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洞庭湖区湿地综合资源管理与复合生态系统建设   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
通过对洞庭湖区湿地衰退原因与特征的分析,提出合理开发湿地资源必须强化湿地整体管理,控制湿地开发规模,适度退火还湖还蓄(洪区),调整农业布局与种植制度,走集约持续发展之路,建设复合高效湿地生态系统;进行适应洪涝灾害发生规律的避洪、耐渍型生态设计,建立适应浅水水体、湖洲和低湖渍害田的复合高效生态工程模式。  相似文献   

在阐述国内外湿地治污技术应用的基础上,对湿地系统治污的效益进行探讨和分析,可知湿地治污具有高效率、低投资、低运行费和低维持技术等优点。洞庭湖是我国第二大淡水湖和最大的湿地生态保护区。近年来,国家在该区实行退田还湖、移民建镇以及平垸行洪等工程。本着高效、节约的原则以及根据湖区的实际情况,提出利用自然-人工复合湿地来处理湖区生活污水是目前最佳选择方案。  相似文献   

退耕还湖后安庆沿江湿地土壤颗粒分形特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以安庆沿江不同退耕还湖方式(白荡湖区,低坝高网式养鱼;菜子湖区,自然恢复湿地)和不同历史利用方式(水耕和旱耕)的湿地土壤为研究对象,分析退耕还湖后湿地土壤的颗粒分形特征变化。结果表明,退耕还湖后白荡湖区湿地土壤颗粒分形维数和<0.01 mm粒径颗粒含量降低,且历史水耕湿地土壤颗粒分形维数降幅小于历史旱耕湿地;菜子湖区湿地土壤颗粒分形维数和<0.01 mm粒径颗粒含量升高,且历史水耕湿地土壤颗粒分形维数增幅大于历史旱耕湿地。2个湖区湿地土壤颗粒分形维数与土壤细黏粒、粗黏粒和细粉粒含量呈显著正相关(P<0.01),与粗粉粒、细砂粒和粗砂粒含量呈显著负相关(P<0.01),与土壤有机质、全磷和有效氮含量呈显著正相关(P<0.05),土壤颗粒分形维数和土壤养分含量的聚类分析结果总体相似。土壤颗粒分形维数可作为评价退耕还湖后湿地生态恢复过程中土壤演变状况的重要参考指标。  相似文献   

湿地在待开发土地资源中占有较大比例,如何利用湿地已成为人们关注的问题。本文以顺应湖荡生态规律为原则,分析当地经历的四种开发模式的生态、社会、经济效益,进而探求湿地资源的合理利用和定向改造方式。作者认为,立体利用型的综合效益为最佳。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区的湖垸农业与可持续发展对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在调查分析洞庭湖区围湖垦殖和湖垸农业形成的历史的基础上,归纳了湖垸农业面临的生态环境问题:洪涝灾害发生频率加大;水面减少,生物多样性降低;环境污染严重,湿地生态功能衰退;土壤退化和潜育化严重;血吸虫病死灰复燃。并结合已有的经验,提出了湖垸农业可持续发展的对策措施:认真实施生态保护工程,减少泥沙淤积;调整湖垸农业结构,建立有利于避灾、减灾新模式;退田还湖,发展替代农业,发展莲藕、籽藕、茭白等水生经济植物种植;与企业结合,发展油菜、马铃薯、亚麻等工业原料作物;利用欧美杨耐涝性强的特点,在地势较高的季节性淹没的洲滩地,发展以林为主的林农复合经营模式,湖洲草地发展草食畜禽替代模式。  相似文献   

相思湖湿地公园是南宁市打造"中国水城"品牌的重要建设项目,既保护了湿地资源,也发挥了巨大的生态环境、经济及社会效益.就已完成景观绿化亮化提升工程的相思湖湿地公园展开相关调查,对其生态多样性进行分析及按照相关标准计算湿地景观特征指数,评价了其现状并提出保护对策.相思湖湿地公园具有丰富的动植物资源,从水域、林地、草地、沼泽、滩涂五种景观类型的数据可以看出:水域面积占到了52.74%,说明湿地功能显著;破碎度最大的是草地跟林地,分别达到了1.29和0.81,说明南宁市生态恢复工程和绿色提升工程效果明显.相思湖湿地公园是保护和利用当地湿地资源的有效措施.  相似文献   

通过在北京市野生动物救护中心构建表流湿地与潜流湿地相结合的复合人工湿地处理富营养化水体,研究该复合人工湿地对总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)及水体浊度的去除效果。结果表明:人工湿地对TP的去除效果好于对TN的去除效果,经过人工湿地处理的富营养化水体,表流湿地、潜流湿地和复合人工湿地对TP的平均去除率可分别达42%、55%、60%,对TN的平均去除率分别为27%、30%、34%,对水体浊度的平均去除率分别达43%、55%、75%。复合人工湿地对TP、TN以及浊度的去除效果受水体温度和溶解氧(DO)的影响,通过相关性分析发现,TP、TN和浊度的去除量与水体中的DO水平之间存在显著的负相关性,而与水体温度有正相关性,在显著性水平为0.05的条件下,相关系数分别为-0.829、-0.767、-0.765和0.674、0.757、0.774。复合人工湿地对TP、TN及浊度的去除率高于表流湿地和潜流湿地,表明复合人工湿地具有优于表流湿地和潜流湿地的整体性功能,能有效提高人工湿地对TN、TP以及浊度的去除率。  相似文献   

人工增氧型复合湿地污染物净化效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统人工湿地负荷低、硝化能力弱和易堵塞的缺点,结合曝气生物滤池与人工湿地强化理论的研究成果,自主开发了人工增氧型复合湿地工艺,即生物接触氧化预处理+微曝气垂直流湿地+水平潜流湿地。通过对滇池北岸城郊混合制污水处理的模型试验,分析该工艺流程各净化单元的污染物去除效果。结果显示,人工增氧型复合湿地对不同水力负荷和污染负荷都体现了较强的缓冲调节能力和较高的净化效果。对污染物的总去除率分别为SS 94.5%、CODCr71.3%、氨氮72.3%,在进水总氮10.0 mg.L-1条件下实现了41.9%的总氮去除率,出水总氮均值为5.8 mg.L-1。  相似文献   

不同退耕年限条件下菜子湖湿地土壤理化性质变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
退耕还湖是我国长江中下游地区湿地生态恢复的重要举措.土壤理化性质指标是评价湿地生态恢复状况的重要组成部分.选取菜子湖区不同退耕年限(2、5、8、10和20 a)湿地为研究对象,通过与相邻仍耕作油菜地和原始湿地土壤理化性质的比较,揭示了退耕还湖后湿地土壤生态特征变化规律.结果表明,随着退耕年限的增加,不同土壤理化性质指标变化趋势存在差异;土壤有机质含量逐年增加;土壤全氮和碱解氮含量在退耕5 a时显著升高,而后期变化平缓;土壤全磷和有效磷含量均呈先降低后升高趋势;土壤黏粒含量逐渐增加;土壤容重呈先升高后降低趋势;土壤含水量不断增加;土壤pH值缓慢降低.退耕2 a湿地土壤生态特征仍与油菜地相似,退耕2 a后土壤生态特征开始向原始湿地方向演化.退耕20 a期间湿地表层土壤理化性质变化强烈,而亚表层变化相对平缓.回归分析表明,除土壤pH和氮素含量的回归曲线拟合不显著外,退耕湿地表层土壤黏粒含量、容重、含水量、有机质含量、全磷含量和有效磷含量恢复到原始湿地水平所需时间分别为19、23、31、26、27和22 a,快于亚表层土壤的20、31、51、40、30和23 a.  相似文献   

两种复合人工湿地系统对东莞运河污水的净化效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
复合人工湿地系统是将不同类型的人工湿地相组合,充分发挥各类型湿地特长,实现优势瓦补的一种更有效的污水净化系统.研究采用复合垂直流-水平潜流人工湿地和复合垂直下行流人工湿地两种复合人工湿地系统对东莞运河的河道污水进行处理,分别监测了两套不同复合人工湿地系统第一、二级湿地单元的出水情况,研究了不同时间段和一定的水力负荷下复合人工湿地系统对河道污水的净化效果.结果表明,两种复合人工湿地系统的二级湿地单元出水各指标明显优于一级湿地单元,复合垂直流-水平潜流湿地对东莞运河污水COD、BOD_5和TP的平均去除率分别达到70.52%、69.21%和55.56%;复合垂直下行流湿地系统对TP的净化尤其突出,平均去除率达到72.62%,二级出水的质量浓度在0.10~0.60 mg·L~(-1)之间,对COD和BOD_5的平均去除率分别为64.74%和60.63%.两种复合系统的出水浓度均达到<城市污水处理厂污染物排放标准>(GB 18918-2002)中的一级标准.由此可见,两种复合人工湿地系统对各污染物去除效果明显优于单一的湿地系统,且更具稳定性和耐冲击能力.  相似文献   

Modern agricultural practices have been strongly linked with increased NO3-N loadings in surface waters. Nitrate leaching increases as land use progresses from forest and moorland through grassland, to arable agriculture. There are, within the UK, few studies on a regional scale capable of displaying a relationship between land cover (agricultural intensity) and water quality. This relationship can be investigated using computer manipulation of spatial geographic information together with conventional river and agricultural census data.

Simple regression analysis against primary land cover suggests that agriculture is reponsible for annual losses of nitrate in North East Scotland river catchments. Further multi-linear regression analysis, using the GIS data and agricultural census returns indicate that most of the outstanding variation can be accounted for if the agricultural variable is related to agricultural practice, such as spring, winter and grass cropping.  相似文献   

The Dutch province of Zeeland is situated in the southern part of the Delta region. The geographical location of the province and its history of inundation, land reclamation and dam-building, clearly illustrate the importance that water always has had and still has in The Netherlands. Coastal defence projects are of utmost importance for The Netherlands and the Delta Project is the crown project. The importance of this project does not only regard the protection against the sea; the Delta dams also contribute considerably to the regional infrastructure. They are a important contribution to the abolishment of the former isolation of the region. They control inland navigation and form important boundaries for water management. They separate salt, brackish and fresh water as well as waters with or without tidal-influence and they also influence the ecological systems in and along the waters. Through physical planning, including the coastal policy of today, land and water can be further integrated. This paper discusses the role of the Province in area planning, related to the division of labour between the various public authorities in The Netherlands: state, provinces and municipalities. Coastal and water policy at the provincial level have been largely integrated with relevant other interests. It may be concluded that regional planning and coastal policy are beginning to adopt a new view towards dealing with water.  相似文献   

围填海的海洋环境影响国内外研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
围填海是通过人工修筑堤坝、填埋土石方等工程措施将天然海域空间改变成陆地以拓展社会经济发展空间的人类活动,它是当前我国海岸开发利用的主要形式。大规模围填海在产生巨大的社会经济效益的同时,也给海洋生态环境造成了深远的影响,受到了国内外学者的广泛关注。文章在系统收集了国内外围填海的海洋环境影响研究报道成果的基础上,分别从:①围填海对滨海地形地貌、湿地景观的影响研究;②围填海对近岸海域水动力环境的影响研究;③围填海对滨海湿地退化与生态功能的影响研究;④围填海对近岸海洋生态系统结构与功能的影响;⑤围填海对海洋渔业资源衰退的影响等5个方面深入分析了围填海的海洋环境影响国内外研究进展及其存在的主要问题。并剖析了加强围填海的海洋环境监测与评估,实施围填海的海洋生态环境修复与生态补偿等国际围填海研究新趋势。针对围填海的海洋环境影响国内外研究现状和发展趋势,提出加强对集中连片围填海区域的长期累积效应研究、加强围填海对海洋生态环境结构功能影响过程及机理研究、加强多学科交叉在围填海海洋环境影响方面的综合研究等相关建议。  相似文献   

长江中游农区洪涝灾害后鼠类数量动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1998年至2001年在湖南安乡对洪灾后的啮齿动物数量进行了监测,并以正常区为对照;与此同时,也对曾遭受过洪灾的其它地区进行了对比调查.调查发现,虽然洪灾对啮齿动物的种群影响很大,但其数量回升速度较快,退水半年左右,种群数量就会超过未发生洪灾的相邻地区.主要原因是洪灾使害鼠的生态压力减少,如害鼠数量大幅减少,而食物相对丰富,栖息空间相对较大以及天敌的数量减少等,从而使残存鼠和迁入鼠的数量得以迅速回升.洪灾后鼠密度回升到很高的地区,即使进行大面积的化学防治降低鼠密度后,其回升速度也不同于正常地区,同样具有快速反弹的特征.图4表2参15  相似文献   

Contamination caused by pesticides in agriculture is a source of environmental poor water quality in some of the European Union countries. Without treatment or targeted mitigation, this pollution is diffused in the environment. Pesticides and some metabolites are of increasing concern because of their potential impacts on the environment, wildlife and human health. Within the context of the European Union (EU) water framework directive context to promote low pesticide-input farming and best management practices, the EU LIFE project ArtWET assessed the efficiency of ecological bioengineering methods using different artificial wetland (AW) prototypes throughout Europe. We optimized physical and biological processes to mitigate agricultural nonpoint-source pesticide pollution in artificial wetland ecosystems. Mitigation solutions were implemented at full-scale demonstration and experimental sites. We tested various bioremediation methods at seven experimental sites. These sites involved (1) experimental prototypes, such as vegetated ditches, a forest microcosm and 12 wetland mesocosms, and (2) demonstration prototypes: vegetated ditches, three detention ponds enhanced with technology of constructed wetlands, an outdoor bioreactor and a biomassbed. This set up provides a variety of hydrologic conditions, with some systems permanently flooded and others temporarily flooded. It also allowed to study the processes both in field and controlled conditions. In order to compare the efficiency of the wetlands, mass balances at the inlet and outlet of the artificial wetland will be used, taking into account the partition of the studied compound in water, sediments, plants, and suspended solids. The literature background necessary to harmonize the interdisciplinary work is reviewed here and the theoretical framework regarding pesticide removal mechanisms in artificial wetland is discussed. The development and the implementation of innovative approaches concerning various water quality sampling strategies for pesticide load estimates during flood, specific biological endpoints, innovative bioprocess applied to herbicide and copper mitigation to enhance the pesticide retention time within the artificial wetland, fate and transport using a 2D mixed hybrid finite element model are introduced. These future results will be useful to optimize hydraulic functioning, e.g., pesticide resident time, and biogeochemical conditions, e.g., dissipation, inside the artificial wetlands. Hydraulic retention times are generally too low to allow an optimized adsorption on sediment and organic materials accumulated in artificial wetlands. Absorption by plants is not either effective. The control of the hydraulic design and the use of adsorbing materials can be useful to increase the pesticides residence time and the contact between pesticides and biocatalyzers. Pesticide fluxes can be reduced by 50–80% when hydraulic pathways in artificial wetlands are optimized by increasing ten times the retention time, by recirculation of water, and by deceleration of the flow. Thus, using a bioremediation method should lead to an almost complete disappearance of pesticides pollution. To retain and treat the agricultural nonpoint-source po a major stake for a sustainable development.  相似文献   

A study of the extraction, reclamation and after use of flood plain gravel quarries between Bagham and Thannington, south west of Canterbury in Kent, South-east England, was made, based on a review of the literature and field work. The area represents a linear extension of the urban fringe of Canterbury. Gravel production has been the most significant industry in terms of environmental impact over the last thirty years, and the result of such activity has been the creation of an extensive area of lakes and wetland habitats. Present and future gravel production will more than double the existing lakes and wetlands areas. It is suggested that, in terms of land use, this man-made environment is best suited for water-based recreation and that three zones should be recognised for an amenity park, angling and wildlife respectively. Further mineral production between Ashford and Bagham may mean a reappraisal of the proposed water resource use, particularly for wildlife. As a result of this study, attention is drawn to the spatial relationships between recreational demand groups and flood plain location with respect to the urban centre and to each other.  相似文献   

Why did the reclamation of tidal marshes along the German Wadden Sea coast continue until the 1990s while the country is known for its awareness of the need for environmental protection? A study of the recently adopted reclamation policy in Schleswig-Holstein indicates that since the 1960s, the primary objective of embankments along the coast has been for coastal defence. While focusing their attention on this policy from the late 1970s, environmentalists have been objecting against any reclamation projects. Their main argument has been the ecological richness of the tidal marshes and the negative effects of embankments on the Wadden Sea. During the 1990s, objections from environmentalists, together with the fruition of the Coastal Defence Plan, recent economic factors, new legislation and sea level rise have led to a gradual decline of reclamation projects along the German Wadden Sea coast.  相似文献   

广东省农业生态环境问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾晓舵  郑习健 《生态环境》2004,13(3):455-458
随着社会经济和城市化的快速发展,以及人口的剧增,广东省的农业发展正面临一系列严重的生态环境问题。这些问题包括耕地资源日益缺乏,农业环境污染日益严重,土壤肥力退化和水土流失仍未遏止,地区性的洪旱灾害频繁,森林生态系统简单而脆弱,外来物种入侵猖獗,等等。文章对这些问题进行了讨论,并提出了若干治理对策。认为要使广东省农业可持续发展,必须合理开发利用农业自然资源,严格控制非农业用地与人口增长,加强农业环境污染的防治,加强土壤肥力退化和水土流失的综合治理,发展节水农业,改善林分结构和生态服务功能。此外,认为还应加强外来物种的安全防范工作和科学研究,防止外来物种对农业生态系统的组成、结构和功能的破坏。  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) establishes a well differentiated typology of water bodies on the basis of scientific and biological criteria. For coastal waters, such criteria have long been established, while for transitional waters they are still under discussion. One of the difficulties when applying the WFD to coastal lagoons is to include them in only one of these categories, and while there is no doubt about the nature of estuaries as transitional waters, there is some controversy concerning lagoons. To what extent, reference conditions may be similar for estuaries and lagoons, or whether features common to all coastal lagoons are more important for differentiating them from other water bodies than the fact that there is (or is not) any fresh water influence, is something that remains unclear and is discussed in this work. Coastal lagoons and estuaries form part of a continuum between continental and marine aquatic ecosystems. Shelter, strong boundaries or gradients with adjacent ecosystems, anomalies in salinity regarding freshwater or marine ecosystems, shallowness, etc. all contribute to the high biological productivity of estuaries and lagoons and determine common ecological guilds in the species inhabiting them. On the other hand, fresh water influence, the spatial organization of gradients and environmental variability (longitudinal one-dimensional gradients in estuaries versus complex patterns and three-dimensional heterogeneity in lagoons) constitute the main differences, since these factors affect both the species composition and the dominance of certain ecological guilds and, probably, the system’s complexity and homeostatic capability. In the context of the WFD, coastal lagoons and estuaries are closer to each other than they are to continental or marine waters, and, on the basis of the shared features, they could be intercalibrated and managed together. However, coastal lagoons cannot be considered transitional waters according to the present definition. To assume that fresh water influence is an inherent characteristic to these ecosystems could lead to important changes in the ecological organization and functioning of coastal lagoons where natural fresh water input is low or null. In our opinion, the present day definition of transitional waters should be changed substituting the criterion of fresh water influence by another based on common features, such as relative isolation and anomalies in salinity in water bodies with marine influence. Otherwise, coastal lagoons should be considered a particularly characteristic type of water mass for establishing reference conditions of ecological status.  相似文献   

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