973, in two reef flats in the northern Gulf of Eilat, Red Sea: the reef flat of the nature reserve at Eilat, which is chronically polluted by oil and minerals, and a control reef, located 5 km further south, which is free from oil pollution. In 1969, the nature reserve and the control reef had similar coral community structure. In September, 1970, both reefs suffered approximately 90% mortality of corals, as a result of an unexpected and extremely low tide. In 1973 the control reef was “blooming” with a highly diverse coral community, while almost no signs of coral recolonization have been observed at the nature reserve, and it is significantly lower in diversity. It is suggested that phosphate eutrophication and chronic oil pollution are the major man-made disturbances that interfere with coral colonization of the reef flat at the nature reserve. Although no direct evidence is provided that oil damages hermatypic corals, the data strongly suggest that chronic oil spills prevent normal settlement and/or development of coral larvae. It is possible that chronic oil, pollution results in either one or a combination of the following: (1) damage to the reproductive system of corals; (2) decreased viability of coral larvae; (3) changes in some physical properties of the reef flat which interfere with normal settlement of coral larvae.  相似文献   

The coastal zone management and development plans which include tourism development necessitate among many other management practices, the extension of the available area of the present natural but narrow, limited and widely eroded beaches by implementing some type of nourishment practices. The present work is providing information on selected sites as possible sources of suitable sand, chemical and granulometric characteristics of their sand, and the potential direct and long-term environmental effects and consequences of its use in any future nourishment practices. Seven sites located within the up-lifted terraces area along the Jordanian portion of the Gulf of Aqaba, were selected as potential sources or borrow sites for sand that may be used in any future nourishment projects. Two sites were selected at the northeastern side of Aqaba region to represent sand dunes. Sand material from these sites were analyzed for their physical characteristics (grain size) as well as their content of heavy metals, organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, and calcium carbonate. Standard methodological techniques were used during analysis of all constituents. The results were compared with those obtained from the analysis of sand deposits of six beaches along the Jordanian coastline of the Gulf of Aqaba. Results indicate that sand of the selected borrow sites has grain size fractions that are suitable for use in beach nourishment. Results of the measured pollution indicators indicate that their levels in the sand of the potential borrow sites are within or lower than their levels in the marine and coastal sediments of the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea. These properties, in addition to the wide occurrence and availability of such sources along the coasts of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, suggest that it will be a cheep source of sand for beach extension and restoration and their use in large amounts in beach nourishment project will not pose major hazards on the quality of seawater of the Gulf of Aqaba area  相似文献   

Herbivory is widely acknowledged as a key process determining the benthic community structure and resilience of coral reefs. Despite numerous studies that have examined herbivory across reef gradients in the Caribbean, few studies have directly quantified this process on Pacific reefs. Bioassays of two species of erect macroalgae (Sargassum swartzii and S. cristaefolium) were used to quantify variation in grazing intensity across seven habitats of varying depth and wave exposure on a mid-shelf reef in the northern Great Barrier Reef. Removal rates of Sargassum varied significantly among habitats, with both species displaying broadly similar patterns. The shallow habitats on the exposed aspect of the reef (i.e. reef crest, flat and back reef) experienced the highest reductions in mass (81.4–91.6% day−1) for both S. swartzii and S. cristaefolium, while the deeper exposed habitats (reef slope and base) displayed the lowest reductions (3.8–13.4% day−1) over a 24 h period. In contrast, the grazing intensity varied between the two species in the three habitats on the leeward aspect of the reef. Reductions in mass remained relatively high for S. swartzii on the patch reef and sheltered reef base and flat (62.7–76.5% day−1) but were considerably lower for S. cristaefolium (37.9–63.5% day−1) across the same habitats. Surprisingly, the rates of removal of Sargassum displayed no relationship with the density or biomass of roving herbivorous fishes or those species known to consume erect macroalgae, either collectively or independently. These results suggest that the relationship between browsing rates and herbivorous fish biomass is complex and may be driven by species that are underestimated in visual surveys. Direct quantification of browsing intensity using assays revealed a different pattern to inferences based on herbivore densities and highlights the potential difficulties of evaluating ecosystem processes based on visual census data alone.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation on a coral reef   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Acetylene reduction was used to assess nitrogen fixation on all major substrates at all major areas over a period of 1 to 6 yr (1980–1986) at One Tree Reef (southern Great Barrier Reef). Experiments using 15N2 gave a ratio of 3.45:1.0 for C2H2 reduced:N2 fixed. Acetylene reduction was largely light-dependent, saturated at 0.15 ml C2H2 per ml seawater, and linear over 6 h. High fixation was associated with two emergent cyanophyte associations, Calothrix crustacea and Scytonema hofmannii, of limited distribution. Subtidally, the major contribution to nitrogen fixation came from well-grazed limestone substrates with an epilithic algal community in the reef flat and patch reefs (3 to 15 nmol C2H4 cm-2 h-1). Similar substrates from the outer reef slope showed lower rates. Nitrogen fixation on beach rock, intertidal coral rubble, reef crest and lagoon sand was relatively small (0.3 to 1.0 nmol C2H4 cm-2 h-1). Seasonal changes in light-saturated rates were small, with slight reduction only in winter. Rates are also reported for experimental coral blocks (13 to 39 nmol cm-2 h-1) and for branching coral inside and outside territories of gardening damselfish (3 to 28 nmol cm-2 h-1). This work supports the hypothesis that the high nitrogen fixation on the reef flat and patch reefs of the lagoon (34 to 68 kg N ha-1 yr-1) is because these subtidal areas support highly disturbed communities with the greatest abundance of nitrogen-fixing cyanophyte algae. It is calculated from a budget of all areas that One Tree Reef has an annual nitrogen fixation rate of 8 to 16 kg N ha-1 yr-1.  相似文献   

Crude oil (from oil terminal) and raw phosphate (from phosphate port) pollution are responsible for the lowered health conditions of coral reefs at their vicinity in the Jordanian coast of the Gulf of Aqaba. Both in situ incubations and ex situ laboratory exposure experiments were used to study the effects of those pollutants on corals, by using molecular and biochemical biomarkers in the coral Stylophora pistillata. For ex situ part of the experiment, crude oil and raw phosphate were added to a final concentration of 500?ppm for both pollutants. The DNA damage was assessed by Comet assay, while biochemical stress markers were reassessed by lipid peroxidation (LPO) test. Although the corals looked healthy from outside, the use of stress biomarkers indicated that they are under high pressure at the cellular level. The corals incubated with oil and phosphate had more DNA damage and LPO in comparison with the control samples. The results obtained suggest that the use of stress biomarkers can be used as important prognostic tools for examining the sub-lethal stress on corals before their death.  相似文献   

The ecology, defensive behavior and toxicity of three species of reef flat holothurians (Actinopyga mauritiana, Holothuria atra and Holothuria difficilis) were studied at Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands. The average diurnal population density of H. difficilis ranged from 1.4 to 32 holothurians/900 cm2; resting respiratory rates (0.05 ml O2/g wet wt/h) were comparable during day and night; nourishment in H. difficilis may be primarily from bacteria and foraminifera in which about 2% of the dry weight of sediment consumed is utilized, and the species probably passes at least 3 g dry wt of sediment/m2/day (>1 kg/m2/year). A fundamental difference in energy flow is suggested: considerably more energy is passed from benthic algae to grazing and browsing fishes to predatory fishes on coral reefs whereas, in extra-tropical latitudes, more energy is shunted from benthic algae to invertebrates to predators. The effects of holothurin leading to death in fishes are irreversible. Holothuria difficilis is best protected from predation. Its body wall is toxic and it can accurately eject Cuvierian tubules, which are also toxic. The discharge of tubules was regulated by a circadian rhythm in May. Studies on holothurians and sponges suggest that many exposed coral reef invertebrates have evolved effective defensive mechanisms in association with high intensity predation.Supported by A.E.C. Contract AT (29-2)-226 with the University of Hawaii.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the inner and outer coral reefs at Diani Beach on the Kenya coast to assess the distribution, density and behaviour of Echinometra mathaei (de Blainville). Transects 1 m wide were run on the two reefs in April, June and September, 1970. Test measurements on representative samples from the animal populations on both reefs were also taken. Direct observations on specimens of E. mathaci in selected rock pools on the outer reef were made to determine their movement, gregariousness, homing and feeding behaviour. Population density was higher on the inner reef furthest from the sea at low tide than on the outer reef. On the submerged inner coral reef at low tide, E. mathaei occurred mainly exposed on the seaweeds, but, on the exposed outer reef, its main niches were crevices in rock pools and under coral ledges. Sizefrequency distributions revealed that smaller individuals occurred on the inner reef and larger ones on the outer reef. The growth rate of E. mathaei was estimated from the positions of modal values, calculated from size-frequency distributions. No gregarious or homing behaviour was observed and, once settled in a suitable crevice, E. mathaei showed little movement.  相似文献   

A quantitative assessment of drifting net plankton crossing a reef-flat biotope was obtained on a Caribbean coral reef. The spatial distribution and abundance of plankton were sampled to provide estimates of the removal of this potential food resource by suspension-feeding populations. Sampling was largely confined to the reef flat and adjacent waters of Laurel Cay, a flourishing coral reef present on the insular shelf off southwestern Puerto Rico. A prior study provides information on the meteorological and hydrographic characteristics of this area. Evidence for plankton accrual was found in the quantitative depletion of qualitatively similar populations sampled downstream of densely populated reef communities. Numerically, the diatom crop was reduced by 91% and zooplankton by 60% in water streaming off the reef. Significant diel and seasonal variations in plankton abundance were obcerved, as well as notable differences in volume flow, the latter closely related to the local wind regime. A time course of net plankton accrual was calculated, taking into account these various factors. During the summer season (July–August), when zooplankton was relatively abundant and water movement over the reef vigorous, the total gain from plankton reached 0.25 gC/m2/day; 75% of this occurred during a 4 h period at sunrise and sunset. Plankton retained on the reef flat in January of February and in September was around 0.1 g C/m2/day. Zooplankton biomass contributed the greatest share, exceeding that of diatoms by a factor of 10 during the day and 42 in the early evening. A mean annual accrual of 0.18 g C/m2/day is equivalent to 4 to 13% of net community metabolism.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to provide comparable estimates of abundance of herbivorous reef fishes at temperate and tropical localities using a standardized methodology. Faunas of herbivorous fish were sampled on the rocky reefs of temperate northern New Zealand and on the coral reefs of the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, and the San Blas Archipelago in the Caribbean. A pilot study established the most appropriate habitat setting and the scale and magnitude of replication for the sampling program in temperate waters. Herbivorous fishes, including members of families endemic to the southern hemisphere (Odacidae and Aplodactylidae), were most abundant in turbulent, shallow water (0 to 6 m) and had patchy distributions within this habitat. A hierarchical sampling program using 10-min transect counts within the 0 to 6 m depth stratum examined abundance patterns at a range of spatial scales including mainland and island coasts, localities separated by up to 100 km and sites separated by up to 10 km. This program identified a characteristic fauna of seven species of herbivorous fishes with mean total abundances ranging from 23 to 30 individuals per 10-min transect. Species composition of the fauna varied between islands and coasts. A similar methodology was used to sample the major families of herbivorous fish in a number of sites in each of the tropical regions. These sampling programs revealed a fauna dominated by acanthurids and scarids in both the GBR and Caribbean localities. Estimates of abundance from these regions were similar, with a mean of 108 individuals recorded on the GBR and 129 per 10-min transect in the Caribbean. Species richness varied between each region, with 44 taxa recorded from the GBR and 11 from the Caribbean. Abundances of temperate water herbivores in New Zealand were found to be 75 to 80% lower than those recorded from shallow water habitats sampled on coral reefs. This was not related to species richness, since both New Zealand and the Caribbean locality had patterns of low richness. We suggest that the differences in abundance found by our study between temperate and tropical regions are not restricted to herbivorous fishes, but are representative of general latitudinal trends in reef fish faunas. Received: 4 November 1996 / Accepted: 15 December 1996  相似文献   

Glassom  D.  Zakai  D.  Chadwick-Furman  N. E. 《Marine Biology》2004,144(4):641-651
Recruitment rates of stony corals to artificial substrates were monitored for 2 years at 20 sites along the coast of Eilat, northern Red Sea, to compare with those recorded at other coral reef locations and to assess variation in recruitment at several spatial scales. Coral recruitment was low compared to that observed on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, but was similar to levels reported from other high-latitude reef locations. Pocilloporids were the most abundant coral recruits in all seasons. Recruitment was twofold higher during the first year than during the second year of study. There was considerable spatial variability, with the largest proportion of variance, apart from the error term, attributable to differences between sites, at a scale of 102 m. Spearmans ranked correlation showed consistency in spatial patterns of recruitment of pocilloporid corals between years, but not of acroporid corals. During spring, when only the brooding pocilloporid coral Stylophora pistillata reproduces at this locality, most coral recruitment occurred at central and southern sites adjacent to well-developed coral reefs. During summer, recruitment patterns varied significantly between years, with wide variation in the recruitment of broadcasting acroporid corals at northern sites located distant from coral reefs. Settlement was low at all sites during autumn and winter. This work is the first detailed analysis of coral recruitment patterns in the Red Sea, and contributes to the understanding of the spatial and temporal scales of variation in this important reef process.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Two methods were used to assess the grazing impact of roving herbivorous fishes across a coral reef depth gradient within Pioneer Bay, Orpheus Island, Great Barrier Reef. The first technique employed was a method traditionally used to quantify herbivory on coral reefs via the (indirect) inference of herbivore impact from biomass estimates and reported feeding rates. The second method (one of a range of direct approaches) used remote underwater video cameras to film the daily feeding activity of roving herbivores in the absence of divers. Both techniques recorded similar patterns and relative levels of herbivore biomass across five reef zones at the study site. Indirect estimates of the grazing impact across the reef depth gradient of the three predominant species of herbivore broadly coincided with levels quantified directly by remote underwater video, indicating that, to a large extent, presence does correspond to function. However, the video data suggested that, for individual species in particular reef zones, the absolute level of impact may be less than that inferred from presence. In the case of the parrotfish Scarus rivulatus, the video recordings suggested that, at the reef crest, an average of 52% (±18 SE) of each m2 area of reef would be grazed each month, compared with an area of 109% (±41 SE) suggested by inferring grazing activity from presence alone. Potential biases associated with remote video recorders may explain some of the discrepancy between values. Overall, the results suggest that, for some fish groups, the indirect method of inferring function from presence can provide a good indication of relative levels of herbivore impact across a coral reef. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The trophic status of herbivorous fishes on coral reefs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dietary analyses of 17 species of nominally herbivorous fishes on the northern Great Barrier Reef were carried out to resolve the questions to what extent diet in nominally herbivorous reef fishes is dominated by living plant material and whether short-chain fatty acid profiles in the alimentary tract predict diet. The fishes included members of the families Acanthuridae, Scaridae and Kyphosidae. The analyses revealed consumption of a wide range of food resources including macroscopic algae, turfing algae, pelagic and planktonic animal matter, organic detritus and sediments. In only 7 of the 17 species was living algae the dominant dietary item. Gastrointestinal short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) profiles reflecting the fermentative activities of gut symbionts were used as a framework for the initial analysis of dietary patterns. The feeding patterns implied by the SCFA profiles were validated by direct observation of food material through gut content analysis. We identified four main trophic groupings differentiated by fermentation profiles and diet. These were: (1) species with low levels of SCFA in gut samples (mean mM 9.2ǂ.8) but a high proportion of isovalerate (mean 15.4%dž.7): Acanthurus nigricauda, A. olivaceus, Ctenochaetus striatus, Chlorurus microrhinos, C.sordidus, Scarus schlegeli; (2) species that fed on turfing, filamentous and small thallate algae and displayed moderate levels of SCFA (mean mM 21.9DŽ.9): Acanthurus nigricans, A.lineatus, Naso tuberosus; (3) species that fed on large thallate (macroscopic) algae with high levels of SCFA (mean mM 41.2Dž.5) with very low proportions of isovalerate (mean 0.5%ǂ.1): Kyphosus cinerascens, K.vaigiensis, Naso unicornis, Zebrasoma scopas; and (4) species with diets dominated by planktonic animal material with moderate levels of SCFA (mean mM 21.3ǃ.5): Naso annulatus, N. brevirostris, N. hexacanthus, N. vlamingii. We conclude that a wide range of dietary items are taken by the 17 nominal herbivores, and that dietary groupings do not reflect taxonomic relationships. There was evidence of convergence in feeding modes and diet between phylogenetically distinct taxa and divergence within particular lineages.  相似文献   

Successful settlement of pelagic fish larvae into benthic juvenile habitats may be enhanced by a shortened settlement period, since it limits larval exposure to predation in the new habitat. Because the spatial distribution of marine fish larvae immediately prior to settlement versus during settlement was unknown, field experiments were conducted at Ishigaki Island (Japan) using light trap sampling and underwater visual belt transect surveys to investigate the spatial distribution patterns of selected pre- and post-settlement fishes (Acanthuridae, Pomacentridae, Chaetodonidae and Lethrinidae) among four habitats (seagrass bed, coral rubble, branching coral and tabular coral). The results highlighted two patterns: patterns 1, pre- and post-settlement individuals showing a ubiquitous distribution among the four habitats (Acanthuridae) and pattern 2, pre-settlement individuals distributed in all habitats, but post-settlement individuals restricted to coral (most species of Pomacentridae and Chaetodontidae) or seagrass habitats (Lethrinidae). The first pattern minimizes the transition time between the larval pelagic stage and acquisition of a benthic reef habitat, the latter leading immediately to a juvenile lifestyle. In contrast, the second pattern is characterized by high settlement habitat selectivity by larvae and/or differential mortality immediately after settlement.  相似文献   

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