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This study devised a staging system for, and monitored, the gonad development of the limpet species Patella vulgata and Patella ulyssiponensis on the South West coast of Ireland using histological techniques. Maturation began in the males of both species in January and in the females it began in March. There was no statistical difference in gonad development between sexes and between species. Spawning in the male P. vulgata occurred from September to December 2003 and in September and October 2004. In female P. vulgata spawning occurred from October to December 2003, no spawning of females was observed in 2004. In male P. ulyssiponensis spawning occurred in November and December 2003 and from September 2004 to December 2004. Spawning was observed from November 2003 to January 2004 and in September 2004 in female P. ulyssiponensis. Sex ratios also varied between the species and between months sampled. Nevertheless more males were observed in both species.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were undertaken to examine fertilization success in the intertidal prosobranch limpets Patella ulyssiponensis and Patella vulgata. Alkalization of eggs (10 min in pH 9.0 sea water) prior to fertilization trials improved fertilization rates greatly. Fertilization success was found to be a function of sperm concentration, gamete age and contact time. Sperm concentration needed for optimum fertilization success in vivo ranged between 105 and 107 sperm ml−1 for both species although at higher concentrations the number of normally developing trochophore larvae decreased. For P. vulgata, sperm longevity (at a concentration of 106 sperm ml−1) did not exceed 6 h, whereas eggs of both species were fertilizable for up to 12 h. Maximum fertilization success occurred after 15–30 min gamete contact time. The Vogel et al. (Math Biosci 58:189–216, 1982) fertilization kinetics model is developed to allow for non-complete fertilizations under optimal sperm concentrations, and a new parameter fitting technique is developed to improve estimates of fertilization success for short gamete contact times.  相似文献   

The group of subspecies of Patella ulyssiponensis, described by Christiaens, was widely known as Patella aspera until recently. The group extends throughout the Mediterranean, on all Macaronesian islands, along the North African coast, and in Europe, as far north as southern Norway. Throughout its range it displays great variation in shell sculpture and colour. The aim of this work was to re-examine the various subspecies proposed by Christiaens and, genetically, to test the hypothesis that European continental populations belong to a different species than the one composed by Macaronesian (north-west African) populations. In the present work, this group was studied by allozyme electrophoresis of 21 loci and by six morphological variables. The monomorphic locus of malate dehydrogenase (Mdh-1) was found to be diagnostic for distinguishing European continental populations from those of north-west African archipelagos, confirming the specific status of both groups. The allele observed at this locus in the Macaronesian populations was novel, while European continental populations showed a plesiomorphic one, shared with all other north-west Atlantic patellids with the exception of Patina pellucida, suggesting a more recent origin of the Macaronesian species from the continental forms. Both species showed a genetic identity of 0.730±0.061, which allowed rough estimations of 6.5–3 Mya since speciation. The subspecies Patella ulyssiponensis deserta described by Christiaens was not confirmed by our genetic data. Other loci (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and the second locus of lactate dehydrogenase) were partially diagnostic, in which both species showed different most common alleles. Morphologically, both species are easily recognised by shell characters and the results agree with previous findings, that continental populations are more homogeneous in shell morphology and radula characters than populations from the Macaronesia. This work supports retention of the earliest valid name, Patella ulyssiponensis Gmelin, with Lisbon, Portugal as type locality, for the European continental species, and Patella aspera Röding for the Macaronesian populations. Population subdivision within species was measured by theta, the estimator of Fst, showing in both P. aspera and P. ulyssiponensis a high degree of genetic structuring (=0.226 and 0.182, respectively) mostly explained by the large distances separating the populations within species.Communicated by J.P.Thorpe, Port Erin  相似文献   

Patella caerulea L., P. aspera Lam. (=P. ulyssiponensis Gmelin). P. rustica L. (=P. lusitanica Gmelin) are coexisting Mediterranean species of the genus Patella. P. caerulea and P. rustica have a haploid complement of n=9 with seven metacentric and two telocentric chromosomes, while P. aspera has a haploid complement of n=8 without telocentric chromosomes. To better define the phylogenetic relationships among these three species, an electrophoretic analysis of 12 enzyme coding loci was performed on samples of the three species collected from Laigueglia (Liguria, Italy) in 1989. On the whole, genotypic frequencies were in agreement with Hardy-Weinberg expectations and no significant differences were observed among the populations of the three species as far as their genetic structure is concerned. Nearly 50% of the sampled loci were diagnostic. Nei's genetic distance was 0.82 between P. caerulea and P. aspera, 0.97 between P. aspera and P. rustica and 0.94 between P. caerulea and P. rustica. By greatly separating P. rustica from the other two species, results of the electrophoretic analysis are consistent with the traditional view, which regards P. aspera and P. caerulea as more closely related than P. rustica on the basis of radular teeth morphology. Using genetic distances and the assumptions of the molecular clock, lineages leading to P. aspera and to P. caerulea may have diverged from the stem common to P. rustica ca. 18 million years ago.  相似文献   

Patella vulgata is one of the most common limpet species on rocky shores throughout the north-eastern Atlantic. Foraging activity of this species has been described during various different diel and tidal phases and several factors have been suggested that might influence the timing of its activity. Among these, inclination of rock surfaces seems to have a clear role, with limpets on horizontal rocks being active during daylight at high water, while limpets on vertical rocks were active during night-time low water. However, by comparing the results of previous investigations it is difficult to separate clearly the effect of any single factor from the effects of their interactions. In the present paper we investigated the simultaneous influence of height on the shore, slope of rock surface and date of sampling (August–September and March–April) on the behaviour of a population of P. vulgata on the Isle of Man (UK). The study was carried out using modern telemetric methods, allowing the activity patterns of limpets to be recorded for long periods of time. The results showed that limpets concentrated their activity during two distinct temporal windows—daytime tide-in and night-time tide-out—while no significant activity was observed during daytime tide-out or night-time tide-in. The observed behaviour appeared to be driven by complex interactions among the three factors examined, and the influence of rock slope alone was not so strong as to override the effect of other factors completely. In addition, a key finding of this study was the conspicuous variability in the individual behaviour of P. vulgata. The greatest level of variability was observed in limpets on vertical surfaces on the upper shore, which showed an extreme switch in behavioural patterns, according to date of sampling (daylight/tide-in foraging during the spring and night-time/tide-out foraging during late summer). In addition, individuals apparently sharing the same set of conditions (inclination, height on the shore and sampling date) differed in their behaviour, and a given behavioural pattern was not always shared by all individuals from a given group. Finally, variability was also observed at the intra-individual level since the same individual could be active during different tidal and diel phases. In conclusion, although the existence of endogenous rhythms has previously been demonstrated in this species, our data clearly show that P. vulgata was able to modulate its behavioural patterns in relation to a variety of exogenous determinants.Communicated by R. Cattaneo-Vietti, Genova  相似文献   

Paths moved by the limpet Patella vulgata L. were monitored on a sheltered vertical rocky shore in North Wales using time-lapse photography throughout nocturnal low tides in April and November 1992, roughly corresponding to periods of minimum and maximum gonad ripeness, respectively. Various motion parameters, including total duration, total length, and maximum distance reached from home were computed from 124 complete foraging routes obtained from 18 higher-zoned and 18 lower-zoned limpets. P. vulgata typically performed a single loop per night (average total length, ca. 70 cm), moving from the individual home scar to graze the surrounding algal grounds (average maximum distance, ca. 25 cm), then following its own trail back home. On the average, limpets moved from the home scar during three of four available nocturnal low tides and exploited about half the emersion time. Evidence for size-related variability in behaviour was found, as a positive correlation was assessed between both total duration and legth of the excursions, and shell length. In addition, zonation was proved to affect the limpets' foraging behaviour, since low-shore limpets moved faster and covered greater distances than high-shore ones. Moreover, consistent seasonal variation in foraging behaviour emerged, since in April the excursions were longer and longer-lasting than in November, but limpets exploited a larger fraction of potential activity phases in November than in April. The within-population variability in the temporal and spatial characteristics of the foraging excursions is discussed in relation to the available data on zonal and seasonal variation of food resources and in relation to physiological changes due to reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

The gut contents of three intertidal patellid limpets were analysed by collecting foraging specimens on a breakwater on the Tyrrhenian coast (central Italy) between May 1988 and October 1989. The three species coexist there showing a different, but partially overlapping zonation: Patella aspera dominates the infralittoral fringe; the majority of P. caerulea inhabits the lower midlittoral, while P. rustica is most abundant in the upper midlittoral. The algae present on slivers of substratum over which each limpet collected was moving were identified. Moreover, floristic surveys were made along the shore in order to characterize the algal cover of the different zonal belts. The floristic study revealed that the basic elements of algal communities typical of western Mediterranean rocky shores are present in the study area. The algae found on the slivers under the foraging limpets were generally representative of the algal community typical of the same zone. There was a marked difference between the diets of P. rustica and P. aspera due to the fact that the first species forages on a few low lying epilithic and endolithic Cyanophyceae, while P. aspera feeds on a large number of species belonging to all the main algal classes and life forms considered, including frondose epilithics and epiphytics. The diet of P. caerulea resembles that of P. aspera in algal heterogeneity, but is dominated by Cyanophyceae as in P. rustica. A detailed analysis of the differences between gut contents of each limpet species and the relative slivers showed an obvious general correspondence, but revealed also that the diets of the three species do not completely reflect the availability of algae. These findings suggest that the basic diet segregation mechanism between the three populations is their zonal separation. However, the difference in gut contents of heterospecific limpets foraging in the same zone suggests the existence of supplementary morphy-functional or behavioural mechanisms for diet segregation between the three species.  相似文献   

The relation of shell form to habitat in the Mediterranean limpets Patella caerulea (L.) and P. lusitanica (Gmelin) was investigated. P. caerulea shells were significantly longer, broader, but lower in height than P. lusitanica shells. The regression of the ratio (length plus breadth)/2 on the height of the shell was found to characterize the two limpet populations, with a small degree of overlap reflecting the distribution of the two limpets on the shore.  相似文献   

Sex-ratios of the limpetPatella kermadecensis Pilsbry, collected at three times of the year during 1984 and 1985 at Raoul Island in the Kermadecs group, varied with the size of the limpets. Small limpets were predominantly male, while amongst larger ones about half were female. The presence of hermaphroditism inP. kermadecensis was confirmed by microscopic examination of gonad material from over 50 limpets, which revealed a high percentage of individuals with both male and female gametes in their gonads. It is postulated that protandric sex change occurs in this large limpet, and that this phenomenon is related to a change in habitat from the backs of large shells (limpets less than approximately 50 mm) to bedrock (larger limpets). The pattern of sex change inP. kermadecensis is compared with that in other species of limpet, and it is suggested that a reproductive system consisting of gonochoristic males and sequential hermaphrodites may be particularly advantageous for a large, slow-growing species that has a very restricted geographical range.  相似文献   

Genetic variability of the phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) and phosphoglucomutase (PGM) loci are compared in Patella vulgata L. and P. aspera Lamark from two sites on the west and south coasts of Ireland. P. vulgata was less variable than P. aspera at these 2 loci, and in only 1 of 7 other loci briefly examined was P. vulgata more variable. Evidence is also presented that the PGI enzyme in P. vulgata is more stable at high temperature than that of P aspera. The significance of these observations is discussed in the light of, the different zonal distributions of these species on the shore.  相似文献   

There has been considerable confusion in the taxonomy of limpets of the North East Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, particularly those from the Macaronesian islands. The present study compared populations of the intertidal limpet Patella candei d'Orbigny from the Azores, Madeira and the Canaries with those of P. caerulea Linnaeus and P. depressa Pennant from the European and African continental coasts. No major differences in radular morphology were detected between the three species. However, electrophoretic analysis of 15 enzyme loci gave overall genetic identity (I) values of 0.5 between the three species, indicating that they cannot be regarded as conspecific as previously thought, and suggesting that P. candei is endemic to the Macaronesian islands. Comparisons of P. candei within these islands showed that, although populations did not differ with respect to radular morphology and soft-body parts, populations from the Azores were distinct from those in Madeira and the Canaries in shell shape and gene frequencies. Individuals from the Azores had, no average, taller shells and longer radulae, while those in Madeira and the Canaries had a shallow, depressed and stellate shell form. This was interpreted as being due to the wider habitat distribution of the species in the Azores compared to Madeira and the Canaries. Electrophoretic results showed that P. candei from the Azores differed from P. candei in Madeira and the Canaries by almost 40% of the loci investigated (I=0.660), suggesting that the former is a separate endemic species. An I value of 0.969 between populations in Madeira and the Canaries was typical of conspecific populations.  相似文献   

The importance of desiccation as of factor limiting zonation was investigated for 7 South African Patella Linnaeus species. Small specimens lost water fastest and were least tolerant to desiccation. Differences in shell shape largely explain differences in the rate of desiccation, both within and between species: tall conical shells with a small mouth circumference minimize water loss. Tolerance was closely related to zonation, but zonation was not correlated with either shell shape or rate of water loss. Two groups of limpets could be distinguished: migratory species which increase in tolerance as they age, correlated with the habit of moving up the shore; and non-migratory species which have a narrow range of tolerance. Zonation of the former group is probably limited by physical factors while the latter are behaviourally restricted to a narrow zone. The selective value of these strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

 Heart rate variations of a population of the limpet Patella vulgata were monitored in the natural environment (Lough Hyne, southern Ireland) by non-invasive, optoelectronic recording. The heart rates of 145 limpets of different sizes, living on vertical and horizontal substrata, were measured both in air and water at different environmental temperatures, while the animals were inactive on their home scars. The heart rates of emersed, inactive limpets were positively related to air temperature and negatively related to limpet size. These relationships were similar for limpets on vertical and horizontal substrates. In contrast, no significant relationship between heart rate and temperature was found in submerged limpets, probably due to the narrow thermal range of the water during the study period. During submersion, a significant negative relationship between heart rate and size was evident for limpets on vertical surfaces but not for limpets on horizontal surfaces. In general, submerged limpets had a higher heart rate, 1.16 times that of limpets exposed to air. Moreover, the heart rates of nine animals were recorded while they were moving and while inactive on their home scars. Active limpets had a faster heart rate, 1.6 times that of limpets resting on their home scars. The dependence of heart rate on environmental temperature, size, respiratory medium and activity, as observed in limpets on the shore, agrees well with laboratory data and with previous findings of the correlation of oxygen consumption with the same factors. Such in situ measurements may, therefore, prove useful in attempts to determine natural levels of energy expenditure in models on the behaviour of foraging molluscs. Received: 5 September 1999 / Accepted: 17 April 2000  相似文献   

The chaotic physical and chemical environment at deep-sea hydrothermal vents has been associated with an ecosystem with few predators, arguably allowing the habitat to provide refuge for vulnerable species. The dominance of endemic limpets with thin, open-coiled shells at north Pacific vents may support this view. To test their vulnerability to predation, the incidence of healed repair scars, which are argued to reflect non-lethal encounters with predators, were examined on the shells of over 5,800 vent limpets of Lepetodrilus fucensis McLean (1988) that were collected from 13 to 18 August 1996. Three vent fields on the Juan de Fuca Ridge at ca. 2,200 m depth were sampled, two within 70 m of 47°56.87′N 129°05.91′W, and one at 47°57.85′N 129°05.15′W with the conspicuous potential limpet predators, the zoarcid fish Pachycara gymninium Anderson and Peden (1988), the galatheid crab Munidopsis alvisca Williams (1988), and the buccinid snail Buccinum thermophilum Harasewych and Kantor (2002). Limpets from the predator-rich vent were most often scarred, a significant difference created by the high incidence of scars on small (<4 mm long) limpets in this sample. Collected with the limpets were small (median shell diameter 4.4 mm) buccinids. They, rather than the larger, more conspicuous mobile fishes and crabs are argued to be the shell-damaging predator. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This study evaluated selection for shell size by three species of tropical intertidal hermit crabs, Clibanarius antillensis, C. sclopetarius, and C. vittatus, from species of shells which are frequently used in nature. Crab size and weight were strongly and significantly related to all measured parameters of the selected shells. The strength of these relationships (r2 values) depended neither on the crab nor on the shell variables taken into account. The relationships between crab size and the dimensions of the selected shells showed higher r2 values than the corresponding relationships with the shells that the crabs had occupied when they were collected (0.482–0.903 in comparison to 0.091–0.652, respectively), indicating that the crabs were occupying sub-optimal shells in nature. Negative allometry was frequently found in the relationships between crab and shell variables, indicating that large crabs select and use proportionally lighter shells than do small crabs. This negative allometry was stronger for the shells used in nature (except for C. antillensis), i.e. larger crabs tended to select heavier shells in the laboratory than in nature. Different allometric relationships were also recorded among the dimensions of shells used in nature and those selected by the hermit crabs in free-access experiments: as shell length increased, the selected shells were heavier and had larger apertures than the shells used in nature. The relationships between crab size and the length and weight of the selected shells did not depend on the species of crab or species of shell, but only on crab size. Therefore, analyses using these variables can be performed without taking the species of crab or shell into account, i.e. data from different crab or shell species can be pooled. The influence of crab and/or shell species was recorded only in the models fitted for aperture length and width, variables which were more related to shell architecture than did shell length or weight. In contrast, if crab weight is used as an independent variable, different crab or shell species can be analyzed together independently of the particular shell parameter. This indicates that crab weight may be less susceptible than crab shield length to shell morphological constraints. Finally, the results indicate that the preferred size of a given shell type chosen by a given hermit crab will depend more on crab size or weight, than on the crab or shell species under consideration, i.e. crab shell-size relationships are not species specific.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Antarctic limpets, Nacella concinna, from the Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetlands) for at least part of the year (austral winter) co-exist with predatory sea stars Lysasterias sp. Our laboratory and field experiments established that the presence of Lysasterias sp. or its odour had considerable influence upon their behaviour. Limpets’ responses, consisting of shell mushrooming, shell rotation and flight, were distinctly different from their reaction to other stimuli, such as food and conspecific odours, or mechanical stimulation. Moreover, a significant impact of sea star presence on limpets’ activity was observed, with limpets fleeing to a distance of 60 cm from the predator. Such reactions allow limpets to lower the incidence of sea star predation, but at the cost of presumptive disrupting of foraging and an additional energy expended for locomotion. A visible difference was noted between two limpet populations, with the rockpool limpets responding only after physical contact with being touched by a sea star, and the subtidal ones responding at a distance of up to 20 cm.  相似文献   

G. D. Parry 《Marine Biology》1982,67(3):267-282
Reproductive effort was measured in 4 species of intertidal limpets: Cellana tramoserica (Sowerby) Notoacmea petterdi (Tenison Woods), Patella peroni Blainville and Patelloida alticostata (Angas) from south-eastern Australia. Field studies between 1971 and 1975 enabled indices of reproductive effort to be obtained using both gonad to body weight ratios and energy budgets. The ratio of annual gonad production to somatic tissue energy content is highest for Patella peroni (2.19). The ratios for C. tramoserica and Patelloida alticostata are lower but similar (1.02), and N. petterdi has the lowest ratio (0.78). The percentage of assimilated energy allocated to reproduction is also highest in Patella peroni (26.6%), but this index of reproductive effort is similar for the other three species (10.3 to 12.9%). Consequently, these 4 species are ranked in different orders with respect to reproductive effort, depending upon which index is used. However, the difference between both indices is small, and is less than has usually been anticipated. The difference is interpreted as being the result of the low metabolic rate of N. petterdi rather than as evidence for the inadequacy of one of the indices of reproductive effort.  相似文献   

Hermit crabs are an obvious, common and abundant feature of global shallow water environments but almost nothing is known of their ecology at their extreme latitudinal ranges, the Arctic and southern South America. In this study, we report the first investigation on hermit crabs and their use of a key resource, gastropod shells, in a subpolar and a polar environment—amongst the most rapidly changing places on earth. Hypothesised low levels of richness were confirmed by surveys—only Pagurus pubescens was found in western Spitsbergen and only three pagurids were found in northern Norway. At the northern-most of their extent, hermit crabs were fairly common but Arctic abundances (1–5 m−2) were an order of magnitude lower than in many warm temperate or tropical localities. Along the open coast of Spitsbergen, the occurrence of P. pubescens was infrequent and very patchy, but it was more abundant in the fjords. In Isfjorden, the largest studied fjord, the population of P. pubescens was mainly represented by small individuals. Spitsbergen P. pubescens used few shell types and >87% just occurred in Margarites or Buccinum shells. The proportion of the gastropod shells, used by P. pubescens, which were damaged, was high and increased with shell size. These hermit crabs are at the edge of the range for both their species and Anomura. The extremes of their location are reflected by: They probably represent the least rich assemblage, with the lowest and most patchy typical abundances reported to date and are amongst the smallest individuals using the least diverse and most damaged gastropod shells.  相似文献   

Delimiting communities in marine habitats is difficult because co-occurring species often have different life histories and the life stages experience the environment at different spatial scales. The habitat of a particular community is embedded within a larger habitat or ecosystem with many species shared between the focal community and the larger system. Pen shells (Atrina rigida) are large bivalves that, once the mollusk dies, provide shelter for motile species and hard substrate for settling larval invertebrates and egg-laying fishes. In St. Joseph’s Bay, Florida (29°45′N, 85°15′W), pen shells are the most abundant source of hard substrate, especially inside sea grass (Thalassia testudinum) beds, where they reach densities of 0.1–4.0 m−2. This study, which was conducted from May to August 2005, measured the overlap in species densities between dead pen shells and the surrounding sea grass communities at eight sites to determine the discreteness of the pen shell communities. Of the 70-epibenthic taxa recorded, 66% were found on the pen shells but not in the surrounding sea grass habitat. Community structure, which varied among shells within sites and among the eight sites, could be related to sea grass characteristics such as blade density and length either directly (e.g., inhabitants of pen shells directly benefit from the surrounding sea grass) or indirectly (e.g., pen shells and sea grass both benefit from similar factors such as current and nutrients). Pen shells were randomly distributed at several spatial scales within the 15 × 15 m sites as were many motile species. Two exceptions were the shrimp, Palaemon floridanus and the amphipod, Dulichella appendiculata, whose distributions were clumped. Most of the sessile species had clumped distributions, tending to be very abundant when they were present. These pen shell communities provide an opportunity for experimental studies of factors affecting species diversity on small, discrete, naturally occurring habitats. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Masato Owada 《Marine Biology》2007,150(5):853-860
The functional morphology of the shell of rock-boring mytilids (especially Leiosolenus and Lithophaga) is analyzed and compared with that of several epifaunal and semi-infaunal mytilids. Semi-infaunal species are generally intermediate between epifaunal and rock-boring ones both in terms of shell form and the magnitude of forces pulling the shells against the substratum. A molecular phylogenetic analyses using 18s rDNA sequence data strongly suggests that Leiosolenus and Lithophaga are monophyletic genera but that the so-called Lithophaginae (or Leiosolenus plus Lithophaga) is a paraphyletic group. The common cylindrical shell form of rock-boring species, which is here called “lithophagiform” as a third functional mytilid clade, may be due to convergence, as is the case with ‘mytiliform’ and ‘modioliform’.  相似文献   

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