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222Rn, 226Ra, 228Ra and U were determined in a total of 552 groundwater samples collected throughout Fujian Province of China. The geometric mean concentrations of 222Rn, 226Ra, 228Ra and total U in the groundwater were 147.8 kBq m-3, 12.7 Bq m-3, 30.2 Bq m-3 and 0.54 microgram kg-1, respectively. High groundwater 222Rn was explained by the predominantly granitic rock aquifers in Fujian. A lifetime risk of 1.7 x 10(-3) was estimated for the ingestion of groundwater 222Rn. High ratios of 228Ra to 226Ra contents (geometric mean of 2.4) and their disproportion suggest that 228Ra should also be measured in the assessment of population doses from drinking water in the regions of high rock or soil 232Th. No significant correlation between the 222Rn concentrations in groundwater and air was found.  相似文献   

A radiochemical method for simultaneous separation of 226Ra and 228Ra from natural waters by precipitating the radionuclides in the form of chromates that have low solubility in weak acetic acid has been described. For analytical purposes the change into soluble state was achieved through high-temperature melting the radium chromates precipitate with sodium and potassium carbonates at certain ratios. The chemical yield for radium-226 amounted to 87.1 ± 1.4% at the efficiency of counting 92.8 ± 0.7%. Calculated in series of 20 parallel determinations, reproducibility of the method was 7%. The chemical yield in separating radium-228 made up 63.8 ± 1.1%.  相似文献   

We investigated the horizontal distributions of (228)Ra and (226)Ra in surface waters of the northwestern North Pacific Ocean and Okhotsk Sea. Ratios of (228)Ra/(226)Ra were relatively large in the Tsugaru Current (0.6-0.8) and Okhotsk Sea (0.4-0.5), and small in the Western Subarctic Gyre (<0.2) and the Oyashio (0.25-0.3). (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratios in western Subarctic Water (SAW) rose slightly upon mixing with Okhotsk Water (OKW), before becoming the Oyashio Water (OYW). Also, ratios in the OYW increased during mixing with Tsugaru Current Water (TCW). Estimating from (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratios and (226)Ra activities with a simple two-end members-mixing model, we assumed that approximately 23% of the OYW originated from the OKW and the coastal region off northern Honshu (Japan) was strongly influenced by the TCW. From a diagram of (228)Ra activities against salinity, we could roughly divide surface seawater in the study area into the five water masses, which were SAW, OYW, OKW, TCW, and Subtropical Water (STW).  相似文献   

A fast procedure based on sorption of Ra on MnO2 coated polyamide discs is presented for determination of radium isotopes (i.e. 228Ra, 226Ra, 224Ra) in aqueous samples. The sample discs can be used directly for low-level alpha-spectrometry without the need for further separation and preparation methods to produce planar sample sources. While the activity of alpha-emitting 224Ra and 226Ra can be determined during a first measurement, beta-emitting 228Ra is obtained via ingrowth of the progeny 228Th on the same sample disc after a standing time of about six months. Calculations are presented for optimizing the analytical accuracy as well as for predicting the sorption yield or chemical recovery of radium on the sample disc as a function of exposure time because the sorption uptake proceeds with first-order kinetics. The analyses can be carried out on small samples of 0.5-11 and, for long counting times of one week and use of high-purity silicon surface barrier detectors, a detection limit of 0.15 mBq l-1 is obtained for 226Ra. Since the half-life of 224Ra is only 3.7 d and since 228Th (as a measure for 228Ra) is built up only partially on the sample disc, a slightly higher detection limit of 0.24 mBq l-1 results for the latter isotopes. The procedure is therefore sufficiently sensitive to allow the investigation of Ra isotope relationships in aquifers at typical environmental levels.  相似文献   

Radon-222 was measured in groundwater sources of Extremadura (Spain), analyzing 350 samples from private and public springs, wells, and spas by liquid scintillation counting (LSC) and gamma spectrometry. The (222)Rn activity concentrations ranged from 0.24 to 1168BqL(-1). The statistical analysis showed a log-normal distribution with a mean of (111+/-7)BqL(-1) and a median of (36+/-3)BqL(-1). A hydrogeological study revealed correlations between the activity concentration and the aquifer material's characteristics. A map of (222)Rn in groundwater was elaborated and compared with the natural gamma radiation map for this region. About 35% of the samples showed (222)Rn activity concentrations above the Euratom recommended limit of 100BqL(-1). Three uranium series radionuclides ((238)U, (234)U, and (226)Ra) were also assayed by alpha-particle spectrometry, estimating the annual effective dose due to the presence of these natural radionuclides in drinking water.  相似文献   

In order to contribute to a future waste management policy related to the presence of technologically enhanced natural occurring radioactive material (TENORM) in the Brazilian petroleum industry, the present work presents the chemical composition and the (226)Ra and (228)Ra content of sludge and scales generated during the offshore E and P petroleum activities in the Campos Basin, the primary offshore oil production region in Brazil. The (226)Ra and (228)Ra content on 36 sludge and scales samples were determined by gamma-spectrometry. Based on X-ray diffractometry results, a chemical analysis schema for these samples was developed. The results have shown that scales are 75% barium and strontium sulfates, with a mean (226)Ra and (228)Ra content of 106 kBq kg(-1) and 78 kBq kg(-1), respectively. On the other hand, sludge samples have a much more complex chemical composition than the scales. The (226)Ra and (228)Ra content in sludge also varies much more than the content observed in the scales samples and ranged from 0.36 to 367 kBq kg(-1) and 0.25 to 343 kBq kg(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

Crude oil terminal sludge contains technologically enhanced naturally occurring radionuclides such as (232)Th, (238)U, (228)Ra and (226)Ra, thus cannot be disposed of freely without proper control. The current method of disposal, such as land farming and storing in plastic drums is not recommended because it will have a long-term impact on the environment. Due to its organic nature, there is a move to treat this sludge by thermal methods such as incineration. This study has been carried out to determine the behaviors of (232)Th, (238)U, (228)Ra and (226)Ra present in the sludge during combustion at a certain temperature and time. The percentage of volatilization was found to vary between 2% and 70%, (238)U was the most volatile in comparison with (232)Th, (228)Ra and (226)Ra. (238)U is found to be significantly volatilized above 500 degrees C, and might reach maximum volatilization at above 700 degrees C. A mathematical model was developed to predict the percentage of volatilization of (232)Th, (238)U, (228)Ra and (226)Ra contained in the sludge. With this known percentage of volatilization, the concentration of (232)Th, (238)U, (228)Ra and (226)Ra present in the bottom and filter ashes can be calculated.  相似文献   

Background radioactivity is elevated in many agricultural drainage ponds and also constructed wetland ponds in the Kankakee watershed. During 1995-1999, gross-alpha and -beta activities were measured up to 455 and 1650 mBq L-1, respectively. 226Ra and 228Ra averaged 139 and 192 mBq L-1 in controlled drainage ponds compared to 53 and 58 mBq L-1 for 226Ra and 228Ra, respectively, in native wetland ponds. Analyses of applied ammonium phosphate fertilizers near both native and controlled ponds indicate comparable 226Ra/228Ra and 228Ra/232Th activity ratios with only the surface waters in the controlled ponds. For example, 226Ra/228Ra activity ratios in controlled ponds ranged from 0.791 to 0.91 and group with a local fertilizer batch containing FL phosphate compounds with 226Ra/228Ra activity ratios of 0.831-1.04. Local soils of the Kankakee watershed have 226Ra/228Ra activity ratios of 0.541-0.70. Calculated Ra fluxes of waters, in drainage ditches associated with these controlled ponds, for 226Ra ranged from 0.77 to 9.00 mBq cm-2 d-1 and for 228Ra ranged from 1.22 to 8.43 mBq cm-2 d-1. Ra activity gradients were measured beneath these controlled ponds both in agricultural landscapes and in constructed wetlands, all being associated with drainage ditches. Ra had infiltrated to the local water table but was below regulatory maximum contaminant limits. Still, measurable Ra activity was measured downgradient of even the constructed wetlands in the Kankakee watershed, suggesting that the attenuation of Ra was low. However, no Ra excess was observed in the riparian zone or the Kankakee River downgradient of the native wetland ponds.  相似文献   

Activity concentrations of the long-lived natural radionuclides 226Ra, 228Ra, 210Pb, 40K and of 7Be in surface air were measured twice monthly at a semi-rural location 10 km north of Munich (FRG) for at least three years. For the time interval 1983–1985, all values were found to be distributed log-normally, with geometric means (in μBq m−3) of 1·2 for 226Ra, 0·5 for 228Ra, 580 for 210Pb, 12 for 40K and 3500 for 7Be. Reflecting their common origin, the activity concentrations of 226Ra and 40K are correlated with surface air dust concentrations (geometric mean 59 μg m−3). Seasonal variations of 210Pb and 7Be air activity concentrations are established for the time interval 1978–1985.The contribution of local soil activity to the air activity concentrations of these radionuclides and of natural uranium is discussed. Resuspension factors are found to be of the order of 10−9m−1.  相似文献   

Several types of bottled drinking water originating from three different areas in Egypt are studied through measurement of radium activity, assessment of related annual dose for adults and finally to define the role of water quality on radium levels. The mean levels of (226)Ra activity range from 0.44 to 0.92 Bq/L and the mean levels of (228)Ra from 0.30 to 0.78 Bq/L, with related (226)Ra/(228)Ra ratios ranging from 2.61 to 0.56. Water types originating from the Eastern Nile Delta area are characterized by low (226)Ra levels and relatively high (228)Ra activity, presumably due to the muddy agricultural nature of this area, which is subject to water from several surface resources for irrigation. In general, the mean activity levels for both (226)Ra and (228)Ra are within those in drinking water in several other countries and the annual ingested dose is comparable with the typical range reported by UNSCEAR. Also, the effect of TDS, pH, calcium, bicarbonate, sulphate and chloride ion concentrations on radium levels is studied and discussed.  相似文献   

The concentrations of the naturally occurring radionuclides 232Th, 238U, 210Pb, 226Ra and 238Ra were determined in the vegetables (leafy vegetables, fruit, root, bean and rice) and derived products (sugar, coffee, manioc flour, wheat flour, corn flour and pasta) consumed most by the adult inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro City. A total of 88 samples from 26 different vegetables and derived products were analyzed. The highest contribution to radionuclide intake arises from bean, wheat flour, manioc flour, carrot, rice, tomato and potato consumption. The estimated daily intakes due to the consumption of vegetables and derived products are 1.9 mBq of 232Th (0.47 microg), 2.0 mBq of 238U (0.17 microg), 19 mBq of 236Ra, 26 mBq of 210Pb and 47 mBq of 228Ra. The estimated annual effective dose due to the ingestion of vegetables and their derived products with the long-lived natural radionuclides is 14.5 microSv. Taking into account literature data for water and milk from Rio de Janeiro the dose value increases to 29 microSv, with vegetables and derived products responsible for 50% of the dose and water for 48%. 210Pb (62%) and 228Ra (24%) were found to be the main sources for internal irradiation.  相似文献   

Concentrations of radium-228, thorium-228 and radium-226 were measured in different natural forage materials and in feed supplements. The activity concentrations of these nuclides were then determined in the bones of domestic farm animals, with emphasis on their distributions within the skeleton and humerus. Feeds added in recent years to the forage of domestic animals alter the concentrations of the naturally occurring radionuclides. The modified daily radium uptakes associated with the various feeds are reflected in the radium concentrations observed in the different layers of the humerus. Radium uptake and retention are highly dependent on calcium metabolism.We propose a method for calculation of nuclide retention coefficients via an approach which simplifies theis assesssment and provides important information on radium metabolism. The data obtained here are of value in dosimetric assessments related to these natural radionuclides.  相似文献   

To examine water circulation patterns of coastal water, 72 seaweed (Sargasso) samples and 27 coastal water samples were collected from coastal areas of the Noto Peninsula, Japan, during the period from December 1998 to June 2002. The (228)Ra and (226)Ra activities of those samples were measured by low-background gamma-ray spectrometry. There was a wide range of activities of (228)Ra (0.5-2Bq/kg-fresh) and (226)Ra (0.5-1.2Bq/kg-fresh) in the Sargasso samples. The (228)Ra/(226)Ra activity ratio of Sargasso samples exhibited seasonal variation with minimum values in June ((228)Ra/(226)Ra= approximately 1) and maximum values in December (1.5-2.5), which was mainly governed by changes in (228)Ra activity. It is also notable that the seasonal variation of the (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratio of Sargasso is in approximate agreement with that of the ambient coastal water. Sargasso samples appear to have retained the (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratio of the ambient coastal waters, and the temporal variations in that ratio provide insight into seasonal changes in water circulation in the Noto Peninsula coastal area.  相似文献   

Ground and river waters of the upper Rhine valley (Alsace, France) were investigated for chemical composition of the major elements, Sr isotopes and radionuclides from the U and Th series. In particular, the isotope ratios and concentrations of Ra and Sr were used as geochemical tracers to distinguish between different types of water and their interactions. The bulk chemical analyses suggest that the surface waters in the Rhine valley can be described as mixtures between Ca-Na-HCO3-rich ground water and less mineralized slightly acidic river waters which have migrated through crystalline (mainly granitic) basement rocks of the Vosges mountains. Mixing of these waters yields positive correlation between bulk Sr, U, Ca and HCO3, indicating that carbonate-rich sediments are the main source of U and (non-radiogenic) Sr in the Rhine valley aquifers. The combination of the Ra and Sr isotope systems (228Ra/226Ra, 87Sr/86Sr) shows, however, that probably three sources contribute to the surface river waters in the upper Rhine valley, i.e. (i) a highly radiogenic crystalline component, (ii) a ground water source and, (iii) a third component from infiltrating Rhine water along the flow path of the parallel running river Ill in the northerly direction. The Sr and Ra isotope systems were also used to calculate small-scale mixing fractions of tributaries along the flow path of the Ill. Mixing ratios of non-pure end-member waters were determined using three isotope diagrams (i.e. 224Ra/226Ra vs. 228Ra/226Ra) and the results obtained with the Ra isotope system were found to be consistent with the data using Sr isotope relationships (i.e. 87Sr/86Sr vs. 1/Sr).  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), which includes fresh groundwater and recycled seawater, has been recognized as a widespread phenomenon that can provide important chemical elements to the ocean. Several studies have demonstrated that SGD may approach or even exceed freshwater sources in supplying nutrients to coastal zones. This work reports preliminary results of a study carried out in a series of small embayments of Ubatuba, S?o Paulo State, Brazil, covering latitudes between 23 degrees 26'S and 23 degrees 46'S and longitudes between 45 degrees 02'W and 45 degrees 11'W. The main aims of this research were to set up an analytical method to assess 222Rn and 226Ra activities in seawater samples and to apply the excess 222Rn inventories obtained to estimate SGD. Measurements made during the summer of 2001 included 222Rn and 226Ra in seawater, 226Ra in sediment, seawater and sediment physical properties, nutrients and seepage rates. A continuous 222Rn monitor was also used to determine in situ collection of data to study short-term changes at one location. All methods indicated significant inflow of subsurface fluids at rates in excess of several cm per day.  相似文献   

In this study, low-background gamma-spectrometry was used to determine the (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratio of 131 coastal water samples from various environments around Honshu Island, Japan (mainly around Noto Peninsula) at 1-3 month intervals from April 2003 until September 2005. Spatial variation in (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratios was also assessed by analyzing 34 coastal water samples from five areas within the Sea of Japan during May and June 2004. The (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratio of coastal water from all sites around Noto Peninsula shows seasonal variation, with minimum values during summer ((228)Ra/(226)Ra=0.7) and maximum values during autumn-winter ((228)Ra/(226)Ra=1.7-2). This seasonal variation is similar to that recorded for coastal water between Tsushima Strait and Noto Peninsula. The measured lateral variation in (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratios within coastal water between Tsushima Strait and Noto Peninsula is only minor (0.5-0.7; May-June 2004). Coastal waters from two other sites (Pacific shore and Tsugaru Strait, north Honshu) show no clear seasonal variation in (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratio. These measured variations in (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratio, especially the temporal variations, have important implications for seasonal changes in patterns of coastal water circulation within the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

Soil gas 222Rn and 220Rn concentrations were measured at 18 locations in the Karkonosze-Izera Block area in southwestern Poland. Measurements were carried out in surface air and at sampling depths of 10, 40 and 80 cm. Surface air 222Rn concentrations ranged from 4 to 2160 Bq m(-3) and 220Rn ranged from 4 to 228 Bq m(-3). The concentrations for 10 and 40 cm varied from 142 Bq m(-3) to 801 kBq m(-3) and 102 Bq m(-3) to 64 kBq m(-3) for 222Rn and 220Rn, respectively. At 80 cm 222Rn concentrations ranged from 94 Bq m(-3) to >1 MBq m(-3). The 220Rn concentrations at 80 cm varied from 45 Bq m(-3) to 48 kBq m(-3). The concentration versus depth profiles for 222Rn differed for soils developed on fault zones, uranium deposits or both. Atmospheric air temperature and soil gas 222Rn and 220Rn were negatively correlated. At sampling sites with steep slopes, 220Rn concentrations decreased with depth.  相似文献   

As part of an extensive air chemistry programme, during summer 1980, on board the Swedish ice-breaker ‘Ymer’, levels of 222Rn (radon) and its long-lived daughters 210Pb and 210Po were measured. The radon was trapped on charcoal and the long-lived daugther products sampled on filters on a daily basis. In addition, short-lived progenies were followed continuously on the filters in order to achieve a time resolution of about one hour. The concentrations of radon and 210Pb in the Arctic summer air north of latitude 75° N averaged 75 ± 21 (1 sd) and 0·075 ± 0·028 mBqm−3, r respectively. During a two week period of persistent polar winds, the mean radon concentration was 19 ±5 mBq m−3. During such ‘Arctic background’ conditions, radon exhalation from the sea may contribute significantly to the measured radon-in-air concentration. It is shown that steady-state equilibrium models, applied to an air mass over the sea, overstimate the aerosol residence-time calculated from activity ratios. Time-dependent calculations indicate a mean aerosol residence time of 4 to 7 d in Arctic air. Good agreement is observed between radon levels and the time since the air mass left larger areas. Both the 222Rn and the long-lived daughter measurements are insensitive to contamination from ship and local settlement.  相似文献   

Phosphogypsum board is a popular construction material used for housing panels in Korea. Phosphogypsum often contains (226)Ra which decays into (222)Rn through an alpha transformation. (222)Rn emanated from the (226)Ra-bearing phosphogypsum board has drawn the public concern due to its potential radiological impacts to indoor occupants. The emanation rate of (222)Rn from the board is estimated in this paper. A mathematical model of the emanation rate of (222)Rn from the board is presented and validated through a series of experiments. The back diffusion effect due to accumulation of (222)Rn-laden air was incorporated in the model and found to have a strong impact on the (222)Rn emanation characteristics.  相似文献   

Phosphate rocks are used extensively, mainly as a source of phosphorus for fertilizers and secondarily for phosphoric acid and other speciality chemicals. Phosphates are typically enriched in uranium and are thus one of the sources of technologically enhanced natural radiation (TENR) which increases exposure to man from natural radionuclides. Emissions from phosphate rock processing plants in gaseous and particulate form contain radionuclides, such as 238U and 226Ra, which are discharged into the environment causing radiation exposures to the population. About 10 MBq each of 238U and 226Ra are discharged into the environment each year from SICNG, a phosphate rock processing plant in Thessaloniki area, Northern Greece. The collective dose commitment to lung tissue resulting from atmospheric releases was estimated to be approximately 2 x 10(-9) person Gy t-1 for 238U and approximately 0.1 x 10(-9) person Gy t-1 for 226Ra, i.e. about 2 times higher than that estimated in the UNSCEAR reports issued in 1982, 1988, and 1993.  相似文献   

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