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开展快速可靠的水生态监测并预测其变化趋势,对保护水生态环境具有重要的价值。近年来,环境DNA宏条形码技术(简称环境DNA技术)的快速发展弥补了传统形态学生物监测的缺陷,显著提升了水生生物群落的监测能力。与机器学习、遥感和云服务等技术结合,环境DNA技术不仅能大尺度、高频率、高灵敏度、自动化地获取生态监测信息,而且能准确地识别水生态系统的变化趋势,进而改变对水生态系统的认识与管理方式。因此,研究着重总结了环境DNA技术在水生态监测中的应用,分析了环境DNA技术与机器学习、卫星遥感等跨学科合作的潜在机遇,基于环境DNA技术简单、便捷的优势,提出了社会公民参与水环境保护的生态监测新思路。  相似文献   

应用物种DNA条形码识别太湖流域部分底栖无脊椎动物种类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将物种DNA条形码实际应用于太湖流域底栖无脊椎动物分类,并与形态学分类结果比对,结果表明,DNA条形码技术可应用于本流域底栖无脊椎动物分类,但现阶段无法替代形态学鉴定,主要原因是太湖流域底栖无脊椎动物的绝大多数物种COⅠ基因特征序列是未知的或是BLAST所拥有的分类程度不够,提出在今后的研究中应探索建立太湖流域底栖无脊椎动物COⅠ基因数据库。  相似文献   

环境DNA (eDNA)宏条形码技术通量高、重复性好,在未来生态环境监测中有巨大的应用潜力。目前,浮游藻类环境DNA监测仍处在发展阶段,尚缺乏统一的浮游藻类扩增引物。利用同一个野外环境样本,比较8对通用引物在浮游藻类环境DNA监测中的差异,为初步建立规范化的浮游藻类环境DNA监测方法提供支撑。结果表明,不同引物对浮游藻类扩增存在明显偏好性,靶向扩增16S rDNA的引物主要检出硅藻,其次是隐藻和绿藻;靶向扩增18S rDNA的1391、AD3和ANF 3对引物具有较高的浮游藻类扩增效率和物种辨识度,分别检出67、62、63个浮游藻属,其检出的浮游藻类的相对丰度排序均为硅藻>绿藻>隐藻>金藻>甲藻,可以作为通用引物用于浮游藻类环境DNA宏条形码监测。  相似文献   

中国淡水大型底栖无脊椎动物条形码数据库构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型底栖无脊椎动物是得到广泛应用的水质生物监测和评价指示生物,但在实际应用过程中,受类群多样性高、形态鉴定专业性强、鉴定资料不全等影响,难以将其精确鉴定到种。新兴的DNA条形码技术能够快速、精确地鉴定物种,在生物多样性调查和监测等领域被寄予厚望。该方法的有效性与准确性依赖于完整、全面的参考数据库,然而现有公共数据库无法满足底栖动物鉴定的需求。鉴于此,南京农业大学等10余所高校及科研院所携手构建了中国淡水大型底栖无脊椎动物条形码数据库。基于该数据库网络平台,用户可以在线进行底栖动物条形码和环境DNA-宏条形码比对,完成对物种的精准注释。该数据库的建成为我国应用环境DNA-宏条形码技术开展底栖动物多样性调查、水质生物监测与评价提供了重要的数据资源。  相似文献   

大型底栖动物是生态环境监测和评估的主要目标生物类群之一。环境DNA宏条形码技术的发展为提高底栖动物多样性监测的通量、精准性、标准化程度提供了新的机遇,但该方法在我国尚未有流域尺度的应用先例,其结果的可靠性和对生态环境健康状况的指示性有待检验。率先将环境DNA宏条形码技术用于太湖流域65个点位的底栖动物监测和流域生态健康评价,并与同步进行的形态学监测结果进行了比较。结果表明:①环境DNA方法能检出更多的底栖动物类群,在科、属、种水平上检出的分类单元数分别是形态学监测结果的106%、132%、155%;②基于环境DNA技术的检测方法能够很好地识别形态学监测结果中的优势物种,检出的科级、属级分类阶元能够覆盖形态学监测结果中90%以上的生物量和个体数,同时包含60%以上的物种数;③两种方法对同一物种的检出频次显著相关(R2>0.7,P<0.0001),总体检出一致率达72.3%;④在底栖动物完整性指数(B-IBI)方面,环境DNA方法与形态学方法的计算结果显著相关(R2=0.235,P<0.0001),94%的点位的B-IBI等级划分误差在1级以内,且两种方法的计算结果在底栖动物完整性的流域空间格局描绘上高度重合。综上所述,环境DNA宏条形码技术在太湖流域底栖动物群落监测和评价中的整体应用结果表明,环境DNA监测方法结果可靠,将其进一步规模化应用有望显著提高我国水生态系统生物监测结果的准确性和生态健康评价的技术水平。  相似文献   

浮游动物是水生生态系统的重要组成部分,对环境因子敏感,是水生生态健康状况的重要指示生物.基于传统形态学的浮游动物调查方法无法鉴定桡足类幼体,难以准确了解浮游动物群落组成.DNA宏条形码技术基于DNA序列差异识别物种,为浮游动物群落组成的准确解析提供了新方法.比较了不同浮游动物采样方法(直接过滤法和网富集法)对浮游动物D...  相似文献   

鱼类是水生生态系统生物多样性的重要组成部分,为了解江苏省地表水监测断面鱼类群落结构特征,利用环境DNA宏条形码技术对2020年4-5月江苏省148个地表水监测断面的鱼类群落进行了调查.在环境DNA样品中共检测到鱼类可操作分类单元(OTU)418个,共注释到10目14科32属46种,其中鲤形目的鱼类有27种,序列占比达8...  相似文献   

源头区溪流是河流生态系统最脆弱的部分,也是淡水底栖大型无脊椎动物(简称底栖动物)集中分布的热点区域,在流域物种库的形成和生态系统的多样性维持过程中具有不可忽视的作用。然而,目前国内对源头区溪流底栖动物多样性的系统调查研究较少。笔者对位于浙江省丽水市瓯江源头区的龙泉溪进行了底栖动物多样性调查研究,分别于2021年丰水期和平水期在覆盖龙泉溪主要山溪河流的18个样点采样,共采集获得底栖动物标本3 700余号。通过联合使用传统形态分类和DNA条形码技术,共鉴定出底栖动物165种,隶属5门、9纲、19目、68科、124属。联合使用DNA条形码可使底栖动物科、种水平的分辨力提升28.3%和34.1%。调查研究表明:龙泉溪底栖动物多样性丰富,物种组成以节肢动物为主(占比高达87.9%,145种),其中水生昆虫占绝大多数(共计8目、48科、140种,占84.8%),主要优势种为鞘翅目的狭溪泥甲属1种Stenelmis sp.1、毛翅目的纹石蛾属Hydorpsyche和短脉纹石蛾属Cheumatopsyche各1种;底栖动物群落多样性丰富,且在丰水期和平水期均维持在较高的水平;海拔和底质类型等微生境条件对底栖动物多样性分布的影响分析显示,底质类型对底栖动物分布密度的影响显著。对水生态状况的生物评估结果显示:Biotic Index污染生物指数更适合龙泉溪流域的水质健康状况评估,龙泉溪流域整体的水生态状况健康,水质属清洁或极清洁。该研究使用传统形态学和DNA条形码技术相结合的鉴定方式,提高了底栖动物物种鉴定的精度,所获得的多样性调查和水质评价结果为瓯江源头区溪流乃至整个流域的生态保护和长期监测提供了本底基础资料。  相似文献   

概述了环境DNA技术目前的研究方向和分析原理,介绍了该技术在水生、土壤和植物生态系统中的应用进展,以及在监测畜舍环境、促进畜禽粪污无害化处理、检测动物营养与健康状况、调查动物群体遗传多样性、监测和预防畜禽疾病等动物生产管理中的应用前景。分析了环境DNA技术的优势与局限,并在此基础上提出了建立标准操作流程、提高检测精确度、积极推广应用环境DNA技术等建议。  相似文献   

文章简述了微波直接辐射和微波再生技术在废水处理中的应用.指出了微波技术在废水处理中存在的问题,并对其发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken to study the induction of DNA damage by lead chloride (PbCl(2)) in freshwater climbing perch Anabas testudineus using alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay). Based on the LC(50) values of lead chloride of A. testudineus three different concentrations viz., 0.1, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/L were selected to expose fish. The DNA damage was observed in the gill, kidney and liver tissue as the percentage of DNA in comet tails and comet heads in the tissue of the exposed fish. DNA damage at different concentrations showed sensitivity to particular tissue. The liver tissue exhibited significantly (p < 0.01) higher DNA damage, followed by kidney and gill. However, the DNA damage was found to be dose dependent; at 2 mg/L of PbCl(2) the tail and head DNA of liver tissue were 57.84% and 39.49%, in kidney tissue the values were 52.36% and 44.97% whereas in gill tissue the values were 48.86% and 48.96% respectively. The current study explored the utility of the comet assay for in vivo laboratory studies using A. testudineus species for screening the genotoxic potential of lead chloride.  相似文献   

There is little information on the indoor environment in hotels. Analysis of fungal DNA by quantitative PCR (qPCR) is a new method which can detect general and specific sequences. Dust was collected through swab sampling of door frames in 69 hotel rooms in 20 countries in Europe and Asia (2007-2009). Five sequences were detected by qPCR: total fungal DNA, Aspergillus and Penicillium DNA (Asp/Pen DNA), Aspergillus versicolor (A. versicolor DNA), Stachybotrys chartarum (S. chartarum DNA) and Streptomyces spp. (Streptomyces DNA). Associations were analysed by multiple linear regression. Total fungal DNA (GM = 1.08 × 10(8) cell equivalents m(-2); GSD = 6.36) and Asp/Pen DNA (GM = 1.79 × 10(7) cell equivalents m(-2); GSD = 10.12) were detected in all rooms. A. versicolor DNA, S. chartarum DNA and Streptomyces DNA were detected in 84%, 28% and 47% of the samples. In total, 20% of the rooms had observed dampness/mould, and 30% had odour. Low latitude (range 1.5-64.2 degrees) was a predictor of Asp/Pen DNA. Seaside location, lack of mechanical ventilation, and dampness or mould were other predictors of total fungal DNA and Asp/Pen DNA. Hotel ranking (Trip Advisor) or self-rated quality of the interior of the hotel room was a predictor of total fungal DNA, A. versicolor DNA and Streptomyces DNA. Odour was a predictor of S. chartarum DNA. In conclusion, fungal DNA in swab samples from hotel rooms was related to latitude, seaside location, ventilation, visible dampness and indoor mould growth. Hotels in tropical areas may have 10-100 times higher levels of common moulds such as Aspergillus and Penicillium species, as compared to a temperate climate zone.  相似文献   

There is little information on exposure of marine mammals to genotoxic environmental contaminants. The 32P-postlabeling assay has been successfully used to assess exposure to genotoxic polycyclic aromatic compounds in fish and humans. In the present study, a preliminary investigation showed that polycyclic aromatic compound-like DNA adducts were present in hepatic tissues of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardsi) exposed to petroleum following the Exxon Valdez oil spill. However, for marine mammals, effects from changes in tissue condition on DNA recovery and quality is of concern, because tissue samples are often collected from animals that have been dead for unknown periods of time. To assess the effects of postmortem thermal history on DNA recovery from tissue and on DNA adduct quantitation, samples of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) hepatic tissue were incubated for up to 10 d at 4 and 30 °C. Only traces (<4 g) of hepatic DNA were recovered from 200 mg of tissue after incubation at 30 °C for 36 h. At 4 °C, DNA (50–130 g) was recovered from tissue incubated for up to 6 d; whereas DNA recovery at 10 d was minimal. Chromatograms of 32P-labeled DNA digests of liver tissue held at 4 and 30 °C and salmon sperm DNA held at 30 °C for 2 d had comparable profiles, suggesting that alteration of DNA bases had occurred during incubation of porpoise liver tissue. Moreover, the chromatograms of DNA extracted from liver tissues of harbor porpoises caught incidentally in a northwest Atlantic fishery, packed in ice and sampled several days later also exhibited similar altered DNA structures. Although, altered DNA structures that can interfere with the DNA adduct quantitation were present in autolyzed tissue, changes in the 32P-postlabeling chromatography conditions can decrease the interference. Moreover, in a study with tissues taken from California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) immediately postmortem and stored at –80 °C until processing, DNA structures associated with tissue breakdown were not observed. The DNA from sea lions, however, had putative age-dependent hepatic DNA modifications, which have a distinctive profile, and must be considered when evaluating exposure of marine mammals to polycyclic aromatic compounds. Overall, the findings showed that with attention to the postmortem thermal history of the tissue samples hepatic DNA adducts, as measured by 32P-postlabeling, have the potential to serve as a biological indicator of exposure of marine mammals to environmental genotoxic compounds.  相似文献   

应用小鼠淋巴细胞彗星试验对长治市5个点位地下水水质作遗传毒性研究。结果表明,各水样有机浓集物均可对小鼠淋巴细胞DNA产生不同程度的遗传损伤,随着剂量的增加,Olive尾矩与阴性对照组(0.72±0.09)相比均有显著性差异(P0.05,P0.01)。在试验浓度范围内,以彗星尾部DNA含量、彗星尾长、尾矩和Olive尾矩所指示的DNA损伤程度随剂量增大而逐渐增加,存在显著的剂量-效应关系,其相关系数0.815。  相似文献   

DNA damage was evaluated in the haemolymph of Mytilus galloprovincialis from nine sites along the south coast of Portugal using the comet assay. DNA damage was low, in the same range of sites considered to suffer low impact from genotoxic contaminants. Even so, differences between sites, seasons and genders were found. Highest values were in mussels from the main estuaries and the fishery harbour, reflecting higher genotoxin levels, whereas the lowest values can be used as a baseline for future work. Non-contaminant related factors (e.g. temperature and oxygen) were also shown to influence DNA damage. Between seasons, highest values were in summer related not only to the increase of tourism in this region (~10-fold), but also to temperature. Between genders, males were found to be more sensitive. The condition index was also generally higher in summer. Lipid peroxidation, another damage biomarker, was measured in gills to assess if there is any association between the responses of both biomarkers and if they are similarly affected by the same environmental conditions. LPO like DNA damage was higher in summer. This work confirms that DNA damage is a sensitive biomarker to discriminate genotoxic contamination, even in areas considered to suffer low impact from genotoxins.  相似文献   

Pet allergens and mold growth related to damp are common phenomena in day care centers in Sweden but exposure measurements of these factors are lacking. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between building construction and indoor environment quality in Swedish day care centers and the potential for exposure to fungi (analyzed by quantitative PCR) and animal allergens (analyzed by ELISA). Measurements were performed in 21 day care centers (103 rooms) from one municipality in Sweden, which were identified as constructions at risk of dampness (85% of the buildings) and with visible damage and mold growth (54% of the buildings). Dust samples were collected using cotton swab and Petri dishes. Total fungal DNA was detected in 99% and 100%, Aspergillus/Penicillium DNA in 54% and 68%, and Stachybotrys chartarum DNA in 4% and 9% of the investigated rooms in cotton swab and Petri dish samples, respectively. The total fungal DNA levels (Geometric Mean, GM) were 4.2 × 10(6) cell equivalents per m(2) and 2.9 × 10(5) cell equivalents per m(2) per day in the swab and Petri dish samples, respectively. The concentrations (GM) of cat (Fel d1), dog (Can f1), and horse (Equ cx) allergens were 9.4, 7.2 ng m(-2) day(-1), and 5.0 unit per m(2) per day, respectively. Total fungal DNA levels were higher in risk construction buildings (p = 0.01), in rooms with linoleum flooring material (p = 0.003), and in buildings with rotating heat exchangers (p = 0.02). There were associations between total fungal DNA levels and cat (p = 0.02), dog (p < 0.001), and horse (p = 0.001) allergens. In conclusion, risk constructions, damp constructions, mould growth, fungal DNA, and animal allergens were common exposure factors in Swedish day care centers. Building constructions that represent a high risk for internal dampness should be avoided in the future, and measures to reduce allergen levels should be considered to protect pet-allergic children from asthmatic problems.  相似文献   

An alkaline comet assay and a micronucleus test were carried out on erythrocytes of the European chub, Squalius cephalus L., collected in spring and autumn in 2005 and 2006 at three sampling sites in River Sava, near Zagreb, Croatia. The results of comet assay showed the lowest genotoxic influence at the least polluted site, while higher DNA damage was observed at the polluted sites. Although the basal levels of DNA damage were elevated, a clear gradation of DNA damage was found due to pollution intensity in all sampling periods. The lowest cytogenetic damage as revealed by the micronucleus test (MNT) was observed as well at the least polluted site. High variations in MN frequency were observed between sampling periods, although the number of micronucleated erythrocytes was consistently the highest one at the polluted site. The comet assay as a biomarker of genotoxic effect exhibited higher sensitivity in discriminating the genotoxic capacity of studied polluted sites while the MNT was less sensitive. However, both tests should be used together in biomonitoring studies because they can reveal different aspects of DNA damage; comet assay, the early event of genotoxic exposure, and MNT, its final result as a mutagenic potential.  相似文献   

The genotoxicity of certain water bodies was evaluated employing the DNA repair defective mutants of Escherichia coli, induction of prophage lamda in the lysogen and the plasmid nicking assay. All the test DNA repair defective mutants invariably exhibited more sensitivity than their isogenic wild-type strains but distinctive patterns against the three water samples viz. industrial waste water and the groundwater samples obtained from industrial estate of Aligarh as well as river water of Yamuna at Agra. A significant level of phage induction was also recorded in the test system exhibiting maximum induction in case of industrial waste water followed by that in river and groundwater samples, respectively. The single- and double-strand breaks were also observed in the plasmid DNA treated with industrial waste water and the river water samples. These findings are suggestive of the DNA damage induced by the test samples with the probable role of SOS repair in E. coli.  相似文献   

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