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江苏省农村地籍管理信息系统的建设与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国农村地籍管理的现状,探讨了建立农村地籍管理信息系统的必要性。以江苏省农村地籍管理信息系统软件的开发为例,详细阐述了系统的框架结构、数据库建设、功能构成和系统特色,探讨了系统的应用前景。  相似文献   

根据中国可持续发展信息共享系统建设的要求,针对全国农村生态环境质量的信息特征,描述了“全国农村生态环境质量信息共享系统”的设计背景、系统总体结构、数据组织形式以及信息表达方式,并探讨了实现信息共享系统的结构化设计、系统网络的集成式服务模型、动态网页制作、元数据库构建、统计信息的空间化表达方法、空间统计分析和信息共享安全保障等信息共享的关键技术途径。  相似文献   

良好的生态环境是人类社会持续发展的基础,农村地区污水治理是实现乡村振兴战略的重要组成部分。本文剖析了大足区在设施布局、工艺设计、设施运营管理等方面存在的问题,提出了针对性解决措施。建议大足区加强顶层设计和系统规划,完善工艺建设和运营管理标准体系,整合政府和社会资源,构建智能、高效、完善的农村污水治理机制。  相似文献   

根据中国可持续发展信息共享系统建设的要求,针对全国农村生态环境质量的信息特征,描述了“全国农村生态环境质量信息共享系统”的设计背景、系统总体结构、数据组织形式以及信息表达方式,并探讨了实现信息共享系统的结构化设计、系统网络的集成式服务模型、动态网页制作、元数据库构建、统计信息的空间化表达方法、空间统计分析和信息共享安全保障等信息共享的关键技术途径。  相似文献   

农村面源污染控制不仅是技术问题,也是管理体制与机制问题,探讨并完善农村面源污染治理的政策、管理与服务体系已成为当前研究的热点与难点。以上海郊区农村为例,梳理总结农村面源污染及其控制现状;在肯定当前治理效果的同时,识别其局限性,指出农业政策与环境保护政策的不协调、农村发展模式转变下制度与服务体系的相对滞后是根本原因;针对当前农村面源污染重要的贡献者——化肥、农药、畜禽粪便以及农村生活污水,分别从改革农业补贴制度、重构实现农村多重价值的制度以及完善农业生产服务体系等方面给出了治理的对策与建议。  相似文献   

本文从灾害的概念及其发展入手,分析了农村生态经济系统发生灾变的原因,提出了减轻或防止农村生态经济系统灾变的有效对策。文章对合理调控农村生态经济系统,实现农村生态经济平衡,防止或减轻农村灾害发生等问题作了比较深入的研究。  相似文献   

浙江省农村生活污水处理现状及其对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于浙江省67个县的农村生活污水处理设施的问卷调查结果,统计分析浙江农村生活污水处理设施现状,包括动力情况、处理工艺、执行标准、运维模式、经费来源等,并探讨分析了农村生活污水处理设施排放标准及运维管理的长效性.结果表明:目前浙江农村生活污水处理设施以中小规模(30~60 t·d-1)为主,约80%的设施采用了无动力厌氧+人工湿地处理技术,出水一般执行GB 18918-2002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》中的一级B标准,以村镇自管的运维模式为主,年均运维成本为1.3万元·座-1.从省级管理层面应加快制订符合浙江省情的农村生活污水处理设施排放标准,其指标项目数量不宜过多,指标限值可略宽于GB 18918-2002中的一级A标准;并应尽快形成针对责任主体、资金保障、第三方运维的农村生活污水处理设施长效管理机制.  相似文献   

农村人居环境综合整治技术管理政策不足及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析我国农村人居环境综合整治的技术管理政策现状,指出现行技术管理政策的不足,包括技术政策方面存在针对性和前瞻性不足、评价政策方面缺乏严格的技术评价和审查制度以及支持政策方面存在研发支持和示范推广体系不健全等。在此基础上提出了强化技术政策的系统协调性,建立健全技术评价和审查制度,加大研发支持、健全示范推广体系及技术服务市场等对策建议。  相似文献   

论农村生态经济系统灾变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从灾害的概念及其发展入手,分析了农村生态经济系统发生灾变的原因,提出了减轻或防止农村生态经济系统灾变的有效对策。文章对合理调控农村生态经济系统,实现农村生态经济平衡,防止或减轻农村灾害发生等问题作了比较深入的研究。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了“浙江省萧山市山一村农村生态良性循环与系统管理研究”课题设计思路和主要研究成果。文章指出江南平原河网地区农村,特别是近郊型农村普遍面临着耕地少、生活能源缺乏、环境污染蔓延和人口密度较高等多重压力。解决问题的出路是把系统中的人口、资源、能源、粮食、经济和生态环境等诸多因子综合考虑,加以统一规划,系统管理,才有可能改善系统的良性循环,保持系统的持续发展,并在经济效益、生态效益和社会效益诸方面获得同步增长。  相似文献   

Regional land-use development projects are undertaken to protect water resources necessary for agriculture, energy and sustaining human life. The De?irmendere valley, in the province of Trabzon in the Black Sea region of Turkey, provides clean water to the city of Trabzon. The valley is part of the Silk Road from Asia to the Black Sea and contains historical monasteries such as Sumela, Kustul and Vazelon. However, over the years, misuse of the valley has caused freshwater, sea and environmental pollution. In an attempt to overcome these problems, a multilateral project, De?irmendere Vadisi Çevre Düzenlemesi (DEVAÇED), was launched in the region. This paper aims to provide information necessary for engineering projects within the region. Six villages, on both sides of the valley, were selected for this research and evaluated in terms of river basin utilization, topography, cadastral survey of property and ownership, and land readjustment improvements. The study found illegal and improper urbanization, including industrial facilities within the valley causing water pollution. Current cadastral base maps are not sufficiently accurate for engineering projects, and in some places buildings have been constructed on unstable soils that are susceptible to landslides. The research results have helped to generate important recommendations for rehabilitation of the river basin.  相似文献   


Old cadastral maps represent a historical reference dataset for long-term land-use reconstructions. This study presents identification of inconsistencies in the nineteenth century Franziscean cadastre, one of the largest sets of old cadastral maps worldwide, by comparing three versions of the maps and written documents created in the same period. We identified all parcels and their land-use in the four sub-sources in six study areas. The overall share of inconsistencies among 5 771 identified parcels is 7.4%, with the biggest share of inconsistency in agroforestry and forestry classes. The most frequent inconsistencies are of ‘Not differentiable land use’ (n = 212) and ‘Different land-use’ categories across the sub-sources (n = 113). We conclude that the frequency of uncertainties in old cadastral maps may limit the validity of historical land-use reconstructions, affecting the eventual restoration and management efforts based on such data. We provide a summary for the use of Franziscean cadastre.  相似文献   

以产权理论为基础,通过对产权制度与人们资源利用行为的分析,探讨了我国农地产权制度对农村生态环境的影响,提出了解决生态环境问题的若干土地产权制度调整的框架性措施。  相似文献   

The participation of private landowners in conservation is crucial to efficient biodiversity conservation. This is especially the case in settings where the share of private ownership is large and the economic costs associated with land acquisition are high. We used probit regression analysis and historical participation data to examine the likelihood of participation of Danish forest owners in a voluntary conservation program. We used the results to spatially predict the likelihood of participation of all forest owners in Denmark. We merged spatial data on the presence of forest, cadastral information on participation contracts, and individual‐level socioeconomic information about the forest owners and their households. We included predicted participation in a probability model for species survival. Uninformed and informed (included land owner characteristics) models were then incorporated into a spatial prioritization for conservation of unmanaged forests. The choice models are based on sociodemographic data on the entire population of Danish forest owners and historical data on their participation in conservation schemes. Inclusion in the model of information on private landowners’ willingness to supply land for conservation yielded at intermediate budget levels up to 30% more expected species coverage than the uninformed prioritization scheme. Our landowner‐choice model provides an example of moving toward more implementable conservation planning.  相似文献   

With the development of rural pollution, its characteristic and institutional factor should be studied for pollution control through economics and sociology. Based on the data gathered from investigations by several government sectors, rural environmental pollution can be divided into two types by its sources: internal source type and external source type. The internal source type is the main component of rural pollution at present, which can be further divided into three types. Research shows that the contributing institutional factors of rural pollution issues and the effectiveness of environmental management system over rural pollution can be summarized as distinctiveness. In essence, the rural pollution issue results from the dualism of rural and urban areas’ inadaptability to rural modernization. In detail, the contributing factors can be summed up on three institutional levels. There are obvious loopholes in rural environmental management system which, in the meantime, is incapable and inadaptable to rural pollution control. There exist similar questions in the related public service system, which are intensified by inappropriate reform which brought about incompatible incentive in the recent years. However, in the eleventh five-year plan period, there are advantageous trends in the three institutional levels.  相似文献   

以上海西南地区为例,对城市边缘区包括公共绿地,大田,菜地,水体等在内地城市绿地系统特征及其演变进行分析,同时将其动态与其他土地利用类型进行比较研究,并在此基础上提出城市绿地系统建设的对策,要使城市绿化不滞后于城市建设,避免今后用昂贵的代价来发展绿化,关键是城市绿化应该扩大其概念的内涵,着重从城市绿地系统的角度来发展城市绿化,同时规划在前,确保土地资源,加强绿地系统研究,以提高城市生态质量。  相似文献   

在介绍日本农村循环经济模式特征的基础上,采用物质流分析方法,选取日本典型农村循环经济模式进行磷代谢分析。结果表明,大量的堆肥和直接还田改善了畜禽排泄物和农村生活对水体环境的影响,但对于减少种植业引起的磷排放未起到关键作用。建议在建设新农村的同时,有必要考虑农村生活-种植业-畜牧业一体化循环经济模式,扩大农村生活废弃物的再资源化量,以减少对系统外环境的污染。  相似文献   

目前工业“三废”对农村环境污染的发展趋势有所减缓,但乡镇工业对农村环境污染的比重仍在逐渐增大,污染势头继续增强。从整体上讲,农村环境质量继续恶化的趋势尚未得到有效的控制。为加强农村环境质量的管理,本文着重论述了农村环境质量区划应遵循的4条原则,以层次分析法为原理,从自然生态环境、人类开发强度、环境状况3个方面,提出由28个指标组成的农村环境质量区划指标体系,该指标体系简便适用、易于操作,对不同层次、不同地区的具体区划具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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