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We studied within-site spatial variation of the carbon stock in the organic layer of boreal forest soil. A total of 1,006 soil samples were taken in ten forest stands (five Scots pine stands and five Norway spruce stands). Our results indicate that the spatial autocorrelation disappears at a distance of 75-225 cm. This spatial autocorrelation should be taken into account in the sampling design by locating the sampling points at adequate intervals. With a sample size of over 20-30 samples per site, additional soil samples do not notably improve the precision of the site mean estimate. An adequate sample size is dependent on the purpose of sampling and on the site-specific soil variation. Our results on the dependence between sample size and precision of the mean estimates can be applied in designing efficient soil monitoring in boreal coniferous forests.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of forest transformation into recreation site. A fragment of a Pinus pinaster plantation forest was transferred to a recreation site in the city of Bart?n located close to the Black Sea coast of northwestern Turkey. During the transformation, some of the trees were selectively removed from the forest to generate more open spaces for the recreationists. As a result, Leaf Area Index (LAI) decreased by 0.20 (about 11 %). Additionally, roads and pathways were introduced into the site together with some recreational equipment sealing parts of the soil surface. Consequently, forest environment was altered with a semi-natural landscape within the recreation site. The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of forest transformation into recreation site particularly in terms of the LAI parameter, forest floor, and soil properties. Preliminary monitoring results indicate that forest floor biomass is reduced by 26 % in the recreation site compared to the control site. Soil temperature is increased by 15 % in the recreation site where selective removal of trees expanded the gaps allowing more light transmission. On the other hand, the soil bulk density which is an indicator of soil compaction is unexpectedly slightly lower in the recreation site. Organic carbon (Corg) and total nitrogen (Ntotal) together with the other physical and chemical parameter values indicate that forest floor and soil have not been exposed to much disturbance. However, subsequent removal of trees that would threaten the vegetation, forest floor, and soil should not be allowed. The activities of the recreationists are to be concentrated on the paved spaces rather than soil surfaces. Furthermore, long-term monitoring and management is necessary for both the observation and conservation of the site.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1982, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency conducted a comprehensive multimedia environmental monitoring program in the vicinity of two secondary lead smelters and at one reference site in Dallas, Texas. This monitoring program included a major soils investigation with the collection and analysis of over 2700 soil samples. In addition, approximately 1000 blood and 840 house dust samples were collected and analyzed for their lead content.Utilizing geostatistics and the data obtained from a portion of the soil samples, isopleths of constant soil lead concentrations within each of the three monitoring sites were identified. Presented are the soil monitoring strategy and the geostatistical techniques selected for identifying the distributions of soil lead patterns at each of the three monitoring sites. In addition, the soil sampling and analytical methods used, the sample handling and preparation procedures, and the geostatistical results obtained are identified.  相似文献   

Site index for jack pine, black spruce and trembling aspen was found to be poorly related to soil types described in the Northwestern Ontario Forest Ecosystem Classification (NWO FEC). Statistical analyses showed that average site indices for most soil types and groupings of soil types were not significantly different from each other.Site index varies greatly within presently defined NWO FEC soil types because certain soil and topographic features that are closely related to site index vary greatly within soil types or are not well described by the NWO FEC soil types. These critical soil features have been identified by soil-site studies that show features most closely related to site index usually are surface soil features found within the effective rooting zone of forest trees. These critical features include depth to bedrock, depth to root restricting soil layers, and coarse fragment content and texture of surface soil horizons.Site-quality research in Northwestern Ontario is closely integrated with the NWO FEC program, thus future NWO FEC soil classifications probably will use results from our soil-site research as a basis for soil type revisions. The result will be future soil types that are more closely related to forest site quality and thus to the capability of forest land to produce tree growth.  相似文献   

Permanent sample plots (PSP), where trees are individually and permanently marked, have received increased interest in Central Africa as a tool to monitor vegetation changes. Although techniques for mounting PSP in tropical forests are well known, their planning still deserves attention. This study aims at defining a rationale for determining the size and number of replicates for setting up PSP in mixed tropical forests. It considers PSP as a sampling plan to estimate a target quantity with its associated margin of error. The target quantity considered here is the stock recovery rate, which is a key parameter for forest management in Central Africa. It is computed separately for each commercial species. The number of trees to monitor for each species defines the margin of error on the stock recovery rate. The size and number of replicated plots is obtained as the solution of an optimization problem that consists in minimizing the margin of error for every species while ensuring that the mounting cost remains below a given threshold. This rationale was applied using the data from the M’Baïki experimental site in the Central African Republic. It showed that the stock recovery rate is a highly variable quantity, and that the typical cost that forest managers are prone to devote to PSP leads to high margins of error. It also showed that the size and number of replicated plots is related to the spatial pattern of trees: clustered or spatially heterogeneous patterns favor many small plots, whereas regular or spatially homogeneous patterns favor few large plots.  相似文献   

Bark samples of spruce, pine and oak trees were collected at two sites in southern Bavaria which are characterized by high agricultural ammonia emissions. The samples were taken using a recently developed bark sampling device which removes a defined layer of the bark. The bark was then analysed for ammonium concentration in order to reflect the environmental ammonia immission. The measured bark concentrations decreased with rising distance between the sample trees and the ammonia source. This applied (i) to measurements inside a closed forest stand ranging from forest edge with high immission to forest interior with much lower immission, and (ii) to the open field where single-standing trees were sampled. Comparing the ammonium concentrations among the three different tree species revealed significant correlations. Thus, it could be shown that old spruce trees are as usable for bark bio-monitoring as the traditionally used pine and oak trees. The ammonium concentrations of the bark were significantly correlated to measurements taken by ammonia passive samplers at the same locations. These results indicate that bark samples may be used for a standardised monitoring of airborne ammonia load. A major advantage of the technique is the determination of the long-term accumulative ammonia load using a single measurement.  相似文献   

Soil respiration is considered to represent the overall microbial activity reflecting mineralisation of organic matter in soil. It is the most commonly used biological variable in soil studies. In long-term monitoring of forested areas, there is a need for reference values for soil microbiological variables in different forest ecosystems. In this study we describe the relationship between soil respiration rate, tree stand and humus chemical characteristics of boreal coniferous forests stands. Soil respiration rate was higher in pine dominated than in spruce dominated study sites when the result was calculated on dry matter bases. However, when calculated on area bases, the result was opposite and no difference was found when the soil respiration rate was calculated on organic carbon bases. Irrespective of the main tree species, the soil respiration rate was equal in different development classes but not equal in soil fertility classes, i.e. within forest site types based on differences in ground vegetation. Respiration rates were clearly higher in mesic sites when calculated on dry matter, Corg or area bases. However, soil respiration rate did not correlate with soil chemical variables indicating site fertility. Soil respiration rate on dry matter basis was at a lower level in the south and on more fertile sites, and on the other hand at a higher level in older stands and on sites with a thicker organic layer.  相似文献   

An innovative methodology for improving existing groundwater monitoring plans at small-scale sites is presented. The methodology consists of three stand-alone methods: a spatial redundancy reduction method, a well-siting method for adding new sampling locations, and a sampling frequency determination method. The spatial redundancy reduction method eliminates redundant wells through an optimization process that minimizes the errors in plume delineation and the average plume concentration estimation. The well-siting method locates possible new sampling points for an inadequately delineated plume via regression analysis of plume centerline concentrations and estimation of plume dispersivity values. The sampling frequency determination method recommends the future frequency of sampling for each sampling location based on the direction, magnitude, and uncertainty of the concentration trend derived from representative historical concentration data. Although the methodology is designed for small-scale sites, it can be easily adopted for large-scale site applications. The proposed methodology is applied to a small petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated site with a network of 12 monitoring wells to demonstrate its effectiveness and validity.  相似文献   

Long-term influence of alkaline dust (pH 12.3–12.7) pollution emitted over 40 years from a cement plant in Estonia was the reason of alkalisation (pH 6.7–7.9) and high concentrations of K, Ca and Mg in the soil of affected territories. Although dust emission has diminished during the last 10 years, the disbalances in nutrition substrate and their influence on the growth of trees are notable up to now. The study of morphological and physical properties of 70–80-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) crown, stems and stemwood from three different air pollution zones showed serious deviations in comparison with a relatively healthy forest in an unpolluted area. The specimens from polluted trees, if compared to reference site, showed significantly smaller height growth, radial increment and width of annual rings of sapwood. In heartwood wider annual rings were found in polluted areas. In the period of heartwood formation the dust pollution level emitted from the plant was relatively modest and cement dust, which contains elements necessary for mineral nutrition of trees, may have acted as fertiliser. The moisture content in sapwood and heartwood, especially in the upper layers of stems, was lower in the polluted area than in reference site trees. Regression analysis revealed a strong dependence between latewood percentage and sapwood or heartwood in stems of Scots pine in all sample plots.  相似文献   

Ground vegetation (GV) is an important component from which many forest biodiversity indicators can be estimated. To formulate policies at European level, taking into account biodiversity, European National Forest Inventories (NFIs) are one of the most important sources of forest information. However, for monitoring GV, there are several definitions, data collection methods, and different possible indicators. Even though it must be considered that natural conditions in different countries form very different understory types, each one has its own cost-efficient monitoring design, and they can hardly be compared. Therefore, the development of general guidelines is a particularly complex issue. This paper is a review of data collection methods and consequently a selection of the best available methods for the set of indicators with an emphasis on GV sampling methodologies in NFIs. As a final result, recommendations on GV definitions and classifications, sampling methodologies, and indicators are formulated for NFIs. Different sampling areas are recommended for each life form (shrubs, herbs, etc.). Inventory cycles and sampling seasons (depending on the phonological stages) should be specially considered and evaluated in the results. The proposed indicators are based on composition at different levels of sampling intensity for each life form and on coverage measurements.  相似文献   

A correct characterization of the status and trend of forest condition is essential to support reporting processes at national and international level. An international forest condition monitoring has been implemented in Europe since 1987 under the auspices of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests). The monitoring is based on harmonized methodologies, with individual countries being responsible for its implementation. Due to inconsistencies and problems in sampling design, however, the ICP Forests network is not able to produce reliable quantitative estimates of forest condition at European and sometimes at country level. This paper proposes (1) a set of requirements for status and change assessment and (2) a harmonized sampling strategy able to provide unbiased and consistent estimators of forest condition parameters and of their changes at both country and European level. Under the assumption that a common definition of forest holds among European countries, monitoring objectives, parameters of concern and accuracy indexes are stated. On the basis of fixed-area plot sampling performed independently in each country, an unbiased and consistent estimator of forest defoliation indexes is obtained at both country and European level, together with conservative estimators of their sampling variance and power in the detection of changes. The strategy adopts a probabilistic sampling scheme based on fixed-area plots selected by means of systematic or stratified schemes. Operative guidelines for its application are provided.  相似文献   

River or alluvial sand mining is causing a variety of environmental problems in the Itajaí-açú river basin in Santa Catarina State (south of Brazil). When this type of commercial activity degrades areas around rivers, environmental restoration programs need to be executed. In this context, the aim of this study was to assess the evolution of a restored riparian forest based on data on the soil microbial activity and plant biomass growth. A reference site and three sites with soil degradation were studied over a 3-year period. Five campaigns were performed to determine the hydrolysis of the soil enzyme fluorescein diacetate (FDA), and the biomass productivity was determined at the end of the studied period. The variation in the enzyme activity for the different campaigns at each site was low, but this parameter did differ significantly according to the site. Well-managed sites showed the highest biomass productivity, and this, in turn, showed a strong positive correlation with soil enzyme activity. In conclusion, soil enzyme activity could form the basis for monitoring and the early prediction of the success of vegetal restoration programs, since responses at the higher level of biological organization take longer, inhibiting the assessment of the project within an acceptable time frame.  相似文献   

Concern about the possible deterioration of forest health led to the establishment in the 1980s of inventories of forest condition throughout Europe. International standardisation of the programmes was sought and a number of recommendations were made concerning sampling and assessment procedures. One of the most important rulings was that the assessment should be made on a systematic grid, the minimum density of which was 16×16 km. However, many countries adopted denser sampling grids, with 4×4 km being used in several countries and 1×1 km being used in the Netherlands. With five or more years of monitoring completed, there is a growing belief that a rapid and irreversible decline in forest health is not occurring. Consequently, some countries/regions are seeking to reduce their annual investment in forest health monitoring.The precision of national/regional estimates of forest health can be directly related to the sample size. As the sample size decreases, so also does the precision of the estimates. This is illustrated using data collected in Switzerland in 1992 and using grid densities of 4×4 km, 8×8 km, 12×12 km and 16×16 km. The value of the data is dependent on the sample size and the degree to which it is broken down (by region or species). The loss of precision associated with most subdivisions at the 8×8 km grid level remains acceptable, but a sharp deterioration in the precision occurs at the 12×12 km and 16×16 km grid levels. This has considerable implications for the interpretation of the inventories from those countries using a 16×16 km grid. In Switzerland, a reduction from the current 4×4 km grid to an 8×8 km grid (i.e. 75% reduction in sample size) would have relatively little impact on the overall results from the annual inventories of forest health.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to: (1) analyzehistorical diazinon water column monitoring data frominconsistent monitoring programs in mainstem and tributary sitesin the Sacramento and Feather River watersheds from 1991 to 2001to assess possible spatial and temporal trends and (2) determinethe probability of measured diazinon concentrations by site orsimilar pooled sites exceeding various proposed effectsbenchmarks such as Water Quality Criteria and 10th centilesderived from species sensitivity distributions proposed as targetconcentrations for Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). An analysisof diazinon monitoring data from both fixed and rain eventsampling from the Sacramento/Feather River watersheds from 1991to 2001 showed that 90th centiles for 27 different mainstemand tributary sites ranged from 12 to 14,897 ng L-1. The 90th centiles were generally higher at tributary sites (as compared to mainstem sites) during rain event sampling prior to 1995. A comparison of rain event samples for similar sites sampled in 1994 and 2000 showed that 90th centiles were lower in seven of eight sites in 2000. A comparison of pooled mainstemsites between 1994 and 2000 for rain event data showed a lower90th centile value for 2000; 90th centiles were alsolower in 2000 at all pooled tributary sites and all sites whendata from a highly influential site was removed. For varioussite designations (all sites, pooled mainstem sites etc.) theprobability of exceeding the acute and chronic diazinon targetsdeveloped by California Department of Fish and Game decreasedfrom 1994 to 2000. These data clearly show progress in the 6 yrperiod in reducing environmental concentrations of diazinon.Probability of exceeding the 10th centile targets based onspecies sensitivity distributions for arthropods (the mostsensitive taxa to diazinon exposure) was similar and fairly lowbetween years; the highest percent probability of exceedance forany site designation was 20%.Results from a two-way ANOVA using individual measurementsfrom all sites sampled showed a significant decrease during rainevents between 1994 and 2000, although the decrease was notequivalent for all sites. Sources of uncertainty identified inthe analysis of rain event data from 1994 and 2000 wereinconsistent frequency of sampling during rain events for eachyear, unknown definition of rain events between the two years andnon-defined measurement point within the hydrograph of rainevents sampled in each year. Analysis of diazinon trends fromfixed sampling was limited due to lack of yearly data by site;therefore, only parametric analysis could be conducted. Based onparametric analysis of diazinon monitoring data from fixedsampling sites, the percent detected concentrations were greaterthan 20% for 12 tributary sites and 5 mainstem sites fromsamples collected during January-March. On the average over allsites and months, diazinon concentrations have decreased at fixedsampling sites in the Sacramento/Feather River watershed from1991 to 2001.  相似文献   

The characteristics of three neighboring soils from the NE of Turkey were evaluated in order to elucidate the effect of different land-use management on the soil aggregate stability and microbial biomass in Galyan-Atasu dam watershed. Three experimental sites corresponding to three land uses were selected. The first site is a hazelnut orchard (agriculture), the second site is a forest dominated by mature coniferous trees, and the third site is grassland. Soil aggregate stability values for the 1–2-mm aggregates increased from forest (lowest) to agriculture (highest) in the current study. The percentage of clay was highest in agriculture soils with 33.57 %, and overall stability values increased according to soil clay content. The lower aggregate stability in the forest soils probably reflects the highly silty texture soils with 11.95 % compared to agriculture and grassland. However, in our study, there were no significant correlations between aggregate stability and organic C concentrations either in cultivated or forested soils. Aggregate stability depended more on the organic matter content when the organic matter content was greater than 50 or 60 mg g?1. Below that threshold, aggregate stability may be mainly related to clay content. Furthermore, the results confirmed that higher percentages of Cmic/Corg in agricultural soils are the result of more labile organic substrates maintained in the soil, allowing a higher microbial biomass C per unit of soil organic C. This work gives a better understanding of the relationships between land-use type and soil aggregation and allows to know the soil response to different types of management in humid environments.  相似文献   

为科学合理的监测城市居民区绿地土壤环境状况,对居民区绿地土壤监测点位布设和采样的方法进行研究,包括代表性居民区的选取、监测点采样位置的确定、点位数量的确定等.通过多源大数据可视化手段选取某城市代表性的居民区,对其居民区内绿地土壤重金属(镉、汞、砷、铅、铜、铬、锌和镍)进行监测.结果表明:多源大数据的应用对城市土壤监测布...  相似文献   

River water quality sampling frequency is an important aspect of the river water quality monitoring network. A suitable sampling frequency for each station as well as for the whole network will provide a measure of the real water quality status for the water quality managers as well as the decision makers. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is an effective method for decision analysis and calculation of weighting factors based on multiple criteria to solve complicated problems. This study introduces a new procedure to design river water quality sampling frequency by applying the AHP. We introduce and combine weighting factors of variables with the relative weights of stations to select the sampling frequency for each station, monthly and yearly. The new procedure was applied for Jingmei and Xindian rivers, Taipei, Taiwan. The results showed that sampling frequency should be increased at high weighted stations while decreased at low weighted stations. In addition, a detailed monitoring plan for each station and each month could be scheduled from the output results. Finally, the study showed that the AHP is a suitable method to design a system for sampling frequency as it could combine multiple weights and multiple levels for stations and variables to calculate a final weight for stations, variables, and months.  相似文献   

挥发性有机物污染土壤样品采样方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以苯系物污染土壤样品的采集为例,比较了4种不同采样方法导致样品检测结果的差异。其中,方法 1将样品装填至广口瓶内并压实密封,方法2采用非扰动采样器采集10 g样品后转移至加有10 mL甲醇保护剂的Vial瓶中密封,方法 3用非扰动采样器采集10 g样品后直接将其密封于采样器内,方法 4用Encore采样器采样后将其密封于采样器内。结果表明,方法 2采集样品的检出率最高,其余3种方法的差异不明显,方法 2采集样品的检出结果 71%以上都大于其余3种方法。而且,对于挥发性较强的苯与甲苯,以方法 2采集的样品91%以上都大于其余3种方法,最大及平均检出浓度高出2~3个数量级。5种不同土质样品检测结果表明,对于有机质含量较低的细砂,方法2的最高及平均检出浓度均高于其余3种方法 1~3个数量级,差异随土壤有机质含量的升高而降低。可见,对于苯系物及挥发性强于苯系物的其他挥发性有机物污染土壤样品的采集,方法 2效果最优,可指定为VOCs污染场地土壤样品的采样方法。  相似文献   

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